MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 111

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The Empress Dowager supported Kangxi and the crown prince, and left a last word that was temporarily sealed.

From that day on, the condition of the Empress Dowager suddenly deteriorated. In December, the imperial doctor diagnosed her in critical condition several times, and she was in a coma for most of the day.

She was tortured both physically and mentally, although she was emaciated and painful, when she woke up to face her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, she was still clear-headed, and until the end of her life, she still left for everyone such an impression.

On December 25th, the Empress Dowager Bolzijit Bumbutai took a last look at the people she cared about the most, and once again emphasized the "humility and respect" , died suddenly in the Cining Palace.

Only at this moment, the empress dowager looked at Kangxi, the prince and Su Malagu in her eyes full of reluctance, teaching people to realize that she still misses this world...

Rong Xin knelt on the ground and supported Su Ma Lagu, the picture of the Empress Dowager before her death unconsciously flashed in his mind, and finally fixed on the day she left her last words.

Xin, the prince is a good boy, comfort the prince, don't teach the prince to go astray..."

"Empress Dowager... woo..."

Hearing the sorrowful cries of everyone in his ears, Rong Xin suddenly felt a heavy weight in his arms, and immediately came back to his senses, his face was sad, and his voice did not hide his worry: "Mommy? Can you? fine?"

Su Ma Lagu couldn't support her body at all, she leaned on Rong Xin and cried.

Rong Xin saw that she seemed to be in a daze, and hurriedly caressed her chest and whispered in her ear: "Mammy, Mammy..."

Su Ma Lagu didn't respond to Rong Xin at all, she just suppressed and cried silently.

Kangxi regarded Su Ma Lagu as a niece, and was worried about her health, so he ordered Rong Xin to take care of Su Ma Lagu.

Rong Xin agreed very readily. She is not particularly willing to face the reality of such a separation of life and death now. Going to take care of Su Ma Lagu is exactly what she wants.

However, when Rong Xin and the little palace maid were about to help her leave, Su Ma Lagu suddenly woke up, pushed Rong Xin's hand away, and staggered to the bed of the Empress Dowager.

"Ene." Kangxi approached her worriedly, and the prince and others also showed concern.

Su Malagu stood firmly on the bed and endured her grief: "The slave is changing clothes for the Empress Dowager for the last time..."

Rong Xin couldn't bear to close her eyes, recalling her mood when Nemin left, Su Ma Lagu's grief at this time was probably worse than that, so she said to Kangxi: "Your Majesty, please Watch out, the minions are here to look after Mammy."

Kangxi tried his best to appease Su Ma Lagu, and then said to Rong Xin: "Take care of it."


Kangxi and all the concubines, concubines, princes and children all left the bedroom, the huge bedroom was on fire and it became silent.

Su Malagu was too old to be able to change the clothes of the Empress Dowager alone, so Rong Xin and the maid came forward to help. During the whole process, only the maid sobbed in a low voice.

"The Empress Dowager, this servant will comb your hair for you." Su Ma Lagu took the comb, tremblingly and slowly straightened the gray hair of the Empress Dowager.

Rong Xin knelt beside the bed, holding the tray with the headgear in her hand, which she had prepared for this moment.

"The slave came to you at a few years old, and it has been more than sixty years in a flash..."

For more than sixty years, the master and servant in name are actually two sisters.

This kind of affection is difficult to explain in difficult words, because the other party has been integrated into each other's blood.

Gu Su Mala pulled up her hair bun for the Empress Dowager. Because of the trembling of her hands, there were always a few hairs out of control, so she patiently smoothed it until there was no trace of the bun. flaw.

The last hairpin, Su Ma La Gu clenched her head in her palm and sobbed: "Gege, the servant's heart is empty, why didn't you take me with you?"

Rong Xin felt the same, and a tear slowly fell.

For a long time, Rong Xin gently wiped away her tears, wrapped her left hand around Su Ma Lagu's shoulder, and her right hand lifted her hand slowly, slowly inserting the hairpin into the empress dowager In the hair room, "Mommy, the emperor and the others are still waiting outside, let's not delay the funeral of the empress dowager."

After finishing her body, she was about to invite the Empress Dowager into the Zigong Palace. Seeing the Empress Dowager Su Mala lying peacefully in it, she wept more and more and finally passed out.

Rong Xin's identity, the Empress Dowager did not need her for her funeral, so Kangxi ended the dynasty, the princes and the concubines in the harem kept the spirits, and Rong Xin concentrated on taking care of Su Malagu.

The Empress Dowager is the belief in Su Ma Lagu's heart. When the Empress Dowager passed away, Su Ma Lagu's belief collapsed and she was too sad. .

The imperial doctor has been treating her wholeheartedly, and Rong Xin is also taking care of her in confusion, but Su Malagu is reluctant to take medicine, and she has a heart disease that cannot be solved, so she can't get better.

Kangxi did not agree, and insisted on suspending the life of the Empress Dowager in the Cining Palace. It was not until the first seven days that she came to visit Su Malagu.

"Eni, I see you like this, I feel really uncomfortable." Kangxi held the old hand of Su Ma Lagu, his eyes were extremely painful.

Su Malagu couldn't swallow for the past few days, and her voice was very weak: "Your Majesty, the servants are always thinking about it, the Empress Dowager is going to die alone, I am afraid she will be lonely..."

Kangxi shed the tears of an emperor for her, and wept: "Eni, do you have the heart to teach me to suffer from the death of my relatives again?"

When Su Malagu heard the words, she held the emperor's hand and wept.

Rong Xin did not disturb the two of them in the house, so it was not until Kangxi saw his eyes when he came out that he guessed that the two of them cried again.

She just had a "life-long hatred" with Kangxi. If the hatred value is shown by exact numbers, 997/1000 cannot be less.

But at this time, the Empress Dowager died, and Su Malagu was sick in bed again. She indulged in the endless sadness of the death of the Empress Dowager all day long, and her grudges could only be put aside temporarily.

Kangxi was not in the mood for trivial matters like copying books, so he just asked Rong Xin: "If Su Ma goes on like this, it will definitely hurt her body and her life span. Can you teach her to relax?"

Rong Xin shook his head and replied, "If the servant had a way, he would have persuaded him long ago."

People say that time is the best medicine to heal all wounds. But Su Malagu's problem is that she is too old to bear such a waste.

"The slave thought that it might be useful to divert one or two attention."

Kangxi was thoughtful.

Two days later, the four-year-old twelve-year-old Yinying appeared in the Sumala aunt. He may have just cried, hiccups, and the whole person twitched.

Twelve elder brother Yinying, her biological mother was Wanliuha who entered the palace on the same day as Defei Wuya, but Wuya was already a Defei, she was just a little girl of nobles only.

Between the 12th elder brother and the 13th elder brother Yinxiang, Kangxi finally selected the older 12th elder brother and sent it to the knee of Aunt Sumala to be raised by her.

Rong Xin helped Su Ma Lagu to get up, the two big and the small looked at each other, the little one was about to cry again, Su Ma Lagu quickly stretched out her hand and retracted it, and said to Rong Xin, "You hurry up. Coax the twelfth brother, it's inconvenient for me to be sick."

Under the dilemma, Su Malagu still hugged Brother Twelve, and coaxed him amiably for a while, and she became very energetic.

Rong Xin asked people to prepare meals and took care of Su Ma Lagu and the twelfth elder brother, and then ordered people to report it to Kangxi.

After two meals, Su Ma Lagu gained some strength, but said to Rong Xin, "Help me up, I have something to see the emperor."

Rong Xin could not let her toss, so she went to invite Kangxi.

When Su Mala saw that the emperor came in person, she had to teach Rong Xin to take care of the 12th brother, and she had something to say to the emperor.

This time, Rong Xin could no longer refuse to hold Brother Twelve, so he responded very happily and went straight out of the house with Brother Twelve.

"Your Majesty." Su Malagu forced a salute and said gratefully, "You are kind to the slaves, and the slaves are very grateful, but the matter of raising the twelve elder brothers is not in line with the rules."

Only concubines above the rank of concubine are qualified to raise the prince, Su Malagu is actually just a slave, so she is not qualified.

However, Kangxi did not allow her to belittle herself, and he highly recognized: "I was enlightened by you when I was young, and I was taught by you. Your knowledge and virtue are enough to raise the prince."

Su Malagu declined a few more sentences, and seeing that Kangxi did not want to take back her life, she changed her mouth and said: "The servant is indeed not qualified to teach the prince. The emperor is merciful, can you give the servant another grace? ?"

Kangxi immediately said: "Eni, you are blunt."

"The slave wants to ask the emperor to allow the slave to go to Dongling with Rong Xin, and the slave wants to guard the mausoleum for the Empress Dowager."

Mausoleum of Emperor and Kangxi.

He couldn't make a decision for a while, so he said: "Eni, this matter still needs to be considered, let's talk about it in a while."

Su Malagu was silent for a while, nodded, and sighed: "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager has dedicated her whole life to the Aixinjueluo family, leaving only a few words before her death..."

Kangxi felt a pain in his heart, remembering the appearance of Huangma before her death, for a long time, he nodded and agreed: "If Ernie insists, I will no longer stop me, just take care of myself."

Tears flashed in Su Malagu's eyes, and she replied, "The servant will obey."

Kangxi shook his head helplessly, paused, and then said: "As for the twelfth elder brother, you have no joke, even if you are going to Dongling, you will still raise it yourself."

Su Ma Lagu had no choice but to agree.

Rong Xin was reading and reading with her 12 elder brother at this time, and she didn't know that in just this moment, the variable of her leaving the palace came.