MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 115

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some eyebrows.

"Are you sure you saw the **** Xiaoye Ye of Yonghe Palace passing by with a bucket of water?"

The throne of Yonghe Palace is Defei Wuya.

The **** who swept the imperial garden wisely replied: "Yes, the servant was on duty there that day, and I did see Eunuch Ye."

The **** Sasao told everything she saw in detail, Concubine Niu Hulu listened calmly, and just said: "This matter does not need to be publicized for the time being, continue to do your business."

"Yes, the minions obey."

"Ink, see it."

Ink and wash responded, raised his hand and asked the **** to go out, took out a few golden leaves from his sleeve, and instructed: "Don't teach people why you came to Changchun Palace today? Remember? ?"

The **** Sasao looked greedily at the golden leaf in her hand, and nodded again and again: "Aunt Ink, rest assured, the servant is clever! If you ask, it is the concubine who explained to clean up the snow in the royal garden. "

Ink then handed over the golden leaf and watched him leave before returning to the main hall.

Concubine Niu Hulu heard the movement, recovered from her deep thoughts, and asked casually, "Did you say something else?"

Ink shook his head, "No, it's just that this servant is greedy, will it deceive you?"

I saw a figure that looked like the **** of Yonghe Palace."

Ink and Wash immediately said angrily: "Since this is the case, why don't we tell the emperor directly and ask the emperor to take charge of the crime of concubine virtue?"

Concubine Niu Hulu slowly shook her head, "The evidence is insufficient, let's check it privately."

"Yes, madam."

On the second day, the concubines went to greet the empress dowager. Concubine Niu Hulu did not find out the exact result and did not want to target Concubine De, but she did not want Concubine De to be the first to get angry at her.

De concubine is usually a tender and tender look with a blue heart, and there are a lot of secret stabs, but such a straightforward tone is rare, so that the concubines beside them are looking at each other. .

Now the two noble concubines and four concubines in the palace occupy high positions, and none of them below the rank of concubines are in the limelight.

Concubine Rong Ma Jiashi was a quick-talker, when she heard what Concubine De said, she immediately asked: "With all of us, Concubine De has given birth to three elder brothers, and now this Who is it alluding to?"

Yi Fei Guo Luoluo glanced at Concubine Rong, then looked at Concubine De with disgust, and sarcastically said: "If you say that you are too spoiled, who can compare to Concubine De? The fifth has grown up in front of the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager since he was a child, and is the most simple and honest, and the elder brothers next to him are all good, but the sixth elder brother is always noisy, and he is too domineering."

Concubine De smiled apologetically at Concubine Yi, "Your Majesty loves Yinzuo, I'm an ignorant person, I don't know how to restrain me, and I usually don't speak. Sister Yifei, don't blame me. "

The emperor loves Yinzuo? It was as if the emperor only loved Brother Liu, and both Concubine Rong and Concubine Yi didn't look good on their faces. Anyone who has a son can't bear that his son is half inferior to others.

It's just that the two of them are in front of the Empress Dowager at this time, so it's not easy to confront her in words without any rules.

The queen dowager always sat on the ground with her eyes half closed, as if she had never heard of the confrontation between the concubines.

Concubine Niu Hulu was too lazy to pay attention to her, and said: "Since you know that you can't speak, you should talk less."

However, Concubine De seemed to be really incapable of understanding good words, so she turned to Concubine Niu Hulu and blamed herself: "Concubine, forgive me, I really made an unintentional mistake."

Concubine Niu Hulu raised her teacup with a sneer and refused to talk to her.

De Concubine De was extremely persistent, bit her lip lovingly, glanced at the concubines left and right, and explained: "Concubine, I have no malice, I just think about myself, I feel sorry for our tenth brother who suffered this crime at such a young age."

Concubine Hui Na La drank tea quietly from the time she opened her mouth, but at this time she couldn't help but look up at Concubine De, her eyes thoughtful.

De Concubine didn't care about their thoughts at all, and still said to herself: "I heard that in Changchun Palace, noble Hesheli has been taking care of the eighth and tenth brothers? This is all Only high-ranking concubines are qualified to raise princes, nobles and nobles in Hesheli..."

Concubine De said a word, and immediately said with panic and guilt: "I am not saying that Hesheli is inferior, after all, he is the sister of the first empress, but the rules are like this, there is always a reason reason…"

She brought Hershey's in her words, everyone in the hall suddenly fell silent, and even the Empress Dowager opened her eyes to look at Concubine De.

Hershely herself is insignificant, but her own sister is Empress Renxiao, so her position in the palace is quite delicate.

The old people who entered the palace when Empress Renxiao was alive will be more or less polite to Empress Renxiao, and they will not be promoted to the throne because they have no children and no merit. Jealous of nobles.

The friendliness of the low-ranking concubines actually had little impact on the Hersheys, but the high-ranking concubines were different, just talking about the concubine Tong Jiashi, the ambition for the upper position in their hearts over the years is everyone’s heart She knew it well, but when she fought with Concubine Niu Hulu, she never brought Hesheli Keqi with her.

What's more, she and Concubine Niu Hulu have been very close for many years...

The words of Concubine Suide immediately taught the concubines to watch the show a little bit, and they all wanted to know if Concubine Niu Hulu would calm down.

"Sister Concubine Shu is unwell, and now I temporarily take over all the palace power, and in Changchun Palace, I am the head of the first palace, how is it in Changchun Palace, how is the noble Hesheli, I'm afraid it won't be my turn De Fei will take care of it."

When Concubine De heard this, she immediately defended herself nervously: "The concubine misunderstood me, I am not overstepping the affairs of your palace, just a kind reminder, if you feel uncomfortable , when I didn't say it."

"Ha!" Concubine Niu Hulu sneered, but before she could speak the next sentence, she was interrupted by the empress dowager.

It's a joke, if this happens again, I will not dare to teach you to come and greet me in the future, it will disturb my purity for nothing!"

The concubines and concubines got up and knelt down to apologize to the empress dowager, and Concubine Niu Hulu and Concubine De did the same.

At this time, Kangxi came to greet the empress dowager. Seeing everyone like this, he asked, "How did they make the emperor's mother angry?"

The empress dowager waved her hand and didn't say anything, she just taught everyone to get up.

After Concubine De got up, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she suddenly squatted down again, and said with guilt: "Please forgive me, it's all the concubines, the concubines don't know how to look at the concubine Niu Hulu. She winked, said something annoying and angered Concubine Niu Hulu, which disturbed the empress dowager, and asked the emperor to be a peacemaker in the middle to help the concubine and Concubine Niu Hulu talk and make peace."

Kangxi heard this, looked at Concubine Niu Hulu, and asked inexplicably, "Is that so?"

Concubine Niu Hulu looked at Concubine De with a blank expression, and then bowed and said: "Back to the emperor, the ministers and concubines have no status, and indeed had a few quarrels with Concubine De, but since Concubine De has Knowing the slip of the tongue, the concubine will not really hold grudges against her."

Concubine De immediately looked at Concubine Niu Hulu gratefully, "Concubine is magnanimous..."

However, before Concubine De finished speaking, Concubine Niu Hulu said again: "Although Concubine De is only born in clothes, she is one of the four concubines. I am afraid that it will affect the perception of the imperial court and the common people towards the concubines in the harem."

, I will definitely learn more from the imperial concubine in the future."

She is a disgusting person today.

The Empress Dowager looked at Kangxi, and Kangxi said solemnly: "Speak."

"After Yin Ru was injured, he clearly informed his concubine that it was the little **** who repeatedly said skating in his ear, and he only got his heart. No one will harbor ill will towards the elder brother next to him, Suichen concubine has been investigating this matter in recent days."

"Any results?"

Concubine Niu Hulu glanced at Concubine De Concubine coolly, and replied, "The **** who swept the imperial garden told his concubine that he saw Xiao Ye, the **** in Concubine De Concubine's Palace, and that day Passing a bucket of water where Brother Ten was skating."

Concubine De immediately aggrieved and shouted: "Your Majesty, your concubine will never do such a thing."


And Concubine De seemed to have been insulted, and she said with great righteous indignation: "My concubine has a clear conscience, and I would like to summon Xiao Ye from Yonghe Palace to meet the person whom the concubine said on the spot."

Concubine Niu Hulu felt a little strange in her heart, but at this point, she could only listen to the emperor's decision.

Kangxi's eyes went back and forth between the two, then glanced at the other concubines, and said indifferently: "Liang Jiugong, summon the two to confront each other here."

"Yes." Liang Jiugong went to Concubine Niu Hulu's side, respectfully asked the name of the **** in Mingyu Garden, and then left the main hall.

During the period, Kangxi left his concubines and concubines, and only cared about the empress dowager. The atmosphere of the mother and son was in direct proportion to the concubines who had different thoughts.

The concubine was righteous and dignified throughout the whole process. Concubine Niu Hulu lowered her eyes and frowned slightly.

Concubine Rong Ma Jiashi could not understand the direction, so she looked at Concubine Hui, who was more conscientious than others. Seeing that she was leisurely and completely undisturbed, she did not go at all. Thinking of this, she pursed her lips and stared at the place in front of her in a silent daze.

About a quarter of an hour, Liang Jiugong walked in with two eunuchs and explained the identities of the two eunuchs respectively.

The one with a white face and no beard, the smaller one is the little leaf from Yonghe Palace; the other is the **** of the Imperial Garden, who is about the same size.

Kangxi raised his hand casually and said, "How to confront each other is up to the two of you to decide."

De Concubine Virtue respectfully but firmly said: "The imperial concubine can ask casually, if it is really done by Xiao Ye, the concubine will never cover it up."

Noble Concubine Niu Hulu would be stupid if she didn't know that there was something wrong with her composure at this time, but she still got up, walked to Sasao eunuch, and asked: "Tell me, you How did you decide at that time that the person walking by carrying a bucket of water was Xiao Ye?"

The **** Sasao folded his hands in his sleeves and fell on the ground, his voice slowly squeezed out of his throat, "The servant was sweeping, and when he looked up, he saw a **** running away from the pavilion in a hurry, In a panic, it didn't take long before I heard a noise, saying that the tenth brother broke his arm, and that's why he became suspicious of that person."

Concubine Niu Hulu asked again: "Since you quickly became suspicious, why did you take the initiative to explain when this palace asked questions earlier."

"The servant only saw the profile of his face vaguely, how dare he speak casually, or later saw Eunuch Ye walking through the imperial garden by chance, and his clothes and body were the same as that day, and then I remembered of."

Concubine Niu Hulu raised her head, saw the dark eyes of the emperor, and did not speak, she made a "please" gesture to Concubine De, saying: "Concubine De, may you teach the eunuchs in your palace about this? Argue."

De Concubine did not panic at all, and immediately got up and walked to Xiaoye Ye's side, and asked sternly: "Little Ye Ye, you quickly and truthfully called, the day the tenth brother fell, what clothes did you wear? Does the hat match what he says?"

Xiaoye Ye apologized: "The slave has never done such a bad thing, but the eunuch's clothes are also a rule in the palace, and the slave also has the clothes he said, but whether he wore it on that day, the slave is really Can't remember."


She sang, read and played, teaching concubine Niu Hulu to be disdainful, and the eyes of Hui, Yi, and Rong also flashed a bit of the same color, but no one paid attention.

De Concubine urged: "You slave, don't hurry up and follow the truth, what's the point of selling it!"

As soon as the little **** said a word, she said that people are selling out, which is too eager, can't you see when the emperor and concubine Niu Hulu?

The Concubine De lifted the cup to cover the sneer at the corner of her mouth, and just watched from the sidelines to see what tricks they could make, and it would be good for both sides.

The imperial concubine, the maiden, advanced some silver frost charcoal."

Concubine Niu Hulu raised her eyes and said in a light voice, "This palace has never seen you."

"Yes." Xiaoye Ye replied calmly: "The person who went to Changchun Palace to ask for instructions at that time was not a slave, but the one who led the charcoal fire in the Guangchu Division was indeed a slave, the Lord of the Guangchu Division. We can testify, and the minions have left fingerprints."

Kangxi turned the wrench in his hand, and said with a low pressure: "Niuhulu? What can you say?"

Concubine Niu Hulu saw the corners of Concubine De’s mouth rise slightly from the corner of his eyes, and his voice was calm and said: “The concubine did approve some fine silver frost charcoal for Changchun Palace one day, it can be found that Record."

Silver frost charcoal is of high quality and smoke-free. It is the first charcoal purchased by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in recent years. In addition to the Qianqing Palace and the Cining Palace, there are also examples of the lords of several palaces, but the palace is not an unlimited supply , so the German concubine needs to pay in advance.

, not to mention that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a record of withdrawals.

Immediately looked at each other.

The expression on Kangxi's face became more and more ugly, his eyes turned around among the concubines, and he said coldly: "I did my best every day in the previous dynasty, you can't share my worries, but also With ulterior motives, trying to harm the emperor's heir is simply daring!"

He didn't directly point to someone, but the implication was that he determined that the wrestling of the ten elder brothers was man-made.

The concubines immediately knelt down, "The concubine is frightened, the concubine must never dare!"

The impatience in Kangxi's eyes grew, and he instructed Liang Jiugong: "Thoroughly investigate this matter."

Liang Jiugongnuo.

Then Kangxi said goodbye to the empress dowager and left the hall with a flick of his sleeves.

The Empress Dowager closed her eyes wearily and waved her hand, "Aijia is tired, you all leave."

"Yes, the Queen Mother."

Everyone retreated to the gate of the palace. Concubine Niu Hulu stared at Concubine De, and suddenly said with admiration: "One point for hurting the enemy, half for oneself, this palace is a means to see Concubine De today."

Concubine De looked around at a loss, and then said aggrieved: "I am afraid that the imperial concubine has misunderstood me. The truth of the ten elder brothers has nothing to do with me."

Concubine Yi also made a sedan chair and left, Concubine Rong looked at Concubine De disdainfully, and was about to open her mouth when Concubine Hui interrupted, "You are not too cold, just eat the wind with one mouth. !"

Concubine Rong was immediately distracted, and she said in a bad mood: "My small mouth is better than Fan Su, how can I eat the wind?"

The sedan chairs of the two swayed forward, and the German concubine at the gate of the palace looked at their backs, and her eyes became cold.

And the sedan chair went far, Concubine Hui glanced at Concubine Rong lightly, and said: "Is it comparable to the 'Cherry Fan Sukou' praised by predecessors, I don't know, but Your brain is not worthy of this age and the many experiences in the past."

Concubine Hui said leisurely: "I think you know how to curry favor with Concubine Niuhulu, you've grown up to see the wind."

"My patience is limited."

Concubine Hui ignored her anger, holding the stove, and as the red lips opened and closed, there was white mist around her lips: "The rules set by Empress Renxiao and Empress Xiaozhao, fighting for favor should not hurt the emperor. Si, I have no regrets about this matter, but I don’t know about the ten elder brother, but it has something to do with you?”

"What am I doing?!" Concubine Rong was so annoyed that she immediately ordered the people who carried the sedan chair to hurry up and didn't want to talk to Concubine Hui again.

Concubine Hui looked at Concubine Rong who left in anger and anger, "tsk", and couldn't help saying again: "How stupid!"

I don't know that there are some people who have no bottom line.

And Kangxi's people checked the tenth brother's injury, and the progress was naturally a few steps faster than Niu Hulu's noble concubine, and then quickly found the eighth brother's biological mother Wei Shi.

"The imperial concubine has been investigating for a long time, and you have the result so soon?"

"Reporting to the emperor, it is the evidence obtained from the two eunuchs, the servant ordered them to make a careful statement of what they saw and record it on the record. clues."

Kangxi put down the red pen and asked, "What's the clue?"

" Both of them saw their silhouettes, and their clothes and figure were roughly similar to the little leaves of Yonghe Palace. However, after recalling the **** that day, he described the wooden barrel carried by the person that day. The Department of Prudence and Punishment compared it, and it is almost the same as the Xinzheku, and the guess is that it was taken directly from the Xinzheku."


Liang Jiugong bowed and replied: "Therefore, someone screened the Xinzheku staff, and just found that there is a person who is three-point similar to Xiao Ye of Yonghe Palace. Tortured, confessed."

"So, this person is related to the concubine Wei, who is framed and blamed on Concubine Yonghe Gongde?" Kangxi's eyes were obscure.

"Yes, the **** confessed that Concubine Wei ordered him to wear that dress, and ordered him to sprinkle water into ice in the imperial garden. The so-called reason was unknown at the time."

Kangxi's index finger and **** slowly tapped on the memorial, "What's the explanation for the person who seduced the ten princes? Do you have this energy?"

Everyone has been interrogated, but Wei Shi is the biological mother of the eighth brother. The king agreed.

Kangxi was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked: "Eighth brother and Wei are not very close, right?"

Kangxi was silent for a long time again, and said: "The imperial concubine is well-educated."

Liang Jiugong did not dare to comment on this, but just bowed his head and waited.

For a long time, Kangxi said: "Bring Wei to Changchun Palace, and the imperial concubine Niu Hulu will be interrogated. As for how to punish, it is also up to the imperial concubine to deal with it."


Liang Jiugong obeyed the order and immediately ordered Concubine Wei to be taken to Changchun Palace, and brought all the words of the emperor to Concubine Niu Hulu.

Concubine Niu Hulu and Hershey looked at each other, and then they all looked at Wei, who was kneeling in the hall, looking like ashes. They couldn't believe the result.

However, as soon as Concubine Niu Hulu asked, Wei Shi recognized them all, and there was no refutation.

"It's really you?" Concubine Niu Hulu frowned, "What's the reason?"

Wei Shi remembered that the note that the person brought her clearly stated: No, the next "accident" will probably happen to Eighth Brother.

She slowly closed her eyes, her voice did not fluctuate: "The slave is jealous of the eighth brother being close to you, so she is jealous."

The evidence is conclusive, Wei Shi has confessed, and it seems that there is nothing to ask.

However, Concubine Niu Hulu and Hershey looked at each other, and both saw a bit of hesitation in each other's eyes, and for a while they really didn't know how to deal with Wei.

It is a big crime to argue that murdering the emperor's heir, but firstly, Wei's reason seems to be insufficient, secondly, there is a brother in the middle, if it is handled improperly, I am afraid that there will be a quarrel.

Concubine Niu Hulu was really embarrassed by the "carte blanche" thrown over by the emperor...

After half a month, Rong Xin, who was in the Xiaoling Palace, received a living person and several letters.

"Officer Rong, Concubine Niu Hulu has asked the emperor to make atonement in the imperial mausoleum. It is up to you to arrange the details."

Rong Xin didn't know the cause and effect, so she just raised her eyebrows, ignoring the slightly haggard Wei Shi, and tore the top letter in the stack of letters - from the noble concubine Niu Hulu.

The letter explained the ins and outs of Wei Shi's arrival here, and wrote in detail what happened at the Empress Dowager's place, without a word or sentence. Although she did not state it in the letter, her words were full of doubts about Concubine De.

Rong Xin read the final signature, folded the letter and stuffed it back into the envelope.

Three birds with one stone