MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 117

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The wind whistled in from the cracked window, drowns out the sound outside the house, and the breathing of the two people inside the house was barely audible.

Wei Shi's shoulders collapsed, a tear fell from the corner of his eyes, and he said weakly, "I said."

Only then did Rong Xin put down his right hand, turned around and walked out. After walking a few steps, he didn't hear Wei Shi's movement. When he turned around, his brows gradually gathered, "Does Concubine Wei still want to sleep? here?"

Rong Xin saw this and reminded: "Please organize your appearance, many people in the palace may have been awakened."

"Oh good, good."

Seeing that it would take some time for her to get dressed, Rong Xin walked to the broken window.

Jingxi's knife was on the assassin's neck, and another guard lifted the assassin's leg without pity, apparently to drag it away.

"Please don't get blood everywhere."

on the wall and the surrounding ground.

Jing Xi heard Rong Xin's voice, turned around and said, "This one is already dead, and your handgun directly shattered his internal organs. Throw it out after inspection?"

When Rong Xin heard him say "already dead", she turned slightly to the side, hiding her face in the darkness, so that no one could see her expression at this time.

Then, the voice calmly said: "Paint a portrait and leave it, tomorrow I will order someone to bury it."

Therefore, even if the other party came with bad intentions, but he was ordered to act, Rong Xin was still willing to give him the last respect.

Jingxi had no objection, raised her chin at the guard, and took away two assassins, one dead and one injured.

"Rong, Rong female officer."

Rong Xin heard the voice behind her, turned around and saw Wei shi standing behind her with pale lips, did not care, and said directly: "Let's go."

"Let's take Concubine Wei first." Rong Xin instructed the maid.

However, Wei Shi looked resisted, and got closer to Rong Xin, begging: "Miss Rong, can I follow you?"

Rong Xin glanced at her blue eyes and said, "Concubine Wei is free."

The expression on Wei's face improved a little, she closed the cloak on her body, and followed behind Rong Xin step by step.

Rong Xin wanted to arrange the Wei family first, but now she wanted to follow, so she took her directly to the door of a lit door in the yard next door, and knocked softly, "Mother , it's me, Rong Xin."

Sumala Gu's voice immediately came to mind inside the door, "Wait a moment, I'll open the door for you."

"You don't have to get up." Rong Xin stopped, barely pausing, and immediately explained, "I was worried that you would be woken up by me, so I came here to tell you that the sound was mine, the palace Everything is fine inside."

"So...I see."

Rong Xin bowed slightly towards the door and said, "Mom, then I won't disturb your rest here."

"You also go to bed earlier, don't be too tired."

Rong Xin smiled and agreed, "I can save it."

The two returned to Rong Xin's yard again, Wei Shi still did not want to leave Rong Xin's side, Rong Xin had to take her back to his house temporarily.

Mother Qi was also woken up, the lights in the room were on, Rong Xin went straight in, pointed out the stool to Mrs Wei at will, and then slowly unbuttoned with her left hand.

When she took off her clothes, Qi Momo saw the strangeness of her right hand and asked with concern, "What's wrong with your right hand?"

Rong Xin is relatively strong among women, she pulls the trigger without any hindrance, but the recoil force is not divided between men and women, and her right arm is a little painful now. Supposed to be swollen.

"Boom, boom."

The door was knocked, and the maid came to massage her arm, Rong Xin called someone in.

"Woman, the soothing soup is ready."

"Give it to Concubine Wei."

"Yes." The maid came to Wei Shi with the tray, placed it on the table, and presented her with both hands.

Weiss took it over, touched the temperature of the bowl wall with his fingers, and then picked up the spoon and drank it one by one.

Rong Xin looked away from her and said to the maid, "The ointment is in the third drawer on the drawer."

"Does it hurt?" Rong Xin's face did not change, but Qi Momo looked distressed.

Rong Xin smiled and shook his head, "It's just a little swollen, deal with it in time to save it from worsening."

"What the **** is going on?"

Rong Xin naturally couldn't teach her to worry about it, so she only said: "I was thinking of going to see Concubine Wei before going to bed, who is a daring little thief who doesn't know where it came from, and actually crawled to carry out The palace came to steal, and frightened him with his handgun."

"You are what you call someone, if you get hurt, how can you be healthy?"

Mother Qi did not doubt it, because the people in the palace said that in the past, when the masters were away, there were often thieves who didn’t know what to do, and they lived in, and there were more guards, but It is only protected in a few critical places and the periphery of their yard, and does not control the remote places of the palace.

Rong Xin smiled nonchalantly, seeing Wei Shi finished drinking the sedative, he said to her: "Concubine Wei, there is a pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the bookcase, please tell me about it. Write everything down."

Wei shi raised his head and looked at Rong Xin, then lowered his head slowly, got up obediently as appointed, walked vainly to the book desk to be self-reliant, laying paper, grinding ink, picking up pens...

Mother Qi became more and more confused when she saw them like this, "This is..."

Rong Xin put on the sleeves of his jacket and put on his jacket, "The affairs in the palace have nothing to do with us, you just trust me."

She said this, Qi Momo immediately stopped, saw her move, and asked, "Want to go out?"

"I almost forgot." Rong Xin took off his coat again and smiled, "Thanks for your reminder."

"Rong female officer?" Wei Shi immediately called out to her with a nervous voice.

Rong Xin turned her head and said comfortably, "Concubine Wei must have seen her when she came with me. There are guards outside, and the yard is full of my people, so it is extremely safe."

When Wei Shi heard the words, he looked around at the brightly lit room, and still said in a tight voice: "Officer Rong, I'm about to write it..."

Rong Xin stopped, turned around, and walked towards the desk.

Wei picked up the two papers she had written and handed them to Rong Xin. Rong Xin waved his hand, but did not take it, but sat on the soft slump under the window, waiting unhurriedly.

About a stick of incense, Mr. Wei put down the pen and said to Rong Xin, "Everything I know has been written down."

Rong Xin picked it up, and by the light, he slowly watched line by line, thinking while watching, there was no fluctuation on his face from beginning to end.

While Wei Shi watched Rong Xin nervously, until Rong Xin put down a few pieces of paper, Fang asked: "Is it detailed? Promise to tell everything, and will not hide."

Rong Xin shook the paper in his hand, looked at the person on the most important page above, and said in a light voice: "Concubine Wei only needs to be sure, tell a lie or make a mistake. The consequences of concealment, the things above are enough."

Wei's face paled, and I felt pity, "Yes, I know, I will never risk the safety and future of Brother Eight."

"Concubine Wei's remorse is not enough to erase the mistakes she committed."

Wei was coerced into confessing to all charges, perhaps a large part of the reason was indeed because she was nervous about her eighth brother, but she could not deny the stupid things she did, there was no excuse.

"After all the truth is found out, it is not up to me to decide how the emperor will deal with your sins."

Wei slumped on the chair and said in a sullen manner: "Yes, I just hope that the emperor will not take his anger on the eighth brother..."

"You should have thought about the consequences when you went wrong."

Rong Xin ignored her, took an envelope, stuffed the sheets of paper into her arms, and then went out to find the scriptures.

"Little Prince, what are you asking?"

Jingxi said badly: "The mouth is very hard, and I don't know what it killed."

Rong Xin glanced at the room and asked, "Is it the rumored dead man?"

"No, there are very few people like that, they should be just ordinary private guards, otherwise I wouldn't be able to question me for so long."

Rong Xin nodded and said, "That should still be able to pry his mouth open."

"It's natural." Jingxi believed, "I'm going to use torture to ask questions, and most people can't bear it."

"The punishment..." Rong Xin hesitated, "Is it so rude?"

Jingxi looked at Rong Xin as if looking at something strange, "Don't you still want words to influence him?"

"No, I mean such a rude thing, I will not participate, the little prince please."

“Shoot—deceive yourself.”

Rong Xin replied calmly: "I am indeed such a person."

Jingxi thought it was boring, and asked curiously: "How can the female officer have a handgun? I don't have it, can you teach me to see?"

Tomorrow morning, don’t rush to leave the little county king, wait for me to sort out the confession and bring it to the emperor.”


Before leaving, Rong Xin said to Jingxi: "During the torture, test his reaction to the Tong family."

Jingxi was surprised, "You mean Concubine Shu?!"

Rong Xin had other doubts, but the person Wei Shi offered was indeed the sick concubine Shu Gui, so we can only take this as our direction for the time being. Decide."

Jingxi nodded in surprise.

Rong Xin returned to her yard, hesitated for a moment, and said to the maid, "Pour me a bowl of soothing soup too."