MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 126

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Kangxi only stayed in Zunhua for a few days, and before leaving, he pursued the concubine Shugui Tong Jia as the imperial concubine Shuhui, but he never visited her in the mausoleum of the imperial concubine.

When he was in the palace, he never summoned Mrs. Wei, and never asked Mrs. Wei a word, as if he had directly forgotten people in the palace.

It was not until the day before his departure that he issued an edict, ordering Wei to clean up in the imperial mausoleum.


But everyone agreed that she must have made a mistake, otherwise she would not be rejected.

The child is as precious as the mother, and the mother can also be burdened. Unspeakable meaning.

Kangxi obviously didn't care what the result would be. After leaving such arrangements, Luan Jia set off to return to Beijing, and with him were the twelve elder brothers Yinying and Su Ma Lagu.

Elder Twelve was very reluctant to Rong Xin, he was about to set off, and looked at her eagerly, as if Rong Xin would leave together.

The eldest brother Yinyu saw him like this, and said solemnly: "How can a man do this? Yinying, don't delay your journey."

The Twelve Brothers used to admire the eldest brother, but at this time, he couldn't help feeling that the eldest brother was "unreasonable" and "unreasonable"...

The third elder brother Yinzhi saw that the younger brother whom he had not seen for two years actually dared to stand in a stalemate with the eldest brother, quite a bit of his heroism back then, and he was immediately relieved, and immediately dragged the fourth elder brother Yinzhi Zhen walked over and grabbed Brother Twelve.

"Little Twelve, those who know the current affairs are the best, let's not fight against those who can't beat the temper." The third elder brother said, and winked at the fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother sullenly, grabbed the other shoulder of the 12 elder brother, and the two raised the 12 elder brother and quickly left here.

The sadness of Brother Twelve's parting was mercilessly interrupted, and there was another sadness in the back.

Rong Xin smiled and watched his brothers play, and said to the elder brother with a smile, "I heard from the emperor that His Highness will also go with the army. I hope you return safely and triumphantly."

The eldest brother is now much taller than Rong Xin. He slightly lowered his head and looked at the person in front of him, nodded, and said, "Auntie is not in the palace, so please take care of yourself."

Rong Xin raised the corner of his mouth and replied, "Yes, don't worry."

The eldest brother got on the horse neatly and returned to the middle of the buddies, and the honor guard started.

Rong Xin sent Kangxi and others away, and brought her luggage to the village that day. She wanted to live a clean life, so she did not bring a maid, and even sent the guards back and ordered them to be separated by three You can come once every five days.

"Officer Rong..." The guard just opened his mouth, seeing Miss Xu next door appearing at the gate of the courtyard, and then changed his voice: "Madam, then I will come back in three days."

Rong Xin nodded, did not leave him, and sent him away directly.

Xu Siwen waited for her to see her off, then walked up and asked, "Sir, I just saw you coming, why don't I have some rough food at my house at night?"

Since she knew that Rong Xin was unmarried, she thought and thought about the name "Sir", but Rong Xin did not refute it, so she kept calling her.

And Rong Xin listened to Xu Siwen's invitation, did not refuse, and turned back to the kitchen filled with firewood ingredients to bring out two kilograms of meat and give it to Xu Siwen.

Xu Siwen immediately declined, "I invited you to my house, how can I take your things?"

Rong Xin's words were gentle but could not refuse: "I am no stranger to you, so I am willing to be a guest at your home, but how can I be a guest without courtesy? If you don't accept it, I will be embarrassed. came to visit."

However, Rong Xin only held the green vegetables on the table, and did not touch the meat with chopsticks, Xu Si asked, she said: "I have been vegetarian for too long, I am afraid I can't stand the meat, I need to take it slowly. adapt."

Can’t eat but bought meat…

Xu Siwen glanced at her brother who was eating deliciously, knowing that she was taking care of them and their self-esteem, and was very grateful for her thoughtfulness.

After dinner, Rong Xin went back, Xu Siwen offered to help set the fire, Rong Xin thought about it for a while and refused, she had never done it, but she knew how to do it. This is the choice.

Rong Xin is indeed very capable of taking care of herself, and even without anyone to help her, she set up the kang very well. It was still cold in the winter, so she got up to add firewood several times in the evening.

The next morning, Xu Siwen knocked on the door and came in. Seeing her hand stabbed by the firewood, she couldn't bear to say: "Sir, why don't I help you?"

Rong Xin looked down at the small wound on her hand. It was indeed only a small wound, slightly tingling. It did not affect her movement at all, but it was enough to prove that the rural life was not as she thought. As leisurely.

She has been pampered for too long, and it is difficult to turn luxury into frugality.

Rong Xin believes that if she has three or five days, she should be able to adapt to doing these things, but obviously, it is not necessary to embarrass herself.

Since she thought about it clearly, she naturally wanted to change her current situation, but she didn't have to worry about Xu Si asking, "I think it's bad, when my guard arrives, I will ask him to bring two maids. "

Rong Xin said so, for the next two days, she still did laundry, cooks, cleans up the house, and did not really want to copy books when she had a little spare time, she just leaned on the kang lazily and read Word book.

Three days later, the guards came over, and Rong Xin really ordered him to go back and pick up the two maids who served her before. It was also after the maids arrived that her country life finally became more comfortable.

She doesn't need to do things in person anymore, so she is free all day, except for copying medical books, she walks to Merlin, stays there for about a quarter of an hour and then comes back.

One day, I chatted with Xu Siwen, and heard that she sent his younger brother Xu Siming to study with the gentleman in the village, but his foundation was weak, it was difficult to keep up with the progress of other students, and he frowned every day.

Xu Siming's younger brother, Xu Siming, is very well-behaved.

Rong Xin suggested that he could take time to teach Xu Siming, it is not difficult to speak.

Xu Siwen was very grateful, but she remembered that her husband was copying books in the house every day, and she was a little embarrassed: "Will it delay your business? I see that you are very busy every day..."

Then Rong Xin's small class started in her small courtyard of blue bricks.

In the daytime, Xu Siming still goes to the private school in the village to study. He will come to Rong Xin's house to continue his studies after class. At first, he is reviewing and consolidating, and slowly he starts to learn other content.

Rong Xin saw that Xu Siwen was also envious, so he simply took her with him, and later there were more little girls in the village.

She didn't want to rob Mr. Private School to earn a living, so except for Xu Siming, a boy, she was only willing to teach little girls.

And the people in the village don't know if they really want their daughter to read and write, or if they have some other thoughts. She has a dozen girls here before long.

Rong Xin only lived in the village for a short time. She pity these girls and spend a lot of time here.

Xu Siwen is smart, Rong Xin has seen it early, so even if Xu Siwen obviously has a love for the prince, she is not alienated.

If she was given a chance, a girl like her would certainly be good, but unfortunately born in such an era, noble women are still unable to control themselves, and commoner women are more likely to be buried.

If Xu Siming had a chance to rise to prominence, Xu Siwen's life trajectory might be different, but unfortunately Xu Siming is hardworking, and his talent in reading is really ordinary, at least the worst one among the children taught by Rong Xin .

However, Rong Xin did not think that Xu Siming's future was limited because of this, but told Xu Siming pragmatically what kind of effort he should make to reach a certain height.

"There is no need to be dazed and fearful, at least a talented person, if you put in thousands of times of effort, you are very likely to pass the exam."

Xu Cai is unimaginable for the Xu family, but since they were born, the most powerful person they have met and come into contact with is Rong Xin, so she said yes, the two of them People also gave birth to some expectations.

In addition, Xu Siwen recently sold embroidery pieces that were a bit higher than the previous price, and immediately said that he would definitely support his younger brother to continue his studies.

Rong Xin, who was next to the ethereal vision, never said that, in fact, being able to take the exam as a scholar is already a glorious lintel for the Xu family, and maybe the next generation, or a few generations later, the family of the Xu family will have May change, it all depends on them.

Rong Xin's life in the village, because these girls have become very fulfilling, she is like a stone that suddenly fell into the calm lake, bringing a different world to the girls in the village .

Rong Xin seems to be enjoying such a day, but in fact, she has never broken the contact with Beijing. Every time the guards come, they will bring her new news.

On this day, before the usual time for the guards to come, he rode a fast horse to break the tranquility of the village, just to send a letter to Rong Xin.

Rong Xin was teaching the little girls to read at the time, and when he saw him suddenly come over, he taught everyone to go back first, and then immediately tore the envelope. As soon as he saw the content of the letter, he immediately ordered the maid to pack her things.

The guards went back to the palace to prepare the carriage for a while, Xu Si asked about the movements of her maids and asked, "Sir, are you leaving?"

Rong Xin nodded with a bit of reluctance in his eyes, but said decisively: "Yes, I will leave when I arrange it properly. There is a letter from home, and there is a happy event that will be imported."

Xu Si asked, and tentatively asked: "But that young master's happy event?"

Rong Xin did not hide it, and replied directly: "Yes, it is him."

Xu Siwen was silent for a while, put away his loss, and said sincerely: "Congratulations."

Rong Xin looked at the kind girl with a smile, then pointed to the book half a shelf, and asked Xu Si, "This is what I left, most of them are medical books and Buddhist scriptures, so they may not be useful to you. , but they are all for you as a souvenir."

"Sir, how can I receive such a precious book as you?"

Rong Xin said with a smile: "No matter how precious they are, they must be needed in order to reflect their value. As long as you cherish them, it will be worth giving to you."

Xu Siwen's eyes were wet, "Sir..."

Rong Xin walked up to her and gently wiped away her tears, "Si Wen, it's a good fate for us to meet, don't use tears to see me off."

Xu Siwen took a breath and choked: "Yes, sir."

Rong Xin continued to pack her things. She was not going to leave money for Xu Siwen and her brothers, but she was not stingy with ink, ink, ink, and ink. It only depends on how they use these things in the future.

Xu Siwen was reluctant to leave, and Rong Xin didn't chase her away. When she was packing her things, she would talk to her and talk about it wherever she thought of.

Rong Xin specially explained to Xu Siwen that she did not have to tell others about her departure, so when she got in the carriage the next day, only Xu Siwen and her brother saw him off in Merlin outside the village.

"Sir, do we have a goodbye?"

"I don't know."

In fact, they all know that it will be extremely difficult to see each other again.

However, at the time of parting, it was really disappointing to say that, Rong Xin smiled and said, "Who can decide what will happen in the future? Maybe we have a relationship?"

Xu Siwen nodded lightly, "Yes."

Rong Xin patted Xu Siming's small shoulder again, "Your sister is a good girl, you have to be more tolerant of her."

Xu Siming agreed obediently.

After Xu Siwen hesitated, he instructed his younger brother to wait by the side, and then in Rong Xin's slightly doubtful eyes, he asked softly: "Sir, that young man is just as you described in your book. So, is he a person with a bright future?"

Rong Xin looked at her for a long time, then nodded slowly, "Yes, even better than what you have seen and thought, it is the kind that most people in this world can't match. ."

Xu Siwen's eyes were dazzling, a small smile appeared on his face, and he said softly: "Sir, Siwen's next words may be a little over your own power, but you teach me a lesson, if I If you don’t say it, it’s not honest enough.”

"And, in the future, I may not have the opportunity to speak again."

After hearing this, Rong Xin had a hunch that she might not follow the rules, so she taught the guards to drive the carriage to the front and wait.

Xu Siwen waited until the carriage was far away, then smiled: "I have only seen this side of the world before, and I have only seen the people in this side of the world, and when I saw the young master, I was shocked. ."

"Thinking, I'll probably never meet someone more amazing than that day's brocade master..."

Xu Siwen took a step back with his right foot and slowly knelt on the ground.

Rong Xin bent over to help her, but she was gently pushed away, and said, "It's just what you say, why is this?"

Xu Siwen's eyes were bright, "Of course I also admire Mr., Mr.'s open-mindedness, and his calmness."

Rong Xin never thought that Xu Siwen would be a girl who is obsessed with the prince, but her words at this time still taught Rong Xin to be surprised.

"Si Wen can't express the shock you brought to me in words, but as you said, this is a good fate, whether it's you, or the son who is only one side, I I'm all grateful." Xu Siwen kowtowed lightly.

Rong Xin stretched out his hand slightly, and retracted it before touching Xu Siwen.

Whether it's because of this person that I lost my life, or because this person warms the rest of my life, no one can tell...