MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 143

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The matter of taking bribes and selling officials is not uncommon in all dynasties and dynasties.

In those days when Suo'etu and Pearl were flourishing, they all had such behaviors. Being honored is one aspect, and it also means plump wings.

It is now the prince's family, and it is estimated that there are people like this in private. It is not that the prince can restrain himself if he wants to restrain, not to mention that there are so many involved, so unless it is too much, the prince Can only pretend not to know.

So, the supreme power tempts people all the time, but some people are wrapped by the power, their hands and feet are like heavy shackles, and they are difficult to walk.

Now the big brother is so follow the trend, is it...

Rong Xin let out a long sigh, "Don't be afraid."

"Auntie, I have nothing to do the day after tomorrow. After asking Huang Ama for instructions, shall we go out to the palace together?"

Rong Xin raised his head, "Where do you want to go, Your Highness?"

"The big brother placed Dai Zi in the Zhuangzi outside the city. It is said that the sound of cannons can often be heard within a radius of several miles. How about we go see and see together?" The prince smiled warmly, "The mighty general back then The power of the test launch, Yinren is still vivid in his eyes, and he has no chance to see it on the battlefield. It is a blessing to have the opportunity to meet again at this time."

Rong Xin couldn't refuse, she also wanted to go to the elder brother's village to have a look, so she made an agreement with the prince.

The matter of leaving the palace was arranged by the prince. On that day, the two got into the carriage and drove to the suburbs with their guards.

"Why did you go away together?"

The prince sat in the carriage a little casually and said with a smile, "Big brother doesn't know that I'm going to his village."

Rong Xin heard the words, and suddenly showed a condoning smile, "You have never been rude to others, you are the only eldest brother, and it has been like this for so many years."

The carriage slowly drove out of the main city, and the city went from prosperous to simple. Not to the point of your life and death..."

Rong Xin patted his arm lightly and said softly, "There are many ways in this world, and you already have the confidence that others don't have. Just do what you want and have a clear conscience."

The prince raised the corner of his mouth and smiled happily: "Yinren can get the support of the aunt and the princess, and is not afraid of the road ahead."

Rong Xin looked at the prince calmly, and after a while, she seemed inadvertently said: "Husbands and wives are the people who will be with you for a lifetime, and others can't accompany you all the time, as long as you and the prince are well, Nothing is impossible to get through.”

And to a certain extent, she has fulfilled her promise to Nemin at the beginning. In any case, he has the prince concubine by his side and the children of their husband and wife under his knees, so he will not be too cold at the heights, It won't be bleak at night...

"Steamed buns! Freshly baked buns!"

"Noodles in soup! Noodles in lamb soup! Noodles in hot lamb soup!"

"Selling wontons! The meat is juicy and fresh! Come and have a taste!"

“Osmanthus Cake…”

The small vendors outside were constantly clamoring for their sales. The prince looked at the vendors enthusiastically soliciting customers, turned around and said with a smile: "When the war between the Qing Dynasty and the Junggars was in full swing, everyone in the capital was in danger, and the streets were in danger. Not to mention hawking, there are not many people, but now I see the people's happiness, and I feel even more satisfied."

Rong Xin also looked at the pedestrians outside the carriage, their footsteps were quick or slow, and their expressions were different, but there was no panic.

She is actually just an ordinary person, but because she took care of the prince growing up, she could not teach the prince to be short-sighted and cruel, so that she now looks at the people in this city, and she has a lot of love heart...

"If I were one of these people, I would be very relieved to know that the prince is dedicated to the people."

At this time, there was a daring boy outside the carriage, who suddenly greeted Rong Xin: "My lord! My mother makes one of the best sticky cakes in ten miles and eight streets. Would you like to try it?"

The carriage was surrounded by guards, but this half-eldest boy was daring to sell to her. Rong Xin didn't feel offended at all, but the corners of his mouth curved.

The prince got excited, looked out of the carriage slightly, and asked, "Auntie, would you like to taste this folk food?"

The prince was very interested, and without waiting for her to answer, he said to the guards outside the carriage, "There are also snacks that were sold before, so buy a portion and try it."

Rong Xin was turning sideways to the drawer to take out the dishes and chopsticks that he had prepared earlier. Hearing the guard's words, he paused. The meals in the palace were exquisite and clean. Street food stalls are comparable, but there is no need to despise them.

However, these guards are basically from the Eight Banners, and they are from a wealthy family.

Fortunately, the prince did not take it seriously: "You can do it yourself, no need to say more."

Rong Xin took the handkerchief and carefully wiped the tableware and chopsticks. At this time, Fang said to the prince, "Actually, the things outside may not suit your taste. You can taste them. Don't force it."

"Yinren saves it." The guard handed the money to the vendor, the silver and the goods were received, the prince glanced at it, and suddenly said: "I think I will leave the city soon, the big brother will catch up."

A guard on Rong Xin's side also bought the young boy's sticky cake. She smiled at the other party, and when she heard the prince's words, she turned back and asked, "You know again?"

The carriage stopped, and the prince replied, "Sister-in-law was diagnosed with pregnancy a few days ago, while watching the guards present the food he just bought from the carriage door, the eldest brother has a wrong heart and doesn't say anything. , After he goes to court, he must go back and have a look first."

Rong Xin took out some of the pastries and put them in the dishes, and left the rest in the original bowl or oiled paper, and then asked the prince to use it.

The prince didn't despise at all, he took a wonton entrance, swallowed and continued what he just said, "It is well known throughout the dynasty that the eldest brother commutes between Zhuangzi and the mansion almost every day, although returning to the mansion will take some time, But the eldest brother is fast on horseback, and he will surely catch up with us soon, but it is not uninvited."

"You have thought about everything you should think about, and I will just follow." Rong Xin watched the prince take another bite of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, then took another wonton and asked him, "You Like this wonton?"

"The taste is delicious and better than I thought, but this sweet-scented osmanthus cake is not as dense and delicate as the palace, so I don't need it."

Afterwards, the prince tasted other food a little, then put down his chopsticks and said: "The people all eat these whole grains, and there is nothing wrong with them, but they cook a dish in the palace. The process is very complicated, and some of the authentic taste of the food is lost, so it is better to return to the original."

Rong Xin put the prince's untouched pastries back in the oiled paper, and smiled: "If you are used to eating, go back and teach Xueqing to do things for you in the small kitchen of Yuqing Palace. "

The prince responded, saw her move, and asked, "What is the aunt going to do?"

"Last year, there was no grain harvest in Shaanxi, and there were many refugees in Zhili. Later, when they left the city, they put the food in the porridge shed prepared by the imperial court and distributed it to several children. already."

After hearing this, the prince said: "Then why don't you buy more, not only to teach those street vendors to get a big customer today, but also to teach the homeless people outside the city to add some unexpected joy when they are full."

Rong Xin naturally did not object, but when he took the purse from his sleeve, he taught the prince to use a folding fan to stop it, and looked over questioningly, "Prince?"

"Aunt, since I suggested it, I should pay for it myself." After the prince finished speaking, he gave an order out of the car window and ordered the guard to buy it back.

Several guards went to buy at their orders, the carriage did not wait for them, but continued to move slowly until they were about to leave the city gate, and those guards just followed.

As soon as the carriage left the city gate, the speed was no longer controlled, and it went to the porridge shed at a relatively fast but steady speed.

The porridge shed is just a few miles away from the city gate. It only took less than a cup of tea to get there, but the carriage had not stopped yet, and Rong Xin and the prince heard frequent objects outside Touch, slightly noisy sound.

The prince immediately opened the carriage window, and saw the first hundred or so thin refugees huddled together, and a few people dressed as officers were hurriedly collecting cauldrons and other utensils .

Rong Xin looked at the porridge spilled on the ground, and immediately ordered the guards: "Stop them!"

The captain of the guards responded immediately, then looked at the prince, saw the prince nod, and waved, and a few guards drew their knives on the ground, pointing the tips of the knives at the officers, and shouted: "His Royal Highness pays a private visit, Are you still waiting?!"

The clothes of the two of them were wet, and the shoes of the other officers were also wet.

The other people, along with the refugees, also knelt on the ground, trembling and bowing to the prince.

However, the prince didn't pay attention to them at all, and looked at the "soup water" scattered on the ground like a torch. There were a few yellow and white particles on it, and his eyes suddenly showed a cold light, and the folding fan creaked.

Where is this porridge?

Rong Xin shook his head and stood up, "Prince, let's go down first."

Rong Xin got off the carriage first, then stood beside the carriage, his eyes turned from the rice soup all over the floor to the refugees who were blocked by the guards.

In winter, the refugees are the most numerous, so Kangxi ordered people to set up porridge sheds in the suburbs of Beijing to help the victims. Refugees still remain in the suburbs of Beijing.

The number of these refugees is not large, but there are often bigger things to be dealt with in the DPRK, and their resettlement has been delayed, but Kangxi did not withdraw the porridge shed.

Rong Xin and the prince made a temporary decision to come to the porridge shed and attacked suddenly, so we can see what these people are feeding the victims!

This pot of "porridge" that was spilled on the ground didn't have much rice, so Rong Xin walked to another pot that had yet to be processed, picked up the huge spoon, and stirred it up. After a circle, I pressed the spoon in again, and after another circle, I stirred up the rice grains.

The captain of the bodyguard was a wink, and immediately picked up a basin and placed it flat on the wooden table.

Rong Xin held a spoon in both hands, scooped a spoonful of porridge into the basin, looked at the rice grains in the basin, all black and yellow, but less white, and shot cold arrows at the nearby officer , and this was shown to the prince.

The prince glanced at the porridge in the pot and asked, "When the emperor set up a porridge shed, he strictly ordered the clear soup to be waterless and no grain of rice, what else can you say?"

"His Royal Highness, spare your life!"

"His Royal Highness, spare your life..."

"The minions just follow orders and don't know anything at all!"

"I beg His Royal Highness for mercy."

"His Royal Highness is gracious."


At this time, a guard came from the outside, cupped his hands and bowed and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, the First Prince is here."

The prince looked in the direction they came from, and saw that it was the eldest brother who was galloping over on a horse.

As soon as the eldest brother arrived at the city gate, he learned that a group of people had left the city, and he immediately thought of the prince. After he and a few guards left the city, they chased after him.

From a distance, he saw the guards surrounding the porridge hut with a solemn expression, and he knew that something had happened, so he threw the whip backwards and accelerated to the front.


The big brother reined in the reins, stabilized the horse, and jumped off the horse.

The prince shook the folding fan in his hand towards the elder brother, and said hello: "Brother, what a coincidence! I met here by chance."

"Is it a coincidence that you know well." The elder brother replied angrily, and when looking at Rong Xin, he leaned slightly, "Aunt, you are out of the city today, why didn't you tell me? One? I want to accompany you."

Rong Xin put down the porridge bowl, smiled and said sincerely: "I thought the prince would tell the elder brother, so I didn't tell you specifically."

The big brother glanced around and asked, "What happened?"

The prince didn't take it seriously, opened the fan, and asked while shaking: "As the eldest brother saw, there are people who violate the yin and the yang, and use shoddy, and are being arrested by my aunt and me. Right."

The elder brother frowned and looked at the basin that aunt put down before, "Have you ever been interrogated?"

Rong Xin remembered the food that the prince bought earlier, and even if he ordered the guards to bring it, he didn't think the ground was muddy, so he directly said to the prince and the elder brother: "You two, please let me go. , they are probably still hungry, so I just divide the food."

The prince and the eldest brother looked at each other, walked to the side obediently, and then a few guards went to organize the refugees to come and get food.

Rong Xin knew very well the truth of rising mien to fight against mistress, so after the refugees lined up, he said warmly: "These were originally bought for these children by His Royal Highness when he left the city. Yes, I never imagined that such a thing would happen, after His Royal Highness returns to the palace, he will report to the Emperor to investigate thoroughly and make a new arrangement, so please take this for the time being for the time being.”

When the refugees heard the words of the two, they knelt down to the prince and kowtowed in gratitude.

The prince ordered them to get up, and the elder brother stood beside him with his chest crossed and said nothing.

Two quarters of an hour later, each refugee was given some food, and Rong Xin came out from behind the porridge shed.

The prince handed a handkerchief to his aunt, and then asked the eldest brother, "It's rare to meet me on the outskirts of the city today, can the eldest brother entertain my aunt and me?"

The big brother didn't expect to arrive at this time, the prince still insisted that it was a chance encounter, he couldn't help but snorted, and said sarcastically: "His Royal Highness has already visited with shame, I can't refuse it. ."

The prince raised the corners of his mouth, bowed his hands to the eldest brother, and thanked: "The kindness is difficult, Yinren will not refuse."

The eldest brother didn't bother to pay attention to the prince, so he turned to Rong Xin and said very gently: "Aunt, Zhuangzi is dirty, don't mind."

Rong Xin smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, it's the sudden arrival of the Prince and I, you don't mind."

"I welcome you to come." The elder brother asked in a close tone, "When will my aunt come and sit in my house? Irgen Jue Luo Shi is pregnant this time, and it is getting worse. You are so charming, I would be very happy to see you."

Rong Xin's eyes rolled up, and she said sarcastically, "It's really gratifying to see you care so much about Dafujin. I'll definitely visit when I'm free."

The eldest brother nodded, glanced at the prince deliberately, and provocatively said: "It doesn't matter if you stay here."