MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 71

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The Empress Dowager looked at the prince kindly and smiled: "Eat the Aijia, and Yinren also eat more."


Su Malagu and Rong Xin were at the side, and the Empress Dowager said, "Today's New Year's Eve, we are outside the palace again, so we don't have to pay too much attention to the rules, and bring two sets of bowls and chopsticks. , let's use it together."

Rong Xin looked to Su Malagu, and seeing that she did not refuse, he also thanked the Empress Dowager. However, the two did not share the table with the empress dowager and the prince, but set up a small table beside them.

"The snow scene of Wutai Mountain is very different from the Forbidden City, and it has a different flavor."

Fake it."

The Empress Dowager nodded with a smile and said to him: "Yinren, you grew up in the Forbidden City since you were a child, and you have never seen the endless snow on the grassland. It is more magnificent and makes people feel solemn."

The prince's eyes were full of yearning, but then he shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it is difficult to see."

The Empress Dowager personally picked up a chopstick dish for him, and said, "It's okay if you don't see it, the wind and snow on the grassland is comparable to a sword."

The prince is very curious, so he asked the empress dowager to talk more about the past, and the empress dowager may have aroused **** in such a warm atmosphere, really detailed Talk to him about Mongolia.

With the help of the crown prince, Rong Xin also heard some folk customs that are rarely recorded in historical materials and the connection of various Mongolian tribes.

When it comes to Mongolia, we have to mention the leader of the Junggar tribe of Erut Mongolia, Galdan.

This person won the dominion of the Dzungar tribe at the age of 27, and in just a few years, he has controlled the southern Xinjiang. Now it is more and more powerful, and there is a faint threat to the Khalkha Mongolia and the Central Plains in the northern desert.

Kangxi has always been careful to adjust, but since he ascended the throne, he has been fighting constantly, and it is difficult to withdraw.

The prince also heard about him, and although he also hated his ambition, he had to admit: "This man is really a hero."

"Although the children of the Eight Banners are not cowards, they can be jealous, but they need not be afraid.

The Empress Dowager looked at the prince with relief and pride, "You should have such courage. But with you, Emma, ​​you just need to read books with peace of mind."

The prince nodded firmly, "Yes, Yinren must work hard to learn more skills and protect my Daqing rivers and mountains."

This is the blood of a young man, not to mention the Empress Dowager and Su Malagu, Rong Xin, and looking forward to his future as he said, no regrets or regrets.

The Empress Dowager had to go to bed early, so Zhong Rongxin went back with the Prince at Xu Shi. The 22nd year of Kangxi spent peacefully on such a warm night.

The next day, the snow did not stop.

The servants got up early to clean up, but the snow blocked the door, and they wasted a lot of time just going out of the house, not to mention sweeping the level of snow that was a foot thick.

After Rong Xin got up, she saw that the attendants had just finished sweeping, and another layer had accumulated behind her, so she put on her only pair of cowhide boots, and instructed Lu Chen and Xueqing to take care of the prince and take someone to go In the yard of the Empress Dowager.

Almost all the servants in the palace were cleaning everywhere, so Rong Xin also found a tool and opened the way together. When traveling hard, he asked an old man in the palace: "There are few such big ones in Beijing. Xue, what about Shanxi?"

"Looking back at the female officer, I have never seen such heavy snow in my memory..." He said with a sad face.

Rong Xin walked to the terrace and glanced down the mountain, her eyes were all white, no more color, and sighed in her heart, "Let's go to the Empress Dowager first."

When she arrived, the Empress Dowager had already woken up, Rong Xin did not hide it, and directly said to the Empress Dowager: "Empress Dowager Rong Chi, this snow has not been encountered for many years, and now the mountain road is blocked by heavy snow. Death, and I don't know when the snow will stop, I'm afraid it will be difficult to live in the palace..."

"Just say what you think."

"The slave is thinking, just in case, reduce the portion and save as much charcoal and food as possible." Rong Xin paused for a while, asking for instructions, "It's freezing cold, it's better to teach the servants to concentrate Staying in a few houses and burning fire to keep warm, what does the Empress Dowager think?"

Just now when she came over, she saw that some people didn't even have all the clothes to keep out the cold. I'm afraid they would be very vulnerable to the cold.

Moreover, people are unpredictable, they are alone here, if someone is extreme, even if there is a guard, it is very troublesome.

The Empress Dowager had a long-term plan, and without any hesitation, she said directly: "Since the emperor and the Ai family have entrusted the entire palace to you, you can act freely, and you don't have to go back and forth with me."

When Rong Xin heard this, he immediately bowed and replied, "Yes, the servant obeys."

"Teach Yinren also moved to me, if you can save a little bit."

Rong Xin immediately bowed, "The Empress Dowager is merciful!"

She stopped at the Empress Dowager for a while and then returned to the Prince, and directly ordered someone to pack up and move over for the Prince, and then began to arrange how everyone in the palace could survive the heavy snow.

The snow can’t be swept away without stopping, so Rong Xin only asked the servants to sweep out a passage that must be passed, and he didn’t have to stay outside all the time, so as not to delay the operation of various places, According to the amount of snow, sweep once every half an hour in shifts.

The cold-dispelling soup is also always prepared, but it is clear that everyone can get it.

There are other arrangements, Rong Xin will explain it step by step, in an orderly manner.

The snow began to fall from New Year's Eve to the third day of the first lunar month. It only occasionally became smaller and never stopped. In some places, the snow was even as high as a person, and no one could see it. its end.

Everyone in the palace was worried, but they didn't mess up.

Rong Xin may not have done the best job, but she did her best to save everyone's life. The servants in the palace saw it and tried her best to fulfill all her orders.

This snow is already a catastrophe for the local area. The prince has a heart of love for the people. In addition to reading, he heard that the harm of the snow disaster is so great that it is difficult to estimate, and he cannot help worrying about the safety of the people. .

He saw Rong Xin arranging the people in the palace, and he was worried that the food and firewood in the store would not be enough to last longer, and sighed: "The palace is still like this, I don't know how the people at the foot of the mountain are, as the prince, I can only It's really hard to sit back and wait!"

Rong Xin put down the ledger and reassured: "Presumably the local officials will take action, so don't worry too much, Your Highness."

The prince held the pen for a long time and didn't move, suddenly raised his head and said: "Aunt, as the prince, I can't turn a blind eye when the people are suffering... I want to go down the mountain..."

"This..." Rong Xin didn't know what to say or persuade.

It is a good thing that the prince has a benevolent heart, but he is young and has no real power, so going down the mountain will not make much difference. And if something happens to the prince, everyone can't afford it, and I'm afraid they will try their best to stop it.

However, as soon as the prince said it, he became more and more determined, "Auntie, I want to go down the mountain! Even if it is just to lead people to prop up the collapsed house for a family."

As he is, Rong Xin is extremely proud, but he can't say any words of direct support, he can only say: "If you can talk to the Empress Dowager, I will arrange it for you; , and then stay peacefully on the mountain."

The prince knew that his thoughts were too self-willed, and he couldn't sit here, so he asked the empress dowager to let him go down the mountain.

The Empress Dowager is naturally not allowed to land, but she does not agree, so the Crown Prince kneels on the ground and never gets up.

It was the first time that he was so stubborn, and the Empress Dowager couldn't resist him, so she spoke softly and persuaded: "The road down the mountain has not yet been passed, how do you get out as a child?"

The prince replied: "Before Huang Ama returned to Beijing, he ordered Guan Yongzhen to take the commander and several hundred soldiers to obey orders and Yinren, and it was time to give orders."

"Aren't they clearing the road? Who else do you have available?" The Empress Dowager's tone gradually became stricter, "Prince, don't be selfish."

Rong Xin stood by the Empress Dowager's side to express her disapproval of the Prince's idea. At this time, seeing the Empress Dowager's words stumped the Prince, and he looked disappointed and beaten, Immediately I couldn't bear it.

A setback of kindness and an accident that may but may not happen...

Choose one of the two, Rong Xin naturally did not want the prince's growth to be so unsatisfactory, so after hesitating, he quietly pointed to the direction of the temple.

If you propose to go down the mountain to help the people, the abbots will not refuse."

The monk doesn't really understand ordinary things, of course it is impossible to refuse such a proposal from the prince.

When Rong Xin saw the Empress Dowager looking sideways at her, she immediately looked surprised and said innocently: "Empress Dowager, what do you think this is?"

The Empress Dowager glared at her, and immediately said to the prince: "If you insist on doing this, the Aijia can't control it, but don't think that the Aijia will plan for you, nor allow Xin to help you. "

The prince thanked him and replied freely: "Yinren can do what he can, and he has done his best if he can't, and there is nothing more to say!"

Seeing this, the Empress Dowager waved weakly, "Go if you want, only one, take care of yourself."


The prince left, the empress dowager looked at his back and said leisurely: "It is a blessing for the people to have such a prince..."

Rong Xin and Suma Lagu both nodded.

The next moment, the Empress Dowager glared at Rong Xin, "Rong Xin, how should Aijia punish you?"

Rong Xin immediately knelt down, did not excuse herself, only said: "The servant admits his mistake, and he will not help His Highness the prince, just ask the queen mother to allow the servant to follow the prince down the mountain."

"How can you be sure that he can coordinate the temples and descend the mountain smoothly?"

Rong Xin smiled slightly and said firmly: "His Royal Highness the Prince will definitely live up to the expectations of the Empress Dowager."

The Empress Dowager said: "The Ai family never allowed him to make trouble."