MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 36

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Feng Sheng looked over subconsciously, and saw two faces in the brightly lit place.

A face with resolute lines, razor-sharp eyebrows, a high nose bridge, and thin lips tightly pursed. Between the dimness and the firelight, his eyes are dim, with a hint of irony.

The other face is fatter, full of surprise, joking, and gloating. The phrase 'tsk, so embarrassing' came from his mouth, which made people want to slap him.

The person who spoke was Desheng, and the person standing beside him was Zong Yue.

No one expected them to appear in this place, including Fang Fengsheng.

Seeing the blood on her face, Zong Yue frowned: "Take them all down." Then he left the side of the boat, and the dazzling fire went away with him.


Feng Sheng and Uncle Yu boarded the boat.

The two were in a panic. Although Uncle Yu was superb in martial arts, he was no match for four hands with two fists, and suffered many injuries. Feng Sheng was well protected by him, but he described it as a mess, and his clothes were completely soaked.

"It's not that our family said, Master Fang, you are too embarrassing. If you were invited to go to our palace as a clean-up guest, you would not go and come to this place where birds don't shit. If we didn't happen to pass by, the river probably A few more nameless souls are needed."

Feng Sheng always felt that the **** named Desheng owed him something, but this was the first time he felt that he owed him so much. But the situation is stronger than people, and besides, she has just been rescued from below, and she can't do anything to turn her face and deny people.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for saving your life."

Zong Yue, who was sitting at the top, said calmly, "No need, this king is just going along the way."

Mentioning this drop-in route, Feng Sheng asked suspiciously: "I don't know where your Highness is planning to go?" These waterways are also connected to several large salt fields, so could it be said that the third prince is going to the salt field?

As soon as the words came out, she realized that she had said the wrong thing.

Dewang glanced at his master, straightened his waist quickly and said: "Presumptuous, can you ask this question? You are a little master, and you still care about where Your Highness goes?"

Feng Sheng was a little embarrassed: "The student made a slip of the tongue."

Zong Yue glanced at her and stood up: "Take them down and settle down."

Just as he took a step, Feng Sheng stopped him.

"Your Highness, the student has one more matter."

Zong Yue stopped in his tracks: "Say."

"I have a few yamen servants brought out from the county yamen. They went away separately from me. Can your Highness order someone to look for them? They are not familiar with the terrain, and it's this weather, I'm afraid..."

"Order someone to go down and do it."

At first, Dewang didn't realize whether he was talking to him, or Decai who was next to him kicked him before he realized it.


Dewang told the guards what to do, and walked back with Decai.

"You've learned to be smart at last."

Dewang pointed to his nose: "Are you talking about me? When did I become unintelligent? I am the smartest person around His Highness. Can't I still know how to read my words? Even if I don't, I will."


"Whatever the master does, no matter how unreasonable it is, we slaves must make it reasonable. In this way, the master's face is saved. We will also be spared the disaster."

"What you said makes sense." Decai said with a forced smile.

"That's what you said! If you want to lose His Highness's face this time, we're both done." Dewang patted him on the shoulder triumphantly, and said in a low voice: "Hey, tell me, did our Highness take a fancy to you? What about Master Fang? Otherwise, why bother to find an excuse to travel all the way, and bring someone here to find him when he heard that the other party might be in danger."


Decai glanced behind him with a sympathetic expression.

"Why do you have such an expression? Don't you believe my judgment? Look at that awkward little expression of His Highness. He clearly wanted to talk to someone, but he just told me..." At this moment, he also realized that something was wrong, and turned his head to look, just right He saw Zong Yue standing not far behind him with a dark face.

"Little Caizi, you dare to deceive brother!" He wailed and howled and threw himself in front of Zong Yue, crying, "Master, the servant didn't say anything, it was Decai who deliberately deceived the servant..."

Decai looked astonished. He was a good brother just now, but now he stabbed him in front of his face?

"Go and find Zhan Qingling twenty whips."

Feng Sheng changed into clean clothes and slept again, when he woke up the next day, the sun was already high.

She looked out the window and realized they were still on the boat.

She went to Uncle Yu's room and looked at his injuries. From Uncle Yu's mouth, she knew that the wandering servants had all been found. As for the people who attacked them last night, except for a few who were caught on the spot, everyone else ran away.

"Feng Sheng, why is your face so red?"

"Is there?" She touched her forehead, only to realize that she seemed to have a fever, "I guess I caught a cold last night. It's okay, I'll go back to sleep and I'll be fine."

"I don't know if there is a doctor on this boat. Go back to your room and lie down. I'll ask." Uncle Yu said.

Feng Sheng went back to the room and lay down obediently, without thinking about lying down, she fell into a coma.

There was no doctor on board, and the guard gave him a bottle of golden sore medicine for the wound on Uncle Yu's body. Originally, Uncle Yu wanted to hold on first, anyway, he will arrive in Taizhou City tomorrow, but the boat stopped in a small town ahead, and no one knew who sent for the doctor.

After drinking the medicine prescribed by the doctor, Feng Sheng woke up.

Head, groggy, aching badly.

"Drink this bowl of medicine as well. You are so lucky to let our family serve your soup medicine." Just listening to this sissy woman with strange yin and yang, Feng Sheng knew that this was De Wangde's father-in-law.

"There is Mr. Lauder."

"If it wasn't for looking at you...if it weren't for the men on this boat, do you think our family would come?!"

"Actually, it's good for Eunuch De to let Uncle Yu come. Uncle Yu has stayed in Fang's house for many years, and I treat him as an elder." Feng Sheng said while drinking the medicine.

Dewang opened his lower lip, but did not speak.

When will he come? It wasn't sent by people.

After Feng Sheng finished drinking the medicine, Dewang went out with the medicine bowl, and bumped into Zong Yue who came in from the outside.

"Master? The servant went to the kitchen to look for medicine."

Zong Yue hummed and stepped into the room, and Dewang carefully closed the door.

Feng Sheng was about to lie down, but seeing this, she had to sit up again.

"Please forgive the student for being sick and unable to salute."

Zong Yue sat down on the chair and did not speak.

He didn't speak, neither did Feng Sheng, the room was very quiet.

Zong Yue was playing with the Buddhist beads in his hands, his eyes sometimes fell on Feng Sheng, and sometimes he looked at the Buddhist beads.

"I don't know His Highness..."

"You try your best to preside over Qingzhang's field, why?"

Feng Sheng coughed: "The dispute over land dumping in Taizhou has never subsided. The rich kitchens either invaded the farmland and changed it to dumping land, or used the dumping land in an attempt to pay less taxes. There are various salt bureaus on the left side of the county government office in Taizhou. The government office is restricted by the salt field, government orders cannot be implemented, and tax collection is difficult, so the land in the county is cleared, so that each performs its duties and demarcates boundaries, and avoids conflicts between the people."

"My king must listen to the truth."

"Students are telling the truth."

Zong Yue looked at Feng Sheng, and the two looked at each other.

Feng Sheng took a deep breath and asked with a smile: "What does Your Highness think I want to do?"

Zong Yue frowned: "No matter what you want to do, remember not to meddle with what should not be meddled, so as not to set yourself on fire."

"Why does Your Highness always say such things to students? Does Your Highness know something?" As she spoke, she stared closely at Zong Yue's eyes, but found nothing inside.

"The king doesn't know anything."

"Then why..."

"This king has a relationship with your father once, and I admire him very much. I don't want you, as his only descendant, to burn yourself on fire, and die without knowing it."

"Does Your Highness know that my father's death was tragic? And the whole case was like a child's play from the beginning to the end. My father was a humble man, and he was embezzled and embezzled. The case was hastily closed. Is Zhou Guangrui really guilty of a heinous crime, or is someone trying to cover up the sky with one hand, trying to cover up something, or is someone just pretending nothing happened?"

"Fang Fengsheng, you are bold!" Zong Yue said coldly.

"Your Highness, I'm not bold, I just want the truth!"

"Just a truth?"

"Of course not, there are also the culprits and those who have done evil in it, all of them will be punished." Feng Sheng looked into his eyes and said word by word.

The two looked at each other, refusing to give in to each other.

Zong Yue suddenly took a step forward, leaned over and touched her neck, she subconsciously pushed back, but fell down on the head of the bed in embarrassment.

Feng Sheng felt a pain in his neck, and Zong Yue twisted something: "Just relying on this kind of crap, no one will see you through pretending to be a man."

"give me back!"

Feng Sheng reached out to grab it, but Zong Yue straightened up.

"Don't set yourself on fire, that's all you have to say." After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

The ship finally arrived in Taizhou City.

It was supposed to arrive in two days, but because of Feng Sheng's illness, the boat stopped in the small town for two more days.

Feng Sheng's illness is not getting better, high fever recurs, it is obvious that the doctors in the small town are not good at medicine, so they can only rush back to Taizhou City.

"Uncle Yu, go out, I can do it myself."

In the past few days, Feng Sheng had repeated fevers, she was always covered in sweat, she was weak all over, and the boat was full of big men, no one could wipe her body, so she could only change clothes when she was wet with sweat.

But in the end, the clothing is limited, so I can only wear an underwear. It's fine to stay in the room, I'm about to disembark and go back to the county office. I have to walk such a long way and meet people, so I don't want to be casual.

Feng Sheng endured his dizziness, and put his outer shirt on his body.

A figure rolled in, Feng Sheng raised his head and was about to speak, when suddenly his eyes went dark. After that, the whole person was suspended in the air, and was tightly clamped by something.

"what are you doing!"

There is a peculiar aroma in the breath, like sandalwood, but not all. It was pitch black in front of her eyes, Feng Sheng was shocked and pulled the cloth that covered the light in front of her eyes, and finally showed her head, only to realize that she was actually held in Zong Yue's arms.

"You put me down quickly."

From her angle, she could only see the man's chin. But the other party didn't seem to want to talk to her, she managed to dig a hole, and was brutally covered.

Zong Yue walked out: "I don't want people to see you in such a mess, so just stay there."

"You put me down, I can go by myself."

"You can't even wear clothes, and you still want to go by yourself? There is no one to help you on the boat, and there is no carriage, only horses. You want to climb back by yourself?" Zong Yue said with a poisonous tongue.


It seemed that outside, the thin cloak could no longer block the cold, Feng Sheng couldn't help shivering.

It feels as if you are on deck, and you feel as if you have disembarked.

Now, Feng Sheng can only let her mind go blank and don't think about anything, otherwise she will explode.

One vacated, and then she was put on a moving thing, which was mounted.

The man clamped her with one hand and held the rein tightly with the other. With a flick of his wrist, the horse flew out.

Dewang, who was standing behind, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's really that the thing in the grandfather's arms is detrimental to his heroic appearance and majesty. Fortunately, everyone lowered their heads and no one dared to look up.

"Hurry up and follow."

A group of people got on their horses and headed for the Taizhou county government office.