MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 66

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King Wei came back very late, when Feng Sheng was half asleep and half awake.

Feeling that suddenly there was someone more beside her, she sat up subconsciously, but what she saw was the face of 'Gou Qing' who was sitting under another quilt.

It felt so weird, but more of an embarrassment.

"You're back?"

King Wei glanced at her, but without speaking, he blew out the lamp beside the bed and lay down. Fell into darkness before her eyes, Feng Sheng could only lie down.

Faintly, there was a faint scent of sandalwood, which was unique to King Wei.

She began to think about his purpose of coming here and how he came here. He caught Gouqing? So get word that she's stuck here? Then why didn't he directly mobilize troops to pacify this place, but came here alone?

There are too many doubts, maybe Feng Sheng had thought affectionately before, whether it was because King Wei did this to save her. But she still has a nerve to tell herself that this person has always been unpredictable in doing things, but there is one thing, he definitely has his own purpose in what he does, so he is not just because of it.

Feng Sheng told himself this over and over again, and seemed to believe this kind of rhetoric.

She can only do this, if she owes too much debt, how can she repay it?

For some reason, she remembered what Fan Jinchuan said to her that night when the ship was attacked. In fact, she didn't understand why, but she just didn't want to understand.

Of all things in the world, only the debt of love is hard to repay.

For some reason, Feng Sheng always felt that the head of the Yan Gang was extremely cold here, not like the weather in the south of the Yangtze River.

Occasionally, she couldn't help but guess whether the head of the Salt Gang had moved away from Jiangnan, or why it was so cold. But I also feel that this kind of argument does not make sense. If the head of the Yan Gang is far away from Yangzhou, Gouqing and Taizhou have to be responsible for inspections, how can they come and go freely.

In fact, this kind of thinking is very boring, but Feng Sheng is too free, and can only think of some messy things in his head. In order to pass the time of sitting in the house and not being able to go anywhere, she actually spent a lot of effort. Maybe because she has been busy in the past few years, her brain has not stopped spinning all the time. When she first came here, she couldn't get used to it.

She was surrounded by anxiety every day, but she couldn't show this anxiety. Over time, she learned to wander, not thinking about everything about the Lianghuai Salt Administration and even her family, and thinking about other things, and the time passed.

Now that there is suddenly one more person by his side, Feng Sheng can't help but wonder occasionally, if after that night, he was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to do, if not, why would Shenlong see the beginning and see the end every day. Immediately, she felt that she was a little self-indulgent, maybe he was doing other things, after all, isn't he the third head of the Salt Gang?

She still couldn't help thinking, if he pretended to be Gou Qing, where did the real Gou Qing go, and how would the inspectorate deal with him. Immediately she remembered that he was the prince, the king of Wei, and such trivial matters should not be difficult to solve.

So she was really, really boring, and in this boring day, it was New Year's Eve in the blink of an eye.

Feng Sheng learned from Dashun that the Chinese New Year will be in two days.

After coming here, she didn't count the days. She expected that the New Year's Eve would not be far away, who would have thought that it would be here in the blink of an eye. Dashun also gave her two sets of clothes, saying that the third family asked him to prepare them, and also said that it was inconvenient to get in and out of the island, and it was not easy to get two sets of women's clothes.

island? So the main rudder of the Salt Gang is on the island?

But Feng Sheng has been to the seaside before, and she can smell the salty sea breeze, so this place should not be at sea.

Before she could figure out why, King Wei suddenly informed her that the Salt Gang was going to hold a big banquet on New Year's Eve, and she could bring the female relatives, and asked her to dress up and go with him.

Dress up?

For some reason, Feng Sheng thought of the clothes that Dashun sent. After the clothes were delivered, she didn't look at them carefully because she couldn't use them if she didn't go out. Is there anything else to say?

After King Wei went out, she went to find out the bag containing the clothes.

It is said that there are two sets, but in fact there are more than that. There are inside and outside, as well as matching shoes. In addition to this, there is a whole set of rouge, gouache and jewelry.

Feng Sheng held his chin and thought for a while, and almost understood what King Wei meant. As for the specifics, we have to go to know later.

That night, Feng Sheng made preparations ahead of time.

She is clumsy and doesn't know how to comb her hair. In the past, she always combed her bun when she knew the spring and autumn, so she could only simply comb a man's bun. After repeated failures, she gave up on combing her hair in a beautiful bun, casually gathered her hair behind her head, let all the excess hair hang down, and fixed it with a golden hairpin.

Anyway, 'Yuehong' is not a girl from a good family, so there is no need to worry about whether it is a girl's bun or a woman's bun.

Water-red brocade brocade with dark floral patterns, pinching the waist, and indigo-sprayed gold thread horse-face skirt, with gold-woven skirt trimmed on the hem. Her face was already white enough that she didn't need powder, so Feng Sheng put some rouge on herself.

Looking in the mirror, she touched her face.

Suddenly found that if she dresses up, she is also qualified to be a witch who will bring disaster to the country and the people.

At this moment, King Wei pushed open the door and entered.

Today he also changed into a new one, wearing a royal blue satin cotton robe. Gou Qing has the kind of thick eyebrows and big eyes with peachy eyes, every time she sees such a face, she can't match Wei Wang's cold and indifferent face.

Feng Sheng didn't know if he saw the scene just now, but she felt a little embarrassed for no reason.

"Is it okay to go?"

King Wei looked at her and nodded.

The grand banquet was held in the Juyi Hall, which was the largest place for the main rudder of the entire Salt Gang.

In the Salt Gang, everyone who was a little respectable gathered together, all of them were men, not a single woman, Feng Sheng found out that King Wei was cheating on her.

Regarding her appearance, some were amazed, and some couldn't look away, but it is estimated that 'Gou Qing' was present, and most of them were very restrained.

I didn't make any explanations about the initial process, but it was just that Master Bao stood up and said some scene words, and the following echoed for a while. These men from the green and grassy camps ate and drank together, and it must not be called a banquet, because the whole thing was extremely rough.

There is nothing exquisite and gorgeous, only big pots of meat and big jars of wine. People here either use bowls or jars for drinking, and never use wine glasses. Fortunately, Feng Sheng also had the experience of dealing with yamen soldiers before, otherwise his jaw would have dropped in shock.

What surprised her even more was King Wei.

The king of Wei has always given her the feeling of being cold and indifferent, his emotions are not superficial, and at the same time he is graceful and dignified. The noble temperament soaked in the royal family is not easy to imitate, nor is it so easy to get rid of.

Because it is a habit, deeply rooted in the bone marrow, but she never expected that when King Wei was in such an occasion, that invisible temperament would be gone.

Occasionally, someone would come forward to toast, laughing and cursing during the conversation, as if they were completely different people.

Feng Sheng had a guess that it might not be the first time Wei Wang disguised himself as someone else.

Yes, disguise.

Feng Sheng heard about this kind of strange art from Uncle Yu, and said that there are people in the world who know a kind of disguise art, which can change their face into another person. The highest level of disguise technique is to use human skin masks, but it is said that the cost is extremely high, and people who know this craft have rarely appeared in the world.

Feng Sheng guessed that King Wei used a human skin mask, because she had seen him washing, if he only used simple makeup, it would not be able to get wet, only the human skin mask.

To be honest, Feng Sheng was quite surprised that a prince would know these quack tricks.

There has been a lot of drinking on the table, Feng Sheng saw that most of the people were already drunk, punching and laughing could be heard endlessly.

She raised her eyes to look at King Wei, and saw him smiling, holding a wine bowl, drinking slowly.

On the opposite side, a greedy and devouring gaze swirled around her, it was Jin Er.

From the moment the table was served, Feng Sheng felt that Jin Er had been looking at her intentionally or unintentionally, and his gaze was extremely impolite. To this day, Feng Sheng regrets that he used too much force to break the situation that day, so that he caused such trouble.

Jin Er threw the wine bowl with the strength of the wine, picked up a jug of wine and threw it in front of 'Gou Qing'.

"Third, I respect you."

'Gou Qing' looked up at him, with a smile on his face: "The second master knows that I never drink like this, so why bother."

"Third brother, so you don't give my second brother face?"

"How dare you."

"I see that you are not only brave, but also very brave! It's okay not to drink alcohol, but you have to answer me for one thing. With so many brothers here today, I will ask you to answer me for one thing. As long as you promise, from now on I regard you as my own brother. You always say that our Dizitang is always against your Xuanzitang. As long as you promise me this, I promise you that from now on, the brothers of Dizitang will be close to the people of Xuanzitang. Like a brother."

The punching and laughing below stopped, and they looked at the table above.

At the same time, some of them looked at Feng Sheng. In fact, in the entire Salt Gang, no one knew that the second head was fighting with the third head because of a woman.

Regarding this matter, many people below hold two attitudes.

One is that brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes, and the other is that the second boss doesn't take the third boss seriously, why should he give up the woman under the quilt, even if it is, it is not this way .

So seeing this woman appearing today, many people had a premonition that there would be a big show tonight, and it turned out to be true.

"What's the matter? If the second brother is talking about what I think, then the second brother doesn't need to speak."

Obviously Jin Er was standing, and 'Gou Qing' was sitting. The two Jin Er were tall and burly, and they were well-known members of the Yan Gang. The fact that he was able to take the second position was not because his own brother was the first, but because of his own strength. When sweeping the market before, how many people were afraid of Jin Er's mighty and terrifying aura.

But 'Gouqing' sat there, still holding the wine bowl with a smile on his face, but from the eyes of outsiders, he didn't feel inferior at all.

"So, third child, you don't want to talk to me anymore?" Jin Er patted the table and said.

The dishes, dishes and wine on the table all trembled and made a crisp sound. In fact, everyone knew that if Jin Er hadn't held back his strength, the table would have been ruined with his palm.

'Gou Qing' threw down the wine bowl, and his face became cold: "Second brother, I have been avoiding this question because I think the friendship between us brothers is not measured by a woman. But you have repeatedly lost money. My face, women are small, if I obey, what will I become? If someone says they want my woman, I will give it to me, and I don’t want the face of Third Master Gou. "

"that is!"

"There is no such thing!"

"Second master, don't bully others too much."

There were heated discussions below, and most of the people who agreed were people from Xuanzitang, and they were also Gou Qing's subordinates. On the contrary, not many people in Dizitang came out to speak out, because it was obvious that Jin Er didn't take reason.

But there is no way to be unreasonable, who called Jin Er is a famous jerk. So someone came out to smooth things over, it was Mr. Zhao, the fourth head of Huang Zitang.

"Okay, okay, we're all brothers, what kind of talk is this ugly on New Year's Eve. How about this, the third master backs off, let's follow the rules in the gang, you compete with the second child, how about winning or losing? "

These so-called rules are actually an old tradition of the Salt Gang. There are four halls under the salt gang, named after Tian, ​​Di, Xuan, and Huang, and there are several handicap and stalls under each hall. The predecessor of the Salt Gang was actually several well-known salt lords, a gang formed to fight against the imperial court's suppression. Everyone came from different sources, which caused the Salt Gang to be divided into four factions all the time.

Speaking of calling the big masters and the second masters respectively, in fact the big masters are not necessarily the largest, and the fourth masters are not necessarily the smallest, but are distinguished according to their strength. And each hall has its own business, and sometimes even a business will face competition from several halls. At this time, in order not to damage the brotherhood, one or several people will be drawn from each hall to compete.

The winner gets what he wants, the loser backs down, regardless of life or death.

This is a form, and it is also another mode of dialogue chosen by several masters in order not to damage their face. But I have always picked people from the entrance of the hall, and I have never heard of the hall master himself.

As soon as Fourth Master Zhao said this, before 'Gou Qing' could reply, the people below became restless and shouted hello.

'Gou Qing' had the same complexion as before, showing no signs of happiness or anger, but at this moment, it was obvious that he was being roasted on the fire.

It can be clearly seen that Jin Er has a look of success on his face. He is one of the best masters of the Yan Gang, but 'Gou Qing' is not known for his force. If he agrees, the possibility of winning is not very high, but if he doesn't, so many brothers are watching, and he will lose not only the face of Gou Sanye, but also the face of Xuan Zitang. Who dares to believe him.

Feng Sheng didn't know all of this, but she knew that the situation was serious just by looking at King Wei's face.

"Third brother, how about it? To compare or not to compare? But don't blame brother for not reminding you, you are not my opponent." Jin Er stroked his big bald head and said.

"Second brother seems to think he has won me?"

Jin Er laughed and didn't answer, obviously he didn't take Gou Qing seriously. In terms of brains, he is not as good as Lao San, but in terms of martial arts, Lao San is not his opponent.

In order to buy off Mr. Zhao's 'suggestion' today, he paid a very high price. Tonight he will take this woman back, put her under his body and ravage her. He has lived half his life and has never So thought a woman.

Thinking of this, Jin Er gave Feng Sheng a hard look, his eyes wished he could swallow her up.

Feng Sheng was also considered to have very few things that made her afraid, but facing this kind of scene, she couldn't help shivering.

At this moment, 'Gouqing' stood up, and brushed off his sleeves.

"Since the second brother insists on this, let's compete."

The courtyard was originally full of wine tables, but they were all moved away to make a space.

More than a dozen torches were added, and for a while, the courtyard was full of fire, and it seemed like daytime.

There were two people standing in the field, one mighty and burly, and the other slender and tall.

Both of them hold knives, but one is obviously a heavy weapon, with a strong and mighty appearance, and seems to follow the line of strength. And the other weapon looks like a sword but not a sword, like a knife but not a knife, slender and sharp, obviously following the agile route.

Feng Sheng's heart was pounding, it wasn't that she looked down on King Wei, but that a person like him was always protected by others, so there was no need for him to fight himself. And Jin Er saw that he came from a knife-edge licking blood, which is really incomparable.

Just now, in desperation, she pulled Wei Wang, but he blocked him.

Just when Feng Sheng was in a state of confusion, the competition on the field had already begun.

Jin Er showed a mighty momentum from the very beginning, and he slashed straight all the way. 'Gou Qing' mainly dodged, and blocked twice with a knife during the period. I don't know if it was Feng Sheng's illusion or what, I always felt that he The thin blade in his hand is unbearable.

After dozens of moves, even Feng Sheng, a layman, could see that 'Gou Qing' was at a disadvantage. Needless to say, Jin Er showed a sinister smile, and the tiger rushed forward, intending to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

'Gou Qing' turned sideways and dodged another knife. According to his previous routine, he should have avoided looking for the right time, but this time it was the opposite, he actually jumped forward.

There was only a sound of a weapon wanting to catch it, but the thin blade of 'Gouqing' actually resisted the nine-ringed broadsword weighing about forty catties in Jin's second hand. Feng Sheng's eyes were dazzled, and sparks flew everywhere.

Following a burst of astonishment, the two people in the field finally settled down, and the sharp knife in the hand of 'Gou Qing' pointed directly at Jin Er's throat.


"Acceptance. I also hope that the second master will not be entangled in the future, otherwise-"

After finishing speaking, 'Gou Qing' smiled coldly, took back his saber, and left the scene. He came to the hall, picked up Feng Sheng, and cupped his hands to Lord Bao: "Everyone take your time, excuse me."

Along the way, King Wei walked very fast, and Feng Sheng was staggered by him.

Back in the house, he fastened the door behind him, and Feng Sheng fell unsteadily into his arms.

She was about to say something, but she felt something was wrong with her hand. When she raised her hand, it turned out to be blood.

"You are hurt?"

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