MTL - Fierce Silk Flower-Chapter 47 Mutant plant

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Yi’an’s voice just fell, and others suddenly broke free from the low tide.

"How do you see it? The guy wears a night dress for the convenience of action. He only shows his head, do you still recognize it?"

"That guy, although he shouted not to kill him, but there was no such madness in the eyes that was forced into desperation. We also have a lot of reputation in the base. It is estimated that he recognized us early." Ji Anran snorted. "At the time of the zombie tide, I saw him at the base with my brother."

Knowing what you are doing, just ask!

Gao Xun was shocked and immediately angered!

"He knows us and deliberately robs. This is not a provocation! He is careful to me, don't let me meet him at the base!"

Wei Yanhua frowned unpleasantly: "He is not stupid enough to make me very upset."

"The wind evaluation of our team is not bad. After all, we only kill those who like to kill people, and if they encounter other teams, they will not rob other people's materials. He also knows this, guessing that he has not been bleeding. In the case, we will not kill him."

It’s not very good to feel that Ji’an’s little hand is playing with Ji’an’s little hand.

"Because I was worried about killing him, I didn't have a heavy hand just now. But after I got to the base, I will help him publicize the propaganda. When his enemies want to do it, it is not necessary."

Your own goodwill is being used by people...

The abilities are screaming that they will not be killed, and they dare to risk robbing them of this team... It’s really uncomfortable!

"Change to other teams, this kid is cool early." Ji Anran shook his head. "After we reported, this kid is going to be bad luck. His ability is speed, and he shoots, so he develops a run. Habit. His practical ability is very weak, once it is blocked..."

"When the zombie tide, we continue to swim, to resist the powerful zombies. Although the time spent in a place is not too long, but at least half an hour or more. If it was seen at that time, I will not He has no impression."

Wei Yanhua frowned and couldn’t figure it out.

"You said him? He is the one who runs around and is responsible for delivering the news. For example, where there are powerful zombies, where the powerful zombies have been wiped out by the abilities." Ji Anran chuckled, "They are far away Watching, running fast, we didn't pay much attention to it many times."

Although the base has communication equipment, it can be used by staff. But in the battle, the abilities are flying, who knows when the communicator is blown up? While using the communication equipment, it is assisted by the speed abilities, which is the means to ensure communication at that time.

Wei Yanhua said: "It turned out to be the case. No wonder I didn't find out. Most of the communication equipment was not damaged. They were only seen in a few areas. I didn't notice that it was normal."

Ji Anran finished eating and looked around.

"We are looking for another place to stay. The farmhouse three-story villa can't stay."

Gao Xun urged: "Why?"

"He didn't give me medicine. Although I was held hostage, I was pretty sure that he didn't have the chance to give me something like medicine. I thought about it. The only thing I ignored at that time was the aroma of the vegetation. He It should be the use of this environment."

Not many people who can be so long in the last days are really stupid.

He didn't find the accomplices of the speedy abilities at the time, and he didn't feel right. He didn't understand the joints until he remembered that the man deliberately stepped back to the side of the vegetable garden.

It was not for the convenience of escape, but to take advantage of some kind of plant that released the same aroma as an anesthetic, so as to paralyze his hostage and prevent him from moving.

"This villa looks good here, the security net has not been destroyed, we used to swear." Ji Anran quickly locked the target.


The people followed Ji Anran and came to the villa together.

This kind of rural self-built small villas are generally quite a few rooms, some rooms are used for the other farm tools, and some rooms are for family members.

Because there are three rooms, there is plenty of space, everyone rests separately, and then turns to the night.

Ji Anran naturally is a room with a squat, and the two don't feel embarrassed. They lie down on a bed and sleep.

"Enron..." Yan kissed Ji Enran's side face. "You could have escaped and not caught. You don't take risks in the future. Nothing is as important as safety. I know you want to detect information for the team. can……"

"Okay, I promise you that." Ji Anran snorted on the long chest.

In fact, if it is not because the other party is not murderous, he will not pretend to be hostage.

Yan Yan continued to hold Ji Anran's head and his voice was hoarse: "Don't move. We have to get up early to find supplies tomorrow, don't force me to make mistakes."

"Cannon, your self-control?" Ji Anran smiled.

After the reunion, I haven’t missed you. Are you still not in the wind and rain?

I looked at the ceiling and my eyes were empty.

"We have been breaking up for more than a year, and I am almost used to it. Not long after you open up, you still come to provoke me, don't blame me."

Yan Yan raised his hand and took a shot of the season · Pippi shrimp · Enron's **** to show the warning.

Ji Anran blushes, closes his eyes and does not speak again.

The sound is not good here, he didn't want to show it to others. Several rooms in the next room are all friends who live together day and night, live ooxx or something, too embarrassing!


The moonlight sky, everything on the earth was covered with a layer of silver glory.

In the vegetable garden next to the house that was selected before the delay, a little bit of noise was coming from the ground.

The leaves of a green plant tremble, and the green leaves reflect the silvery moonlight, which is very beautiful and reveals a strong horror.

The plant trembles and slowly pulls its long roots out of the soil.

Under the "nutrition" it should be found and absorbed, it is no longer necessary to stay here. It needs to leave the place where it has grown for many years to find a fertile ground.

In the moonlight, a plant moves forward, leaving only a faint silhouette.


The next day, the dawn of dawn, and the team of the disabled abilities have been ready to go.

Because it is about to enter the winter, the sun appears less and less.

There are too many dangers in the last days, and they don't like to be out in the dark. In order to grasp the precious day, they are all washed up in the dark, and then act when the sun comes out.

Although... from the clock on the mechanical watch, they started more than half an hour later than before.

"Hey, I was weird on the side of the vegetable garden yesterday. Would we like to see the plants over there?" Ji Anran suggested.

Wei Yanhua also echoed: "Before the mutant animals appeared, our team was already tired enough. Unexpectedly, even the plants are beginning to mutate. If we don't hurry to check and see, we have been lacking understanding of the mutant plants, and in the future I don't think I can deal with it."

Gao Xun is dejected: "This junk is not going to make people live! I don't know what this day can end."

Before the emergence of mutant animals, many people naively thought that as long as they killed all the zombies, they could return to the peaceful and civilized society.

The mutated animals bring great challenges to the survivors of the last days, and now even the plants are mutated, and the survivors have more problems to face.

rebuild home? If you can't do it, there will be a plant destruction king in your garden!

"Don't be like this. People will win the day, so many of us are still alive, we will definitely think of ways to crack the end of the world. Now, let's look at the situation of the mutant plants, and then prepare the supplies. Wait until winter, things are not easy to find. ""

Ji Anran patted Gao Xun's shoulder.

The people reached a unified opinion and went directly to the problematic vegetable garden yesterday.

When we arrived at the scene, everyone was in the same place.

Before the garden was lush, the grass, vegetables, and vines were intertwined, and the mess made people who want to pick vegetables a headache.

And now...

The original vines were not seen, the vegetables and the weeds were stained with slightly wet soil, and some of the clods had black marks.

"These vegetables and weeds are almost not pulled up. Only the vines that have been crawling all over the place are gone. It seems that a plant last night left the place for some reason. Of course, it may be There was a plant abilities who didn't know why they took the vines away."

If the vines are pulled out by hand, the scene should be more messy. Moreover, this vegetable garden has not been traced by humans with their feet.

Yan Yan followed the path and passed through the vegetable garden.

Behind the vegetable garden is an empty grass with traces of finely divided dirt on the ground.

After careful review, I finally made a final conclusion.

He walked back to the vegetable garden and said to his teammates: "The only thing that passed here last night was that plant. It is a plant, but it is as lively as an animal. If all the plants develop in this respect, Our future days will be interesting."

"It’s more interesting..." Wei Yanhua’s mouth was pumping.

Ji Anran's attention was already attracted to other things. He picked up a clod with black marks and sniffed it at the tip of his nose.

"This should be dry blood. There are still a lot of these soils. There may have been many bodies buried in it before." Ji Anran frowned.

The face of Yan Yan has also changed.

No farmer will take poultry or human corpses to make fertilizer. This garden is estimated to have buried a secret.

"Zhou Liang, you manipulate the plants to turn over the soil and see what is buried underneath." Yan Yan thought for a moment and said.

The plants were manipulated by the powers, standing aside, and constantly using their own roots to plan the soil in the garden.

Then... they dug up a dozen human bodies!

What is even more frightening is that it is obvious that these people are dressed and dressed up after the end of the world!