MTL - Final Redemption-v12 Chapter 29 Enterprising Yunnan!

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Black night high wind.

As Mrs. Zhu Rong led the army to persuade Huayao, Zhao Futu had to delay the attack on Jianning.

The progress of the plot plane has progressed to the present, and he roughly understands the rhythm of a task. In the early stage, you are careful to avoid strong enemies, and you will be able to improve your strength. In the medium stage, you will become a general as soon as possible, and occupy one of the forces. As for not having an accident in the later period, it is to grab time. Before the rise of the forces of various parties and the pan-consciousness backlash of the plane, the core task is advanced to the final stage.

If you follow this story progress!

After he won Jianning Yunnan, he will surely become the largest force in central Sichuan.

Xun will also because of this, his strong rise will likely cause a pan-conscious backlash, and may cause other forces around him to unite and even force Liu Bei and Sun Jian to turn their guns at him.

With the urinary nature of the nightmare space and the deductive nature of the pan-consciousness backwash of the plane, this possibility is quite high, which means that Zhao Futu must speed up and defeat the powerful enemies one by one before they react!

Due to the ability of the nightmare space, Zhao Futu omitted the internal rectification after occupying the city.

This greatly saved the time for him to expand his sphere of influence, so he had to consolidate enough troops to fight against them after the rectification before Liu Bei captured Xiangyang and captured most of Jingzhou!

As long as Liu Bei is destroyed, the situation in the world in three minutes will allow him to take a breath!

"Enemy attack!"

As the night darkened, a scream of shriek suddenly sounded inside the camp.

浮 Zhao Futu leapt out almost immediately, and ordered the army around him to be assembled, and it was already a fire in the distance. The place where the grain and grass were stored had been turned into a sea of ​​fire, and there was a voice of fighting in the southwest. It seemed that they had been attacked by the enemy.

"Dare to attack me at night ?!"

浮 Zhao Futu looked over there in surprise, and murmured, "It looks like they are very brave!"

Fortunately, these soldiers were blessed by the laws of the nightmare space. After being attacked by night, they did not immediately disperse, nor did they confuse in the vast night, but gathered together at a very fast speed. However, Zhao Futu also suffered a lot of losses. Now there are only a thousand soldiers left by his side, many of whom died in the first wave of attack and were scattered by the enemy in the fire.


浮 Zhao Futu's expression became cold, and an army attacking the night greeted him. A "yong circle ????"

The enemy will be a **** man, holding a large sword of 70 to 80 kilograms, and riding a black war horse into the army.

"It's a bit courageous! I dare take the initiative to attack!"

浮 Zhao Futu greeted the past with surprise. He has always been actively attacking, but he did not expect that this time he actually encountered the enemy's turn and attacked. The strength of this Yongquan is far weaker than that of Liu Ye in Chengdu. It seems that he also realized that passively defending the city does not have much chance of success, which led the army to quietly attack at night. Jianning Yunnan area has a large number of dense virgin forests, which is advantageous for both ambush and night strike!

"Eat me!"

When Yong Pu suddenly found Zhao Futu in front of her, she immediately rushed over.

Since the successful start of the attack camp, Yongpu has found something wrong because they have not been able to disperse the enemy forces. Even if they are divided into pieces, these soldiers can still gather into teams and fight for themselves. Overwhelmed by them! This is definitely not good news, which means that the soldiers of the enemy are some elite troops, and they obey orders!

At the same time as Yongpu beat the horse, two other historical generals also appeared in front of Zhao Futu. "Zhu Xi ????" One by one "E Huan ?!"

These are some of the lesser-known historical generals, but three people together are enough to single out the first-class generals.

The enemy apparently held the idea of ​​capturing the thief and capturing the king first. After finding Zhao Futu, he rushed over to prepare to kill Zhao Futu first. As long as they can kill the enemy generals, these soldiers will automatically disintegrate and victory will belong to them. Otherwise, it will be hard to say so until dawn. They did not bring too many soldiers with this attack. One "Incomparable Skill! Sword Dance Flurry!"

Facing the three historical generals who rushed over, Zhao Futu calmly pulled out the ice epee, and then launched Wu Shuangzhi.

A large swath of sword raging out!


With the hissing of the war horse, the three historical generals in front of him died and were injured twice, and the war horse under him was cut into pieces.

浮 Zhao Futu's current attributes are long gone, and it is not difficult to deal with one or two third-level historical generals, as long as they are not surrounded by them. So he took the big move and killed the weakest Zhu Xi first. Later, after Jianqi split the war horse and determined that the enemy in front would not be able to escape, Zhao Futu did not rush to meet the enemy, but instead took a step back to let the soldiers stand in front.

A group of bow and crossbowmen stood out, and the front row was a strong crossbowman holding a Zhugelian crossbow!

Dang Dang Dang Dang!

A large arrow rain shot

The two historical military generals in front of his eyes waved the weapons imperviously, blocking most of the bows and arrows.

But they still got a lot of shots, but they were blocked by the armor and were not injured!

at this time.

Zhao Futu rushed out again and slashed his sword towards Yongpu.


浮 Zhao Futu chopped the enemy out.

But at this time, another historical military general rushed into the bow and crossbowman formation, slammed and launched a big move.

Huh! The block of knife gas split out!

The cold light of more than sixty kilograms of long swords struck the night sky, chopping dozens of bow and crossbowmen around directly into minced meat.

浮 The corners of Zhao Futu's mouth twitched, and even if he roared, the silver cross swordsmanship was used one after another to defeat the enemy!

冇 These bow and crossbowmen have lost a lot of his thoughts, but he was killed seven or eight without thinking about it.


With a dull bang, Zhao Futu smashed the enemy's armor with a sword, and smashed it into the ground.

Facing these historical generals with full body armor, heavy weapons and blunt weapons are definitely better than swords and swords. When Zhao Futu cut and fell again, a dark energy suddenly burst out, and the enemy's body immediately appeared a cold Ice, and then a human head flew up. Zhao Futu stabbed a historical general to death with a stab, and immediately ran back towards the other person who wanted to escape.


The icy reminder sounds like:

"Contractor number 1013 killed the historical general [Yongpu]! Get 4500 rule points! ..."

"The contractor number 1013 defeats the Yongpu Army! ... the morale of the enemy is reduced! ... the morale of my army increases! ..." The Yongpu Army is in disintegration! ... "

"Contractor number 1013 killed the historical general [Zhu Xi]! ..." Get 3000 rule points! ... "

"The contractor number 1013 defeats the Zhu Xi Army! ... the morale of the enemy is reduced! ..." The morale of my army has increased! ... Zhu Xi's Legion is falling apart! ... "

"Contractor number 1013 killed the historical general [E Huan]! ..." to obtain 4000 points! ... "

"The contractor number 1013 defeated the E Huan Corps! ... the morale of the enemy army has decreased! ... the morale of my army has increased! ... The E Huan Corps has collapsed! ...

With three historical generals killed by Zhao Futu.

The enemies around began to disintegrate, and the fire was extinguished by the soldiers, but most of the straw was burned!

多 There are not many historical generals in the entire Yunnan area, that is, only Meng Gao, Madam Zhu Rong, and some generals from Nanmang.

Now Meng Gao has been beheaded, and Mrs. Zhu Rong has become his lieutenant. There is nothing close to the first-class historical generals here. Zhao Futu looked at the sky. It was already around four o'clock in the morning. Without hesitation, he immediately ordered the soldiers to give up the heavy weight and take a day of dry food to directly attack Jianning City.

He has beheaded Yongsi, Jianning City has at most one or two historical generals, which is a good time to take it down in one fell swoop!

After half a day.

浮 Zhao Futu led his army to approach Jianning City, and at the same time Mrs. Zhu Rong also brought an army.

She successfully recruited the wandering historical female general Hua Hua, and brought in more than 4,000 reinforcements. These soldiers are all members of the Southern Barbarian Army. Many soldiers wear rattan armor and a small team of tiger trainers. In addition to her role as the flower owl of Madam Zhu Rong's daughter, she also recruited two vice generals, namely Wang Yue and Wang Tao.

女 These two female generals are the sister flowers that Guan Suo marries, and they married him together because of the spirit dispute ~ ~ At this time.

浮 Zhao Futu's troops have accumulated more than 9,000 troops, and also has four historical female generals as vice generals, but that is, Madam Zhu Rong and Huayao's combat power is higher, the sister flowers are at best the level of the third-rate military general. Wang Tao and Wang Yue were the daughters of the thief Wang Linggong of Lutang Village, known for their martial arts and beauty, but later lost to Guan Suo on the way to find his father, and finally married Guan Suo with his sister Wang Yue.

After learning this information.

浮 Zhao Futu suddenly found that he actually gathered four wives in history, including Bao Sanniang, Huali, Wang Tao and Wang Yue.

发现 This discovery made him feel strange!

With Mrs. Zhu Rong's reinforcements, it will be easier to attack Jianning.

They hardly encountered any strong obstacles, and quickly attacked Jianning City, and at the same time received a batch of 辎 heavy supplies.

After a night.

Zhao Futu left Wang Tao and Wang Yue to guard Jianning City, and at the same time took Mrs. Zhu Rong and Huayao to enter Yunnan. Now as long as Yunnan is beaten down, this area can be considered a complete occupation. Then you only need to stabilize the rear, and then lead the army to open up the territory. Whether it is aggressive, or force to block Liu Bei, it is a good choice. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the Sailing Update Group @ 丨 销魂 pose, providing two great **** costumes to force @ Nokia 战 衣 @ 珞 篪 薇 珑] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote, Monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. )