MTL - Finding Glowing Beauty in Books-Chapter 13 Raiders

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The uncle Wang Shu fried rice that Dai Qing said is not the kind of shop on the roadside, but a private shop in his own home. Several people walked around a path for five or six minutes, only to see the door of the "Wang Shuxiao" brand.

"This shop is a good one. How did you find it?" Qufu looked around curiously. There are many houses on this road. They are very old-fashioned bungalows. It looks like some years. .

Dai Qing is particularly proud to say: "I found it when I smelled it!"

Lan Ning sighed and said: "At the time when I first entered the community, the president invited us to eat. I heard that many teachers are eating here."

"We also listened to the seniors." Ye Cheng looked at Lan Ning and cried in a curious manner. "What is the organization of the university?"

...not all said not to ask her to edit it? Laning is a bit embarrassed: "I was taken to the anime club by my classmates." Because the major is Japanese, many of my classmates are second-element creatures. When she didn't want to join any club, she was born alive. Della went to the animation club.

"Hey, have you ever had a cos? Have a photo!" Qufu looked at her with a gaze.

"No, I am a logistics team."


Several people chatted and walked into the small shop of Wang Shujia. After Du Qing and Laning graduated, they never came here to eat anything. It was quite happy to revisit the place. Unfortunately, it is a bit late now, and many of the signature dishes are sold out.

Ye Cheng saw that both of them were a little disappointed, and they said comfortably: "It doesn't matter, next time you find a time to come early, I will ask you to eat again."

After the Qing Dynasty listened, he gave a two-word evaluation: "Warm man."

Ye Cheng’s friends all laughed and actively shared with them the leafy gossip of Ye Cheng in the school.

A meal was eaten very quickly in a happy chat. After all the plates on the table were bottomed out, Ranning stood up and prepared to check out. Ye Cheng quickly stopped her: "Edit, I will pay for it, and say that we treat you."

Lan Ning didn't intend to have a group of students to treat them at the beginning. Although it was stopped at this time, I still planned to check out my own account: "Here I and Dai Qing are the people who go to work to get paid. How can I treat you?"

"Editor, although we are students, we still have work-study." It is not Ye Cheng who said this, but the keyboard of the band.

Ye Cheng turned his head and glanced at him: "What is the mess, who is your editor?"

Jianjian students smiled and said: "Oh, Ye Cheng, you are selling something online, do the girls in the school who love you know?"

"I am not selling Meng, am I naturally born?" Ye Cheng smiled at him and turned and returned Laning back to his seat. "We can check out."

He said that he reached out and hooked the keyboard hand and went to the boss to check out.

From the small speculation shop, the sky was completely dark. After several people walked to the school gate, they stopped.

"Today is late, we will go back first, thank you for your hospitality." Lan Ning waved his hand to Ye Cheng and expressed his gratitude. Ye Cheng also waved to her: "The next time I have the opportunity to ask you to come to Wang Shujia for dinner, be careful on the road."

The other boys started to squat: "You don't feel relieved to send them to the subway."

Lan Ning was afraid that Ye Chengzhen would send them to the subway station. He quickly said, "No need to use it. The subway station is not far away. We will do it ourselves."

She said that she waved a few boys and took the Qufu away.

The eyes of the Qing Dynasty on the road have been moving up and down her side: "You and the Ye Cheng classmates seem to have a feeling of it?"

Lan Ning was seen by her gaze: "When are you smashed?"

"I have such bright eyes, where is it!" Dai Qing refused to accept, "I have judged by many years of experience in writing my text, that Ye Cheng is a deep-hearted person."

Lan Ning laughed twice: "Remember my colleague from my last company? When you meet someone, he also said that he is a deep-hearted man. As a result, the girlfriends I have changed are more than the ones you changed."

Dai Qing: "..."

In the face of the facts, she can't refute it, but she can still argue: "The last time was an accident. When the horse still has a hoof, then you haven't seen it before. Is it a slag?"

"Do you seem to like Mu Yuan?"

"...well, we said back to Ye Cheng, cute and warm and handsome. The most important thing is that it seems to be interesting to you."

" think too much. Boys like him are like this for every girl. And today you saw it. When he sang so many girls screamed, why do you think he likes me? Because I am old Is it bigger?"

"Ha ha, maybe people like old ones?"

"Are you rolling? You are the same year as me!" Lanning gave her a blank look. "Don't you say that you came to see your elementary school girl? What about her?"

Dai Qing: "..."

Oh, it’s like, after seeing the elementary school brother, I forgot the things of the elementary school girl...

After returning, the primary school girl cried on the penguin and complained about her for one night.

The next two days of the weekend, it was the time for Lan Ning to breathe. She took time to go to the gym to exercise, and used the lucky teacher as a sandbag for half an hour.

Just after going to work on Monday, the editor-in-chief began to urge her to thank the teacher for the manuscript. Lan Ning felt that his heart was tired, but he could only climb the penguin and poked his fortunate head: "Lucky teacher! Finished the manuscript and handed it over!"

She copied the message and didn't know how many times it was, brushing the entire screen.

Fortunately: ... I thought I was infected when I came up [smile]

Cauliflower: Fortunately, teacher! I submitted the manuscript and delivered the manuscript!

She copied the entire screen again.

Fortunately: ...

Fortunately: When you last talked to me, you were still a real person, when did you become a robot [smile]

Cauliflower: So you have to hand it over? [smile]

Fortunately: I am still in the spring [yawn]

Laning sent a web page link in the past.

Fortunately: What is this? virus?

Cauliflower: Various ways to treat spring sleep, you deserve it. :)

Fortunately: How do I believe this is not a virus?

Cauliflower: Fortunately, teacher! I submitted the manuscript and delivered the manuscript!


After he finished expressing a series of ellipsis, he hadn't moved for a long time. Lan Ning resisted the internal injury and boarded his penguin with his mobile phone. He asked for help: "How to Raider Taurus! Urgent! Online!"

Dai Qing: Food, Taurus is the favorite constellation.

Lan Ning: I have tried it, change it!

Dai Qing: Take money to marry him, Taurus is the most constellation of love.

Lan Ning: ... can I take him with bricks? :)

Dai Qing: Oh, no money, then color. Tutu, Taurus is also the best. The constellation of color ╯ (╯_╰)╭

Lan Ning:............

Dai Qing: Oh, I forgot, color you didn't. :)

Lan Ning: ............friends.

Dai Qing: I thought of one more!

Lan Ning: Say!

Dai Qing: Taurus is the highest constellation [color]

... Laning quit the penguin.

She pondered over the computer for a long time, and finally felt that only the food temptation was the most reliable.

I thought that the last time I spoke to the Confucian language, he liked to eat the sweetheart cake, and Laning climbed the sugar shop online shop during the lunch break.

I knew that when I went to eat with Qufu yesterday, I would help him with a few, hehe.

I selected several cakes in the online store. She took out her mobile phone and dialed it according to the scheduled call written on the webpage. The phone was connected without a few clicks. Lan Ning greeted the other party and said, "Can you send a cake? Well, it is in the city, good. I sent it to a friend. I don't know if I can help. I am writing a card? Ah, that's great, please help me write "Teacher's manuscript and submit the manuscript!" There are three exclamation points behind, no, six are good. Ok, thank you."

Lan Ning hangs up the phone, and then orders in the online store according to the boss. The same city express delivery can be reached in a few hours, the teacher should be able to receive it in the afternoon, it is good.

The apples on the side of the whole side sipped some slobber, and she felt that if the fortunate teacher did not submit the manuscript, Lan Ning would not send the cake next time, but sent the blade.

Ah, a good girl is a tortured, perverted writer.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lan Ning saw the lucky cartoon avatar jumping in the lower right corner.

She ordered it out.

Fortunately: I received the cake, and the orange mousse is really not too tired.

Cauliflower: After eating my cake, I will spit out the manuscript [smile]

Fortunately: But I did not feel your sincerity, the card is not hand-written. [smile]

Lan Ning: "........."

calm down.

Cauliflower: Oh, do you want me to write it myself, ok, I will come over and write to you now.

Fortunately: ... I am joking.

five minutes later.

Fortunately: ... you are not really coming?

Fortunately: I want to move. :)

At four o'clock, the Confucian language heard the doorbell, and he walked over and glanced at it. It was Lan Ning outside. He opened the door and leaned against the door and looked at her with a smile: "You are quite persistent with me."

Lan Ning also smiled at him, pushed him away and walked straight into the room: "Write a man, teacher."

When Confucianism closed the door, he also came in. "When you were a child, did your parents supervise your homework?"

Lan Ning smiled and said: "No, I was consciously doing my homework when I was young."

"That's a pity. You missed a lot. For example, there is a reward for writing a question."

"..." He still wants to be a demon?

Confucianism answered her question with a smile: "Would you like the menu at night? I want to eat steak today."

Lan Ning: "..."

Really take her as a babysitter!