MTL - First Day In Game, I Got Ten Billion From Infinite Number Of Check-ins-Chapter 19 80% of shares!

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  Chapter 19 80% shares!

   Punch in!

finally come!

  Chen Yun looked at the check-in button in front of him, still looking forward to it.

Push the button.

  【Congratulations to the host for completing the check-in task. 】

  【Obtain 20% shares of Shengtian Entertainment. 】

  A dice appeared in front of Chen Yun, and the random doubling skill was activated.

   Without a doubt, 4 again!

  【Obtain 80% shares of Shengtian Entertainment. 】

  80% shares!

   Chen Yun looked at the light curtain in front of him, took a deep breath, and then quickly took out his phone to search.

  Shengtian Entertainment, located in Jiangcheng, is an entertainment company that ranks among the top five in China, with a market value of tens of billions!

   In other words, Chen Yun holds 80% of the shares, which means he has eight or nine billion yuan!

  Too ruthless!

   At the same time, streamers flickered above the light curtain.

  【Shares are being allocated! 】

  【The information is being modified! 】

  【Modification completed! 】


  The next moment, a phone call came.

   "Hello." Chen Yun picked it up.

"Hello Chairman, I am Ma Ke, a professional manager hired by Shengtian Entertainment. I just received the news that you have acquired the shares of the original Lu family and are now the largest shareholder of Shengtian Entertainment. I would like to ask you what to do next for Shengtian Entertainment. Tian Entertainment's strategic layout." The magnetic voice has a thick feeling.

   It is reassuring to listen to.

  At the same time, Chen Yun also understood the effectiveness of the system, and even bought the equity directly.

  The person who called should be the person who temporarily helped take care of Shengtian Entertainment.

  Professional managers.

  It is a person with professional management ability, and a worker who engages in management work for the benefit of the enterprise or other economic entities.

   That is to say, he is a senior executive. To put it bluntly, CEO (chief executive officer) mostly works for this profession.

   Manage the company for Chen Yun. If you can make a profit, you can continue to work. If you can’t make a profit, you can leave. This is the job of a professional manager.

  This is also the reason why the other party is so respectful to Chen Yun.

   "I don't have a strategic layout for the next stage yet, just follow your previous layout. If I have time, I will go there recently and check it out."

   "Alright Mr. Chen." After listening to Chen Yun's words, Ma Ke responded immediately and then hung up the phone.

the other side.

  Shengtian Entertainment near the glass curtain wall of the 100-story building.

  Marco overlooked the prosperity of Jiangcheng outside, and sighed silently. His heart was now churning with turmoil. He almost thought he made a mistake when he made a call just now.

   Listen to the voice of the other party, that is, a teenager, but!

   is such a boy!

   Now actually owns 80% of the shares of Shengtian Entertainment!

   And it was bought from the Lu family!

   You know, it’s not just about having money!

   There is also a background!

  The so-called three fires for the new official to take office, he originally thought that Chen Yun would make some big moves, but the other party didn't say anything.

do not care!

   Anyway, he is a professional manager!

  Although he is a CEO, he also works for others and makes money for others.

  If he can't make money for Chen Yun, then he doesn't have to do it.

  So now I still work hard for the new chairman!

   On board the yacht.

  Chen Yun hugged the back of his neck with both hands, and quickly calmed down. He found that his xinxing was improving rapidly.

  I believe that before long, he will be able to have a heart full of thunder and a face as calm as a lake.

  The three of Wang Menghan played with their mobile phones for a while, and then went straight to take a shower.

  After taking a shower, he changed into casual clothes and walked into the kitchen. An extremely delicious smell hit his face.

   It's mouth watering!

"Come and eat, I just processed it a little, without adding too much seasoning, so as to ensure the most original and delicious seafood." Chen Yun said, then took out a swimming crab from an iron basin, opened the crab shell, Eating crab roe.

   One bite, it is delicious and full of happiness!

  The two pots of seafood, including the splendid lobster, were boiled after a little processing.

   If you feel that the taste is not enough, dip some mashed garlic.

  This is the correct way to eat seafood.

  It’s like eating chili or spicy food in the mainland, haha.

   To put it bluntly, it not only conceals the umami taste of seafood.

   More importantly, Chen Yun felt that it was because the seafood was not fresh enough when it was shipped to the mainland, so he used a strong smell to cover up the stench.

   Seeing Chen Yun moving, the girls quickly sat down and took out seafood.

   One entrance, the entrance is Q bomb, the juice is delicious!

  The best taste in the world!

"too delicious!"

   "I used to eat minced garlic, but I didn't expect the boiled one to be several times more delicious than minced garlic!"

   "It's incredible."

  Wang Menghan looked at Chen Yun and shook her head. She really learned what it means to not waste food at Chen Yun's place.

   After the three of them ate for a while, they took out their mobile phones to post to Moments.

  For a while, public grievances boiled.

   This is simply pulling hatred!

  Lin Yu, Zhang Jing, and Wang Menghan's manager, Zhang Xiaozi, were all jealous, wishing they were all on the yacht now.

   After eating, the three girls were lying on the deck chairs basking in the sun.

  Xiaoxin touched her round belly with a satisfied face.

  The same goes for the other two girls, their stomachs are slightly protruding.

   Made it a bit big.

  It is difficult to turn over.

  However, they believed that if they were given another pot, they would still be able to finish it.

  After playing for a while, the four sailed back to the pier.

   Zhang Hai, who was playing poker with several people, looked at the luxury yacht returning, threw the cards in his hand, and walked out with a smile on his face.

   "Mr. Chen, you are back, are you satisfied with this trip? Did you encounter any difficulties?"

   "No, everything is fine, I leave this boat with you."

"Hey, okay, Mr. Chen, don't worry, leave it with me, I'll get someone to wipe it for you every day, to ensure that it's brand new whenever you come." Zhang Hai patted his chest, then took out the Zhonghua cigarette from his pocket, "Mr. Chen, would you like one?"

"I won't."

  Chen Yun smiled, "Then I will trouble you, and we will cooperate again when I have time."

   "Okay, okay."

   Zhang Hai watched the two cars drive away. This is the life of the rich and the young. The beauty of Xiangche has a million hands, so envious.

   The brothers around him are also ashamed of themselves.

   "Brother Hai, tell me, how much money does this master have? Tens of millions."

   "Ten million? See the watch on his hand? That little thing costs seven to eight hundred thousand! Three million for the car! And six million for the yacht behind!"

   "And when the yacht was signed later, they didn't come to see it, and they didn't care at all. You know how much money they have, right? They are different from those who sell and rent boats like us."

   A few words came out, and the brothers were shocked, their eyes widened suddenly, and they couldn't believe what they heard, it was too shocking!

   "We are incomparable with others, let's go back to play cards." Zhang Hai shook his head.

  (end of this chapter)