MTL - First Law-Chapter 11 Rubber factory on the verge of bankruptcy

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It is a bit dangerous to leave Gold Glitter Town at this time, but considering the steam furnace and the huge demand for rubber in Gold Glitter Town, Karen still handed over Gold Glitter Town to the kobolds and set off with Churchill.

Go early in the morning, hide in a crypt for a while at noon, and go on the road again at dusk.

Churchill was always able to find familiar crypts in the wilderness, and never wasted a minute on the road. A successful businessman was always built from the details.

Karen was very glad that Churchill was able to help him, and of course Churchill was also very glad that Karen gave him all the salt in the town of Glittering Gold.

Karen gained a lot of knowledge. She saw the hunched caveman, the ooze monster that feeds on the sand, and the fast-running ostrich. At noon the next day, she finally saw the legendary Aijiaer Snow Mountain. .

The majestic and straight pale-white mountain peaks pierced into the sky like a sword, and the sky below was covered with white clouds, and the emerald green coniferous forest all the way down to the wasteland.

This is Karen's destination, at the junction of the snow-capped mountains and the wilderness, a shallow tree plantation belt.

"Aijiaer Snow Mountain is the sacred mountain of the orcs. We believe that the top of the snow mountain is the sacred kingdom of the God of War, but no one has ever been able to climb this mountain." Churchill's face was full of piety. After officially entering the snow mountain area, He knelt on the ground and prayed for a quarter of an hour before returning to the road, "This holy mountain helped the orcs resist the tyrannical human race, but unfortunately it also blocked the development of the orcs and lost the strategic resource of the Aegean Sea. Establishing trade, the orc race can't be so poor, of course, if we can conquer this snow mountain, then there will be a big business route leading directly from east to west in Gold Shining Town."

"Are the orcs poor?"

Churchill smiled, "You can understand it as uncivilized." He didn't know how to explain to Karen that the world is developing at a high speed, but the orcs are still dominated by temples, and the way to train warriors is still to rely on temple enlightenment. In Churchill's view, the mutation of a warrior needs meat and milk, not so-called faith.

But he also had to admit that it was the difficult environment that gave birth to powerful warriors. Although humans were rich, they had never really conquered the orcs.

The two talked a lot about the history of the snow-capped mountains and the orcs. They entered the rubber factory without knowing it. They were speechless at the first sight, thinking they had come to the barren grass field.

At a glance, there are scattered yellow leaves, two machines scattered in the corner, and a huge monster in the only factory building is snoring.

"Griffin, Griffin." Churchill howled a few words at the top of his voice.

Perhaps it finally had an effect, the huge figure finally opened its figure, bang, a long nose was thrown out first, kicked up a lot of broken grass, and then stood up unsteadily.

This is the first time Karen saw Tai Fen. They are at least five times the height of ordinary people. Their thick hind legs support their chubby bodies and stand like legendary giants. Especially the nose is like a cannon barrel. .

"Churchill, you're finally here, do you have any bananas?" Griffin laughed immediately when he saw Churchill, and took a few steps like an earthquake.

"Not yet, I'm inquiring about banana trees, but they are rare, and I'm here to bring you business." Churchill shouted every word, "This is Karen, I master."

Griffin lowered his head, blinked his big eyes, and then stepped aside to let out the huge factory behind him, "Please."

Karen smiled helplessly, the other party's indifference made him a little uncomfortable.

"Boss, Griffin is the leader of this Taifen team. Since there are not many orders recently, he has a bad temper. They are usually asleep, but he is very easy to get along with." Churchill reminded.

It's really easy to get along with. After a few simple words, Karen has been upgraded to the other party's brother.

"Brother Karen, the rubber cauldron lid you want is fine. I'll make it tonight. The rubber water pipe is also simple. We have a lot of stock here."

Karen always feels that this Taifen is not real, at least you have to ask about the size of the pot lid or the length of the water pipe, this Taifen talks like drunk, especially the big nose, when he talks about it, he flicks it. dumped.

But after Karen saw the other party's craftsmanship, he didn't have so much to say. He could flatten the rubber with one foot. According to this progress, the lid that sealed the distillation pool could be made in half an hour.

"Karen, what do you do?" Griffin asked while working.

"Just settled in the town of gold, you can be considered a lord."

"Hello, lord. You are the most promising one. Maybe one day you can establish a kingdom or something. By the way, do you lack labor?" Griffin asked nonchalantly.

"There is no shortage." Churchill quickly interjected, "We are in the southwest of the wilderness, where it is so hot." After speaking, he quickly reminded Karen, "Boss, we have no shortage of people. There are more than a dozen Taifen here. They all came from the Orc Plateau. Originally, the businessman said he would build a rubber factory to do business in the wasteland, but who would have thought that he was frightened by the appetite of these Taifens. Instead of earning much money, he became poor. Don’t leave the factory behind. Run away."

Karen frowned, and was poor. Looking at Griffin's size, he had a big appetite, but the business of rubber in the wasteland should not be much worse. How could he be poor.

"Are you joking?"

"Boss, am I the kind to joke around? Do you know what they eat?"


"Bananas, each person can eat a big bundle a day. This group of Tai Fen was very hungry in the orc plateau. I heard that there is a man who wants to set up a banana factory to recruit people. The whole tribe has signed up, but here they see that it is rubber. , and immediately asked the businessman to buy them bananas, this group of Taifen, don’t look stupid, they can be very ruthless, they are serious orc heavy armored warriors, otherwise they will run away like fools.” Churchill laughed Said, "Now this group of Tai Fen is looking for a new master, but everyone has heard that they have a big appetite, but no one dares to accept this group of big guys."

Karen couldn't help laughing, she couldn't tell the difference between rubber and bananas, she was really stupid.

"Karen, you are the lord of Gold Town, right?" Griffin asked casually after stepping on a piece of rubber.

"Well, I just took over, so I'm not here to buy some materials from you."

"I heard that Gold Town is quite big."

"The area is not small, but it's all wasteland, so it's useless." Karen smiled. Anyway, he was idle and said some casual words to pass the time. This time, he came to solve the problem of the distillation cap, and waited for the water to flow out continuously. .

"It's good to have a large area, for example, there are many races. Oh, yes, our place seems to be within the scope of Gold Shining Town." Griffin seemed to think of something, and he yelled at the factory building regardless of the rubber in his hand. "Second and third, our new master is here, and he is still awake."

The sound was like thunder, but as soon as it fell, the ground rumbled and shook.


"Someone cares about our food and drink?"

In less than a moment, more than a dozen burly Taifen surrounded Karen, all smiling, and the lord lord kept shouting.

"Boss, what did you just say?" Churchill felt that something went wrong if he lost his mind, but Tai Fen was the real master.

"It's nothing, they insisted that this is the territory of the town of Gold." Karen smiled wryly.

"Nonsense, the territory of Gold Shining Town is at the foot of Aijiaer Snow Mountain, and this is already inside the Snow Mountain." Turning around, he directly argued with Tai Lifen, he couldn't be taken advantage of.

"Churchill, this was approved by Karen himself. I don't care. This is the territory of Gold Shining Town. Don't care about our food and drink. Don't even think about leaving the rubber factory." Griffin casually held up a rubber tree trunk, afraid that he would not understand As if, he deliberately emphasized, "Have you seen that piece of rubber forest? It has already occupied the border of Gold Shining Town."

Karen took a look, there is a large rubber forest from here to the edge of the wilderness, and indeed a few have sprouted on the wilderness.

Churchill was so angry, "Bandits, you gangsters, I don't admit it, and neither does my boss. Griffin, our order has been cancelled, don't try to get a banana from me."

"Humph, Karen, do you think we are your subjects? UUReading Book I just ask you a question." Griffin didn't tangle with Churchill at all. Locked on Karen, he saw that this human being had a thin skin.

Karen was a little dumbfounded, and there were people who were eager to give to Tai Fen who followed her, and the powerful Tai Fen said, "Okay, let's count."

"What, boss, are you right?" Churchill asked in disbelief.

"Hahaha, Churchill, did you hear that? He agreed, so we are now residents of Gold Shining Town, Karen, which means you have to control what we eat and drink, right?" Griffin said anxiously. asked.

Karen smiled and nodded, "That's right, but the premise is that you have to complete the tasks I assigned, then I will find a way to get you some bananas, and because of the current situation in the town of Gold, it is impossible for me to fill you up , at most guaranteed to be at the level of not starving to death."

"Okay, it's good if you don't starve to death. Churchill called you boss, and we call you that too. Boss, what do you say we do."

"It takes so long to finish the cover and the water pipe, it's a waste of time."

Churchill stopped in front of Karen, "Boss, you really agreed to take these Taifen, they are big eaters."

Karen nodded seriously. He was not aimless. Anyway, Gold Shining Town needs a lot of rubber. Instead of coming here for business every time, it would be better to have a rubber factory. The rubber forest in front of me is large enough to meet the needs of Gold Shining Town. .

He smiled, "I'm sober, Churchill, it seems you have an extra task, help me find some bananas."


"Yes, you! Use all means to get a batch first, and you can use all resources, such as the most important thing in our Flash Gold Town, salt."