MTL - First Law-Chapter 13 Lame Ponton

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Churchill was completely dumbfounded. Even though he knew that Karen could get salt, it was impossible for him to imagine that half of the pool the size of Gold Town was covered with salt.

His eyes were so yellow and white that it hurt, and he felt like he was completely dreaming.

"How much steel can I change?" Karen asked with a smile.

"Boss, you can have as much as you want." Churchill shouted proudly.

"Can we keep Griffin?"

"If we continue to develop on this scale, we can afford to support the entire Taifen." Churchill is now completely sure of his judgment. Karen has extraordinary magic power, and Gold Town will be completely changed.

The kobolds now have a job to do. They have to pack the salt from the ground into their pockets, and before the wasteland becomes completely cold, send these things to Steel Town to bring back the steel the murlocs need.

They have to hurry up.

Everyone put things into their pockets with the greatest effort, and at the same time, in order to celebrate today's gold-shining town's harvest, everyone was given a small glass of rum as an exception.


This is something that ordinary kobolds would never think of in their dreams. The pleasure of burning through their throats made these kobolds fully understand what it means to be uncomfortable, but even the women poured what was given to them into it throat.

Tick ​​tock!

Churchill's ox cart turned back and handed it to Mondo, asking him to bring back the same bananas the next day.

Griffin has never thought that a human is so pleasing to the eye. Even though the air is still dry and he has to hide in the cave every day, he still likes it here. He only needs to carry the water tank to fill the pool and lift the water cover. Completely done.

Even the rubber factory doesn't need to be taken care of, a few kobolds will guard it, they just need to collect the rubber and send it to Gold Shining Town for processing.

Griffin was even thinking about having a second child. If Gold Shining Town develops smoothly, basic life should not be a problem. He can raise two more children, and he doesn't have to worry about the children's future life.

Now he began to spend part of his time practicing the skills of the orcs, thinking about when Karen could help them build a long-nosed totem or something like that.

"Come, come, come, try your luck."

Karen dug out the only corpse with a smile. This was the last item he looted from Blue Mountain City. The town of Gold Glitter has basically stabilized in the past two days.

The salt produced was directly transported by Churchill to the steel town, and then the steel was exchanged for consumables such as bananas, canvas, and fruit materials, temporarily forming a stable balance.

The kobolds are busy digging new wells. According to Karen's plan, to meet the development needs of Gold Flash Town, at least ten distillation pools are needed, and there must be matching wells.

Tai Fen has to do enough to make enough rubber covers and water pipes.

Karen felt that this paragraph was not bad, so she planned to dispose of the last corpse. After all, the achievement of a necromancer still depends on the quantity and quality of the undead themselves.

Karen glanced at the corpse, it was a bit old, maybe it had been buried in the ground for too long, and the whole body was completely decomposed. Lich is impossible, at most, it can summon a special skeleton.

He wished he was lucky, at least this material was a great magician.

It has to be said that a good mood is the best condition for the skeleton to mutate. The moment his fingers left the skeleton, the skeleton jumped up reflexively.

Turning around and staring at the great wilderness outside for a while, he lowered his body and grabbed a handful of loess, finally sighed pretendingly, and walked towards the door.

is a lame.

Her left leg seemed to be bitten by something, and she was limping, but Karen smiled.

The more a skeleton moves after being successfully summoned, the more developed its intelligence is, and the more knowledge it inherits during its lifetime.

"Buck, be firm to me. If you make a mistake, I won't dismantle you." Karen reprimanded with a smile, and now he is eager to see what baby he summoned.

Name: Ponton

Title: 'Cripple' Master Builder

Race: Phoenician Human

The Power of Deathrattle: Plans for Ponton City

Karen stared carefully at the skeleton walking back and forth in the room, so excited that she didn't know what to say.


The most famous ancient city of Ponton on the Aegean Continent, the second largest human metropolis, a perfect city built with the most advanced alchemy civilization and demon secrets.

As long as one understands the history, no one does not know the greatness of the ancient city of Ponton. If it is not because of the sudden volcanic eruption, the ancient city of Ponton is fully capable of becoming the largest metropolis of mankind and the jewel in the palm of the Aegean continent.

And this ancient city is named after the designer.

He couldn't believe that he had actually touched the bones of a great city-state designer, and he couldn't figure out how Ponton, who was supposed to be in the middle of the human race, was buried in such a remote place as Blue Mountain College.

He was sure that the one he successfully summoned was the most famous Ponton in history, because he accidentally fell off the lame leg while visiting a dynasty ruins.

"Cripple" Ponton, the excavator of the alchemy civilization, the peak art master, and the architect favored by the Creator God.

Even Karen, a layman in history, can name a few titles, and there are countless titles in the professional field. This is a man who truly stands on the top of the world.

Karen touched his chest. He felt that the God of Creation was taking care of him. He stepped forward and held Ponton's skinny palm tightly, "Mr. Ponton, I'm glad you're alive."

Ponton looked at Karen with empty eyes, but he didn't have the slightest excitement of resurrection. He squeezed out a few words from his mouth, "Boss, what can I do for you?"

Karen smiled wryly and shook his head. There is no way, there are still many differences between a skeleton and a real person. He only hopes that this skeleton can inherit one percent of Ponton's talent during his lifetime.

"Churchill, bring me the blueprints of Gold Glitter Town." Karen was in a great mood. It would be a waste of resources to have such a master architect not to be used.

He is going to hand over all the recent construction tasks of Gold Glitter Town to Ponton. If possible, he also hopes that Gold Glitter Town can develop into a world capital like the ancient city of Ponton.

Ponton just looked down and asked Karen to take him around the town of Gold.

"Boss, this loess road needs to be modified. My proposal is to use the simplest asphalt road, which is the most stable road in hot weather."

"Golden Flash Town should have its own gravel yard. Stone materials will always be an indispensable resource for the development of the town."

"Lumberyards are critical, we can't put precious currency on wood, and that has to be fixed."

Churchill followed behind and listened. He felt that the skeleton was talking big. These things are not as simple as just talking about them. They require manpower. With only a few kobolds in Gold Shining Town, it is difficult to dig a distillation pool, let alone build one. Logging camps and quarries too.

"Mr. Ponton, I think we should solve the most urgent problem. We don't have enough wells. How to store as much fresh water as possible is the key." Churchill retorted directly, no matter who Ponton was. Possibility is to store salt and fresh water, with these two others don't have to worry about.

The skeleton glanced at Churchill, as if with a bit of contempt, "Who suggested building the well?"

Churchill looked at Karen, and Karen smiled, "Me."

"This is simply absurd. Using so much manpower to build wells is a complete waste. Boss, you told me that all the fresh water is obtained through distillation. UU Reading and there is a rubber plant in Gold Shining Town." factory, so we can make our own rubber pipes, right?"

Karen nodded, but she couldn't figure out the meaning of Ponton's words.

Ponton led Karen directly to the eastern outskirts of Gold Shining Town, pointing to a large piece of naturally sunken land and said, "This place is at least 5 calipers deeper than the normal ground, and it is absolutely possible to use some alchemy equipment or special species to carry out large-scale operations. , and then we lead the rubber pipe of the distillation tank here, and you can put as much water as you want."

Churchill thought it was funny, the basin was at least seven or eight times the size of Gold Glitter Town, it was so funny that this skeleton wanted to treat such a huge area just as a water storage pool, "Ponton, are you kidding me?"

"Churchill, don't challenge my profession with your ignorance. What I said is quite serious, and it is indeed feasible. In the human race, an ordinary magic crystal crane can complete this project in five days. I also know the size of the earth dragon. Earthquake can also cause range collapse, even though the wilderness environment is very harsh, I believe that some species of large-scale construction sites can be found, which is not rare."

Karen thought about it quietly. At first he also thought it was a fantasy, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that it was indeed feasible. This wasteland can continuously extract fresh water. Now the shortage of wells is a big problem. He can dig ten more wells. But it can't fundamentally solve the problem.

If this project starts, it will be equivalent to creating a freshwater lake in the wasteland. The project is huge, but this will solve the problem of fresh water storage in the entire Gold Flash Town once and for all, and even improve the natural environment of the wasteland itself.

Fortunately, it was Ponton, whose vision was completely different from theirs.

"Churchill, can you find these engineering races?"