MTL - First Law-Chapter 450 birth hole

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The old man was chasing closely behind the aircraft like a rocket. As soon as the sea water rushed up, it was turned into water vapor by the blazing flames on the old man's body surface, causing the entire northern sea to be filled with smoke.

The strange thing is that the old man has been pressed into a small red spot by the sea water, but this little red spot cannot be extinguished no matter what.

Obviously, it wasn't that the old man had special abilities, but that he acquired special abilities the moment he came into contact with that square box. Karen somewhat understood the fact that the square box didn't belong to this world.

And the ability he bestowed cannot be destroyed casually in this world.

The red dot in the form of the old man was getting closer and closer, and through the screen, he could even see the joy of the old man about to get the box, so much joy that his entire face was distorted.

At this moment, Karen knew what the consequences would be. Once the old man and the square box were fused, it was unknown what monster would be born.

"Boss, what should I do!" Campas stood beside Karen and asked with concern. As the commander-in-chief of the attack on Floating Cloud Continent, he was a little flustered now. It would be a matter of time before the aircraft was caught up. He couldn't think of how to destroy it. Get rid of this old man who has completely turned into flames.

In the meeting room, everyone looked at Karen. In this life-and-death situation, only Karen can give orders.

"Execute Plan No. 3!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone let out a sigh of relief. This is a special plan made by the joint military generals of Campas. When it is necessary, the source of evil must be thrown elsewhere.

Since the fallen angels were able to throw this scourge into the Far East Sea, they could also throw this thing out.

Although this is a bit inhumane, there is no way.

At the beginning, Karen formulated plans No. 1 and No. 2, either destroying it in the nearest Floating Cloud Continent, or controlling the disaster to the north of the Far East Sea.

It's a pity that this is just an illusion. The various methods that the Golden Town has adopted are of no help to the entire square box. Even the most advanced undead power in the Golden Town has no reaction when it falls on the square box.

Sky Island has clearly judged through the data that there is no way to crack the surface of the Golden Town now, let alone destroy it.

After the aircraft made a large arc over the Far East Sea, it began to fly towards the center of the Far East Sea. With its big tail flick, it managed to shake off the red dot behind it, but it was delayed for at least half a minute. caught up.

The moment the red dot approached the aircraft, the aircraft suddenly fell. Before the old man could react, it fell straight to the sea. But at this moment, a crack suddenly appeared at the intersection of the sea and the aircraft.

The aircraft was like a stone smashed into the lake, splashing a thin layer of space ripples, and completely disappeared.

It wasn't until it disappeared completely that everyone in the conference room let out a long sigh of relief. That place from time to time is the teleportation point connecting the Aegean Sea to the dead triangle.

Plan No. 3 is to send the source of evil to the Triangle of Death. Anyway, there is a passage leading to the whole world, and the undead know where they can go.

"Boss, that old man!" Campas shouted hurriedly, pointing at the screen.

The old man on the screen first stood still on the surface of the aircraft for a few seconds, and suddenly black flames ignited with his hands, and he slammed into the space like a mad dog, as if an old man who was digging a grave wanted to dig out what he wanted.

What can be dug out are only space fragments. The moment these fragments separated from each other, they smashed into the Far East Sea like meteors, passed through the sea surface and directly penetrated to the surface of the earth, triggering a volcanic eruption.

In less than a moment, the entire surface of the sea seemed to be boiled by the magma erupting from the bottom of the sea.

Driven by ocean currents, these scalding sea water poured into the remaining continents, instantly cleaning all the creatures on the continents.

Once the space debris falls on the continent, the entire continent will instantly ignite like grease and turn into a sea of ​​flames.

The old man kept pawing and pulling, his hands and claws were completely red and black, and his whole body became thinner and thinner, like a bubble, as if it could be blown away in one breath.

But in front of him is a dark hole, the hole seems to be sealed, trying to spray things in an endless stream.

Originally, there were only sand-like stones, but after leaving the space cave, they became hills. From time to time, there were cruise ships in the original state, the corpses of giant beasts, and even a scarlet castle sprayed out.

"Boss, he's creating holes!" Colbert shouted urgently.

Cavities, also known as wormholes in alchemy, are gaps dug out in the mysterious space, somewhat similar to the teleportation array, but completely different.

The void itself is flawed. If the space itself is a dam full of water, then the void is a small opening dug at the bottom of the dam, and the accumulated water in the entire dam will inevitably spew out through this small opening.

What the cavity itself ejects is not ordinary water, but any substance that exists in this world.


Suddenly, there was a fiery roar on the screen. The moment a small metal dot detached, it rapidly expanded and turned into a huge creature with three heads, two wings, and six legs, comparable to a giant worm. This creature paused briefly in the air, three Suddenly one reveals, and three golden beams of light rush out.

The surface of the sea suddenly rose up and directly turned into a golden hill, and all the sea water around the hill turned into gold.

"Three-headed golden dragon!"

Philips exclaimed in surprise, this is an ancient species in the Atlantic Ocean, and it is even rarer than a giant dragon, but his astonishment has not yet subsided, a giant figure comparable to the Aijiaer Snow Mountain has fallen on the sea .

I saw him scratching the back of his head in a simple and honest way, holding the seabed and barely standing up, the Far East sea only submerged to the opponent's waist, if you lift your leg, you will be a huge wave, and a small jump will be a violent hurricane.

The colossal giant jumped three times in the air, and came to a continent, dragging the two sides of the continent with both hands, and pulled the continent up.

At this moment, all the creatures in the conference room were stunned. They didn't know what kind of creature it was. If they didn't have the body of a savage, they would have thought it was a guy on the same level as the Aegean Continent.

"Boss, I can't wait!" Campas shouted in a hurry. If the hole continues to expand, it is unknown what creatures will come. In just a short while, more than 30 unknown creatures have appeared in the north of the Far East Sea. , more than 30 surrounding continents perished directly.

In the vast north of the Far East Sea, except for the three more fortunate continents, including the Aegean continent, there are only six continents left.

If it wasn't for that ancient giant who sat down quietly, I am afraid that war has already broken out in the Aegean Continent.

How could Karen not know the dangers of these things, but what could he do? The surrounding area of ​​that hollow was filled with strange creatures, any one of which was stronger than Qatar at its peak.

He is slightly stronger than Qatar now, but there is still a gap with these strong men. He understands how much he is, and the current Aegean Continent has no qualifications to head-on with these strong men.

From the moment she unearthed the box, Karen knew that the world was not peaceful.

What is now considered is not the surrounding environment, but how to get what you want as soon as possible in this chaos.

From the very beginning, Karen was clear that she wanted a continent.

"Give up the void!"

Everyone was puzzled by Karen's order, and it's unknown what kind of terrifying guy will appear here if the void develops.


"Get the Floating Cloud Continent first!" Karen simply gave the order, "Immediately send everyone to control the Floating Cloud Continent and eliminate all unnecessary personnel. At the same time, I will use the Aegean Continent to pull the Floating Cloud Continent into the rotation trajectory."

"But what about the situation in the Far East Sea?" Campas asked.

"Don't worry about it, the most important thing now is to annex the Floating Cloud Continent before other creatures notice it." Karen spoke in a hurry, and didn't even patiently explain to these generals, directly ordered actions, and even issued special privileges. Special measures can be taken when necessary.

After everyone stared at his own shadow, "Are you ready?"

The shadow slowly rises and turns into a human form. It is the owner of the Floating Cloud Continent, "Don't worry, I can sense the heart of the Floating Cloud Continent. As long as I fuse, I will guide it into the orbit of the Aegean Continent. Karen, this requires some time."

"how long!"

"At least three days!" Shadow said hastily.

Karen hesitated for a moment, this time is not short, the Far East Sea was born a hole, I don't know how many creatures poured in in three days, especially the creatures on the Atlantic Ocean, all of them appeared here were epic existences, even the golden three-headed dragon. s legend.

Floating Cloud Continent has undergone the transformation of the Kanfang Box, and the entire continent has appeared the characteristics of the Age of Gods.

Such a blessed place, legendary powerhouses like the Golden Triceratops must notice, and want to fight for three days under the siege of these existences.

It's hard!

"No problem!" Karen said calmly, "but be sure!"