MTL - First Law-Chapter 473 Aid to the East Indian Continent

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In the British jungle, at the top of the pyramid, the U-shaped transmitter rotates slowly, and every time it rotates, it can emit thousands of vibration ripples.

And in the depths of the orc plateau in the westernmost part of the Aegean continent, after receiving this signal, it began to vibrate in a feedback manner.

The ripples of the two vibrating towers are not the same, but through this misalignment, it is possible to form an overfrequency vibration wave that completely restrains flying birds. If there is an instrument to detect these ripples, you can clearly see the ripples that emanate from the two towers as the origin. It happens to wrap the Aegean continent like an eggshell.

In the edge region, the ripples of this vibration are extremely dense.

Once the flying bird approaches, these ripples will drill into the opponent's brain immediately and cause damage.

On the big Ming screen of the pyramid U-shaped tower, the birds are still falling in pieces, foaming at the mouth from time to time when they land on the ground, just rolling their eyes randomly...

The soldiers on patrol only need to walk over, knock them out with iron bars, tie them up and send them to specific chariots.

"It's amazing, the Asuka, which we have been unable to do anything about, has been solved so easily."

"This is the power of magic!"

"Golden Town is so great! We can definitely become the most powerful territory!"

At this moment, inside the pyramid U-shaped tower, several figures were discussing something in low voices, but the words were mostly relaxed, and they were obviously happy for this battle.

"The U-shaped tower has achieved initial results, and the plague of flying birds should have passed. This time the tactics were used well. According to preliminary statistics, at least 300,000 flying birds were shot down. Griffin, you should be praised by the boss."

"The effect is better than I imagined, but Asuka can't be underestimated. The picture just captured by the monitoring eye shows that the entire Alchemy Continent has fallen and swallowed this continent. Asuka's scale must be expanded by at least ten times."

"Hmph, that group of gutless guys didn't use their advanced alchemy techniques, but they just wanted to run away, and they deserved it if they died."

"Yes, the Alchemy Continent is not a pity, but this time the East India Continent was also severely affected. Almost all the borders have fallen. It is still in war. If there is no timely support, I am afraid that this continent will also fall."

"Hey, if only they had shaking towers too!"

After devouring several continents in a row, Asuka multiplied rapidly and began to attack several main battlefields.

The Alchemy Continent did not resist at all, and fell directly. Except for some nobles who fled to the bottom of the sea, almost no living creatures survived, and the huge continent was completely turned into a fertilizer.

It is a pity for them to be in the East Indian Continent. Although Ma Mazi is actively resisting, it is difficult to make a difference due to the limitations of technology and ability. In addition, he has just become a queen and fully supports the construction of the high tower in Jinshi Town, wasting a lot of time to deal with the enemy. So it will be defeated across the board.

Griffin glanced at the screen, and the picture was the edge of the continent. These birds were testing through different borders, hoping to find a defense gap.

As soon as the screen changed, it was already on the East Indian Continent. Birds were landing on the roof, and a smelting room was reduced to ashes with a mouthful of acid.

In front of the giant flying bird, the running dwarves looked like ants.

The difference between the two continents is because of a weapon. He admires Karen a little now. If it weren't for his dedicated support of the magician's research results, a new type of building like a giant pyramid U-shaped vibration tower would be impossible to come out. It is even more impossible to achieve the current results.

Although the birds are far from being wiped out, they have already won a decisive victory. In the future, as long as the U-shaped towers are continuously expanded, an anti-encirclement trend can be formed.

At this moment, the video camera suddenly rang, and Karen's face appeared on the screen with a serious expression.

"Well done, the tactics are beautiful!"

Griffin scratched the back of his head foolishly, "The boss's weapon is good. With the U-shaped tower, other generals can do it too. This is not due to me alone."

"Yes, I have already asked Churchill to prepare for the commendation conference. However, you can't rest now. The East Indian continent is being invaded by birds. It is planned to build the same U-shaped tower for the East Indian continent. Due to time constraints, the overall equipment is not as good as ours. Okay, but as long as you can withstand the birds, Griffin, I order you to select fighters and support the East Indian Continent!"

"Okay, boss, I'm leaving right now!"

This is the result that Griffin had expected. Karen would not ignore the East Indian Continent. After he came to the Eastern Indian Continent through the teleportation array, he received a warm welcome, but it was Ma Mazi who Griffin respected the most.

Although the other party was petite and pale, like an ordinary weak woman, Griffin, who knew the inside story, was very aware of the weight of this woman.

This ordinary woman conquered Karen, and was even able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Alice.

The moment he saw Ma Mazi, Griffin gave the highest military salute, and then directly entered the tower to command the battle. With the help of the simulated **** provided by Jinshijin Town, a miniature vibration field was established between the city-states .

Although this vibration field cannot kill the birds, it can interfere with the attacks of the birds through vibrations of different frequencies. In this way, the situation was quickly stabilized and the time for the construction of the U-shaped tower was bought.

On the third day, the overall project of the U-shaped tower was completed, and the defense forces of Gold Shining Town began to enter the East Indian Continent through this, and the United Dwarves began to garrison between the city-states.

On the fifth day, the U-shaped tower was completed as a whole, Griffin released the start button, and the birds began to land like raindrops.

The streets and alleys of East India are full of corpses, and the plague of birds that has plagued East India for half a year has been completely eliminated in just one week.

The third prince admired the high-end weapons in Jinjin Town, especially the soldiers who came to support them, they were all like tigers and wolves.

Just when he thought that these soldiers would be permanently stationed in the East Indian Continent and seize the city-state, Karen ordered that these soldiers who were still at war enter the teleportation formation without hesitation.

It took less than three hours from the start of the retreat to the departure of the last soldier. With Griffin's departure, the bird invasion on the East Indian continent came to an end.

The whole process was so clean that the princes were stunned.

Now, they finally understood why Ma Mazi was able to rise, and why they devoted all their strength to help Shining Gold Town. The reward was so worth it.

If Karen is not supported, it is still unknown when the East Indian Continent will defeat Asuka. Now they have not only resolved the crisis, but also won such a powerful ally.

The third prince is glad that East India has found such a powerful ally. With the relationship between Ma Mazi and Karen, the future of East India will be bright.

But the eldest prince regretted it, and when he learned that the owner of the support force this time was the human mage who had visited him, he stopped talking.

Now he finally understands the real meaning of what the other party said 'my friendship is not so easy to obtain'.

If, he meant, if he had agreed to the other party back then, although he would not have such a high status as Ma Mazi, he would definitely be countless times more prosperous than he is now.

But this opportunity is really gone forever.

However, when I learned that the gold-shining town held a commendation meeting for the combatants, I entered the Aegean Continent immediately, but unfortunately I couldn't become a member of the VIPs. Looking up at Karen like a pearl like a living being.

The entire celebration will last for three days, during which there will be celebrations, commendations, technical seminars and summaries, and the comfort of the deceased. At the same time, Karen will receive guests and discuss the future surrounding strategies against Asuka.

"Regret it!" The third prince laughed and patted his elder brother on the shoulder. He also regretted it. He didn't feel it until he left East India, but he didn't know what life was until he entered Gold Shining Town. UU Reading

The whole town is full of magic lights, surrounded by high-rise buildings, there is everything to eat and drink in the mainland, and space applications are ubiquitous.

A shop that is only half the size of a room, but when you enter it, there are more than a dozen floors of space shopping malls surrounded by layers. A grocery store with only a few weapons is connected to more than a dozen space weapon arsenals behind it.

Space backpack, space paddy field, time flow speed pill, magic intelligent robot, magic gold watch, advanced attribute wrist wheel.

Many, many things have never been heard.

He, the majestic prince of the East Indian mainland, is not as good as an ordinary resident here, especially after hearing about the welfare of the residents, his eyes immediately began to shine.

"Hey, what can I do to regret it? Compared with Gold Shining Town, we are so many steps behind." The eldest prince sighed, and now he finally understands that it is definitely not accidental that Gold Shining Town can create a U-shaped tower.

There are the most magic shops here, and each magic shop displays tens of thousands of items. This is still a small shop, and some large shops display as many as one million items of magic products.

The Kenneth Association, which is very sacred in the East Indian Continent, only occupies one house here. Although there is room for expansion, the facade looks a bit shabby.

Especially the creatures here, they would rather wear the badge of the residents of Gold Glitter Town than the magic wrist ring produced by the Kenneth Association.

So personal!

This territory was exactly what he wanted.

He is so sorry!