MTL - First Law-Chapter 476 find a way

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Seeing that another round of deadlock was imminent, Karen stood up and clearly supported Philips' point of view.

"Philips is right. Gold Town does not raise idlers. If there is really no solution, then I would rather use the most stupid force to exterminate them. At least there is some use in turning them into undead, which is better than wasting resources alive." That's good. Then the problem now is much simpler, how to get these refugees to work quickly."

Karen's words immediately led everyone's thinking to work. If there is no good way, they will use force to exterminate them.

Of course, this requires Karen to make up her mind.

Karen is also hesitating.

He knows that sometimes extinction is a heavy measure, and such a mass extinction will inevitably shake all living beings, but this kind of internal cleanup can allocate resources with better quality.

The cake is just that big. If you want to feed these people, you must reduce the number of people who eat the cake.

It's ruthless, but it's a means of survival.

This was the last thing he wanted to do. He had to use his brain to imagine what these refugees, who had become a disaster, could do.

Cleaning, making snacks, brewing wine?

These ideas flashed through Karen's mind one by one, and were rejected one by one. This kind of basic life post was replaced by machinery before the refugee wave broke out. He couldn't let the advanced civilization retreat any further. Let's go back.

Karen's eyes swept over the senior executives of the Gold Shining Town one by one, and in exchange for a longer silence.

No one answered, and no one dared to take the initiative to meet Karen's gaze.

"Okay, let's sort out how big the problem is now." Karen took the initiative to change the subject, circling in a dead end is destined to have no way out, if the needs of Gold Shining Town are prioritized, maybe we can find a way to solve the problem.

Refugees are a tough nut to crack. To deal with this kind of problem, we must calm down and deal with it one by one.

Hearing what Karen said, Colbert was not polite, "Sky Island lacks a test site, and now many conjectures cannot be verified by tests. Karen, there are now 78 test sites on five sky islands, but There are as many as 100,000 conjectures to be verified, and in many cases, before the verification of one experiment is completed, another experiment will start immediately, and there is no chance to conclude.”

"Well, that's a good question!" Karen took out his notebook and recorded it, and concluded: "Sky Island is the pillar of Gold Town so far. The shortage of test sites is indeed a big problem. This problem is urgent and must be resolved immediately. I think Two empty islands for professional experiments should be built separately, Colbert, please investigate, and you will tell me the specific number of empty islands later.”

Seeing that Karen replied immediately, everyone opened their eyes wide.

This kind of opportunity is rare. They can only obtain resources through their own efforts. The most important thing is that Karen usually doesn't care about the specific affairs of Gold Flash Town, but now he can directly discuss them.

Everyone knows that the resources that Karen mobilizes are much wider than theirs. Not only the entire Aegean continent, but also the resources of the Sea of ​​Elves and the East Indian continent, they cannot directly attack them.

Philips was the most shrewd. Before Colbert finished speaking, he immediately took over.

"Boss, the Golden Port needs at least three large material ports. Especially now that the seabed transportation industry is open, it is very important to establish our own port docking in the deep sea. If we can build three to ten large seabed storage warehouses on the seabed, our export The volume of goods will reach its heyday.”

"The idea is good and it can be implemented." Karen commented briefly.

Now everyone was stunned. Philips was just a guess and hadn't conducted a normal test. This kind of investment meant great risk.

It is a taboo for a lord to invest without guaranteeing a return.

"Boss, the Great Onyx Wasteland has begun to show the trend of metropolitanization. We need to strengthen the continuity between the various territories on the wasteland and the Gold Shining Town, so we need to build a tighter transportation network and underground hub." Churchill reported.

"The golden U-shaped vibrating towers simply cannot cover the entire territory of the Aegean Continent. According to our military's calculations, at least five towers are needed to ensure the basic defense needs of the continent itself. If some backup means are added, at least seven towers are needed. All right." Griffin also struck while the iron was hot.

Hey Moore is also anxious, "Boss, energy is the core of Gold Flash Town. Now we only have two reactors, and the two furnaces are already operating at overload. With the rapid population growth, the energy consumption will be rapid. Increase, this kind of operation is extremely irregular, and a furnace is not allowed to make mistakes. Boss, you know that any instrument may be paralyzed, and the same is true for magic furnaces, so I suggest increasing the number of furnaces.

At the same time, it can increase the nature of the furnace itself. In addition to the energy of the undead, it is best for us to master the energy of other systems. "

"Mr. Black Moore is right. The built-in magic stone in the Ice Kingdom itself also needs new investment and evaluation. Relying on the current technology can no longer keep up with the current pace of development in Gold Town. Upgrading is an inevitable trend."

"The racial integration of the wasteland itself is also an urgent problem to be solved. More and more creatures from orcs, ice fields, sea people, humans, and elves are gathering in the wilderness. These races have different beliefs, and these beliefs are extremely easy to conflict, so I hope to strengthen cultural education among races.

"Boss, the orc factory is also facing a lot of pressure now. The magicians only know how to provide technology. In this war, the orc factory is almost always giving priority to the production of related parts of the pyramid U-shaped tower. In addition, the establishment of the phoenix tower , a batch of new products have been released, but now the Orc factory is facing huge pressure on the factory buildings and personnel, according to my calculations, the Orc factory must be expanded by at least five times its current scale..."


Karen's sudden voice interrupted the high-level management who were about to report, and swallowed some of the things they wanted to publish, and coughed.

Everyone looked at Karen, wondering.

Karen didn't seem to see the doubts on everyone's faces. She looked through the crowd and landed on a tauren behind Campas. She stood up and walked straight to him, "What's your name?"

Everyone looked over at the same time. This tauren was wearing linen work clothes and a pair of thick black rubber shoes on his feet. The oil rubbed against the two horns used to shine, obviously because of the magic grease all year round. The only thing special was his chest. Artisan Badge.

The badge was golden, and a quietly tempering **** flashed under the light for a moment. It was the God of Craftsman, and this was the highest level of craftsman badge in Gold Town.

However, a craftsman of this level is high above the outside, but all the top giants of Gold Shining Town attended this meeting, and his kind of character is really not good enough.

"Karen, he is my nephew." Campas came over in a panic to explain that he had secretly put it in, the purpose was to let this nephew experience the high-level meeting in Gold Town.

Strictly speaking, he has no such qualifications at all.

Karen ignored Campas at all, staring straight at the tauren, "I don't know you!"

The tauren trembled, he knew that something was wrong, and the cold eyes around him told him that he had committed an unforgivable crime.

This is stealing secrets.

"I... My name is... Red Hoof! Tauren!" Red Hoof said tremblingly, closing his eyes, already prepared for the worst.

But after waiting for a long time, Karen didn't get her punishment. She squinted her eyes and saw that Karen had already walked to the bookcase and took off the high hanging map.

Karen spread the map flat in front of Red Hoof, and asked directly, "Say what you just said again."

"My name is Red Hoof, Tauren!"

"Not this sentence! It's about the factory!"

Red Hoof immediately came to his Knowing that there will be no punishment for the time being, he boldly said: "Boss, I mean the Orc factory has reached its limit, and many good experiments can't be transformed into products at all. Take the construction of the pyramid U-shaped tower as an example, and we are already doing our best."

"Oh, how much do you think the orc factory needs to expand."

"At least five times, but the orcs are not that big, and they don't have that many people." Red Hoof smiled wryly.

"People? Aren't there a lot of them now? As for the Orc Plateau, it's really not suitable as a factory. The factory itself still has some pollution, especially when the Orc Plateau is close to Gold Shining Town. These pollutions have gradually endangered Gold Shining Town. Someone once told me about the hazards of factory waste, but I haven't noticed it yet, since the factory is going to be expanded, it will be solved together, what do you think?"

When Karen said this, someone quickly realized,

"Boss, you are saying that it is indeed a good idea to place all these refugees in factories. They all have a certain foundation in alchemy and can become suitable workers with a little training."

"Not only that, but the factory can be settled down, and their ability can be tested at the same time. As long as they are outstanding, they can be promoted to the empty island again."

Everyone nodded and said yes, but soon the problem came. The factory needs land. Now these refugees are everywhere in the Aegean continent. They occupy more space than the factory. If these people are resettled in To go to the factory, even if the entire Aegean continent is built into a factory, it will not be let go.

"Everyone, what do you think of moving our factories to the bottom of the sea?"