MTL - First Law-Chapter 533 Honduras

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Karen left a devilish smile on her face, and turned to look at Mo Luo who was wrapped in thunder.

At this moment, the other party no longer had the tranquility, happiness and fanaticism of the past, but annoyance and pain, his whole face seemed to be grabbed by more than a dozen hands, and he was hideous, more like a child who was deceived. It's anger.

As the anger erupted, the surrounding thunder surged more and more terrifyingly, and even threatened to explode the entire Aegean Continent.

Obviously, Molo is stronger than Karen, and this existence controlled Thunder much earlier than him.

"No need to do anything!" Karen smiled confidently, "Tell everyone to be prepared to collect data."

"Collecting data?" Cabras didn't know Karen's intentions, but he soon understood.

I saw that Karen first asked Coppert to repair the memory again. As for those that cannot be repaired at all, they can completely make up according to their ideas.

Cutting up memories is difficult, but seamlessly connecting a modified memory is Coppert's forte.

In particular, this kind of memory was deliberately tampered with by Karen, which almost turned Vanessa into a **** girl who completely played with emotions, and Karen even added a fragment of Vanessa's confession to herself.


This word came from Mo Luo's mouth, his face was twisted to the extreme, and his whole body was completely transformed into a thunderbolt. Thick thunderbolt arms grew out, tearing at random the bone strength bound to his body.

The strength of the bones was passing away rapidly, and even many fragments had been broken. Naturally, it was not that Moluo had escaped the shackles, but Karen did it on purpose.

As Mo Luo's thunder became more and more extreme, the binding bones finally began to break, and as the last one became a bubble, Mo Luo instantly exploded thousands of times like an inflated balloon, and turned into a woman who was comparable to love. The Qin Continent is even bigger than the Thunder Giant.

The golden thunder quickly precipitated and condensed into bronze-colored original skins. Thunders shot out from the pores of the skin, like giant thunder dragons roaring.

This is much more powerful than the Thunder Dragon.

Thunder continued to settle, and the continent formed by Moluo became more and more solid. In the end, Karen couldn't even feel that the opponent was a continent, nor was it Thunder, as if it was really a huge creature.

Finally, the thunder on Mo Luo's body surface finally calmed down, and layers of fine static light flowed slowly on the body surface.

But this kind of tranquility brought more danger to Karen. He subconsciously sensed the danger, and raised the energy of bone fission to the extreme, turning it into a bone shield to block in front of him.

The moment the bone shield took shape, a violent force smashed straight at it, passing through the bone shield and penetrating into every corner of the Aegean continent.

At this moment, Karen actually felt disintegrated.

The bone aura kept floating and sinking, and Molo's thunder was berserk, and the attacking speed and strength far exceeded Karen's expectation.

Before Karen could stand still, a sense of danger suddenly came, and he could only support the bone shield.

Sure enough, it was another berserk bombardment. This time it was more terrifying than the last time. The bone shield erupted from the ultimate bone fission cracked instantly, and the force that was neutralized by 90% still pierced through the lower left corner of the Aegean Continent.

Now that Karen has transformed into the Aegean Continent, her pain sense has been greatly reduced, but she can still feel the heart-piercing pain, as if an arm was chopped off by a human being.

"Boss, he is too strong!"

"He is very skilled in controlling this kind of power, we must avoid its edge!"

"Through data analysis, the Aegean Continent can support at most three such destructive shocks."

All kinds of data were gathered in Karen's mind. As a personal fighter, he knew more about Molo's horror than anyone else. At the beginning of the battle, Karen could only defend.

It's not that he doesn't want to attack, but that the opponent has bombarded him before he can attack.

I am a child in front of the opponent, not because my strength is low, but because I have a serious lack in using and fighting.

He was like a stupid kid wielding a huge iron sword. What's more, Karen was defending completely by feeling, which was what he was most afraid of.

Every time the opponent attacks, he always has a sense of crisis. This is his fighting instinct, but it also proves that his ability is low.

Karen is not the kind of person who confronts toughly. What he thinks about now is not fighting, but how to escape.

"Boss, we can completely replicate the illusion of the Aegean Continent!" said a cutting-edge magician.

"Do it now!"

The whole process was completed in almost a second. Karen's body surface emitted the energy of bone fission, and this fission became stronger and stronger. With the increase of energy, the surrounding space began to shatter layer by layer.

The real Karen has already compressed the bone fission to the extreme, transformed into an ordinary human form, and with a light jump, has arrived at Coconut Island.

The moment it landed on Leaf Island, a violent explosion erupted behind it.

The direction where the illusion of the Aegean Continent is located has turned into a reddish-white radiance, and the radiance keeps shrinking, forming a dark hole. Around the hole, some scattered time fragments are thrown into it.

The ring of time, as huge as a boa constrictor, only stood firm for a few seconds before it was disintegrated by this violent suction and thrown into it.

Everything happened only between the saplings. At this moment, Moluo is lying in the boundless void, covered with calm thunder and lightning. These columns of lightning are flying aimlessly in the space. Once they break away from Moluo's bondage, they will form a series of Violent thunder, tearing space endlessly.

In the whole world, it seems that only this thunder giant is left, and everything that belongs to this world has disappeared.

Karen subconsciously glanced at her feet, and found that the coconut island was still there. At some point, there was a layer of grayish white light floating on the island, which was slowly turning into the most primitive bone energy and drilling into the body.

Bone strength!

Karen actually felt an unprecedented fit, even purer than the energy produced by his own bone fission.

"There is another strong man?"

Karen's heart skipped a beat, subconsciously asking the magician to analyze it.

"This island is endlessly charging us, and now I don't feel a little bit of malice!"

"In the center of the island, consciousness fluctuations are captured, and this consciousness is rapidly awakening!"

"Boss, the energy inside the island is very close to ours, but it is slightly weaker than the energy of thunder, and his consciousness has awakened."

There was no need for the magician to remind him, Karen had already seen that in the center of the island full of coconuts, an old man with a beard was quietly staring at him chopping.

Holding a red cane, wearing a big red longevity robe that does not belong to this world. On the longevity robe, there is an antique black font "Shou" drawn on it. With a light swing, the longevity robe naturally spread out, revealing a skinny palm. There is a small snake wrapped around his wrist, with thin thorns growing on the snake's head, which is quite fairy-like.

Yes, it is fairy spirit!

Although he didn't know the meaning of typing this word, he just felt a little immortal.

The moment Karen saw this person, Karen couldn't help being happy. Not only did he know this person, but he was also an old acquaintance.


It was Qatar, an ordinary small city that once belonged to human beings in the south of the wilderness, who took Karen to visit the Far Eastern continent. Later, due to the invasion of the floating continent, he told Karen to hide.

Now it appeared on such an looked at Karen, but he was not shocked. Instead, he was a little relieved and even more helpless. First he sighed, and then said: "There is really nowhere to hide Even if you hid left and right, you still found it."

"Why are you here?" Karen was very surprised. With the appearance of Molo, the whole world was completely destroyed, but Qatar was able to appear, which proved that the opponent's strength was not under Molo's power at all.

"Me? Didn't I tell you to hide for a while, you, you, what do I say about you, who gave you the courage to modify the memory of Honduras, I am really convinced!" Qatar kept shaking his head, but it was a smile So, not much to blame.

"Honduras? Isn't he Molo?" Karen asked doubtfully.

"What Moluo, that's just the memory that Vanessa and I worked so hard to tamper with. Hey, thousands of years of achievements have been ruined by you."

"You...with Vanessa?" Karen couldn't imagine that Qatar, whom he had always respected, would have **** with a woman like Vanessa. It was incredible. "Could it be that you had an affair with her too?"