MTL - First Law-Chapter 545 Welcome to the return of the Great Immortal

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Facing this heavy threat, Karen just chuckled. He could clearly feel a trace of disharmonious energy in his body, which was integrated into the newly born creatures along with the energy of apricot yellow.

These creatures are different from the original ones, they are more violent, more ambitious, and also more intelligent.

Wars broke out, civilizations were destroyed, and new species emerged.

Karen just blinked, and a civilization passed.

At this moment, looking at the world he brought again, it was full of hollows, leaking everywhere like a broken house, and there was no need to stay at all. Now, he could even feel the bright civilization outside those hollows.

There is even a hint of gentle calling.

"It's time for us to go to the new world!" Karen whispered.

Ma Mazi's phantom appeared and nodded, Alice sweetly swiped around Karen, Nasha looked at the night sky quietly, and Maria was full of enthusiasm.

"Boss, I want to exchange more substances for you!" Churchill shouted.

"There must be a higher level of energy outside." Black Moore laughed.

"There must be new things to study there, hehe, I'm immortal, and I don't know what can arouse my interest." Cabras said with a wicked taste.

But at this moment, a violent energy passed by Karen's side, and Vanessa's phantom appeared: "Karen, just wait, your world will be completely destroyed."

But in such an instant, his phantom blurred again.

Karen lowered his body and picked up the nearly destroyed body of Honduras. A trace of milky yellow energy entered it from the palm of his hand, and the huge Titan's body instantly collapsed into pieces.

When everyone was puzzled, Karen held these fragments in the palm of his hand, casually scattered them, and threw them into the surrounding evolved planets like snowflakes.

"Boss, what does this mean?" Coppert asked puzzledly. Honduras is completely useless, but unlike Vanessa who can continuously stimulate spiritual passion, the so-called Honduras is now rubbish.

Karen smiled and said simply: "I also have the end!"

Without waiting for everyone to react, he stomped his feet, and two big holes appeared in the world immediately. He kicked a few times in a row, and this world, which was already on the verge of destruction, had completely reached its limit.


The very edge began to collapse, from the edge to the center, and continued to collapse toward the inside.

At this moment, Karen felt a terrifying suction force, which seemed to destroy him completely.

"Boss, leave quickly, the world is really over!" Churchill shouted in a panic.

Karen didn't move, and at the moment when the force of the collapse was completely approaching, the voices of Cabras and Cobot rang at the same time: "The data of the collapse of the world has been collected!"

Karen was waiting for this signal, and when he stepped on the edge of the black hole in his dream, his whole body plunged into the purple-gold energy above his head like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate.


In an instant, a thunderbolt bombarded Karen's body, and these thunderbolts turned into giant dragons, biting at the surface of Karen's body, but in an instant, a violent suction came from Karen's body, absorbing all the thunderbolts.

With Lei Ting, his whole body was numb, and at some point his body was covered with various poisonous insects, and these poisonous insects seemed to penetrate into Karen's body through the pores.

"Boss, leave it to me!" Red Hoof took the lead.

Countless bone warriors were born out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye, there was a fierce battle. There were as many bone warriors on Karen's body as there were poisonous insects. What's even more strange was that these poisonous insects died, and they would also form bone warriors.

The plague of poisonous insects is just a tickle.

Karen smiled contemptuously. Compared with the complete destruction of the world, these methods are a piece of cake. Up to now, he has even been able to demonstrate the power of world collapse inside his body.

At this moment, a heart-stirring anger spread in the body, and the whole body seemed to be completely burned.

Before the anger arose, Alice appeared, and with a light kiss, the anger disappeared.

As soon as the anger disappeared, the entire body surface vibrated like an earthquake, and at the same time, the surrounding area seemed to be squeezed by giant mountains, and each giant mountain seemed to be in danger of collapse.

"Bones gone!"

Karen roared in a low voice, the boiling bone mist on the surface of his body instantly condensed, the inside collapsed, and the force of the collapse completely enveloped Karen. The power of these mountain ranges, which had never approached, was completely absorbed by this superficial collapse.

Immediately after the squeezing force passed, waves of clear energy appeared in the purple-gold airflow, and Karen seemed to be plunged into a lake, and through the lake, he could even see the stars and the ocean below.

On the surface of the lake, smoke was flooding. Karen just leaned on it slightly, and his whole body was covered with frost.

"Small tricks!"

Jumping directly into the lake water, Binghan just got close to him, and was directly absorbed, rubbed hard, and condensed into a ball completely formed of water around his body. He was a little dissatisfied, so he inserted some apricot yellow energy into the ball, turning it into a ball. It is a blue planet with a solid inner shell and a water flow on the outer shell.

"Should I call you Earth from now on?"

With a slight smile, he threw it vigorously, and when the earth reached the rebirth of life, he flung it in his dream, and the blue planet began to revolve around Karen.

At this time, he was already standing on the sea of ​​stars, and his surroundings had already turned into countless planets, standing like a behemoth in this vast void.

In the distance in the void, stars were dotted with starlight, and through the starlight falling on her body, Karen felt a familiar original aura.

Can't help laughing!

This place is really good, but it is not the end, he can feel layers of whirlwinds around him, and these whirlwinds seem to prevent him from approaching the final place.


With a soft hum, the surface collapsed and turned into a black hole. All these wind and waves penetrated into the black hole. Karen raised his head and poked forward. This star-studded world was pierced by him like a window paper. Shuttle over and plunge straight into the center of the Aegean continent, Karen's soul.

Karen only felt warm, and was slowly rising from the Aegean continent.

He was inexplicably flustered. He instinctively wanted to resist, but he couldn't feel any strength. The moment he came back to his senses, he found himself standing on a stone platform.

Under the stone platform, there were all white-headed old men with beards, bowing and saluting like old masters.

At this moment, an old man with a white beard stepped on the clouds and came laughing loudly: "Congratulations to the Great Immortal for going through all kinds of disasters, going through the earth, water, wind and fire, breaking away from bondage, and ascending to the throne of immortality."

"Hahaha, the Great Immortal is out of the mortal body, and his achievements are second to none. Congratulations!"

The speaker, with bare feet, a big belly, and a cattail fan, looks like a rich fairy.

Before Karen came back to his senses, the two boys had already landed in front of Karen, half kneeling on the ground, holding a square plate with both hands, and a golden handkerchief was covered on the square The golden handkerchief was slightly raised , can vaguely see the shape of a child.

Before uncovering the golden handkerchief, a refreshing fruity fragrance has been forced over.

The voices of the two boys came over softly: "The old master of Wuzhuang temple congratulates the great immortal on his escape from the mortal calamity and his achievement of the immortal position. He will give you two ginseng fruits as a gift, congratulations!"

As soon as the voices of the two boys fell, the immortal officials who looked like old masters shouted in unison: "Welcome the Great Immortal back to his throne!"

The momentum was so vast that it was really overwhelming. When Karen felt it carefully, he felt a continent-like atmosphere from these creatures, as if each person was connected to a continent.

"Where are Alice and them?"

He doesn't care about these now, he is a human body, but he is no longer the Aegean Continent, but he can feel the many connections of the Aegean Continent.

They are still in the vast starry sky, and Alice has become a huge star, slowly revolving around Karen, but every time she wants to make them show their real bodies, they can't get rid of the heavy restrictions.

"Great Immortal, don't worry!" A slightly flattering voice came over, startling Karen, and it was the old man stepping on the clouds who rushed over first, "Today, the Immortal returns to the throne, and the Queen Mother is here for this." Have a feast of flat peaches, once the feast is over, once you have real power, you can bring your maid into the fairy world."

When Karen thought about it, it turned out that he hadn't obtained permission. When he looked up, he saw that the fairy air was flowing and the space was solid, which was much stronger than the Aegean Continent he had searched for.

The old man in front of him is not an ordinary person either, his body is vast in origin, and he is slightly taller than Karen.

"Haven't you asked the old official's name?"

"Taibai Jinxing! Daxian, please accept the order!"