MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 764 The turmoil is rising

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  Chapter 764 The storm gradually rises

   "They dare!"

  Zhu Yuanzhang glared, his tone was extremely cold, this was his biggest taboo, if it was someone else, even Xu Da, Chang Yuchun and Li Shanchang were frightened to kneel down to plead guilty, but Empress Ma didn't even look away.

   This is extremely confident, her husband will never do anything to her no matter what, they will become husband and wife, there is no doubt about love and love, life will come back, death will be long-term lovesickness.

Sure enough, Zhu Yuanzhang took a few breaths and said: "How could we not know the disadvantages of enfeoffing feudal kings, but what about the military power? Is it still allowed to be controlled by them? After ten or twenty years, it can be regarded as their private army .”

"Don't look at them now in front of us and Biao'er, they are obedient and obedient, but when they really have the confidence, it will be different. Besides, after all, after the feudal princes are entrusted, they will cut down the feudal lords in the future, and it is also our own family. thing."

"It's not like now, the top and bottom are formed into a mountain, under the name of Huaixi, even if we can't seize their power for nothing, enfeoffing the feudal kings thinks that Ping Fan, connecting with in-laws and supporting the royal family is the most acceptable way for them .”

"Don't we want to drink wine to release the military power, but how can our old Zhu family have that kind of background, sister, we are both from the Bo family who lost our relatives, and we don't have any credible relatives to help us take power. If we don't rely on our sons, we can still be together." Can't you count on outsiders?"

In fact, just like Liu Bang wants to divide the kings, in the final analysis, there is no family foundation, and no one else can be trusted without a son. The Sui and Tang Dynasties can not divide the feudal kings, because the two royal families were already the top nobles in the original dynasty before they reached the top. Well, the relatives and friends in the clan are widely spread, and there are countless disciples and old officials.

  Zhao and Song are not as good, but the Zhao family is also a big family. Great-grandfather Zhao Teng served as Yushi Zhongcheng in Tang Dynasty;

  As for the Zhu family, there were no personalities in the eight generations of ancestors. The only one who can get it now is Li Wenzhong, who is only a nephew. Although they are related, they are still two families, let alone the remaining adopted children.

Moreover, releasing military power with a glass of wine is not free at all. Shi Shouxin specializes in amassing tens of thousands of goods, Gao Huaide expels defeat, brother-in-law Wang Jixun plunders wives and daughters during the day, Wang Quanbin and Cui Yan seize treasures from the children of the people, and Wang Renzhan has nothing to live for. They exchanged military power for privileges, such as exporting wealth, killing and surrendering soldiers to cause disturbance in Shu.

  Empress Ma could only sigh and said: "Biao'er is warm-hearted and cold-hearted. In the future, if someone with a temperament like the second child is stubborn, I'm afraid I won't tolerate it."

   Knowing a son is like a father, Zhu Yuanzhang naturally knew it in his heart. When he was alive, Biaoer cared about the relationship between father and son, and would not treat his brother harshly no matter what, but after a hundred years, he would not be sure.

  Zhu Yuanzhang looked past his wife to his grandson: "The policy of enfeoffment is nothing more than an expedient measure. We will deal with it before we die, and we will not leave troubles to our children and grandchildren."

  Grandson is still young, and he doesn't have any qualifications yet. As a grandfather, he must prepare more for him. In fact, he has always had a deep-seated worry over the years, and that is his son's body.

The more outstanding his son is, the more worried he is. Since ancient times, precocious people rarely live long, which is almost a few days. Besides, Biaoer is not as simple as precocious, so he has been reviewing memorials and other government affairs all the time until late at night. When it was almost time, I drove my son back to rest.

   This is also the reason for releasing him to Hangzhou this time. I thought that it would be beneficial to relax away from the desk work, and I was afraid that the heir I had devoted all my efforts and expectations to would die young.

"We didn't want to extravagantly seek overseas lands. The Central Plains Wufu Minfeng is enough to pass on the country, but one is that Biao'er is determined, and the other is that it is better to move the domain in the future than to cut it, so that there will be fewer siblings. That's why Biaoerguang was allowed to build ships and intervene in Korea, Dongying and Nanyang."

"Sister, we know that those wives of dukes and lords often come to you to inquire about news, so you must appease them. It is imperative to entrust the kings. The second child is useless, but he is also the leader of the kings, and he has appointed Deng Yu's girl. Fan Xian will not have much problem."

  Husband and wife have different bodies and the same heart. There are disputes, but the final statement to outsiders must be the same. Empress Ma nodded and said: "You know what you know, and have a good talk with the second child. The relationship between father and son is not an outsider."

Zhu Yuanzhang strode up to the two grandchildren, looked at them lovingly, and said in response: "Well, let the second, third, and fifth have dinner together. Speaking of which, we still miss the fourth. After all, being in Korea is no better than being at home." .”


   "It's time for King Jin to get married."

  Zhongshu Youcheng Chen Liang bowed to take the tea handed by Hu Weiyong himself and said with a smile: "The Ministry of Rites is already preparing, and Wei Guogong is also preparing the dowry. It seems that the situation is going to be decent."

   "Good thing, the time we've been waiting for for so long is coming."

   "Master Xiang, where do you think King Jin will divide the domain?"

   "Probably Xi'an. No matter how incompetent His Royal Highness King Jin is, he is still the leader of the kings, and he has not committed any serious mistakes. The Holy One has a deep affection, and he must be one of the best vassals in the world."

  Chen Liang sighed with some regret and said: "The Duke of Wei has always been cautious, and he was entrusted by the Holy Majesty with his young age.

  Hu Weiyong said with a smile: "Duke Wei's meritorious deeds are stable, but at the time of the year, he would not be willing to delegate power to the elderly. Even if he could bear it, what would the generals in the following line have to rely on."

   "Don't forget, we don't have any capital to win over the country's Duke Wu Xun. Instead, we should be pragmatic, accumulate water to form a puddle, and gather sand to form a tower. Only then will we have the ability to truly influence the state affairs."

   "The last generation of the heroic and founding king of the country, it is a pity that the violence is too violent, the punishment is too harsh, and it is of no benefit to the country or the people. We, the ministers, should work hard to help the country."

  Chen Liang nodded seriously and said, "Master Xiang used the word Kuang well, and this is my bounden duty."

Hu Weiyong can gather so many people under his command, a considerable part of them actually want to use the power of the prime minister to check and balance the imperial power, just like in the Song Dynasty, the monarch favors the style, the doctor subordinates the doctor, the doctor governs the scholar, and the common people cannot be punished if they are not polite Doctor, the world is right.

  The current Holy Majesty is really intimidating. He doesn't care about the traditions since ancient times. In some respects, he is even harsher than the former Yuan Dynasty.

  If there is a chance to take over the king, they are obliged to do so. It is not that they want to rebel, but there must be certain restrictions. An emperor who holds all the power and is unscrupulous can do nothing predictably.

  As for the ending of the Song Dynasty, it was not their fault. It was clearly that the gang of people were incompetent and did not defend against the enemy outside the country.

   "King Jin is just the beginning, and the rest of the princes will also take over one after another. How many of those local generals are as loyal as Duke Wei? This is the opportunity we are waiting for."

Hu Weiyong couldn't help shaking his head: "The policy of enfeoffment will bring endless troubles, and it will also make the top and bottom lose their sense of unity. If you work hard for a lifetime on the battlefield, it's not as good as others' lives. It's all right for His Royal Highness. Everyone admires martial arts and martial arts. Why do the rest of the princes Woolen cloth?"

   Zhongshu Shenzheng Tu Jie, who has been silent all this time, said: "It's fine on a small scale, if you wantonly contact the military and government officials and soldiers of the domain, you may not escape the investigation of the pro-army Duwei's Mansion."

  At this time, a person walked out from behind the screen and said with a smile: "Please don't worry about participating in politics, the pro-military captain's mansion will not get in the way."

  Tu Jieyi got up and greeted him: "It turns out that Commander Mao has returned to Beijing, haha, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you very much."

   "Brother Tu, you are being polite. Brother Yu has brought back a lot of gadgets, which have already been sent to the mansion. I hope you don't want to be polite."

   "Even if it is a goose feather and a jar of mature vinegar, it is a friendship that is priceless, and you must be polite."

   Several people greeted each other, Mao Xiang has always been ambiguous, and now it is rare to show up outright like this. It seems that he is also desperate, and that’s right, otherwise, as the commander of the pro-military Duwei’s Mansion, how could he be away for so long.

   Let’s get back to the topic, start planning for the upcoming turmoil, win over the party members, and rely on their rights in the center to promote them, expand the power of their own department, and make the emperor compromise.


  (end of this chapter)