MTL - Food Circle Plug-in Emperor-Chapter 15 the only chance to stay

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  Chapter 15 The only chance to stay

   Boss Pang finished speaking, and looked at Fu Yu earnestly.

  Fu Yu thought for a while, and said seriously: "Boss Pang, I think you'd better communicate with your daughter before making a decision. After all, no matter what the blind date is, both parties must agree, right?"

   Boss Pang immediately promised: "That's for sure, don't worry, I will contact you when I have an agreement with my daughter."

   Fu Yu agreed with a smile, not taking it seriously.

  Boss Pang's attitude seems to be casting a wide net. His own attitude should be negative, and he will play by ear when the time comes.

  Maybe the girl thinks he is just a kitchen worker with no development and no future, a poor ghost.

  When Fu Yu went to the back kitchen, Zhao Meng was training the little worker Sun Qingning while shaking the spoon.

   "How many times have I said it! Do everything quickly! My hair is almost burnt out, and you haven't finished brushing it yet! What a waste of time!"

  Sun Qingning has a good temper, and just finished asking for leave and spent all the public food with his girlfriend. Now he is calm and roaring against Zhao Meng's fury, and honestly admits his mistake.

   "I'll pay attention next time"

   As soon as the voice fell, he looked up and saw Fu Yu coming in from the door, and immediately greeted him with an expression of seeing a savior: "Fu Yu! Are you back?"

   Before Fu Yu approached, Sun Qingning hurriedly turned his head and said, "Chef Zhao, I've been holding back for a long time when I went to the bathroom. Just in time, Fu Yu came back. Let him watch for a while!"

   Zhao Meng hated that iron cannot be made into steel, and waved his hands angrily: "Get out!"

  Sun Qingning immediately ran off with oil on the soles of his feet, and when he passed by Fu Yu, he secretly made a bow with his hands in front of his chest.

  Fu Yu took the opportunity to return the middle finger.

   "Chef Zhao."

  Fu Yu just yelled, seeing Zhao Meng about to take out the vegetables in the pot, he hurriedly took the clean rag beside him, and kept it for a while to wipe the edge of the dish.

   Zhao Meng put the dishes on the plate, and when he swirled it, two drops of soup splashed.

   Zhao Meng stretched out his hand habitually, and a clean rag was handed to him immediately.

  He wiped off the soup on the edge of the plate, and then passed it to the waiter who was waiting to deliver the dishes.

   Zhao Meng looked at Fu Yu.

   Originally, he was so angry that he was very angry, but now he was replaced by someone who looked pleasing to the eye and was easy to use, and his heart immediately calmed down.

  Fu Yu didn't wait to ask, and took the initiative to explain in a low voice: "Chu Zhao, I have grown my vision today. Do you have time tonight? Let's go out for a drink?"

   Zhao Meng's mood became smoother immediately.

  He said in his heart, everyone said that this person is dead compared to others, and he must be thrown away when compared with goods.

  Look at them, they can do things, they can talk, and they can work quickly, and then look at the others, they are so muddy that they can’t support the wall.

   Just comparing them like this, can there be someone who is not partial?

   It’s also giving, who wouldn’t like someone who likes and looks pleasing to them?

   Fu Yu invited Zhao Meng to a time-honored barbecue restaurant on the side street.

  I ordered dozens of skewers of various types, and ordered a pot of shabu-shabu and four bottles of beer.

   It was not the first time Fu Yu went out to eat with Zhao Meng. He knew that Zhao Meng liked to drink a few sips, but his alcohol capacity was average.

   Two bottles per person, just right, slightly drunk, suitable for chatting.

   Without waiting for Zhao Meng to ask, Fu Yu took the initiative to report: "Chu Yao is the partner of the music restaurant, you know about this, right?"

   Zhao Meng nodded: "I know, didn't I tell you?"

   Fu Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed the box containing the small onions, and while peeling them, he said, "I never said that, I was shocked when I found out!"

   Zhao Meng snorted coldly: "Excellent!"

   Fu Yu said with a smile: "I have been busy with Chef Yao for most of the day, and I arrange the crabs on the forty tables by myself."

   Zhao Meng was a little surprised: "Chef Yao didn't reach out?"

   Fu Yu was a little proud: "I started to set up a copy, and I followed suit, and then he handed it over to me."

   Zhao Meng knew that Chef Yao was picky about the details, so if he could let him go with confidence, he must have done a good job.

   They are all experts, and they understand that placing crabs in a cage sounds simple, but if they can be placed neatly, it is actually a delicate job.

  Unknowingly, the corners of Zhao Meng's mouth raised slightly, with a sense of pride that his own child had grown up in front of outsiders.

  Fu Yu told the truth about his experience in the music restaurant.

Couldn't help asking: "Chef Zhao, are you so relieved to let me go with Chef Yao? You don't even know, I looked at the style of his restaurant and the waiters, tsk tsk, all the dishes are beautiful and smooth, I almost regret that I applied to our store in the first place!"

   Zhao Meng glanced at him: "What's the matter, do you want to change jobs?"

  Fu Yu put the peeled onions on Zhao Meng's plate, and said, "Isn't it almost, as soon as I think of you, I don't want to leave."

  Zhao Meng rubbed his arms: "It's disgusting! You said that if you use this set to coax little girls outside, with your face, you won't be alone."

  Fu Yu himself took a bunch of shabu-shabu, blew on it, took a bite, and said vaguely: "I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart, you are so kind to me, how can I be willing to leave!"

   Zhao Meng turned to look at Fu Yu: "You just flatter me."

   Fu Yu said earnestly: "Thank you, Chu Zhao, Chef Yao told me that you specially asked him to take me."

"Understood, cherish the opportunity." Zhao Meng smiled with satisfaction, and said sincerely: "Chef Yao has not taken care of anyone for many years, if you can learn his skills, you don't have to envy him in the future gone."

   Fu Yu picked up the cup and clinked glasses with Zhao Meng: "Chef Zhao, don't worry, I will definitely study hard."

   Then the conversation changed, but I don’t dare to expect to be like Yao Chu in the future, at most I will surpass you! "

"Bah! You're always comparing me to me!" Zhao Meng was so annoyed that he stretched out his hand and punched Fu Yu, and said with a smile, "Let me tell you, it's often not that there is no water in the well, but that you didn't dig enough. Deep. It’s not that success comes slowly, but that you don’t work hard enough.”

  Fu Yu thinks about it, it really makes sense.

  I also drank the wine with a glass: "Just like me, I wanted to live my life as a poem, sometimes simple, sometimes exquisite, but unexpectedly my life became my song."

  Zhao Meng was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

   Fu Yu laughed at himself: "Sometimes I'm not reliable, sometimes I'm not in tune."

   "You boy!" Zhao Meng laughed out loud.

eat and drink.

  Zhao Meng took advantage of the alcohol and said something in his heart: "Let me tell you, this person, when the time comes, he must work hard and be self-motivated."

   Fu Yu nodded.

  Zhao Meng casually pointed to the drink machine on the side of the road: "Look, the same bottle of drink costs three yuan here, but our restaurant sells ten yuan. In many cases, the value of a person depends on the location."

  Fu Yu lay on the bed at night, thinking over and over again what Zhao Meng said last.

  He secretly made up his mind that he must take this opportunity to become a regular.

   Not sure, this is his only chance to stay.

  Yesterday was considered a holiday.

   Fu Yu got up early on purpose, and took the initiative to follow the dishes.

  After everything was put into storage, Fu Yu was surprised to find that there was no 【? 】

  Fu Yu took the initiative to ask: "I'll help you take the purchase order to Zhao Chu for signature later?"

  Xu Wei said with a smile: "Oh, no, I've moved, and I'll eat in the cafeteria in the morning. When the time comes, I'll just ask Chef Zhao to sign."


so disappointed.

   Another income will be lost in the future!

   Go back from the warehouse and check in along the way.

  The punch card machine turned black.

"what happened?"

  Fu Yu turned around and asked Li Ran, the waiter who also came to check in.

  Li Ran waved his hand: "It seems that there is a problem with the system, and someone will come to debug it later."

   Fu Yu frowned: "Then what about clocking in?"

   "Hey! You don't need to check in today, we'll talk about it after it's repaired."

   It happened that the cashier came down from upstairs, saw them, and hurriedly notified them.

  Li Ran was very happy: "Hey! It's good, I don't need to come here that night."

  Fu Yu's expression changed, and he touched his chest.

Depend on!

   If you can’t clock in, isn’t it because you can’t receive daily tasks?

  Double loss, heartache!

   Another busy morning.

Fu Yu was immersed in his sad mood when Wang Yuxuan, the waiter serving the food, suddenly rushed to the back kitchen and said anxiously: "It's broken! Master Zhao, the customers in 302 said that the lemon chicken feet we made tasted unauthentic, very delicious. Said that we changed chefs and wanted to see you."

  Zhao Meng was stunned: "What? The lemon chicken feet are not authentic? How is it possible!"

  Fu Yu was also surprised.

   Is this finding fault?

  Lemon Chicken Feet is a special dish in the store.

  Because of its hot and sour appetizer, it is very popular with customers.

   This dish is usually marinated in advance the afternoon before, and it is directly used the next day.

  How could there be a sudden taste problem?

   These are all matched.

   "Okay, I'll go there after I finish frying this dish."

   Two minutes later.

   Zhao Meng temporarily handed over the list in hand to Gu Yunwu, and walked out directly wearing an apron.

   Fu Yu hurriedly followed, thinking that if there was any dispute, he could still help to say a few words to support the scene.

  Wait into private room 302 and see the customers sitting inside clearly.

   Zhao Meng's expression changed.

   The guests at this table really have two familiar faces, and they are regular customers in the store.

   If it’s not a new customer, then there must be something wrong with the dishes.

  The middle-aged man who was the head of the customers was a little surprised when he saw Zhao Meng: "Hey, Chef Zhao, you are really the one who cooks it? Then what's the matter with this chicken feet? The taste is different from before?"

  When Zhao Meng heard this, he hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll try the taste first to see what's wrong."

  The customer gave way, Zhao Meng stepped forward, picked up a piece of chicken feet with new chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

  With this product, his complexion suddenly darkened.

   The taste is really wrong, not so strong, not sour enough!

  (end of this chapter)