MTL - For a Prosperous World-Chapter 18 : The Will of the People

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The battle of Changping Chang was the last battle in history.

In this battle, Bai Qi's victory over Zhao Jiang Zhao Kuo (this everyone should also know, the famous paper talks Zhao Kuo.) Yu Changping, killing 400,000 Zhao Jun, can be said to be the most famous annihilation war in history. .

He was also because of this battle. Bai Qigong Gao Zhengzhu was jealous of King Qin Zhaoxiang. After a few months, he was given a sword by King Qin.

According to legend, before Bai Qi died, holding a sword and asking the sky, what was wrong with me.

After half a ring, he said to himself, too, for killing 400,000 captives, this crime should be killed.

After Fu Baiqi died, some people said that none of his family was spared and all were tied up. It was also said that Bai Zhong's son, Bai Zhong, was not dead and was later divided into Taiyuan by Qin Shihuang.

The Battle of Changping ...

I heard these four words, Gu Nan's heartbeat missed, and the hand holding the sword was stiff and numb.

At this time, she realized that she had overlooked one of the most important things. In history, Bai Qi did not die normally, but died of slaughter.

Gu Nan, who knows history, knows that after this battle, Bai Qi will die 100%.

This battle cannot be fought!

As soon as a few thoughts passed, Gu Nan had made up his mind.

He bit his teeth and said, "Master ..."

Who knew she hadn't finished speaking yet, Bai Qi waved her hand and interrupted her.

"Naner, do you want to say that this battle can't be fought?" Bai Qi's voice was gentle and calm, but also with inexplicable tiredness.

Xu's hand holding the sword tightened, Gu Nan bowed her head and said solemnly, "Yes."

"Hehe." Bai Qi turned his back, smiled slightly, turned around and looked at Gu Nan, who was nervous at the place, and sighed.

"Naner, you are a clever child, and sometimes I am also very strange. Why are you so intelligent when you are a chaotic child and have n’t read a book? Is it true that someone who knows by birth? ? "

"师 ···"

Gu Nan wanted to speak, but was stopped by Bai Qi again.

"I know what you want to say for your teacher, right?"

As he said, Bai Qi went to the seat in the room and sat down and said funnyly.

"You don't want to think about it, you all see it clearly, why can't you understand it as a teacher?"

After talking for a long time, she slowly asked, "It's the winter season, Naner, you know how many people died of famine and cold in this winter?"

Wu Baiqi's question was not followed, as if he suddenly wanted to ask, he asked. Gu Nan couldn't react for a while, but he didn't know the answer.

Wu Baiqi stretched out three fingers: "My Da Qin alone is no less than this number, 30,000 people."

"How many people are there in Daqin?"

Gu Nan was speechless for a while, she didn't know why Bai Qi said it all of a sudden.

In the Warring States Period, people's living rooms were very flat. A heavy snow, a cold winter, and 30,000 deaths have already been said to be rare.

Wu Baiqi glanced at Gu Nan and continued: "Ask me again for the division. Do you know the geometry of war death, the displacement of the family, the ruin of the family since the Warring States Period?"

Gu Nan still couldn't answer, and had to lower his head to silence.

"Tell you for your teacher." Bai Qi smiled slightly and looked up, but his voice was a little trembling: "No less than a million war dead, homes ruined, displaced people like you are everywhere."

"I have seen more severe things for teachers, some have Yizi cannibalism, some have self-immolation, and some have beheaded and begged to death."

Xi Baiqi's voice has always been very dull, but every sentence says the most dreadful and scary fact in this world.

Gu Nan's eyes stared at the ground, half a ring, and then she recovered some of her powerlessness, and she seemed to understand what Bai Qi was about to say.

But she pursed her lips and continued to ask without giving up.

"Master, this has nothing to do with us not hitting Changping."

Wu Baiqi added himself a cup of tea, shaking the tea cup, and the water surface in the cup fluctuated.

"Zhou, existed in name only, Qi Waiqiang did the job, Han Di was small, Yan was useless as a prince, Wei and kings were jealous of energy, and Chu and Wu Qichu Huai had no national strength. Compared to Qin country, it can be a war. There is Zhao Yi's house. "

"From Zhao Wuling King Hu clothing riding and shooting, Zhao Jun is in great prosperity, and the shooting is quite strong."

"In the battle of Changping, our Qin army led 600,000 soldiers, 400,000 soldiers, hundreds of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of grains and grass."

"Can be described as a national war."

"Changping, near Taihang Mountain, after Taihang, then Zhaodan Handan."

"East is near Anyi, Anyi is taken. After crossing the Qinling Mountains, you can cross the Yellow River and hit Xianyang, the capital of Qin."

"If Changping wins, Zhao Guo can be destroyed, that is, there will be no war in 20 years if it is not destroyed. Within 50 years, Qin Guo said that he would be able to pacify the six kingdoms and settle the world."

"If Changping is defeated, Qin Guo will still be spared in danger of death, and it will be a century of dispute."

After saying this lightly, Bai Qi put down the tea cup without taking a sip.

"Being the master of high-powered earthquakes, I am afraid that after Changping, I will die a lifetime, but what about death?"

"Tired for the teacher, in this troubled world, human life is very cheap, as cheap as grass and mustard, do you still die?"

"But if this troubled world is calmed down, and the world is under great rule, how will the world be able to enjoy it?"

"Have you ever thought that one day there will be no war in the world. People will live in peace and live comfortably. Men and women weaving and weaving children in the field, old men like teachers sitting under trees drinking tea and playing chess."

"In this world, I am afraid that people are truly alive."

Wu Baiqi murmured, his voice was very light, as if talking to himself, his eyes flickered faintly ~ ~ as if he saw the stability of the world in his mouth.

From the time he was born, he has lived in the war, peace, and even made him feel extravagant.

"Naner." He raised his eyes, but his eyes were scorching eyes: "Ask you for the teacher, Changping, hit or not?"

"·····" Gu Nan's lips trembled, but she closed tightly again, she didn't know what to say.

说 Does she know history and you will die after knowing Changping?

I'm afraid she said that, and it didn't make sense to Bai Qi.

He is determined to die.

顾 For Gu Nan, the things in the concept of the world's righteousness are always just verbal.

If you let her choose, this Changping will definitely not fight.

What is for the world and what is for peace? That kind of person is either hypocritical or has a problem in his mind.

But when she looked at such an old man as Bai Qi, she felt a sense of embarrassment and could not say that.

She can feel that Bai Qi is really looking forward to the kind of future, the kind of peace in which there is no war.

It is hard to imagine that as a person with a name in history, he is looking forward to nothing but fighting.

"As a teacher, you know that you hate war, and it's because of this troubled world that you're so bad." Bai Qi's eyes were guilty.

但是 "But you have to understand that only this battle can be settled."

After speaking, he stood up and walked slowly towards the outside. The figure of the old man looked thin and feeble.

"If nothing happens after this battle, if you are a teacher and you will die, I will send a book to the king, please be my life. You can rest assured. Nan'er, I just hope that you are not a teacher."

"After a few days, follow my troops to make peace."