MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 436

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The figure crossed in the air.

Bai Yu used his telepathy to search for nearby monsters.

In the past few days of hunting, the entire El Dorado's monsters were killed by him. As long as they heard the movement in the sky, they were scared to run away in advance.

As everyone knows, those monsters that can escape are mainly because Bai Yu feels that the number is too small and he is too lazy to do it. He is ready to harvest them all at once when the number of monsters gathers a little more.

What is a professional?

That's called professionalism!

While killing monsters, Bai Yu was also studying the use of divine power.

The battle with the gods has inspired him a lot, and he also wants to research the use of the power of the gods.

Unfortunately, after a few days of research, there was no progress. Bai Yu was not discouraged. He knew that he couldn't make a fat man with one bite.


Time flies, and hours pass in the blink of an eye.

"A little bit."

Seeing that he was so short of experience from leveling up, Bai Yu murmured.

Although knowing that small piece of experience, it is likely to be equivalent to the sum of previous levels of experience.

"Let's get here first today."

Summoning the portal, Bai Yu left the El Dorado and returned to the tribe.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel that the number of people in the tribe has become more recently, and the tribe has become more lively.

Bai Yu was walking in the crowd wearing a hood, and suddenly several figures wearing capes and hoods came in front of him.

When the two sides passed by, one of them suddenly stopped and looked back. Under the hood, he could faintly see his beard and three-dimensional facial features.

"What's wrong?"

The companion's voice sounded.

"That person just now... feels different from other believers and is very dangerous."

The bearded man frowned slightly and looked at Bai Yu's back.

When several companions heard the words, their expressions changed slightly, and they followed the man's gaze, but they could only catch Bai Yu's back, and soon disappeared into the crowd.

"Come on, we still have a mission."

The scumbag man looked back and said.

Several people nodded and turned to leave.

the other side.

The corners of Bai Yu's mouth suddenly twitched.

Certainly not an illusion.

Those guys looked completely different from other believers, and seemed to have ulterior motives.

Among those people who suddenly came out of the tribe in the past few days, I am afraid there are many such people hidden.

Those guys, can't sit still?

It's not that the tribe can't enter except the believers. Bai Yu doesn't have such a rule, and Rin doesn't enforce it.

After all, don't all believers start with the new man?

The tribe has developed to this day, and it has become the only gathering place for human beings on the twenty-ninth floor, and its scale is completely comparable to that of the big cities of the empire.

Naturally, it will attract batch after batch of landers.

What's more, there is the conspicuous symbol of the snake **** tribe, which can attract a large number of people who are interested in it.

In short, in addition to the believers, there are also many other landers in the tribe. As for their specific attributes, it is difficult to tell.

And the reason why those people caught Bai Yu's attention.

In addition to their unfortunate encounter with him, there are also a few people's disguises, which are too poor to escape Bai Yu's "eyes".


Although Bai Yu had a completely laissez-faire attitude towards these trivial matters, leaving Rin to take full responsibility.

However, since they had already met, Bai Yu couldn't pretend not to see it.

After entering the palace, Bai Yu told Rin about the situation, including the appearance characteristics of several people, and asked her to deal with it.

At the same time, the mental sense covered the entire tribe, and there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

He wanted to see how many such mice were hidden in the tribe.

575 Major Discoveries Kill Without Amnesty

Move forward a few minutes.

Tribe, a corner of the tavern.

The group of people wearing capes just now sat here, all wearing hoods. Although they attracted the attention of many people, they did not arouse suspicion.

In the tribe, the people are already noisy, and there are many people in fancy clothes. As long as nothing suspicious is being done, nothing will happen.

"Captain, I found something."

at this time,

A clearly excited voice sounded.

The man's hands were sealed under the table, and the pupils under the hood were faintly glowing with white light, looking into the tribe.

And what he saw was quite shocking. The person they met on the road just now walked into the palace!

After hearing the news that the voice was at the lowest level, the other people's hearts were still no less than a thunder, and huge ripples appeared in their hearts.

There is indeed a situation!

You must know that although they are not followers of the snake god, they also came to this tribe to lurk for a while.

Knowing that palace, all landers, including believers, are not allowed to enter!

Even if you get closer, you can feel a lot of eyes staring at yourself in the dark.

That person actually entered the palace just now?

What is his identity? What does it have to do with that palace?

"I haven't heard of anyone who can enter that palace. Is it a special existence that even those believers don't know about?"

"This is a new discovery! Maybe if you continue to observe that guy, you will discover even bigger secrets!"

"How? What else did you see? Can you see directly inside the palace?"

In the face of the companion's inquiry, the man tried hard, but found that no matter what, he couldn't see the picture inside the palace, so he couldn't help shaking his head,

"No, there should be some kind of magic circle running near that kind of palace, which can isolate all outside observation."

Just as he was talking, the man froze for a moment, "Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?"

Then I saw that man's expression became a little nervous, and he couldn't help swallowing.

There was a trace of unpleasantness in everyone's heart, but they held back and did not show their feet.

"Those tribal natives brought people here, look at the direction... It seems that we are here."

"What? Was it discovered?"

"No, haven't there been any incidents in the past few days? They shouldn't have noticed this kind of induction. Could it be because of something else?"

Everyone maintained their composure, and even drank a glass of wine to suppress the shock, and the member also retracted his senses.

When the group of indigenous warriors appeared in the tavern and came straight to them, several people's hearts jumped at this scene.


No need to think about it at all.

Several people broke out immediately, and before the indigenous warriors started, they took the lead, but instead of fighting them, they chose to retreat as soon as possible.

The changes in the field come too fast.

From the arrival of the indigenous warriors to the escape of those few people, it almost happened in the blink of an eye.

When the others in the tavern reacted, those people had already rushed out of the tavern and fled towards the outside of the tribe, and all the indigenous warriors had also chased after them.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

"Those guys have a problem, could it be the spies sent by some force?"

"Those tribal warriors have already started, how can there be fakes? Let's go and have a look!"

"Now that people who are inquiring about the news are so arrogant, they dare to sit in a tavern and drink in a grand manner? I don't care about my grandfather."

The believers in the tavern scolded and became angry.

the other side.

The group of figures in capes escaped the tribe with lightning speed, and rushed towards the forest.

Seeing the tribal warriors being left farther and farther behind, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's next? We've been exposed."

"We can only replace others to continue our mission, but fortunately, this time there is a major discovery!"

"That's right! Why don't we ambush nearby for a while and wait to see if we can meet that guy again??"

"Don't think so much, just leave here and talk about it!"

"Just because those guys want to catch up with us? Don't you look down on us too much? Do you think we are the wastes from before? Huh."

After confirming that they were out of danger, a few people laughed while evacuating, and the nervousness on their faces gradually disappeared, which meant that they were chatting and laughing.


next second,

When they saw the figure appearing in the forest ahead, the expressions on their faces suddenly froze.

I saw that figure standing quietly in front, with both hands on the long sword that was inserted into the ground in front of him, with clear and transparent eyes, looking at them without a trace of emotion.


The strongest man in the tribe!

The spokesperson of the snake **** in the world!

The information about that figure appeared in the minds of several people in an instant,

His face couldn't help changing, and then he decisively observed the surrounding situation, and saw that there was no ambush except for the other party.

The indigenous warriors behind him did not chase either.

That is to say, at this moment, only that girl is guarding the front.

Several people's thoughts were flying, and they quickly made a decision to try a wave first!

Anyway, they have already been exposed. Before retreating, it would be a good gain if they could test out the strength of that girl.


They aren't stupid either. Their past experience tells them that this girl's strength is no trivial matter.

If it is beyond their ability, they will not force it and choose to retreat decisively.

superior! !

At the moment when their eyes met, several people started to move together, each performed their strongest moves, and greeted the girl.
