MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 223 living and dead

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   Chapter 223 The Living and the Dead

   The reason why William had a deep impression on this spell was because Neh liked to use this spell to preserve the corpses he served. Especially in emergencies, when he had to use the corpse on the spot, he would use this technique to temporarily delay the decay of the corpse.

   In this way, the forty-three undead have not been corrupted for such a long time.

   " it really like this?"

  Ebony asked William in a low voice in disbelief.

   No matter how you look at it, there is not the slightest sign of corruption on the young man in front of him. Even if the corruption of the corpse can be delayed, the face of the other party still shows all the sanity that a living person should have - his eyes are bright and energetic, without the slowness and delay of the undead at all.

  In this world, it is true that because of the influence of undead magic, the dead think they are still alive. Rather, based on the nature of undead magic as memory, if it is not under the control of the caster, the awakened undead must continue to repeat the behavior of the previous life.

   But memory is forgotten, just as a corpse is decomposed.

   No matter how complete a memory is, it cannot be more vivid than the current experience.

  Ebony remembered that after saving these people, he had discussed with them many times about rebelling against the Duke of Sacred Tree, and made various preparations. Even if they are really the undead who repeat their past memories, they should find clues from them based on their contact with them for the past six months.

   No matter how you think about it, it shouldn’t be like this.

   And for Ebony's question, William was also very puzzled.

   The forty-three people, including the boy in front of him, are undoubtedly undead who have lost their lives. William has already confirmed this through [Dead Detection]. If you want to interfere with your own detection, you need to use illusions that reach the level of God's Domain. In other words, there is basically no such possibility. There should be no existence in this city that can do this; even if there is, what's the point of making people mistake a group of living people for undead with so much trouble?

However, it is impossible to say that Ebony has been working with a group of undead for so long without finding any clues... Even if William thinks that the guy named Ebony around him is not a smart person, it is absolutely impossible to be so stupid. It is.

   "Master Ebony? Aren't you going in?"

   The forest elf boy asked with some doubts when he saw the two who stopped in place and seemed to be in a daze.

   Ebony, who had regained his senses, turned his head and planned to see William's reaction first. It was also at this time that the other's voice echoed in his mind again.

  + It's as good as usual, don't show any abnormality+

   Hearing this, Ebony nodded without a trace, then looked at the young man and said:

   "Well, just come. I'm in a hurry today, so I didn't bring any supplies..."

  While speaking, Ebony and William followed behind the boy and walked deeper into the root space.

   The journey was not far, and after turning a few corners, they arrived at the gathering place of the rebels "rescued" by Ebony.

In the middle of the    gathering place, there is a lamp holder the size of a hot air balloon, with a group of buzzing lampworms flying inside.

  This large lamp base provides a light source as cool as moonlight, and the lamp base is engraved with runes that adjust the intensity of the light. On the one hand, it provides basic lighting for the gathering place, and on the other hand, it synchronizes the alternation of day and night on the ground through the change of light and shade.

  Besides the lamp base, the peaked tents made of animal bones and furs are regularly arranged in several rows, staggered to enclose an open space with the lamp base as the core. In the open space, forest elves in twos and threes were either practicing with bone weapons, or carving and making magic props under the illumination of lights.

   To be honest, it looks more like the impression that the forest elves gave William in the past than the Sacred Tree City outside.

   Seeing Ebony coming, many forest elves either stood up or bowed their heads to salute him.

   Of course, after seeing William behind him, these people all frowned without exception. It seems that the people here are not very welcoming to human beings.

  Ebony simply waved his hand in return, and then walked straight to a forest elf who was almost as burly as him. He looked at the other party and said seriously:

   "Solo, please call everyone here, I have some things to discuss with you here."

  The forest elf named Solo didn't answer, his eyes had been staring at William behind Ebony from the beginning. The pupils were full of tyrannical fierce light. It was not until Ebony reminded him several times in a serious tone that he said as if he had come back to his senses:

   "Mr. Ebony, according to what you said before, is this the person who can liberate the forest elves in the omens revealed by the 'Big Mother'?"

  Ebony nodded.

   The prophecy about the "big mother" is too important, and Ebony has never told anyone except Solo, who is in charge of the security work here. Because he knew that even if this secret base was discovered and wiped out by the Duke of Sacred Tree, the person in front of him would never reveal anything he knew.

   Although everyone present has some grudge against the Duke of Sacred Tree, no one can compare to this person.

   "But you didn't say, this would be a human."

  The forest elf named Solo spat on the ground, as if he didn't want to say that word.

   Ebony continued to nod her head somewhat helplessly.

   Solo pursed his lips when he heard the words, gritted his teeth lightly, and then said through gritted teeth:

   "Would a human being be the liberator of the forest elves? Are you sure that the revelation you saw from the 'big mother' is true? Or did you not have a clear head that day and confused your dreams?"

   "I'm the listener of the 'big mother'. If you even want to question this, I suggest you just leave here and find that woman desperately."

   Ebony replied calmly.

   Seeing this, the boy who led the way also interjected:

   "Brother Solo, this human was also rescued from the Duke by Mr. Ebony, so it must be trustworthy! After all, the enemy of the enemy is a friend."


   This sentence had the opposite effect in Solo. He looked at William fiercely and said:

   "Then why do we want a human who is weaker than that bitch? We can't even protect ourselves..."


   In response, Ebony's voice raised a few degrees, and he said with wide eyes:

   "I'll explain the specifics later. If you don't plan to leave now and go it alone, then please go over now and call everyone together."

  The forest elf named Solo heard the words, and stabbed William with his eyes resentfully. After a moment of hesitation, he turned and left extremely reluctantly.

   After seeing the other party walking away, Ebony turned to look at William and said:

   "According to what you said, you deliberately provoked the other party's fierce emotions. You see, this kind of fierce anger that comes from the depths of the soul cannot be a necromancer, right?"

   On the way here, William had been talking to Ebony through [Soul Voice]. Ebony deliberately didn't correct the boy's cognition of William, just to provoke Solo and prove it to William.

   A person with a soul can have the passion of life.

   But to this, William replied:

   "This kind of proof is too unstable. Or try it out as I propose? Tell them all directly that they are undead."

  It is not uncommon in history for the deceased to think they are still alive. Even because it is so common, it has become a genre of horror stories circulated among bards.

And William had personally experienced something similar in the past—it was in the year 876 of the platinum calendar, when the royal family of the Blackwater Kingdom converted more than 100 villagers in a certain village into undead in order to test the feasibility of the tide of the undead of the rotten moon. . It was done overnight, and the next morning the dead continued to wake up according to the habit of being alive. Then they continued to live peacefully for more than a month, and no one noticed their abnormality.

   In the end, I was a pharmacist who worked outside all the year round and came home. I saw my parents who couldn’t make a normal voice because their vocal cords were completely rotted.

After the parents saw their son, who had come back once, they used their knuckles exposed hands, tremblingly brought the maggot-covered turkey, the moldy bread, and the red wine that had turned sour. Welcome.

  The pharmacist was frightened and ran out of the village on the spot, and ran to the nearest Holy Spirit Church to seek help. However, because the power of the church in the Blackwater Swamp area was declining, the local church entrusted William and his party, who had just come here, to investigate and purify the village.

  William remembers that this is the initial quest to start the "Dead Rotten Moon" big branch.

After William and the others arrived at the village, it was no longer the place where "everyone seemed normal, but there was a strange atmosphere everywhere" as described by the pharmacist earlier, but completely out of control and became a undead attacking anyone indiscriminately. Biological slaughterhouse.

   What caused all this was the pharmacist's hasty escape. His behavior made his parents, who had become undead, discover the truth that he had died, and used this as a fuse to detonate the undead in the entire village out of control.

   Therefore, William's plan is to tell everyone about this matter directly to see if they will wake up because of it.

   "Absolutely not."

   However, for this proposal, Ebony shook his head firmly and refused.

   (end of this chapter)

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