MTL - Fouls Prohibited-Chapter 26

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Ye Ci really doesn't have any addiction to cigarettes.

He usually smokes less, but these days he is full of preoccupations, numerous and complicated, so he can't help but rely on nicotine to soothe his nerves.

As soon as the signs of addiction emerged, Huo Tinglan snuffed them out.

As soon as Ye Ci approached the nursing home, he couldn't hide his anxiety. When he passed by the convenience store, he wanted the driver to stop and let him buy a pack of cigarettes. He didn't say a word, but reflexively remembered that scene. Filter tip, white smoke passing over the black eyebrows...

The tone and demeanor are calm, it is indeed the posture of repairing disobedient children.

Except... just the one puff on half a cigarette.

"Catch me next time..."

What will happen if I catch it again?

Would he continue to **** half of the cigarettes he smoked and smoke them himself? !

I don't know what kind of mentality it was, probably out of curiosity, Ye Ci suddenly regretted interrupting Huo Tinglan's words.

Of course, he didn't have the guts to try it himself.

Moreover, he is honest by nature. Once he promised "no next time", he was really embarrassed to secretly buy cigarettes and smoke. After struggling for a while, the car had already stopped in the parking lot of the nursing home.

Twice a week, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons or evenings, Huo Tinglan will send a driver to take him to the nursing home to see his mother. The specific time is decided by Ye Ci himself.

Ye Ci didn't tell him clearly, but Huo Tinglan probably knew it well, knowing that Ye Ci was afraid that this marriage would irritate his sick mother, so he never asked to accompany him to visit as Mr. Ye Ci.

The third floor is the advanced ward area, which used to be quiet, but today, when the elevator door opened, a scene of chaos and chaos came into Ye Ci's eyes.

A patient died on this floor.

There is an emergency bed parked in the corridor, the quilt outlines a circle of human figures, shriveled by the disease, looking flat, lonely, covered with a white cloth, lifeless.

Several family members were wailing on the sidelines. There was a big man named Alpha who was as strong as a brown bear, kneeling beside the emergency bed which was comically narrow for him, crying like a sad child.


He has no mother.

The setting sun smeared the white cloth covering the face of the body.

So red, so desolate.

Ye Ci turned away his face, his heart sank as if he was about to sink into his stomach, he walked quickly into Ye Hongjun's ward and locked the door, separating the barren red and death from the door.

Fortunately, Ye Hongjun did not wake up.

She would not hear movement in the corridor.

I don't know if it's Ye Ci's illusion, but Ye Hongjun seems to be a little thinner than last week, so thin that his cheekbones are like two shallow reefs after the fat and flesh recede, suddenly propping up his pale skin.

When he was admitted back to Chu's family, Ye Ci made many requests to Chu Wenlin. He used Chu Wenlin's money to take Ye Hongjun to several top hospitals in the first-tier cities, and invited the hard-to-find experts in the industry for consultations. However, the expensive imported injections have been chasing after injections, and various proven and reliable treatment options have been tried.

But Ye Hongjun's waking time seems to be getting shorter and shorter.

Ye Ci took out the half-wilted carnations in the vase, and inserted a few fresh carnations.

The fingertips pinching the stalk were trembling with fear after the scene in the corridor.

I'm going back tonight... I must ask Uncle Huo.

What if he happened to have another way.

They only knew each other for two months, but Huo Tinglan seemed to be the terminator of all bad luck in his life and the beginning of all good luck, like a kind of destiny.

So is it possible that Huo Tinglan will turn around the greatest misfortune in his life when his mother is seriously ill?

Ye Ci made up his mind, not daring to let himself think too far, lest he be disappointed. He threw the carnation in his hand into the wastebasket, sat on the edge of the bed and held Ye Hongjun's thin hand firmly, and called softly: "Mom..."

For a boy of his age, it is rare for him to call "Mom" in double words, and he is usually too embarrassed to call it that way, so it is more comfortable to call it a single word.

But in some fragile moments, the title "Mom" always allows him to draw warmth and strength.

"You must, be sure... to be fine." He sighed a long time, resting his head on Ye Hongjun's leg.

After a moment of silence, he chatted casually about his recent life, blurred out some details, and picked up what he could say.

I don't know how long I've been talking, but I've said all I can say.

"Mom," Ye Ci rubbed his red eyelids, buried his face in the quilt, hesitated for a while, and muttered softly, "I seem to be, there is... hi, someone I like."

"I haven't, I haven't told him. I have, and there are some things I haven't... figured out yet." He pursed his lower lip, "This, such a big matter, I have to be responsible to others, in case I ...on the spur of the moment."

At Uncle Huo's age, he can't afford to delay.

But he dared not say such words.

Ye Hongjun fell asleep quietly.

"In the future, if there is a chance...I want you to look at him." Ye Hongjun couldn't hear him, Ye Ciwu was sweating from fighting against the void, and his face was flushed, "If you don't speak, then answer, Promised to wait and see him."

After visiting Ye Hongjun, it was dark when Ye Ci returned home.

Along the way, he was thinking about how to mention this matter to Huo Tinglan, and typed up several drafts.

It's not that he's afraid of being rejected, it's just that he has a difficult time in his heart - if Huo Tinglan agrees to such a big mouth, it will inevitably involve money and energy. He has no idea how to settle these debts. But he couldn't think about it, after all, he didn't want to have the audacity to take Huo Tinglan's efforts for granted just because he said he liked him.

Ye Ci got out of the car and walked into the gate of Huo's house, thinking about things constantly in his mind, absent-minded, he didn't look up when he stepped into the entrance, and almost ran straight into Huo Tinglan's arms.

This person got the driver's report in advance and blocked people at the door.

"Don't move." Huo Tinglan wore an expensive white shirt, closed the door, and squeezed Ye Ci into the gap between the door and the hallway - the back was the door panel, and the front was Huo Tinglan with his hands in his pockets. He had a serious face, the corners of his lips were straight, but there was a faint smile in his eyes, "Surprise inspection."

"Check... what?" Ye Ci was taken aback, and subconsciously stood at attention.

Huo Tinglan tilted his head slightly, and leaned over gracefully.

The bridge of the handsome nose is approaching.

Immediately, he gently sniffed Ye Ci's suddenly closed lips.

You can see how soft it is without touching it, and it looks like a deformed petal when you squeeze it.

"No smoking?"

Ye Ci froze, thinking that Huo Tinglan was going to kiss his mouth, his eyes turned black with a beating heart, and it took him three seconds to realize that when he heard whether he was smoking or not, his face immediately turned red like a ripe fruit , was so ashamed that he hung his head desperately, but he still didn't forget to answer in a low voice: "I didn't smoke, I promised, I won't smoke anymore..."

Honest kid.

In fact, Huo Tinglan knew it without asking.

The same is true of Ye Ci's previous life, with an honest character, or he would be as silent as a little dull gourd, and once he said it, he meant it.

"That's right." Huo Tinglan showed approval, and made way for him, not waiting for him to think about it, and asked with concern, "Did you go to see your mother this afternoon?"

Ye Ci fell down on the shoe-changing stool, changing slippers softly: "Hmm..."

"How is she doing recently?" Huo Tinglan was intentionally chatting with Ye Ci about his mother, leading the topic in this direction.

Speaking of Ye Hongjun, the scene in the corridor in the afternoon suddenly popped into my mind. Ye Ci clenched his hands fiercely, not giving himself time to hesitate, and blurted out: "Uncle Huo, you said a few days ago that you asked take the initiative to ask you, to make a request...I will make it now, is it okay?"

"Of course." Huo Tinglan softened his voice, "Say it."

"Can you, can you help me... save, save my mother?" Ye Ci's chest heaved violently a few times, and he spoke to Huo Tinglan. Pain, on the contrary, the moment he spoke, he felt an unprecedented sense of relief and exhaustion.

The long-closed area of ​​the heart was broken, and the pressure that had already swelled to the limit was scrambling to shoot out, and something that had been hardened and deformed quickly shrank, became soft, and returned to its original appearance. Taking advantage of the joy of not caring, Ye Ci poured out the words in his stomach, for fear that if he didn't say it now, he would become speechless in the future: "I'll take her, all the big hospitals that can run, all I ran away, tried all kinds of treatment options, really, I really don’t know what else to do, I feel that she, she may not survive this year, I really think, I’m scared when I think about it... I’m so scared, Huo uncle…"

When it came to the end, the already worrying language expression ability completely collapsed, Ye Ci was so confused that he didn't know what he was talking about, the floodgate was opened, and the bitter water was released, and he couldn't stop it.

The bitterness and hardship of the long journey to seek medical treatment in the past few years, the exhaustion and torment of working several jobs a day to raise medical expenses, the disappointment and despair of repeated test results, the hard and cold benches in the hospital corridor, and the soft water in the lid of the hot water bottle Steamed buns, the empty desk that once belonged to him in the classroom... Too much heartache and grievance, he is used to holding it tightly, and never dared to pour it out, otherwise, once the anger is exhausted, it will be flattened and softened, who will feel it? Can you still support him?

Finally able to talk, let him talk.

I don't know how long he talked, he stammered until his mouth was tired and his face was sore, Huo Tinglan was next to him, and in order not to interrupt, he squeezed shoulder to shoulder with him on the shoe-changing bench in the entrance. He listened quietly, occasionally agreeing to show that he was still listening carefully, wrapped Ye Ci in his firm arm, and patted him on the back, as gentle and patient as coaxing a child.

The emotions were completely vented, Ye Ci only felt that his head was empty, and he felt numb for a while.

He had never confided to anyone so unreservedly in his life, the impulse passed, he became embarrassed after a while, and slowly moved his little head away from Huo Tinglan's shoulder, trying to hide it, With his sleeve, he wiped away the big wet spot on Huo Tinglan's white shirt.

Huo Tinglan raised his hand and rubbed his messy and soft black hair, after a long silence, he said softly, "No problem."

"...Huh?" Ye Ci sniffled sullenly, but still hadn't reacted.

"Your request." Huo Tinglan patted him on the shoulder and stood up, "I originally planned to find time to talk to you in these two days... come with me."