MTL - Fourth Hospital Patient Exchange Forum-Chapter 13 St. Elizabeth 6

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"..." What handsome man? It turned out that they were shaking me.

It was too dark in the ward and Yu Xiao couldn't see anything, so he asked, "What's the situation now?"

"The lights are off now." Zhao Lan said while helping her out of bed, "We haven't slept all this time. A few medical staff came in just now and took away a patient, the patient on the outermost bed."

Yu Xiao got out of bed and walked towards the door in the dark. She had just woken up and her sense of direction was in a mess. She accidentally kicked the leg of the bed and made a loud bang. She didn't have time to feel the pain, so she froze all over with fright.

"Sister Xiao, don't be afraid." Zhou Xiaozhen said, "They were all asleep. The patient on the outermost bed didn't react at all when he was dragged away."

"I suspect it has something to do with the medicine I took during the day." Zhao Lan said, "That's why we're fine."

The door of the ward opened a gap, and three pairs of eyes peeked out from top to bottom. Under the dim light outside, the corridor was quiet, not a single person, not a single sound.

Yu Xiao tightly held the talisman in his pocket, and walked out first. Zhao Lan was next, and Zhou Xiaozhen was at the back carrying a mahjong.

In such a quiet environment, the slightest sound would be obvious, so the three of them had to walk to the left gently and carefully.

"Sister Xiao." Zhou Xiaozhen's voice was as weak as a gossamer, "How do you know to go to the left?"

"Are you stupid?" Before Yu Xiao could answer, Zhao Lan was speechless. "On the right is George's office."

Zhou Xiaozhen still didn't understand, "How do you know they didn't take the patient to George's office?"

Zhao Lan couldn't help wanting to have a long discussion with her, Yu Xiao suddenly said: "The right is George's office, do you know what is on the left?"

"I don't know." Zhou Xiaozhen shook her head.

Yu Xiao: "Then you want to know?"

Zhou Xiaozhen: "I want to!"

Yu Xiao: "Then let's go and have a look."

"Okay." Zhou Xiaozhen became excited, "Hurry up, hurry up."

Zhao Lan: "..."

While walking, Yu Xiao suddenly stopped, causing the two people behind to become nervous, "What's the matter?"

Yu Xiao pointed to the wall. There was a portrait on the wall. The background of the portrait was a hospital, which was exactly the St. Elizabeth Mental Hospital that Yu Xiao had seen before. Unlike that painting, this one has characters.

There are two rows of people in white coats drawn on it, the first row is three people, one of them is George, the middle is a tall, thin and kind old man, and the other is a very fat middle-aged man.

"This must be the dean." Zhou Xiaozhen was 100% sure, "Look at him standing in the middle."

No one objected to this point, Yu Xiao looked at the row behind, there were ten people in the row behind, ten women. There were thirteen people in total, except Dean George, the nurse who dispensed medicine during the day, six nurses who stood by the aisle, and one man and three women whom Yu Xiao had never seen before.

There are only thirteen medical staff in such a big hospital, so no one is free, and those four medical staff must have other jobs to do.

Then Yu Xiao remembered another thing, she had opened a ward before, and there were thirteen patients who looked abnormal in it. There are so many wards here, and there are lights on in each ward, and there are probably this many patients in each ward. So the question is, how do so few medical staff manage so many patients?

When she was thinking hard, she suddenly felt someone pulling her sleeve. Yu Xiao turned her head and saw that Zhao Lan and Zhou Xiaozhen were looking at her in horror, "Listen, there are footsteps."

Yu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed. She also heard footsteps, and it was not ordinary footsteps, it sounded like many people were walking towards this side. Listen to the voice, the number of people is not less than one hundred.

Yu Xiao's first reaction was to go back to the ward, and when he turned around, he saw that under the light at the corner, the black shadow was getting longer and longer, covering the entire corridor, and the sound of footsteps became more and more clear.

Having no other choice, Yu smiled and said, "Run forward!"

Now the three of them couldn't care less about their soft hands and feet, and ran away. Running and running, there was no way ahead. At the end on the left was a big iron gate with the words "operating room" written on the tattered sign.

"There is no way!" Zhao Lan looked at the operating room ahead in horror, "Do you want to go in?!"

Who knows what is in the operating room. Anyone who has watched horror movies knows that the operating room is definitely one of the most dangerous places. She looked to both sides while running, and suddenly she showed joy and waved, "Follow me!"

Under her leadership, the three fled into the utility room in a panic.

The utility room was very small, dark and cramped. The three of them didn't dare to turn on the light. After hiding in, they covered their mouths and noses and stared at their feet in horror.

The light from outside came in through the crack of the door under their feet, which was not enough for them to see clearly, but if someone passed by outside, they would see the change of light and shadow.

Not long after hiding in, the sound of footsteps outside approached rumblingly. There were more people than they had expected, and the light coming in through the crack of the door kept moving for a full ten minutes.

When it was finally over, the three almost collapsed.

Zhao Lan was covered in sweat, panting deeply, "How many people are there? Adding up all the patients in the room, are there so many people?"

"What should I do?" Zhou Xiaozhen was frightened to death, "Those are not human, woo woo woo...I don't want to die yet."

After all, Zhao Lan was older, so she calmed down quickly. She didn't hear Yu Xiao's words for a long time, so she asked, "Xiaoxiao, what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking..." Yu Xiao asked, "Did you hear the door opening just now?"

"No." Zhou Xiaozhen replied tearfully.

Zhao Lan thought about it carefully, then shook her head and said, "I didn't hear that either, Xiaoxiao, what did you think of?"

"The utility room we are in is very close to the operating room, less than ten steps away. There were so many shadows passing by the door just now, even if you line up next to the door of the operating room, it should be a long line , at least it will exceed the distance from the operating room to the utility room." Yu Xiao gestured for the distance with his hands.

In the dark, no one saw her hand gestures, but they all understood. Zhou Xiaozhen said, "Miss Xiao, you mean they all entered the operating room?"

Yu Xiao: "But none of us heard the sound of the operating room door opening."

Zhao Lan nodded and said, "The door of the operating room is very heavy, and it will definitely make a sound when it is opened."

"But they are ghosts." Zhou Xiaozhen didn't understand why they bothered about the door, "Aren't all ghosts able to pass through walls?"


After a while of silence, Zhou Xiaozhen broke the silence, "Why don't you speak?"


After another period of silence, Zhou Xiaozhen became depressed, "Do you think I'm wrong?"

"Cough." Yu Xiao coughed dryly, and said, "It's also possible what Xiaozhen said."

Zhao Lan: "Yes."

"But since we first entered this survival game, ghosts have to use tricks and other methods to enter the ward, so I think the door has a special meaning in this game, at least generally, ghosts cannot pass through walls." Yu Yu Laughing and expressing his conclusion, "So I don't think those who just passed outside entered the operating room."

"That's right." Zhao Lan agreed, "So they were neither outside nor in the operating room, nor did they turn back. So where did they go?"

Zhou Xiaozhen tried to keep up with the thinking of the two, but finally gave up. She said, "It stinks here, should we go out?"

Yu Xiao took out his phone and turned on the light, finally showing the whole picture of this small utility room before their eyes.

They were surrounded by blue and yellow garbage cans, and a large bag of black garbage bags was piled up around them, emitting a stench.

"Ugh." Zhou Xiaozhen covered her mouth, "Hospital garbage is the dirtiest garbage."

Yu Xiao agreed with this, and then she pulled down a garbage bag and opened it.

Zhou Xiaozhen turned pale with shock, "Sister Xiao, you really don't need to work so hard."

As soon as the garbage bag was opened, a stench came out. Yu Xiao was so smoked that she closed her eyes, and she recovered after a long while. When she looked inside, what caught her eyes was half a human foot. The white bone was exposed at the fracture, the flesh was rolled up, and there was yellow fat around it.

Now Zhao Lan couldn't help it anymore, and covered her mouth with Zhou Xiaozhen, holding back her mouth and rolling her eyes.

"Sister Xiao..." Zhou Xiaozhen begged weakly, "Take it away, take it away."

Yu Xiao nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take it now."

Then she opened the bag wider, rummaged through it, and then took out a palm, an ear, and an unknown part, and stuffed them into the pocket.

"My God." Zhou Xiaozhen leaned against Zhao Lan and trembled, "Sister Xiao is crazy."

After Yu Xiao took two bags of human organs, he **** the mouth of the garbage bag and pushed it aside, saying to the two, "Let's go out."

Sure enough, there was no one outside, and the door of the operating room was still closed. Yu Xiao went over to touch it, and there were solid walls on both sides, with no passage at all.

"Where did those things go?" Zhao Lan looked at the bare wall with a headache, "Xiaoxiao walked through the entire corridor on the right during the day, and we walked together on the left. There is no dean's office at all."

Yu Xiao looked at the closed door of the operating room, "We still haven't looked for a place, I want to go in and have a look."