MTL - From Mortal Flesh To Smashing Planets-Chapter 16 star crystal

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  Chapter 16 Star Crystal


  Li Mi let out a long breath.

  The phantom of the vicious beast visualized in his mind dissipated.

  The fiery qi and blood in his body gradually subsided.

  In an instant, an unprecedented weakness flooded my heart.

  It seems that the high fever has taken away all the strength of the body for several days. Even the spine seems to be unable to resist the gravity of the planet. I just want to lie on the bed in the most comfortable position without moving.


  Li Mi forcibly suppressed this painful weakness.

  He raised his left hand to wipe the blood on his face.

   Small wounds.

   Not disfigured.

   Then he took a breath and raised his feet.

  The shoes need to be changed. I stepped on them too hard and they cracked.


   Fortunately, this kick was made up in time.

  His blow with Eight Fierce Real Fire Strength is not inferior to that of the martial artist Dan Jin, who burst out with all his strength, and the walls of houses can be smashed down.

  But two attempts of strength failed to kill the cat demon on the spot.

  The real fatal blow is the heavy trampling that falls from the sky.

  This beast is far superior to him in terms of muscle toughness and bone density.

   It is estimated that even ordinary pistol bullets may not be able to shoot through its body.

  Ten shots and eight shots in the middle, as long as they don't hit the point, they can still kill fiercely.


  The fierce beast is also a species that evolves by bathing in starlight, and belongs to the star refiner among beasts.

  This can be seen from a cat demon walking upright like a "human".

   What it imitates is not a human being, but the great star god.

  If you want to shoot this creature, there is a high probability that it will explode as soon as you shoot.


  When she moved her foot away, Li Mi seemed to have noticed something, and quickly found a spar the size of a fingernail in a pool of flesh and blood.

   "This is... star crystal!?"

   When the monster dies, there is a probability that it will leave behind star crystals.

   This is the main material for casting star vessels.

   The more powerful the monster, the greater the probability of leaving behind star crystals, and the higher the quality.

  Similar to ordinary beasts like cat demons, the possibility of having star crystals is infinitely close to zero.


  After the cat demon evolved, it also ate another powerful beast star crystal, which was difficult to digest and remained in the body.

  Considering the preciousness of the star crystal, it would inevitably cause unnecessary troubles due to the revealing of wealth, so Li Mi quietly put away the star crystal.

   "Dead! Dead! The cat demon is dead!"

   At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the car.

   The exclamation was filled with joy like a narrow escape.

  The confrontation between Li Mi and the cat demon was a life-or-death decision in an instant, and the whole process did not exceed three seconds.

  The people in the car who were originally terrified didn't react until this time as if they had just woken up from a dream.

   "It's okay, it's okay, the cat demon is dead, we're okay."


  Passengers were pleasantly surprised.

   Two people wept with joy because they narrowly escaped death.

  Li Yunyao also woke up suddenly at this time.

"elder brother!"

  She screamed, stood up, and flung herself to the car window.

   Li Mi waved her hand.

  Then walked around in front of the car, with his right hand behind his back, walked along the door and got back into the car without haste.

   "Thank you, Mr. Wushi, thank you, thank you for saving us."

  The driver was the first to stand up with a grateful face.

  The same goes for everyone else in the car.

"You are welcome."

  Li Mu said: "Report to the local garrison office."

   As he spoke, he added: "I used secret techniques to stimulate energy and blood, which consumed a lot of energy and required a rest. You really have to thank me, just go to Sanshun station as soon as possible."

   "Yes yes yes, it must be on time, it must be on time."

  The driver nodded repeatedly.

   "Send Mr. Wu Shi home first, let him rest as soon as possible, he is our benefactor."

  Others also echoed.

   Regarding this, Li Mi didn't insist anymore, it is indeed a good thing to go back early.

"elder brother…"

  Li Yunyao looked at Li Mi with excitement, worry, and disbelief on her face: "You...killed the cat demon!?"

   "Yes, the cat demon is dead, so practicing martial arts is still useful."

   Li Mudao.

   "But...but didn't the book say...every beast is extremely terrifying? They are like those powerful star refiners..."

"no the same."

Li Mudao: "The ferocious beasts and monsters are not as good as the star refiners. This kind of the most common cat monster Gang Jin master can kill, and there are not a few ordinary monsters that die in the hands of the Dan Jin martial artist. I hit the one on the other end." The cat demon caught it by surprise, and then beat it to death, well, the car is about to start, go back to your seat."

   "Is that so?"

  Although Li Yunyao knew that things were not as simple as Li Mi said.

  However, from this incident, she has already deeply realized how powerful her brother is.

  Listening to other passengers' sincere gratitude, they looked at him with pride.

  In fact, wanting to use warriors to fight against beasts is far more dangerous than what Li Mi said.

  It is true that there are quite a few ordinary beasts that died at the hands of Martial Master Dan Jin.

   But more Dan Jin martial artists died at the hands of fierce beasts.

  Even if the cat demon is weaker than ordinary beasts, it is absolutely not possible for any second-level warrior or even a third-level warrior to fight against it without preparation.


  The situation just now cannot be considered or hesitated by Li Mi.

  He had no choice but to condense the energy of his whole body and shoot out the sharpest edge to punch forward without hesitation.

   Fortunately, with the help of the location, two shots of Dan Jin broke out in an instant, and he won.

   Li Mi sat down in front of them, turned her head and glanced at Lin Xiaolu behind: "Scared? But it's okay, the cat demon is dead."

  Lin Xiaolu shook his head vigorously, and then nodded vigorously.

  The pale little face was full of undecided shock.

  Li Mi didn't give much comfort either, he closed his eyes and rested his mind, and began to perform the Innate Qi Nourishing Technique.

  In this world, there are at least two or three star refiners sitting in cities, even in counties.

Just like a monster can sense a star refiner from a distance of more than ten miles, although the human star refiner's perception is inferior, if there is a powerful monster approaching a few miles away from the city, the star refiner will also feel it, and thus fight or fight against it. call for help.

   Therefore, urban safety is basically guaranteed.

   But townships are different.

  There are no star refiners stationed in the township, only the garrison operation team, once a beast or monster appears, it will take at least half an hour to ask for help from the county.

  What will happen in half an hour, no one knows.

  It is not realistic for everyone to be concentrated in the city.

  No one grows food, vegetables and fruits, which cannot supply the huge consumption of the city.

  Under such circumstances, many ordinary people want to settle in the city, but are forced by the high housing prices and staggering consumption in the city to find it difficult to gain a foothold, and have to return to counties and towns.

  In addition, countries develop counties on the one hand, and on the other hand merge towns and towns into counties, and promote the integration of towns and counties, creating an illusion that ordinary people are rooted in counties instead of towns, which gives them more or less psychological comfort.


  The driver asked someone to call the Ruchuan County Garrison to report the situation here, and then quickly started the vehicle.

  He glanced in awe at Li Mi, who closed his eyes and rested his mind, and concentrated on driving smoothly while maintaining the speed of the car.

   Fortunately, the place where the cat demon appeared is not far from Sanshun Town, only a few kilometers away.

   Within ten minutes, the vehicle arrived directly outside the courtyard of Li Mi's home.

   After Li Mi got out of the car, everyone in the car followed and saluted him gratefully.

  They all knew that if it wasn't because Li Mi happened to be in the car this time, the dozen or so people in the car would have lost at least half of them.

  Li Mi waved her hand, motioning for them to leave.

  Seeing everyone get into the car and leave with lingering fear, he more or less understands why warriors in this world have such status.

  Why is the martial art of the Gaia nations flourishing.

  Under the circumstances that the efficiency of firearms is extremely poor, becoming a star refiner depends entirely on "aptitude" and there is no one in a million, practicing martial arts...

  Nature became the only straw for them to save themselves.

  (end of this chapter)