MTL - From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict’s Journey-Chapter 160 Automatic counterattack, people are at the gun (please order, please support

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  Chapter 160 Automatic counterattack, people are at the gun (please order, please support)

  This night, the recruits of the entire recruit company were tortured enough.

  Because of one night, more than a dozen emergency assemblies were pulled.

  Everyone basically didn't sleep much.

  Even in the end, many people dared not take off their clothes and backpacks.

  But, the squad leaders were like devils, forcing everyone to take off their clothes and backpacks and go to bed.

   Then, after a while, the death-chasing whistle sounded again.


   Let yourself go for half an hour, and suffer all night.

  The worst loss is actually nothing like Wang Ye.

  Obviously, I didn’t let myself go, but in the end I ate a big pot of rice and suffered together all night.

   On the second day, before the exercise class began, Wu Jianfeng held an award ceremony for Wang Ye.

   It's just that the ceremony was not happy at all.

  All recruits in the company are like eggplants beaten by Shuang, even Wang Ye himself.

   Rewards can't stimulate everyone's spirits at all.

  Of course, rewards can't be exciting, but five kilometers can.

  A mountain armed cross-country for five kilometers, everyone's eyeballs were bloodshot.

   "You have two hours, and only two hours.

   Do not take off your clothes or equipment, find a place on the spot, sleep if you can, and sleep if you can’t. "

  In the mountains and forests, at the end of the five kilometers, Wu Jianfeng did not gather everyone after they finished running. Instead, he directly asked everyone to rest and sleep on the spot.

   At this time, he was still shouting: "We are a field force, the war is coming, we don't know where to fight, and we don't know how long we will fight in the field.

  During the battle, it is impossible to have the conditions to set up a tent for you at any time, let alone a comfortable bed for you.

  It is already a great blessing to be able to squint on the spot for a while. "

  Wu Jianfeng was still beeping, but Wang Ye was paralyzed on the spot, without taking off his backpack, and directly used the backpack as a cushion, holding the gun in his arms.

  Sleep in seconds.

   After a night of tossing, now it’s a five-kilometer trip with full equipment, and Iron Man can’t stand it.

  In fact, Wang Ye's situation is not a special case.

  Company, no recruits care about the so-called place.

bed? comfortable environment?

  Trash, I can sleep standing up now, just now some people ran with their eyes closed when they ran five kilometers, and more than one person fell down because of this.

  In this case, who cares about the conditions.

  Before falling asleep, Wang Ye seems to have heard Ye Sanshi say that everyone can't sleep to death, even if they sleep to death, they need something.

  But Wang Ye didn't hear clearly.

   "Sleep really fast!"

  Taking out a cigarette from his pocket, Wu Jianfeng smiled and looked at the recruits who were scattered all around, lying or leaning on something to sleep.


  The lighter sounded.

   After lighting a cigarette, Wu Jianfeng threw the cigarette case to the veteran beside him.

   "Let's all smoke one, refresh yourself, and take turns squinting for a while after smoking."

   After speaking, he sat down under a big tree beside him.

  In fact, not only the recruits did not sleep last night, but also the veteran squad leaders and even Wu Jianfeng did not sleep last night.

   But, now they can't sleep.

   About an hour later, Wu Jianfeng was woken up by the veteran on duty.

   Then, they got to work.

   "Look, this guy actually threw the gun aside!"

  Walking to a recruit, Wu Jianfeng muttered with a smile. The squad leader of the recruit next to him looked very ugly, but he didn't say anything.

   Then hold it up, and the strobe light flashes.

  The recruit was lying here with his head tilted, his hat covering half of his face, his mouth was still drooling, and he took a picture of the scene where the gun was thrown half a meter away.

  Finally, he picked up the recruit's gun.

  Second, the gun is still in the hand, but it is only in the hand.

  His squad leader pulled his face. After taking the photo, the squad leader of another class next to him did it, stepped forward and took the gun away from him.

One after another.

Class after class, no one woke up at all. Except for some soldiers who shrewdly pressed their guns directly under their bodies to avoid getting out, even if there were other soldiers who curled up with their guns at this time, some of them were turned over in the end. Fired the gun and took it away.

  Everyone is too sleepy.

  Class five here.

  Wang Ye is the fourth.

  Ye Sanshi looked at Wang Ye, who was leaning his head on his backpack, and then at the gun that Wang Ye was holding in his arms with his arms crossed.

  After taking a picture with the mobile phone, the fourth squad leader next to him stepped forward and carefully prepared to move Wang Ye's hand.

  Take it lightly without moving it.

  Because Wang Ye embraced with both hands.

   After all, the weather is also cold. Before going to bed, wrap your hands under your armpits to keep you warm.

  The fourth squad leader looked up at Ye Sanshi. Ye Sanshi was expressionless, but Wu Jianfeng nodded.

   Immediately, the fourth squad leader continued to increase his strength to remove Wang Ye's hand.


  Suddenly, Wang Ye hadn't opened his eyes yet, but his right hand suddenly slammed forward along with his body, and directly elbowed the fourth squad leader who was bending over hard.


  The No. 4 squad leader was caught off guard, and was directly beaten back a few steps. It wasn't Wu Jianfeng who was by his side and hurriedly grabbed him. He was absolutely going to step on the others lying behind him now.

"what's the situation!"

  At this time, Wang Ye, who was already sitting upright, opened his eyes in astonishment.

  He was really fast asleep.

  But Wang Ye's reaction power surpasses that of ordinary people, and this reaction power is linked to the spirit to a certain extent.

  Under deep sleep, he fell into a state of deep self-protection. After being disturbed to the critical value of the nerves, the nerve consciousness of self-protection began to wake up Wang Ye, and at the same time directly drove the physical body to fight back instantly.

   In other words, what Wang Ye just did was really unconscious.

   But now, Wang Ye is conscious.

Seeing the fourth squad leader covering his stomach and grinning in front of him, and looking at the other squad leaders standing beside him, but with guns on their backs, Wang Ye suddenly became alarmed, looked down at his gun, Wang Ye Hold on tight now.

   "Hehe, you boy!" Wu Jianfeng laughed in a low voice.

   After laughing, he said, "Okay, there's nothing else for you, go on to sleep!"

   "Well, well done!" At this moment, Ye Sanshi leaned over and gave Wang Ye a thumbs up with a low smile.


  Wang Ye was speechless, looking at the mobile phone in his hand, and then at the other monitors.

  Although he was very sleepy, and he just woke up, and his thinking was still a little slow, but no matter how slow he is now, he can understand what's going on!

  Holding the gun, Wang Ye remained silent.

  But he didn't close his eyes, just watched them go to the next one.

   " are so cruel~it hurts me to death!" At this time, the fourth squad leader came over, rubbed his stomach, looked at Wang Ye, grinned and made this sound with a mask of pain.

  Wang Ye, who was sleeping, really didn't hold back that moment just now.

  In fact, it means that his body is bent down, and there is a big gap in the middle, Wang Ye didn't use too much force in that blow.

   Otherwise, just that one moment, he would at least have to roll on the ground hugging his stomach for a while, and maybe even go to the infirmary.

  After all, Wang Ye counterattacked with all his strength unconsciously.

   And he didn't have the slightest preparation for defense.

   "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" Holding the gun, Wang Ye didn't get up, so he looked at him quietly and apologized.

  The fourth squad leader rubbed his stomach, what can he say?

  Can’t say anything.

  Knead by yourself, bear with it.

   Next, Wang Ye witnessed with his own eyes how these veterans dealt with his new recruits.

  Take pictures, take guns, and even grab guns.

  Looking around, Class 5 seemed to have Song Yuejin's gun besides himself.

  Because he was carried on his back, the gun was sandwiched between his rucksack and his back, and he was sitting and sleeping against a big tree.

  Although it certainly doesn’t look very comfortable, his gun is not easy to take off unless he is lifted out and a few people help him take off his equipment.

  So, he was saved.

   "It's over!" Looking at the remaining people, Wang Ye sighed inwardly.

   On the day the gun was fired, it was said that the gun was there.

   Ye Sanshi often said the latter sentence.

   And now.

  (end of this chapter)