MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 616 be strong

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"My little brother still saw through my small thoughts, hehe."

The middle-aged man glanced at the black-robed man with a smile in his eyes, and suddenly cursed:

"I don't understand your dim sum machine, but brother, you and I are the only ones left in our family. I don't want you to have an accident. Even if you serve the family, it doesn't mean you have to pay for your life."

If the middle-aged man's words were heard by the people of Hastings, he would not be able to escape a punishment, because if he said such a thing, it meant that he had developed a dissatisfaction with the family, but for the sake of his younger brother, he would not give up. don't care.

He deeply understands that living is always better than dying.

Mo Ni's mood at this time was extremely angry. He never expected that Van Helsing would be such an insidious villain. He thought that as long as he made up his mind to drive all the branches out of the family, he could guarantee the safety of the branches.

Unexpectedly, Van Helsing had already guessed that he would do this, so he had arranged for various people to attack the branch for various reasons, either rogues or bandits, and even supported the local family to fight against the branch, As a result, all the thirty-six branches remained calm, and the slightly more serious small families were almost wiped out, leaving only the strongest members of the family, who went to Popo City day and night to ask for help.

And Haka and Meislin also came to ask for help because the family was attacked, but they saw Moni make such a decision.

Mo Ni felt deeply powerless, he was now in a dilemma, whether to continue driving them out of the family and pretending not to see them, or to house these refugees, but it seemed that no matter which way she chose, it seemed Neither will make much difference.

"What a hassle!"

Sighing, muttering to himself.

But he heard a scolding voice behind him:

"Stinky girl, it's too much for you to knock me out your father. I'm your father."

Ruhr angrily waved the crutch in his hand and cursed at his daughter. He never expected that Mo Ni knocked himself unconscious at the last critical moment.

Although Mo Ni saw that her father was very angry, she didn't see any anger in his eyes. She stood up quickly and carefully helped Ruhr to sit down:

"Father, I was wrong, why not, calm down."

Maybe it was because the mouth of the real scolding was a little dry, Ruhr snorted and actually stopped talking, the father and daughter just looked at each other, finally Ruhr sighed and said:

"I already know the matter. It seems that Van Helsing is determined to let our family be wiped out. Daughter, I think you should find a chance..."

"Father, stop talking, I won't do this."

Mo Ni retorted a little angrily: "This is all my closest people, I can't live alone, I can't do it."

"Then what can you do?"

Ruhr didn't get too excited. He knew his stubborn daughter very well.

The aura that Mo Ni had used just now, under the pressure of her father's words, suddenly lost all aura as if a basin of cold water had been poured into her head.

Ruhr patted Moni on the shoulder and said calmly:

"Son, face reality, we have to prepare for the worst, but it's not that easy to eat our Kunier family!"

Mo Ni's eyes lit up: "Father, do you have a solution?"

Ruhr smiled, looked at the sky of Popo City and pondered for a moment and asked:

"Remember the two injured elders?"

It was only then that Mo Ni remembered that the two injured elders hadn't shown up until now, so she asked in surprise:

"Could it be that the two elders have returned?"

Ruhr smiled and said: "That's not true, but they have sent me news that they will return soon, and they may also bring strong support."

When Mo Ni heard this, a big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground. Ever since she knew that Van Helsing had made so many arrangements against them half a month ago, her heart had already started to be chaotic.

"Okay, from now on, you just have a good rest and recharge your batteries. Remember, ahem, Del, I'm a little tired, take me back."

Ruhr comforted her daughter a few more words, and suddenly coughed.

Mo Ni looked at her father worriedly, but under her father's signal, he had no choice but to give up. Seeing Grandpa Del disappear into the corridor with his father on his arm, she couldn't tell what it was like.

"Master, why don't I know about the two elders you just mentioned?"

Holding Ruhr, Del glanced back, and then asked in a low voice.

Ruhr sighed: "Dell, Moni has been a strong temper since she was a child. If I didn't say that, she would leave obediently? You and our master and servant have been working for so many years. I think it is to let her put down the burden of the family and be independent. Time to grow up."

Del nodded: "What the master said makes sense, it's just how we deal with the current situation of each branch family."

Ruhr's face darkened: "These will only think of us when they take advantage of it. Go, you call them together in the parliament hall, and say that I, Ruhr, are going to hold a family meeting."

Del asked with some concern: "Then shall we invite Elder Lingfei or Elder Tusr?"

Del is very clear that although the master's physical condition has improved, there must be no more mistakes. If there is no one who can control the situation, I'm afraid...

Ruhr stopped in his tracks and glared at Del:

"What? I'm old and useless now? I used to do it for the continuation of the family, but now, I only do it for me and my daughter. Don't worry, I won't have any problems."



The spacious council hall was full of people. Although there were still many branch families who did not come, it is said that this meeting was requested by the old patriarch, and he could also participate as an important decision-maker in the family. To put it bluntly, Everyone is not confused, it seems that the old Patriarch is ready to show his cards.

To everyone's surprise, the old Patriarch only waited for the meeting with the housekeeper, and even Luka didn't expect that the old Patriarch would have such courage. It's a loss, but from the bottom of his heart, he doesn't look down on this stable old patriarch. In his opinion, Ruhr is a broker to check the interests of all parties, not a patriarch who develops the overall situation.

Looking at Ruhr, who was sitting on the head of the family with a hunched waist, Luka couldn't help but sigh. He no longer had the gentleness of the past, and he had lost his determination to dominate. In this way, everyone is just an old guy waiting to die.

However, what he didn't expect was that the old patriarch, who had always been known for his benevolence, gave everyone a blow when he opened his mouth.