MTL - From the Power of Space To the Heavens-Chapter 52 Chess

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  Chapter 52 52. Auxiliary Chess

  Ghostly eyelids twitched slightly.

  Hovering around him, the faint black mist fluctuated violently unconsciously, which seemed to represent that he was being greatly impacted emotionally.

  Actually, the mental state of the ghost is quite good.

  Because most of the other soul masters present were in a state of entanglement.

  Crazy is not considered, but a "mentality explosion" probably won't be able to escape.

  Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black/red are the best soul ring ratios that countless soul masters have explored through a lot of time.

   This set of soul ring ratios is enough to deal with 99% of soul masters.

  Unfortunately, to achieve this soul ring ratio, it is difficult for most Yeluzi soul masters to do it alone.

  Therefore, there are some soul masters with a white ring, or even a white ring with a second ring.

   But today, what did they see?

  Four ten thousand year spirit rings!

  The key is that this person is still a soul sect!

  The soul sect who started out as a ten-thousand-year soul ring is now appearing alive in front of their eyes.

  Co-authoring the "best soul ring ratio" law that countless soul masters have spent a lot of time exploring, is it really just a large-scale performance art exhibition?

  Even titled Douluo like Yueguan and Guigui couldn't help but lose their minds for a moment.

  For these soul saints and titled Douluo, it is very easy to distinguish the true and false of the soul ring.

  Ordinary illusions cannot fool these people at all.

  However, because of this, they felt even more horrified.

   It is not the strength of the frightened boy.

   Instead, I was horrified that the usual common sense was broken.

  If it is said that the hearts of the soul saints of the Wuhun Temple are full of horror; then, the heart of Duke Long Mengshu is full of horror!

  Ghost knows what this thing is!

  With a wave of his hand, a huge Wuhun avatar appeared behind Meng Shu.

  The cost of underestimating your opponent is that you have to pay a greater price.

  So, Meng Shu, who knew this well, didn't hesitate at all, and directly opened his martial soul avatar, and smashed down the huge dragon head crutches at Lu Yuan like a head covering his face.

  The young man's face was neither sad nor happy, and when he raised his fingers, a pure silver glow appeared on his hands.

   Gently flicking it, the first half of the dragon head crutch suddenly disappeared.

   Then, under the dull eyes of everyone, the disappearing dragon head crutch appeared out of nowhere directly behind Meng Shu's martial soul avatar, and then smashed **** Meng Shu's martial soul avatar!

   With a sweetness in his throat, a mouthful of blood surged up.

   The meridians are faintly painful.

  But Meng Shu didn't have time to care about this, swallowed the blood, and hurriedly withdrew the dragon stick in his hand.

  Although he didn't know what the other party was doing, after suffering the first loss, he was not stupid enough to continue attacking to suffer the second loss.

  However, compared to suffering some internal injuries, it is a blessing in misfortune that Wuhun's real body is not broken.

  The avatar of the martial soul is forcibly broken and voluntarily released are two concepts.

  Removing the Martial Soul Avatar voluntarily, at most, will fall into a weak state for a short period of time.

   was forcibly broken by external force

  The soul master not only has to bear the price of weakness, but also has to deal with the backlash from the martial soul itself!

   "You have already tasted the star shift, then"

   "Try this again."

  The young man stared intently at his fingertips, as if there was nothing worth his attention; he flicked his fingers lightly, as if he had caught something.

   Immediately, several small cuts overflowing with blood appeared on the arm.

But the young man's face was calm, as if he didn't see these small openings at all, he grabbed the air in front of him with both hands, his fingertips glowed with a real silver light, brilliant dazzling, the soul power in his body plummeted, and then he pushed hard to both sides pull.

   Thorn it!

  A clear and somewhat illusory voice suddenly sounded.

  Meng Shu's tall body seemed to be struck by lightning, and his face was like gold paper.

He wobbled to a halt, tried to turn his head back, looked at the Wuhun avatar that was torn in half and slowly dissipated into nothingness, Meng Shu let out a wry laugh, unable to suppress his internal injuries anymore, and spattered blood across the sky .

  The martial spirit turned into a ball of light spots, which disappeared in an instant.

  The violent backlash from the Wuhun made the meridians all over his body cut like a knife, Meng Shu's eyes darkened, and he passed out on the spot.

  The faint silver glow dissipated.

  Lu Yuan shook his head regretfully, and sighed to himself: "Too weak."

   Don't talk about comparing with Tang Hao.

  Even compared with ordinary Contras, Duke Long Mengshu is undoubtedly weak.

  Just passed the 80th level checkpoint, the soul power is not dominant, the martial soul is not dominant, and the soul ring is not dominant

   It can be said to be the most watery batch of Contras!

   Just like the most popular titled Douluo—Poison Douluo Dugu Bo.

  Walking over slowly, like dragging a dead dog, Lu Yuan clapped his hands in satisfaction after dragging Duke Long Meng Shu to the side of Snake Lady Chao Tianxiang who was still kneeling on the ground.

   "Unrivaled Dragon Snake, the assembly is complete."

  Afterwards, as if remembering something again, he walked over slowly, and led the shivering Meng Yiran to the side of Snake Lady and Duke Long.

  Meng Shu, the highest-cultivated Dragon Lord, lay on the ground without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

  The second most cultivated snake woman, Zhao Tianxiang, knelt on the ground helplessly.

  Meng Yiran, who had the lowest cultivation level, stood on the ground unscathed.

   There is no inside story.

   Anyway, everyone in Wuhundian didn't believe it.

   Wiping the blood on his forearm, the boy calmly lowered his sleeves to cover those ugly wounds.


   A strange voice sounded.

  Everyone looked at it one after another, only to find that the yellow-skinned squirrel held by Hu Liena was struggling constantly, as if trying to break free.

  A hint of cunning flashed in her clear eyes. The girl twisted her delicate body and walked forward with the yellow squirrel in her hand.

  Yan couldn't help but look straight behind.

   Seeing Yan's look of losing his soul again, Xie Yue felt a slight headache and let out a sigh.

  Although licking everything to the end, the problem is

   You have to actively evolve during this process!

  Huskies are indeed not favored by people, but a majestic wolf is not necessarily!

  Even if a majestic wolf is still not favored, a very proud Moon Devouring Sirius will surely win the hearts of many people!

  For a girl with an arrogant personality like his sister, it is not enough to just lower her posture and chase after her.

   There is only one best way: smash her sister's pride head-on.

   However, this is difficult.

  Xieyue knew very well that in the golden generation, neither he nor Yan, a fool, could suppress his sister Hu Liena.

  Since this road doesn't work, Xie Yue can only prepare for another road: save the country with curves.

  Mainly licking, supplemented by showing muscles, slowly let Yan enter Hu Liena's sight through a long period of running-in, and then cooperate with his assists.

  Xie Yue's plan was well arranged.

  It's a pity that Yan, a brainless idiot, always throws away the plans he designed when it comes to execution, and then immerses himself in his personal world.


  After taking Pikachu from Hu Liena's hand, who was no longer showing his teeth and claws, Lu Yuan turned Pikachu over with a funny face, and inserted his slender, white fingers into the fluffy and soft hair on Pikachu's abdomen and pressed it.

  Pikachu instantly turned on all fours, posing in a comfortable and defenseless posture.

  The two jade hands were gently twisted together, and placed in front of her body, the girl's eyes were instantly covered with a layer of water, her red lips parted slightly, and she sighed coquettishly:

   "You are really amazing!"

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  (end of this chapter)