MTL - From the Power of Space To the Heavens-Chapter 99 98. Of course it’s a joke~

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  Chapter 99 98. Of course it’s a joke~

   After being silent for a while, he took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, finally suppressing the surging emotion in his heart; Ning Fengzhi then opened his mouth and said:

   "Brother Lu, don't get angry."

   "Who said I was angry?"

  Lu Yuan asked with a straight face.

  The five soul rings floating beside him slowly disappeared. Then, he stretched out his index finger, pointed to the weird smiling face, and said with a smile:

   "I'm just joking~"

   "Look, I smile so sincerely."

   "Sect Master Ning didn't notice it, did he?"

  Ning Fengzhi nodded, and said with a half-hearted smile:

   "I've seen it all"

  If this smile can be more natural, and don't have a stern face and bared teeth, let alone release those five soul rings that frighten the world; I believe the persuasion will be higher.

The smile on his face faded slowly, his forward leaning body leaned back slightly, and he sat back on the chair; Lu Yuan didn't seem to notice the sudden tense atmosphere in the room, and put his arms casually on the back of the chair, with a few Very lazily, he opened his mouth and said:

   "Some words are jokes, but some words are not jokes."

   "I'm a person who rarely cracks a joke."


   "Please, Sect Master Ning, release the person you caught at noon! Okay?"

   Frowning unobtrusively, Ning Fengzhi said with a smile:

   "Little friend, is this a bit too much?"

   "We've never caught anyone in the middle of the day."

  Thinking to let him release the 100,000-year-old transformed soul beast with some words, even if he really wanted to recruit the other party, it shouldn't be such a recruiting method!

   Besides, what they caught was a transformed soul beast!

not human!

  Soul beasts are soul beasts, humans are human beings!

  Even if it is a transformed soul beast, it is still a soul beast, not a human being.

   And the attraction of a transformed soul beast.

  He won't explain much, for details, please refer to: Pope Qian Xunji of the Wuhun Temple personally led the team to besiege and kill Tang Hao.

  However, it was beyond Ning Fengzhi's expectation.

  The young and energetic boy on the opposite side did not refute, but stood up with a bit of a sigh, and said, "Okay then."

Oh well?

   What kind of answer is this?


   Still helpless?

  To be honest, let alone Ning Fengzhi didn't understand, even Xue Qinghe who was beside him didn't.

  However, soon, they understood.

   "I have a bad habit."

   "If I give you, you don't have to; but if I don't give you, you can't take it!"

   "Similarly, what I want to do, what I want to repay, no one can stop me!"

  While speaking, Lu Yuan stretched out his hand, and a strong silver light emerged, spanning the void, and dragged a bewildered girl out of the void!

   "Xiao Wu???"

  Ning Rongrong's voice was mixed with a little surprise.

   Obviously, she didn't know why Xiao Wu was dragged over.

   She never thought that her "best friend" would be a 100,000-year-old soul beast.

  Sweeping his eyes, stretching out his hand to slap, dozens of sword qi burst out from Xiao Wu's body, shooting towards Ning Fengzhi's direction.

  A white sleeve suddenly appeared, blocking Ning Fengzhi's body, the chaotic sword energy hit the white sleeve, but it couldn't leave even the slightest trace.

With a light roll, the remaining few sword qi were withdrawn, Chen Xin frowned, and looked at the ignorant kid in front of him coldly; the faint murderous aura mixed with the pressure of soul power directly ran over him, but he didn't get up. to any effect.


   While talking, the young man flicked Xiao Wu's forehead lightly.

   There is no sincerity in the words.

   What's more, I don't know who this sentence was said to, and there is a touch of pampering in it.


   Clutching her blushed forehead pitifully, Xiao Wu subconsciously turned her head to dodge; but the next second she realized

   That demon is back!

   Then, the next second, she noticed

  I am in a dragon's den and a tiger's den.

  Beside him is this evil demon, not far away are two titled Douluo, plus the dean beside him, and Ning Rongrong with a strange face not far away; it is not an exaggeration to say that this room is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

  Especially for a 100,000-year-old transformed soul beast like her, it is even more like a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair.

  Looking at Xiao Wu who was in a state of trance, Lu Yuan stretched out his hand speechlessly, wrapped around Xiao Wu's waist, and pulled Xiao Wu into his embrace.

   Subconsciously squeezed, Lu Yuan calmly controlled his suddenly disobedient palm.

  It is as soft as boneless, but it has a bit of toughness.

   Feels pretty good.

   Xiao Wu, who was suddenly attacked, struggled subconsciously, then seemed to realize something, and obediently lay in Lu Yuan's arms.

   Eyelids drooped slightly, Lu Yuan played with Xiao Wu's scorpion tail braid twice, and said with a smile:

   "I'm really sorry; it seems that my perception is wrong."

   "My lord doesn't remember the faults of villains, but I still hope that Sect Master Ning will hold his hands high."

  Ning Fengzhi's cheeks twitched involuntarily.

  What does it mean to be cheap and good?

This is!

   Directly arrested the person and confronted him face to face.

  If he repents and reveals that the girl in front of him is a transformed soul beast, the reputation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will surely be stink!

  It is common sense for soul masters to kill soul beasts; but what the Qibao Liulizong dared to do would be exposed

  He believed that the Heaven Dou Empire would never give up a peerless genius because of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School; such a peerless genius, as long as he didn't die young, conservatively estimated that he would be another Bone Douluo!

   In other words, he is the kind of genius who can become the pillar of the Heaven Dou Empire!

  If it wasn't for the current general trend of the Spirit Hall; Ning Fengzhi has no doubt that the Heaven Dou Empire would turn against the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School because of this.

  Don't doubt.

  A peerless genius really has this value!

  Currently, every major force lacks a core pillar except the Wuhun Hall.

  Therefore, as long as a genius can be recruited, even if Ning Fengzhi despises him, Yu Yuanzhen, the old dragon, will personally come to recruit him

  Give it a try!

  It's better if you succeed, and there's no need to be offended if you don't succeed.

  What if such a genius grows up in the future?

   If you look familiar, you will be able to talk at least by then!

  However, if he pushes the boat along the way and fulfills the opponent.

  A 100,000-year-old transfigured soul beast that had just been acquired just put on its wings and flew away!


   From before his eyes, he put on his wings abruptly and flew away!

   how to think how depressed

   But he still couldn't speak.

Ning Fengzhi took a deep breath, and relying on years of cultivation skills, he forcibly suppressed his restless heart, held the evil-looking Sword Douluo Chenxin by his side, and said with a smile: "Little friend, you underestimate me too much!" Ning has a certain capacity!"

   "It was nothing more than a misunderstanding, and my friend sincerely apologized, so how could I get to the bottom of it?"

   "The kid will leave first."


   Before Ning Fengzhi could react, Lu Yuan and Xiao Wu had already disappeared into this room.

  The corners of Xue Qinghe's mouth rose slightly, and he tried hard to restrain his smile to avoid laughing too presumptuously.

   After achieving the goal, go away directly.

   It's really this guy's usual style!

   Pity her teacher Ning Fengzhi, who spent a lot of time writing manuscripts, but in the end it was useless.

  However, she felt a little more at ease in her heart.

   That woman is very bold and ambitious.

  However, that woman is not crazy enough to install a divine examiner

   What's more, in addition to following the gods, the average divine examiner is not qualified to order another divine examiner.

   It's not about identity.

  After obtaining the identity of the divine examiner, everyone's status is actually on the same level.

   Really want to talk about it.

   Now she is probably halfway behind the other party!

  (end of this chapter)