MTL - From White Box To Supervision-~ Explain 1.

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Kevin, forced himself to drink a chapter, but it is still not very good, his head hurts, Kevin, so I can't write today.

It's not a single time, and it was very easy to write at the beginning, because there are many plots that can be written, animation production, etc., the Japanese boss, but now writing it up to now, his knowledge is almost not enough, as you can see, I feel like I'm stuck in an endless loop, I take the planning, then meet, make, do some routines, and then move on to the lower planning. In routines and meetings, the plot also lacks explosive points. I wrote, but I was instantly poisoned by myself, and then dumped into the trash, lacking foreshadowing.

I found all my animation knowledge on the Internet, including videos, interviews, and texts, but I didn't enter the animation industry after all. In the eyes of professionals, it is full of loopholes, which makes me laugh.

Making the finer points I wanted to write, but very empty. Then I looked for similar novels on the Internet to see what they could learn from. As a result, there were no finished novels at all, and I even found ones that were worse than what I wrote, speechless.

I have thought about going back to China to develop the plot, such as adapting an online novel and animation to become a big boss, but after thinking about it carefully, it is too abrupt to say it. Secondly, it is based on a white box, which is not very good, so I will delete it. Lost.

According to estimates, after completing "Sword Art Online", two or three masterpieces are being planned, and I almost want to finish it. I know that the number of words is very small, and everyone wants to see a lot of my works, but to be honest, it is difficult. The plot It's obviously falling into the cliché. Before, my focus was on production, but now I'm gradually relying on seiyuu. I also want to write something different so that everyone will not feel bored.

Moreover, this work is not like some two-dimensional novels that use open shares to attract people with emotional lines. The core of this work is the production of animation.

As for the golden finger, well, the outline was just a golden finger that I filled in at random, but the fact that the whole article has not been used a few times is my failure, and I will learn a lesson next time.

Sometimes I think, when I established the outline, I didn't choose to start in Musashino, but chose a bad company to intern, and then the story of improving step by step is not bad, of course, just think about it.

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