MTL - Fucking Beauty In Escape Game-Chapter 14

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If the smell of black magic is ignored, the air in the back mountain is quite fresh, especially the smell of Duan Zhen, which is very pleasant.

Li Xi sniffed around him like a puppy, thinking that he was covering it up well, but in fact he had been discovered long ago.

"Is there any smell on me?" Duan Zhen asked suspiciously.

He raised his sleeve and smelled it, but there was no strange smell.

"No, no, it's very fragrant..." Li Xi almost bit his tongue, and came back dryly: "I mean, the smell around here is very similar to real vegetation, but in fact, it should have withered long ago."

Because he was too guilty, he added: "Also, I always feel that I can smell some subtle odor."

"Is there?" Xia Qirong sniffed everywhere: "I can only smell grass and trees."

Duan Zhen frowned, he always valued Li Xi's opinion, Dang even began to carefully look at the surrounding environment.

There are many trees, bushes and flower beds planted on both sides of the back mountain path. At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong.

"Maybe I smelled it wrong, I think this hospital just stinks." Li Xi said hastily.

He knew that there was a problem with the back mountain, but he didn't know if the problem would be so easy to discover. What if Duan Zhen didn't find out, and his ability as a spiritual sense person was questioned.

Duan Zhen stretched out his hand to pat his head, and was about to say something when his gaze suddenly flickered.

He led Li Xi to stride over there, and stopped in front of the bushes.

"What's the problem here..." Li Xi hurriedly caught up with him, looked down, and swallowed the last half of the sentence before he finished speaking.

Half of the phalanx protruded from the bushes, and it was white.

Although he knew that Clemens only liked to kill and was more perfunctory about other things, wasn't this too perfunctory? The world before him is still deciphering seriously... It's just a little boring.

Duan Zhen blocked him behind her, and stretched out her hand to push aside the bushes.

Behind is a field of roses, which are sparsely distributed, but every rose is blood-red, blooming delicately, revealing a chilling beauty in the sun.

Li Xi frowned uncomfortably.

It's Clemens' bad taste again... Couldn't the roses that guy tried to get on him every day be planted like this?

Thinking of this possibility, Li Xi felt bad all over, wishing to go back and wash himself several times.

He took a step forward, bumped into Duan Zhen's back, and hugged the other's waist tightly, his voice trembling slightly: "Brother Duan, it won't be all here..."

Duan Zhen was looking at a piece of land that seemed to be newly turned in the rose field, when he was hugged suddenly, his body stiffened for a moment, then he relaxed quickly, and patted the back of Li Xi's hand, feeling that the young man's hand was frighteningly cold, his fingertips Still trembling slightly.

It's so easy to get scared.

He didn't know how many times he sighed, and he didn't dare to imagine what kind of results he would get if he let the other party enter the dungeon alone.

"It's okay." He whispered: "If you are afraid, keep this posture and don't look."

"En." Li Xi responded in a low voice.

He began to **** quietly.

Duan Zhen's smell is really good, and he is also the person with the brightest soul he has seen in recent years, shining like a diamond.

Maybe it's Aiwujiwu, Li Xi has always been fond of all kinds of gemstones, after discovering Duan Zhen, he was immediately attracted by Duan Zhen's gem-like soul, and then gradually fell into a trap.

But he is different from other demon kings, he doesn't want to put Duan Zhen in his collection, he thinks he likes Duan Zhen, and they can fall in love like the book said.

Li Xi has never been in a relationship, and ever since his family was exterminated by those hypocritical royal families, he has no interest in anything, and he agreed to create a game with other demon kings to prevent himself from being more bored.

The game that was finally completed was destroyed by the main system.

But it was also because of this that he discovered his new treasure.

Thinking of this, Li Xi couldn't help rubbing Duan Zhen's back.

Duan Zhenzheng directed Sun Le and Xia Qirong to turn over the soil. They only turned over a shallow layer and found a few dead bones. One can imagine how many wronged souls are buried here.

He thought that Li Xi was frightened when he saw the land secretly, so he patted the other's hand reassuringly, but found that it was too cold, so he simply wrapped it with his hand.

"It will be fine soon." He whispered: "If you are afraid, just count silently in your heart, count to five hundred and we will leave here."

Li Xi didn't realize that he was coaxed like a child at all, and he was so foolishly happy.

Sun Le has been digging the land dedicatedly, occasionally raising his eyes to look at Duan Zhen, and seeing Duan Zhen's expression, he knows that the other party really treats Li Xi as a child.

After all, there is an eight-year age difference between the two, and Duan Zhen has always been a fool... Speaking of which, he still doesn't know whether Duan Zhen likes men or women. If he likes women, maybe it's better to persuade Li Xi to stop earlier.

He rarely thinks about so many things, his mind is in a mess, and he doesn't care that much about his subordinates. He was turning over the ground, and suddenly felt that the touch didn't feel right, and he lowered his head, and met a face that could not rest assured.

That face is very familiar, I saw it in the cafeteria this morning, it is the second man in Bai Hua's team.

Remember it is a reconnaissance type ability.

Sun Le reached out and touched the arteries in his neck. After confirming that he was out of breath, he stood up and took a few steps back, raising his hand to make a gesture of discovery to the others.

Xia Qirong walked over first, saw his face, and said ah: "Isn't that Bai... When is Bai?"

"Bai Er." Sun Le said.

Duan Zhen wanted Li Xi to wait, but Li Xi was naturally not happy, so he grabbed his clothes and said he wanted to go in together.

"It seems that he died not long ago." Sun Le said: "The body is still warm, the cause of death is unknown, there is no obvious trauma on the body, and there is no trace of poisoning."

Li Xi took a peek from behind Duan Zhen.

There is a strong black magic aura on Bai Er's body, and it seems that he was directly killed by the necromancer. Probably his guess was wrong, the necromancer is not the staff behind the scenes, but a BOSS in this dungeon.

Judging by strength, it should be a big boss.

This world is too mixed up, even he knows that hospitals and necromancers obviously don't coexist... But Clemens probably doesn't care about these.

I have to find a chance to give Duan Zhen a hint.

"The other corpses here are all dead bones. In addition to the decay of the clothes on their bodies, they have been dead for at least five years. They are probably left over from the hospital." Sun Le continued.

"Let's see if there are others." Duan Zhen said.

In fact, he really wanted to turn it over by himself, but Li Xi was holding on to the hem of his clothes from behind, Duan Zhen was afraid that if he led him around, if he accidentally stepped on a bone, the other party might cry out of fright.

He looked at Bai Er's body carefully, and finally reached out to close the corners of his wide-open eyes.

Li Xi stood aside and looked at him, only feeling that the compassion he showed at this time was particularly attractive to him.

Maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Li Xi thought, now he sees nothing wrong with Duan Zhen, of course, there is nothing wrong with Duan Zhen in the first place.

If it wasn't for fear of scaring the other party, he would like to kiss Duan Zhen lightly right now.

Li Xi pursed her lips and stuffed a piece of fruit candy into her mouth, barely restraining her impulse.

They searched the ground again but found no new corpses, and were about to go to other places to have a look, when the bell rang from the hospital.

"It's lunch time." Li Xi said, "The nurse may be coming to see us."

His hidden meaning was obvious, so Duan Zhen led them out.

After washing their hands, the nurse just came over and asked them to gather in the restaurant.

They saw Bai Hua and his team in the restaurant. Bai Hua's face was not very good-looking, but the others looked normal, still with facial paralysis.

Bai Hua holds Bai Si in her arms, puts her arms around her waist, and wraps her around her arms.

Bai Si obediently lay on his stomach without any expression on his face.

However, when he saw Li Xi and the others arrived, he let go of Bai Si, stood up and greeted Li Xi.

Li Xi ignored him and hid behind Duan Zhen.

"Did Brother Duan find any clues?" Bai Hua's face turned ugly for a moment, but soon returned to a smile, and took the lead, "We found the basement, but unfortunately the iron gate is locked, so we can't get in."

Duan Zhen stood still in front of him and looked down at him: "Is it because the door is locked and you can't get in, or because there is something guarding the door, you can't get in?"

Bai Hua's expression changed: "Brother Duan, what does this mean?"

"Where's Bai Er?" Duan Zhen asked.

Bai Hua pursed her lips tightly and said nothing.

"It seems that you don't have any sincerity for this cooperation." Duan Zhen nodded, turned and walked back: "Then there is no need for cooperation."

"Wait." Bai Hua took a step forward, as if she had made up her mind, "Bai Er is dead."

He had seen the number of those monsters last night, and now that there is one less member in the team, the probability of getting through this level safely is even smaller, and stronger assistance is necessary.

He glanced at Duan Zhen, with an obscure expression in his eyes.