MTL - Full-time Master: Buy Excellent Era at the Start-Chapter 281 middle!

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Chapter 282!

At that moment, everyone in Samsara felt chilled.

In fact, it wasn't just Jiang Botao who was happy at the beginning. When they practiced tactics over and over again, imagining that all members of Excellent Era were trapped on the first floor and let them ravage them, they were very much looking forward to the joy of the moment the plan was successful.

According to Jiang Botao's thinking, it would be too late to regret after Excellent Era was recruited.

It is impossible that no one can catch it.

Seeing this result, everyone's mentality exploded, maybe Zhou Zekai was the only one who could deal with it calmly.

Jiang Botao roared directly in the competition room.


How can this be?

With such a fat bait hanging there, why not take the bait!

Jiang Botao was puzzled.

He was very, very puzzled.

However, he also had to admit that he had lost.

Maybe that's why, although he was considered to have some tactical talent, he was never prominent enough to be recognized as a master tactician.

What about his opponent.

Doing all this is a coincidence or necessity.

Jiang Botao really wanted to think about it carefully.

But time has not allowed.

When this scene happened, Samsara couldn't imagine how excited the whole studio and the audience were.

Jiashi is right behind!

"Jiashi is squatting behind Samsara right now! Samsara is surrounded, but Jiashi only has three people at the moment, is Yiyi going to arrive soon, and the priest is still on the way!" Pan Lin's tongue moved quickly.

Even so, the current situation still makes everyone feel that reincarnation is very bad.

The second after the light came on, Excellent Era had already made a move.

One Autumn Leaf stood up and rushed forward with several strides.

Haolong breaks the army!

If you want to play a battle mage well, you must always have a bit of arrogance that dares to be alone and sweep everything.

Even though there were only three teammates around him, Qiu Fei still didn't hesitate in his actions.

Haolong broke the army and rushed into the crowd.

All the members of Samsara are more or less in the midst of the disappointment that their plans have failed.

With a big dragon breaking the army, Qiu Fei hit three directly!

Wulang, Wu Shuanggouyue and Yunshan Chaos!

The players behind the other two characters, Sun Xiang and Zhou Zekai, were the fastest to react!

Even if it is not directly hit, the collision caused by the impact will cause a little damage as long as it is within the range of the skill.

The two dodged quite in time.

In the next second, Hengdao quickly used a mountain-collapsing blow in this narrow place!

However, just as the figure flew up, a bullet hit Hengdao's body, and the skill was interrupted instantly.

Sun Xiang couldn't help cursing inwardly, the bullet came at a really bad time.

The source of the bullet can only be Dazzling Hundred Blossoms.

At this time, the figure in the windbreaker was standing in the corridor on the left.

The bullets were still flying horizontally, and Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was already exchanging fire with One Gun Piercer.

The time gained by Zhang Jiale's skill interrupts allowed Qiu Fei to seize the time to continue releasing his skills.

One Autumn Leaf leaned forward slightly.

The spear in his hand swept out.


A huge dragon breaking the army has already knocked the reincarnation team to one side, and now it is broken again.

The three of Wulang were finally completely swept to the ground, and a few of them were rolling down the stairs "gurgling".

This scene looked very funny, and many people at the scene laughed out loud.

But for the parties involved, it can be said to be extremely embarrassing.

Especially Jiang Botao, who suffered 10,000 points of critical damage in his heart.

One Autumn Leaf's sweep can sweep out 310 degrees, but in such an environment, it is somewhat limited, but the effect is enough.

Even Hengdao and Cloud Piercer had to manipulate their characters to dodge.

Reincarnation is messy right now.

They fell into hesitation and passivity after the interruption of tactics.

After all, people make mistakes and horses make mistakes.

Even if the plan has been completely declared bankrupt, as a qualified commander, he should calmly and restraintly arrange the next move.

The current reincarnation is more or less a bit like the one who didn't react and was beaten up.

"Didn't you think of how to deal with it until now? It seems that the morale has been greatly affected. We must cheer up quickly."

Pan Lin was a little surprised.

Li Yibo couldn't help shaking his head.

One must know that there are only three people on Jiashi's side right now, so they will be directly suppressed and beaten.

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms is providing long-distance damage. His position is quite comfortable, with an excellent viewing angle and cover. Sometimes he can just hide and throw a grenade.

This point is somewhat helpless even if it is Cloud Piercer.

Next, it was Qi Chongyun Shui's turn to make a move.

An excellent control skill for Qigong masters.

Catch the cloud hand.

A group of people from Samsara were crowded there, and it was difficult to escape.

Zhao Yang grabbed the horizontal knife quite accurately!

Zhou Zekai reacted, and the bullet shot out, hitting Qi Chong Yun Shui!

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms with only 30% health stood up, acting as a human shield without fear, resisting all damage.

At the same time, he kept changing the magazine in his hand, and shot out bullets of various colors with special effects.

"Excellent Era wants to pull the horizontal knife over? This is not good..." Pan Lin said

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yang canceled the skill, and the horizontal knife fell straight down, falling into the lower space.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt the same as what Pan Lin had said when he stopped abruptly. They didn't know what to say.

This method seems a little clever, but it works.

The horizontal knife just fell uncontrollably.

If the height of the fall was too high, the character might lose blood, but Sun Xiang didn't fall to the ground in embarrassment, and directly used a silver falling blade halfway, quickly fell to the ground, and also avoided damage.

Then, immediately moved to gather with the team.

At this time, Dazzling Hundred Blossoms also threw down the grenade just right, but it greatly hindered Sun Xiang from returning to the team.

Even Sun Xiang was a little helpless about this, and couldn't help but become a little angry.

On Qiu Fei's side, it was easier because of Zhao Yang's skill.

The battle mage's short-term burst ability is also very strong. Under the cover of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, after a set of combos, Samsara's side could hardly make an effective response.

Qi Chong Yunshui, who has a lot of mid-range output means, is also constantly attacking and harassing.

In this wave of counterattack, Excellent Era played a considerable advantage!

And there are only three people on Excellent Era's side!

The excited shouts of Excellent Era fans never stopped.

However, such a scene could not last for too long.

Because One Autumn Leaf's skills are limited after all, when One Autumn Leaf's skills are on cooldown more and more, it is estimated that he will not be able to suppress the reincarnation.

However, Chen Xing has arrived!

That **** figure appeared in the eyes of everyone in Samsara.

The crimson light was shining, and he stood still not far away, holding the epee in his hand, but it was the foreshadowing of the raging waves of blood!

In an instant, Samsara fell into a life-and-death decision.

If you don't retreat, there is a high possibility of using this skill, and if the blood volume of all members drops, they will fall into a big disadvantage.

If they retreat, they will be targeted by Excellent Era in turn, and it will be even more difficult to break through Excellent Era's block.

Jiang Botao once again fell into a painful tangle.

The chain reaction brought about by the failure of the tactics made all the actions of Samsara look like lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

What should I do?

At this time, Jiang Botao couldn't help being at a loss.

While Jiang Botao was still hesitating, Zhou Zekai told everyone the next direction with his actions.

Cloud Piercer rushed out with a single shot!

With one kick, he wanted to kick One Autumn Leaf.

Everyone saw this skill at a glance.


Of course Qiu Fei wouldn't be hit by the trick, as soon as he jumped up, the spear was slammed down.

Strong dragon pressure!

The location of Cloud Piercer was a head shorter than One Autumn Leaf, and standing on the steps at this moment, he was able to lean down and strike a sliding shovel!

The whole person seemed to be lying down on the steps, and soon stood up on the other side.

One Autumn Leaf's skills failed.

Cloud Piercer had already charged past him.

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, One Gun Piercer came out more and more, becoming the one who led the charge of Samsara.

The Samsara players who saw this scene seemed to have found their way at this moment.

At this time, even One Autumn Leaf was ignored by them.

Their goal is only to go their own way.

Even if he fails to interrupt the skill, Samsara cannot retreat!

Everyone in Samsara rushed forward with the damage, as long as it wasn't control skills, they would turn a blind eye.

The failure of Qiu Fei's powerful dragon pressure just now gave the Samsara people an opportunity. At this moment, the Samsara people really broke through Qiu Fei's defense!

But everyone in Samsara didn't care about rejoicing, and Wulang immediately raised his undulating sword.

A shot through the cloud and raising the gun was a random shot, and then under his control, the chaotic bullets actually flew towards the same target!

It's not the first time Zhou Zekai has done this kind of group skill as a single skill.

For example, Wu Shuang Gouyue had already made a three-stage slash and was about to rush in front of Yiyi.

Yunshan Luan had the shortest attack distance, but he was also rushing forward.

As if it was just a blink of an eye, everyone's skills have been directed towards Yiyi.

In this short moment, the foreshadowing of the raging waves of blood was not enough to end, but it was already coming to an end.

The huge red blade shadow on the epee has become more and more inflated, one can imagine how amazing the damage will be when this skill is smashed in front of everyone in Samsara.

No one can afford the damage of this skill attack.

No one can afford the consequences of failure.

"Ah! Can this raging wave of blood be interrupted? This is a turning point that determines the fate of reincarnation!" Pan Lin was so excited that his palms were sweating.

The audience in the audience, they all leaned forward slightly and clenched their fists even harder.

Seeing the special light and shadow effects of the skills getting stronger, Jiang Botao shouted crazily in his heart.

Interrupt, must interrupt!

Suddenly, a white and lukewarm flame ignited on Yiqiang Chuanyun's body, and it disappeared in a flash.

The muzzle of the gun suddenly misfired, and the powerful output stopped just after it started.

In the next second, the huge shadow of the epee in Yi Yi Xing's hand was completely solidified, and he slashed across the sky. The moment the blood blade landed, the crimson light burst out, and a pool of scarlet blood was boiling and surging around it.

The moment the skill fell, all the characters of the reincarnation crowd at the very center of the skill were overturned, and the blood bar dropped instantly, causing horrific damage.

bingo! !

The moment the skill hit, everyone was so surprised that they were a little stunned.

As the most ferocious ultimate move with the highest damage and the slowest start, the damage of Rage of Blood did not disappoint.

Even if he insists on going his own way, his blood volume is still above 50%, but he still cuts off an average of 20% of the life of everyone in Samsara!

What followed the shock was boiling!

The professional players are even more excited!

Originally, in their calculations, there was still suspense about the unleashing of the fury of the **** wave of "Walking One's Own Way".

Interrupting the opponent's skills either has a powerful grabbing skill, or a high damage output in a short period of time.

This time, Zhiying acted as a timely rain.

Zhang Jiaxing had already arrived, but he was not in a hurry to expose his existence. He didn't use this sacred fire full of soul until the time came.

The strongest output of a cloud piercing misfire.

There are several other melee occupations with grabbing skills, but they haven't reached the attack range yet.

In such a gap, Chen Xing released the most shocking big move of the whole season!

Hit the reincarnation four!

Four people?

Why are there four people.

Everyone was taken aback suddenly.

Their attention was all on the raging waves of blood that they wanted to unleash, but they didn't notice that there were only four people in Samsara!

Even they didn't notice from God's perspective, did Samsara notice this?

The fans of Samsara couldn't help but feel their faces turn pale.


The news came from Hengdao.

An exclamation point from Sun Xiang.

Called everyone's attention!

Sun Xiang was the one who was left out.

Sun Xiang's horizontal knife was thrown to the first floor, and he left the team directly. Although he regrouped with his teammates without stopping for a moment, it also took a lot of time to move.

Before he rushed back, Chen Xing had already arrived.

So although he was also rushing forward, his movements were half a beat slower than the others.

At this time, everyone's goal is Chen Xing, everyone is advancing for the same goal, and they don't have the spirit to pay attention to whether their teammates are keeping up.

So, Sun Xiang was stopped halfway by Qiu Fei.

And everyone in Samsara didn't notice that Dazzling Hundred Blossoms had already set fire and slashed his sword.

Sun Xiang really has nothing to do.

So at this moment, he is extremely cares more about this team competition than anyone else, so although he doesn't like Jiang Botao, in the team competition, he has always been tactic for reincarnation The strictest and most perfect execution.

In the end, it was also the worst one.

Watching his teammates rush forward, he was left behind.

Qi Chong Yunshui, a Qi Penetrating Changhong, appeared directly in front of him, attacking together with One Autumn Leaf.

At this time, his life value is lower than that of Wulang and the others!

Not only was he dealing with the beating of three people by himself, he was even planted a light of the holy commandment by Zhang Jiaxing, and the damage he received was directly increased by 30%!

If Zhiying hadn't turned around and set off a sacred fire, Sun Xiang would be facing the siege of four people alone.

Even the exclamation point was hard for him to issue.

Sun Xiang, who used to be very proud, was extremely reluctant to ask his teammates for help, but this time, he hoped that his teammates would come to rescue immediately.

(end of this chapter)