MTL - Galactic Garbage Station-Chapter 1132 Countermeasures

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After Su Shi withdrew from Zhongyun City, the Holy Light of the Angel Badge seems to continue to expand. The scope is wide and Su Shi is not clear, but at least the entire Zhongyun City should be covered, so that at least you can hold on to yourself. Position. Su Shi intends to look back and study how to use the angel badge to deal with the shadow.

Su Shi worried about Luo Qilin's safety. He rushed to Luo Qilin for a trip. When he found Luo Qilin, he fell to the ground, spit blood, his face pale and dying. Su Shi explored his breath, but fortunately he was still alive.

Su Shi took out a blood and Dan, stuffed it into Luo Qilin’s mouth, and fed him to eat. At present, the most powerful treatment of Su Shi’s healing methods is the time and blood of Dan. A total of four, the experiment used one, saved Wei Xiaoyu used one, and now there are only two, Luo Qilin is too heavy, can only reluctantly cut love and use one.

Then, Su Shi runs the spring leaves and continues to heal Luo Qilin. After half an hour or so, Luo Qilin wakes up and looks a lot, out of danger.

"I am sorry for the owner, it is useless to me." Luo Qilin apologized.

"It's not your fault, the opponent is too strong, you can cultivate well, you may fight again at any time." Su Shi said, leaving Luo Qilin with some Lantian silver wire and jade fish before leaving. Of course, before this, Su Shi did not give Luo Qilin, Bai Hetu and other good things, and he was fully hypnotic, of course, the stronger the better.

Su Shi rushed back to Sujia Village, but he saw a commotion near the port. The Soviet cannon and a middle-aged man were lying on a stretcher and were rushed to the ambulance by doctors and nurses. Both of them have already fallen into a state of fainting. The Soviet cannon is even more serious, with broken legs and severe strain.

"Let me see." Su Shi squeezed forward, the doctors and nurses saw Su Shi, could not help but stop. The situation of these two people is too dangerous. They should have been first aided on the spot and sent to the hospital. Otherwise, they may not be able to support the hospital.

The problem is that they don't know what happened to these two patients. They can't do anything at all. Now, Su Shi, who is a medical doctor, has come to a sigh of relief.

"Auntie, you can come. They don't know what happened. They suddenly fainted."

"The cannon was even more strange. He suddenly ran up and ran fast, then suddenly fell to the ground."

Su Shi carefully inspected the Soviet cannon and another middle-aged man, and found that in addition to the Soviet cannon's legs were injured, there were some bruises on the ground, and the two had no serious injuries. The reason why the two people are unconscious and breathless is probably because of the hurt of the soul and spirit. In this respect, modern medical care is difficult to treat.

Su Shi released his mental power, injected them into their brains, hypnotized them, and calmed their hearts. After a while, they woke up. Although his face is ugly, he is out of danger. They have to be thankful that the shadow is just trying to escape. They didn't want to cause big movements, and they didn't care about them. Otherwise they would definitely not return to this life.

"Wake up and wake up, Auntie's medical skills are really brilliant."

"That is of course, don't look at who we are."

The villagers in the surrounding villages could not help but admire them, but Su Shi at the moment was completely happy and could not stand. After sending the two men to the ambulance, they returned home.

He called a white river map. After a long time, the Baihe map rushed over. Su Shi took out the ghost face scroll from the time of "Zhu Xian" and handed it to the Baihe map, and called the golden sculpture to fly down and ordered. How to do the White River map.

In exchange for the usual, the golden eagle will never be given to outsiders, but now the golden eagle can feel the situation is urgent, and can not care so much.

Baihe map rides a golden eagle, flies in one direction, and flies in a straight line. When he flies for about a hundred kilometers, he takes out the ghost face scroll and opens it. The ghost face is drilled from the inside, and he must do evil. However, he just drilled a little and immediately screamed. A sound, showing the color of pain. Obviously, this position is still in the envelope of the Angel Badge.

The Baihe figure continued to fly forward with the golden eagle. Every distance, test, until the edge of the holy light of the angel badge was tested, it stopped. The final test results gave Su Shi a big surprise. The radius of the angel badge light reached 2,000 kilometers, which means that most of China was enveloped.

Of course, the farther away from Su Shi, the weaker the light, but the angel badge is too powerful, it is definitely a evil nemesis, even if it is the edge, it makes the ghost reel unbearable, the shadow is much stronger, but it is also absolutely Uncomfortable, it should not be possible to get close.

"As long as I keep using the angel badge, at least half of China is safe for the time being." Su Shi was a little relieved. Of course, he knew that now is definitely not lax, there is such a terrible enemy swaying outside, Su Shi If you have a big heart, you can't relax. What I should do now is to do a good job of defense, how to find ways to get rid of him.

"Right, the range of the Holy Light of the Angel Badge is far worse than it is now. The more spiritual power the Angel Badge absorbs, the stronger my mental strength, the wider the range of Holy Light, if I use it. The angel badge continues to absorb the spiritual power and let the light expand to the whole earth. Doesn't that black shadow escape? If it can't cover the whole earth, the wider the scope, the better it is." Su Shi thought.

Su Shi knows that he is not the opponent of the shadow, the angel badge is just restraining each other, of course, it is necessary to focus on the development of the angel badge.

Su Shi immediately sat down and began to absorb the mental power. Every time, he used the angel badge to absorb his mental power. He is constantly doing big things. People are adoring and grateful for him, and the spiritual strength is constant. of. However, before this, his own brain could not absorb much, the angel badge became stronger and stronger, but it did not really come in handy, so there is no real cherishment, just like a person can not eat too much fruit, so only pick a big good, Those who are piecemeal are too lazy to care.

At present, Su Shi is a serious and unprecedented concentration of mental power. The spirit of bringing together all sides will make a single receipt, and even one will not let go. Of course, at the same time, he was also convalescent. Before being attacked by black shadows, the spirit was also traumatized.

In addition, he has already begun to make plans in his mind, and feels that he has to do something further, so that all human beings can worship themselves.