MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 613 Legend (below)

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Mystra's announcement was like a thunderous thunder that blew on every inch of land of the Goblin tribe, roaring in the ears of each Goblin.

The Goblin Empire is dead?

Why did you suddenly die?

On the banks of the Jinshui River, those goblins who screamed and charged suddenly found that they had lost all their power, and even their equipment was in a state of being unusable.

Professionals were deprived of their identity and their powers were instantly removed from the body. Those goblins who were still flying in the air, including the magical mech, fell from the air.

Some of the fierce goblin who was on the battleship and was doing white-blade battle with their opponents instantly lost all their powers, their fists waving wildly became weak, and they were smashed into a meat sauce by their opponents.

The cannon roared again.

This time it was no longer that hitting the body only caused a little damage, but a cannonball went down, and a flesh flew.

"Oh!" The crowd cheered for the victory.

Although Goblin soldiers still exist, the war has settled.

It was still the old general who first responded and said, "Let's preach, the war is over!"

"Don't you take the opportunity to counterattack?" Qu Wei asked.

"We still need the goblin clan, which has been fully considered above," the old general replied. That being said, the old general still slowed down the timing of the order slightly-being pressed for so long, we must give everyone a chance to vent.

In contrast, the battle in Tianchangyuan is much simpler.

Before Mystra announced the demise of the goblin empire, the goblins on this side had collapsed, scattered and fled, and then they were pinched by three returning task forces.

The cancellation of the professional status is the last straw that crushes the camel, leaving them no chance to escape, and in fact loses the confidence to escape.

Goblin is over!

This fact makes all goblins completely desperate.

They fell to their knees in a pool of blood and gave out a helpless wailing.

Perhaps only at this time can everyone feel that they are also human, and they will also be sad and painful.

"Order to stop attacking." Song Jingyang sighed: "Tell them not to surrender ... the country is destroyed, and the clan will remain."

The nation is gone, the clan is still there!

This remark spread like wind, quickly spreading all over the place, and also flying over the city of worship.


Worship Golden City.

The Heavenly Fortress has completely risen from the ground, like a flat-topped mountain suspended above the gold worship city, truly revealing its entire appearance.

This is a flying fortress, nearly 200 meters high, for a total of more than forty layers. The uppermost part is the living area, and the main body of the fort is down.

A large number of artillery were distributed throughout the fortress, and surrounded the whole fortress like a huge hedgehog. Although the firepower of the goblins is not as fierce as the human race, they are systematically strengthened artillery, but the individual power is much stronger than the human race artillery.

Yuan Chenfei was standing at the top of the fortress at this moment, Du Huaijun and other people stood side by side with him, and there were countless goblin bowing down and worshiping.

The fall of Jincheng was easier and smoother than expected.

The collapse of the energy tower was accompanied by not only the disappearance of the physical defense line, but also the psychological defense lines of the goblins. The pope died, the fortress was taken away, the defense was lost, and the army entered. Not every battle of national extermination will be deadly and thrilling in the end. In fact, it is more logical and natural.

When most of the means are destroyed and all accidents are prevented, the ending becomes natural.

In this regard, even if Du Huaijun did not destroy the gates of the other world, and let the four-way reinforcements come, or if Yuan Chenfei did not break the energy tower, the defensive hood still exists, and it will still not affect the overall battle pattern. It depends on whether the price paid is more or less, more or less.

From this perspective, this Goblin War is a perfect war.

Its perfection lies in that the human race has obtained the greatest victory and harvested fruitful results with the least cost.

"This is the largest battle I have played since the army, the fastest battle, and the easiest and least expensive battle." Du Huaijun booed: "It completely subverted my perception of war. ... is not used to it. "

"How does it sound like you're not happy?" Yuan Chenfei asked with a smile.

There was no sense of respect in this statement. If it was before, some soldiers might think that they do not respect the sir.

But now people have begun to understand and get used to it. The word strong is itself synonymous with the chief.

Just like Du Huaijun would not say "I give him a prize" anymore.

He has completely put Yuan Chenfei on a higher level with himself, so he becomes more polite between words.

He laughed: "Of course not, but you know, this huge cognitive difference is like the day when the gods came, someone told you that Newton's theorem is out of date. You spent almost a year thinking that You adapted to this fact, and then you found out that you haven't adapted yet. A new era, a new way of warfare, many things have become different. "

"At least it's not completely different. Artillery scrubbing, carpet bombing, this tactic is at least useful, isn't it?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

"In fact, it's not all." Du Huaijun replied: "Gnomes are races with no natural level, and are the weakest race, so artillery scrubbing can be useful. But even then, the damage can be limited. As long as those aliens Whenever there are some natural levels, the effect of artillery fire washing will be further reduced. Oh yes, Song Jingyang just sent me a message and destroyed a Qingkong army. Two hundred thousand artillery fired tens of millions of shells, Guess how many Qingkongs are still alive at the end? One third. They are the only ones who have slipped away alive. "

The Qingkong clan's natural strength is not very strong, but even so, even one third of the Qingkong clan ran away. From this, it can be seen that the artillery-washing combat mode is only effective for vulnerable races such as goblins.

Yuanchen flying: "It doesn't matter, isn't there still room for improvement? Human's natural technology always has the potential for development, don't give up lightly."

When he said this, he had taken the momentum of the superiors, but Du Huaijun no longer felt that there was anything wrong, and nodded: "then need more knowledge."

"There will be." Yuan Chenfei pointed to the following: "We have beaten down a large goblin empire. Although they have lost their ability, knowledge always exists."

Du Huaijun smiled: "Yes, that's the value of their existence."

The war of alien races has always been cruel, and it cannot tolerate mercy. If it is another race, the human race may destroy them.

But goblins are different. Once this race without a natural level loses its professional status, it becomes the most mundane existence, but it is precisely because of this that it is easy to master. They are wise and have a brilliant history of refining gold. Even if they are no longer professionals, they can still play their role. With strong fertility, whether it is coolie, cannon fodder is very suitable, and can even be used as food for Cyclops-Cyclops is destined to be included in the fighting system of the human race, and goblins are their best elixir and food.

In short, after the loss of force, this race has no threat at all and is suitable to become a **** of the human race.

Just then, Yuan Chenfei's talker suddenly rang.

It is Rouwa.

Yuan Chenfei connected: "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Boss, when are you coming? We have occupied the palace, waiting for you to share the loot!" Rouwa shouted.

Yuan Chen was happy: "A few guys, can't wait to get the benefits. How about it, are you interested to see it?"

"Okay." Du Huaijun laughed cheerfully.

Goblin Palace.

It is now completely occupied by the human race, and Li Zhanjun is sitting on the immortal throne.

Specifically, it was his occupation of the royal palace and throne that led the gods to officially declare the demise of the goblin empire.

It's like a standard, like capturing a flag in a game.

At this moment, Li Zhanjun Rouwa took turns to sit on the throne, touching the east and looking west, full of pride in her heart.

Li Zhanjun even patted the throne and laughed: "Lao Tzu is also the one who has sat on the throne now. Hey, charter, what are you kid doing? Come and sit, let's squeeze the two of us."

The charter was only rescued by Xia Ning using the resurrection technique. Before returning to God, he opened his eyes and saw that he was already in the Goblin Palace, and Li Zhanjun sat on the throne and uttered words.

There was a moment of aggressiveness: "What happened?"

"Nothing, that is, the war is over, we won." Rouwa answered, throwing up and down with a hammer in her hand.

That majestic hammer, which is the top version, now falls into the hands of Rouwa.

Unfortunately, you can only hold it and you can't use it.

"Why did you win. It turned out to be this way. It seems that I really missed a good time." The charter smiled bitterly.

"Not to be missed, isn't there a lot of things left to be done?" Liu Li answered.

"What's the matter?" The charter asked.

Xia Ning pointed to the bottom of Li Zhanjun's buttocks: "The goblin throne, the statue of the craftsman, the hammer of the craftsman, and the treasure house of the goblin pope, many benefits have not been divided."

Speaking of treasure house ~ ~ Li Zhanjun was excited: "Yeah, treasure house!"

He does not need to think about things like the immortal throne, the thronesmith, the statue of the thronesmith, but he can still divide the treasure house.

"What is it, wait for them to come over." Mu Anshan said: "In case anything is missing, I can't say clearly."

Although Li Zhanjun was a little bit careless, he could understand this, so he only called out, "Okay."

Ten minutes later, Yuan Chenfei and Du Huaijun came.

A soldier rushed to salute Du Huaijun: "The commander-in-chief reported that the palace has been taken down, but the temple of the craftsman is now guarded by those freelancers, and a treasure trove has been found there. We should have taken it over, but the other side refused. "

"Isn't there a conflict?"


"That's OK, you don't need to ask about that place." Du Huaijun said, turning to fly to Yuan Chen: "Let's go, look over."