MTL - Genius Sword Immortal-v3 Chapter 1418 Death and natural disaster

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The magical shadow of the demon that is condensed by the power of the demon can be much stronger than that of the demon and the devil. ====

Three heads and six arms, each part of the demon phantom is filled with the power of the demon, the magic cloud rolling, and even the left Canglong's natural disaster law force repelled toward the surrounding!

"The devil is a shadow, but dare to converse!"

Zuo Canglong did not put the illusory shadow of the complete state in his eyes. With a wave of hand, the law of natural disasters once again condensed, and the law of natural disaster at this moment suddenly changed from gray to dark red.

The gray law of natural disasters is full of the atmosphere of destruction. Now the dark red law of natural disasters incorporates the power of silence, as if the stars will die and the color is dark red. This natural disaster law can turn stars into nothingness.

The three heads and six arms of the celestial phantom condense the power of the tyrannical demon, trying to resist the dark red law of the catastrophe, but the two sides collided with each other, and it was not long before they saw the illusion of the celestial gloom in the dark red silence. Even a moment can not support for a long time.

"Left Canglong, you have to be too much!"

When I saw it in the candlelight, I said in a cold voice, and a wave of hands created a void crack, and the whole person retreated to the rear for a few dozen miles!

"Excessive, is it me?"

Left Canglong gently asked, a flash of hatred in his eyes.

Excessive, never his left dragon!

Once upon a time, he left the dragon in the East World, just a disciple of Tianmen, although the talent is good, but there is nothing outstanding.

Zuo Ziyan is the sister of Zuo Canglong, and the desolation is a generation of people; Candle Day is the genius of the Eight Dragons Mozu youth generation, even younger than Zuo Canglong.

Zuo Canglong and Candle Day, under the circumstance of coincidence, became a close friend, each aiming to surpass the Taoist.

At that time, the two men were much younger than the left dragon, but the two were similar, so they could learn from each other and become friends.

However, as the candlelight was upgraded as a rocket, in the face of Tianbaodibao, he finally abandoned the left dragon, and took away the Tiandi treasure alone, but left the left Canglong to face the heavy pursuit. !

Zuo Canglong struggled to resist, still lost, suddenly he was seriously injured, or he was saved when the road was passed.

Destroy the Tao, and Zuo Zizhen is a peer, participated in the same Eastern Conference, but it is also a sorrow, when he sees Zuo Canglong, he will naturally save him.

When Zuo Canglong was sent to the left Ziyan, he was seriously injured and his body was almost destroyed. All of this was caused by the candle.

If it wasn't for the candlelight to grab the piece of heavenly treasure, Zuo Canglong would not be like this!

Everything is because in the eyes of the candlelight, Zuo Canglong is not talented enough. He is no longer qualified to be friends with him. He will be free to abandon him and think he will die in the pursuit of the group.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Canglong will be saved by the Taoist, leaving a life!

The left Canglong was extremely injured at that time, and it was hard to save a life. The whole body meridians were also abolished, and almost no possibility of achieving the king.

Although Zuo Canglong’s talent is average, but how can he be willing to face this matter?

He did not tell Zuo Ziyan that he left alone. As for where he went, no one knows that Zuo Ziyu has been searching for the East Asian Tiancheng for many years and there has been no news.

Almost everyone thought that Zuo Canglong was dead!

After all, he was seriously injured, and he was afraid to be repaired for tens of thousands of years. His combat power was not as good as that of some young people who had just become immortals. He went out alone and was very unlikely to survive.

However, later, someone brought news from the Sanctuary Tianzhou, let Zuo Ziyu know that Zuo Canglong went to the Sanctuary of Tianzhou, and he was met with a noble person. The injury was completely cured, and the nobles of the teacher finally achieved the realm of the Emperor!

This news, Zuo Zikai did not tell anyone, even the Taoist did not tell.

Because when I got this news, the murderer still cheated her, saying that Zuo Canglong was taken by a cloud travel elder in the Endless Valley and took it out to travel.

With this in mind, the murderer has been pursuing the left purple scorpion and wants to trick her into hand.

Originally, Zuo Zizhen had some good feelings for the instinct, but after this happened, Zuo Zizhen suddenly saw the true face of the Taoist, and soon alienated him.

Poorly killing the Taoist does not know what happened, until this time the Eastern Region will be on the military, Zuo Canglong suddenly appeared, he only knows that the original Zuo Ziyu has long known that he is cheating her!

Zuo Canglong, who can have today's achievements, is given by candlelight.

However, the pain of his former despair, which was ruined, was also given by candlelight. How could he easily let go of the candlelight?

The skinny and thin young man, Zuo Canglong, stepped into the Emperor in the Sanctuary of Tianzhou, until the achievement of the Emperor of Heaven, this is the return to the Eastern Tiancheng, in order to defeat the Candle Heaven Hall!

"Canday, you have already retreated. Now, do you want to back down for the second time?"

Zuo Canglong sighed aloud, and a backhand, a dark red silence, the law of natural disasters suddenly slammed into the black and white candlelight dozens of miles away, the void was shattered by this natural disaster law, as if through the sky!

Not long ago, Zuo Canglong and Candle Day had quietly played against each other, and that time, the candlelight lost and retreated.

Now, Candle Day continues to retreat, although it is also the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, but in the face of Zuo Canglong, he is really not an opponent!

"As for your strength, you are also trying to surpass the Taoist?"

"On your strength, I want to ask the best of the fairy road?"

"Dream dreams!"

The resentment of Zuo Canglong for many years broke out at this moment!

A black force of death and catastrophe, the whole scorpion is shrouded, so that everyone feels a breath of death!

Even the people of the Fairy City, hundreds of miles away, including Ye Feng, suddenly felt that the Scorpio was dyed black, and a horrible death sighed.

"This death breath is definitely the power passed down from the upper bounds, even if it is more than the death of the power of the ancient demon dragon, it is not too much!"

Ye Feng felt the power and couldn't help but marvel at it.

And because it was exhibited by the Emperor of Heaven, it was all dyed into the black of death in the sky of thousands of miles!

This annihilates the forces of the natural disasters, kills all living beings, and the natural disasters are lowered.

Zuo Canglong has a palm in the palm of his hand and covers the ground with one hand. The pale figure of the skin is thin, but it seems to be the only fairy **** in this world. It will instantly suppress the candle!

The candlelight feels the death of the scorpio, and feels the death of the surrounding air, knowing that he has been firmly locked by the left dragon.

At this time, I am afraid that no matter whether he flees to the ends of the earth, he will not be let go by the left Canglong!

Candles have always been confident and proud face, and finally changed. Until then, he finally discovered that Zuo Canglong, the guy who was abandoned by him in the past, now has the strength to kill him.

And he can't escape without a candle!

[Today is busy today, it is 2 more. Thanks to the main battle readers: typdennis, touch the zhong mo, 134****9988, 1 little baby, do not want to understand you 123, fly de little sheep, look forward to the garden from the east, 138263**** monthly ticket support! 】 [After a while to cope with the new book, the book update is not to force, sorry for this. The book will continue to last 2-3. In addition, I will push down the new book "Dragon Wudi Zun", the **** fantasy style, everyone can go and see ~]