MTL - Genius Sword Immortal-v3 Chapter 1439 Ye Feng exits

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To master the law of annihilation, the first thing to master is that in this world, different kinds of existence are born because of what.

Everything belongs to chaos, but the way is different. This way, Ye Feng must master and memorize.

For seven hundred years, Ye Feng’s mind is all spent on it!

"Destroy the sword, a sword, and everything is annihilated!"

When Ye Feng opened his eyes again, the light of the universe was shining in his eyes. From this moment on, everything can be turned into chaos in his eyes.

Of course, this is the case in the chaos that is too clear.

As for the outside world, his cultivation has also restricted his ability to play. How can he comprehend the sword of the annihilation, and it is impossible to defeat the powerful realm of the emperor in a million years.

Although the level of power at hand is important, the amount of power is more important.

Ants can lift foods that are four hundred times heavier than their own weight. From this point of view, the power of ants is terrible.

However, if something is a thousand times, 10,000 times, or even 100,000 times heavier, can it still be lifted?

This is the importance of cultivation!

And now Ye Feng, in the eyes of the powerful realm of the Emperor, may be equivalent to a growing ant.

Although the potential is great, but in any case, it is still just an ant, and it is very simple to step on it.

"Ten Emperor Sword Seniors, how do you feel now?"

When the entire acceleration space is about to dissipate, Ye Feng sees the Ten Emperor Sword, and is squatting in the second layer of the Chaos Swordsman Star, to see and comprehend all kinds of swordsmanship.

The Ten Emperor Sword, along with Ye Feng, cultivated and comprehend in the accelerated space. For the past millennium, naturally, there are more gains!

"This millennium is too much!"

In the Ten Emperor Sword, an old man’s voice haha ​​spread: “I have seen so many swords and bans in my life, even if I am going to die now, there will be no regrets!”

Ten Emperor Sword, a super-level magic weapon with self-awareness, its real combat power is close to the Emperor!

However, although it is next to Ye Feng, it is not his bodyguard. Unless there is a strong man in the realm of the Emperor wanting to kill him, it will consider helping and helping Ye Feng.

Although Ye Feng is very talented, if he does not go through the killing experience, he will still not become a strong.

"The predecessors have gained a lot, that is a good thing, but this accelerating space is quickly disintegrating. The eight-story space of the Chaos Swordsman Star can only be reserved later."

Ye Feng said a little pity.

"Your boy, fully comprehended the sword of Chaos and the sword of annihilation, is it not enough?"

Ten Emperor Sword contempt said: "Even if the old man is also a good talent, but these swordsman ban, this has not been able to comprehend any move for nearly a thousand years, it is a pity..."

"Predecessors, if you see a ban, you want to cultivate it successfully. Seeing another ban, and wanting to cultivate successfully, how easy is it?"

Ye Feng wondered: "If the predecessors are like me, focusing on one or two of them, there will definitely be income."

"Hey! I am the patience of the old man!"

The ten emperor sword smiled: "If you do, you will let me stay here, I don't want to go out!"

“Predecessors are free.”

Ye Feng certainly won’t refuse, just saying: “Just wait for the seniors to help me, but also ask the seniors to come out.”

"There is no problem naturally!"

As the predecessor of the Ten Emperor Sword, the credibility of the words spoken is of course extremely high, and it will never be easily repented.

Ye Feng gave it the opportunity to get in touch with so many swordsmanship bans, and his attitude towards Ye Feng became very different from the beginning.

However, for these, Ye Feng did not care too much.

"Chaotic brilliance sword and annihilation sword method have been successfully cultivated, and in this millennium time, my cultivation has finally been upgraded to 8,000 years, and it is not far from entering the realm of immortality."

Ye Feng has some emotions.

The millennium time did not make him look old, but it made the memory in his mind far away.

The earth in memory, the celestial world, and the women around him seem to be separated by a long time!

"Must go back and see."

Ye Feng made up his mind. If he doesn't go back to the earth to see it again, his heart is really quiet.

This is not a good phenomenon for the upcoming anti-day agreement!

Anyway, he now has a streamer fairy sail, and Tianxiang Fairy will also send him some heavenly treasures. As the first fuel for the streamer Xianfan, it is better to take the moon back to the next day.

As for coming back to Qingtian, let the moon gather with her, shock the emperor, ask for some heavenly treasures, and then start the streamer fairy sail!

After making the decision, the accelerating space made by Tianxiang Fairy finally broke down after a thousand years of maintenance and collapsed.

Ye Feng’s figure appeared in the room of Tianxiang Restaurant, after a thousand years, if it was separated.

However, for outsiders, time is only two years.

"There is still one year left, and the anti-sky covenant will probably begin, so this time I go back to the next day, I can only stay for one year."

Ye Feng thought in his heart.

Ten Emperor Sword, he was thrown into the Chaos Sword Fairy Star, the ten old predecessors want to study the Chaos Swordsman ban, let them study it first.

Many bans, Ye Fengguang is difficult to figure out quickly by himself.

However, if there is a study of the Ten Emperors' swords, perhaps Ye Feng will save a lot of time when he wants to practice.

"Ye Feng."

The crisp sound of the moon came from outside the room.

In the past two years, she certainly missed Ye Feng, and she wanted to enter the acceleration space several times to accompany Ye Feng to practice together.

However, Ye Feng was in the acceleration space, and continued to realize for a thousand years, so that she did not find a suitable opportunity to enter it!

In the process of epiphany, the most taboo was disturbed, and Ye Feng was able to realize a thousand years, and it was also a situation that Tianxiang Fairy had never seen before.

A thousand years of epiphany, what other bans, what power can not comprehend?

In the past millennium, Ye Feng’s progress is absolutely beyond everyone’s imagination!

Not only that, Long Yu practiced the dragon sword, this super-cultivation method, the speed of natural improvement is also much faster than the average person.

In a thousand years, his original six thousand years of cultivation has been upgraded to eight thousand years, and even Shouyuan has been upgraded for nearly a thousand years.

Although he has been in retreat for a thousand years, he can still live for a while, but it has not decreased!

It can be seen that if there is no bottleneck in his cultivation, he can almost live forever, and Shouyuan will not be exhausted. However, this can only be thought of.

Although Ye Feng has not encountered any bottlenecks when he is in the realm of realm, once he becomes a fairy, who knows if he will encounter bottlenecks?

Moreover, once you step into the realm of the emperor, there seems to be no possibility of further promotion. Shouyuan, all emperors are the same!