MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 38

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Lin Zheng froze in place when he heard Gu Nanzhi's voice, and asked Shi Qi with a mournful face, "What should I do?"

Shi Qi touched his chilled neck, squinted and said, "Why don't I go to the bathroom alone, and you go to find Teacher Gu?"

Lin Zheng looked at her silently, and threatened her with cold eyes, "If you dare to leave, I will do it!"

Shi Qi laughed dryly, and wanted to fight for the last chance of life for himself, "Ms. Gu is so kind to you, you go in later, kneel at her feet, hug her thigh, no, it's too much if you touch something that shouldn't be touched." It's too much, you can just hug her calf, and then cry and admit your mistake, I promise Teacher Gu will forgive you. I am different, I don't even have the slightest sense of existence with Teacher Gu, right now The only thing left is to be beaten to death, Zheng'er, I'm still young, I don't want to die so early."

Shi Qi's words were sincere, but to no avail, Lin Zheng grabbed Shi Qi's hand relentlessly, and dragged her into the box like she had dragged herself into the "pit of fire" many times.

The woman who opened the door just now stood in the corner, answering the phone while staring at the two of them moving past.

What is the reason for this scene of "unreconciled and unwilling"?

When Lin Zheng dragged Shi Qi into the box, Gu Nanzhi was still sitting on the high foot, with one leg bent at will, stepping on the foot of the stool, while the other leg was straightened, and the sole of the front foot tapped lightly on the ground regularly.

"Who are these two little girls?" Someone in the box asked as if watching the excitement.

Gu Nanzhi looked at the two of them and said calmly, "Students in my class."

"Yo, student." The man turned his gun and threw the question to Lin Zheng, "Isn't your teacher Gu very fierce?"

Lin Zheng shook his head violently.

"Don't be fierce, why are you so scared that you dare not speak?"

"..." She didn't know, so she was cowardly.

Gu Nanzhi glanced at the speaker, and at the same time tapped the microphone with his fingertips.

The subtle touch sound was loudly played, Lin Zheng raised his head when he heard the voice, and called out weakly, "Teacher Gu."

"Yes." Gu Nanzhi responded, "These are all teachers, don't be afraid."

"Oh." Lin Zheng glanced around from the corner of his eye. Indeed, the people here are dressed in a 'serious' manner, and there is no trace of tobacco and alcohol in the box, but a faint fruity aroma.

"Why are you here?" Gu Nanzhi asked.

Before Lin Zheng could speak, Shi Qi, who had already slowed down, replied first: "Come over to digest after eating."

"Run to KTV to eat, do you know that minors are prohibited from entering and leaving here?" Gu Nanzhi asked.

Shi Qi shrank his neck and hid behind Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng can't wait to drag Shi Qi who can't talk to the corner to beat him up!

"We went through the back door." Lin Zheng whispered.

Gu Nanzhi laughed angrily at what he heard, and asked calmly, "What did you say?" This kid didn't even need three days, and even three hours without playing, he wanted to put her in the house.

Lin Zheng's little heart was beating wildly, and she hurriedly explained, "We stayed in the box and didn't go anywhere."

"I didn't go anywhere, why are you here?" Gu Nanzhi's question hit the nail on the head.

Lin Zheng thought for a while, and pulled Yu Chuanbai out to block the knife without feeling guilty at all, "Yu Chuanbai's singing is so ugly, I can't stay."

Gu Nanzhi almost lost her skills, she really wanted to ask Lin Zheng, "How good is your singing when you think you are yourself? You also despise others." But the child's face is too thin, and she can't bear to add insult to injury.

"Did you drink?" Gu Nanzhi asked.

Lin Zheng shook her head like a rattle, "No!"

She was quite obedient, Gu Nanzhi thought to herself, she stood up and said to a few old classmates: "Let's stop here today, I'll send them back first."

"Don't, it's rare to see each other, it's still early." Someone said.

Lin Zheng also felt that it was not good to spoil everyone's interest, so she hurriedly declined, "Mr. Gu, you don't need to send it. We will take the bus back later."

"That's right." The woman who finished the phone call opened the door and came in, echoing, "It's a rare opportunity to let the students see how you look in private. What's the rush?"

The woman hooked Lin Zheng and Shi Qi's shoulders, took them to sit down, and then said to Gu Nanzhi: "Chairman Gu, it's been a long time since we've heard you sing. Give me a face and finish singing this song." chant."

Gu Nanzhi glanced at Shi Qi who was full of anticipation and Lin Zheng who was evasive, and had no choice but to click Start to continue the unfinished lingering.

As soon as Gu Nanzhi opened his mouth, Lin Zheng immediately sat upright. If he was just enjoying the ears outside the door, now with Gu Nanzhi's lazy expression and casual sitting posture, it is a double stimulation of the senses and the heart.

Lin Zheng never knew that Gu Nanzhi sang love songs like this, so casual, but so heart-warming. There were no sighs and coldness in her singing, but only deep love. Lips that are as gentle as they are... coveted.

"How is it? Teacher Gu sings nicely." The woman said, in order for Lin Zheng to hear her voice clearly, the woman was very close, and Lin Zheng could almost feel her breath hitting her ear—and Gu Nanzhi's heartbeat was different, and she made her very uncomfortable.

Lin Zheng sat up unnaturally and responded to her: "It sounds good."

The woman smiled happily, and handed a glass of juice to Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng was embarrassed, took it and put it to her mouth. The moment her mouth touched the rim of the cup, she clearly felt Gu Nanzhi's low voice raised.

For just a moment, Lin Zheng almost thought she had heard it wrong, but how could she make such a mistake who is sensitive to music?

Lin Zheng couldn't figure it out, shook her head and continued to drink the juice, completely unaware that the remaining lipstick on the rim of the cup touched her lips and entered her mouth.

"The time is too long, my lover, I am in a foreign land, looking at the moon." After the song was sung, applause continued.

Gu Nanzhi walked down, kicked the woman next to Lin Zheng and said, "Let it go."

The woman was dissatisfied, "The place is so big, why do you have to sit here?"

Gu Nanzhi glanced at her and said calmly, "This is my seat."

"Where's the face?" The woman pouted, pointing to the place under Lin Zheng's buttocks and said, "This is your position, okay?"

Lin Zheng jumped up from the sofa with a jolt, "Teacher Gu, sit down."

Seeing that he didn't look at Lin Zheng, Gu Nanzhi raised his hand and pressed his head back, "Sit well."

Lin Zheng, "..." What should I do if my **** is so hot that I can't sit still?

The woman couldn't afford to offend Gu Nanzhi, she muttered jokingly and moved to the side.

Gu Nanzhi sat down in her place, took a Zhang and handed it to Lin Zheng, saying, "Wipe your mouth."

Lin Zheng licked her lower lip subconsciously. There was nothing there. Why did Teacher Gu ask her to wipe her mouth?

Confused, Lin Zheng still took the paper from Gu Nanzhi's hand and wiped his mouth.

"The little girl also sings a song?" The woman who was forcibly 'driven away' by Gu Nanzhi walked past her and asked Lin Zheng from behind.

Lin Zheng leaned back, just about to talk to the woman, Gu Nanzhi raised his hand to stop her, and was stopped back, "Sit down."

Lin Zheng acted upright immediately as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

The woman stared, wishing to make a hole in Gu Nanzhi's face, "I didn't do anything to your student, why are you so nervous?"

Gu Nanzhi wiped his hands with a wet towel, and said with a smile: "The one who gets close to the ink is black, always remember."

The woman was speechless for a moment, they are indeed not as pure as children after being abused by society.

"Okay, I won't talk to her, so you can pass it on to her." The woman compromised.

Gu Nanzhi directly refused, "No." Lin Zheng's singing probably cannot be controlled by anyone.

Shi Qi on the side didn't know that Gu Nanzhi had heard Lin Zheng sing, and she didn't know that Gu Nanzhi's move was to save face for Lin Zheng. She patted her chest with her blind favoritism towards Lin Zheng and said: "My Zhenger Singing is great!"

The woman followed the topic and said, "Then I must sing a song."

Shi Qi immediately went to order a song, but Lin Zheng had no chance to play it, so he wanted to escape in a hurry.

"Lin Zheng." Gu Nanzhi approached Lin Zheng and asked her in a low voice, "If you don't want to sing, I'll take you away."

Lin Zheng turned her head and stared at Gu Nanzhi in a daze.

Teacher Gu's tone just now... seems to know something?

Seeing that he was losing his temper, Gu Nanzhi touched his nose in a concealed manner and said, "The music classroom is next to the recording studio."

"?!" Lin Zheng suddenly recalled the encounter with Gu Nanzhi after the music class, so it turned out! She heard herself singing! Ow! I don't want to live anymore!

Lin Zheng's face was so hot that it would explode. If it wasn't for the dim light in the box, she would definitely be regarded as a "wonderful flower" by now.

How to do? ! In a hurry, Lin Zheng picked up the cup and drank the remaining juice in one gulp.

Gu Nanzhi watched quietly, pursing his dry lips under the dim light.

She was going out to meet people today, so she deliberately changed her lipstick, which was red...not suitable for children.

"Zheng'er, the order is ready!" Shi Qi greeted Lin Zheng with a microphone.

Lin Zheng looked up, saw the title of the song, and wanted to make a hole in the wall to get in.

"Babe", after she sang this song once, she put it in the bottom of the box, okay? ! Why does their family Seven like to discover the impossible around them? !

There is no prelude to "Guaiguai", and the teacher sitting next to the karaoke machine started all the songs directly.

Shi Qi saw that Lin Zheng didn't move, so she sang along first, and then moved towards Lin Zheng by groping her way.

Moving to Lin Zheng, Shi Qiyi saw that the chorus was about to arrive, and immediately handed the microphone to Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng held the microphone and was unable to get off the tiger, so he had to bite the bullet and start singing, "Just like this, hold hands first, then touch your head, take off all the stars and hide them behind you..."

The girl's clear and soft voice spread out in the box.

Gu Nanzhi looked sideways in surprise, Lin Zheng didn't lose her tune today, and she sang extraordinarily cutely. The air around her seemed to smell of cream, so sweet that it was cloying.

After a few sentences, Lin Zheng's tension relaxed, and her voice became softer and softer. She sang all the cuteness that a little girl should have into the song.

Gu Nanzhi's smile quickly spread from the corner of his mouth, his gentle eyes wrapped around Lin Zheng, and she was the only one in his eyes.

There's really nothing else wrong with a baby being cute.

The song "Babe" is very short, Lin Zheng immediately turned off Maisai and returned to Shiqi as soon as Lin Zheng finished singing, and let out a sigh of relief.

She doesn't dare to look at Gu Nanzhi now, it's too embarrassing!

Sitting next to Lin Zheng, Gu Nanzhi took in all her reactions. She stood up and said, "The song has been sung, and it's almost time. Can I take the two children and leave first?"

At this point in the conversation, there is no one to continue to stay, so after a few words, the three teachers and students were let go.

As soon as Lin Zheng got out of the box, she covered her face and ran out.

Shi Qi couldn't catch up, so he hurriedly said to Gu Nanzhi: "Mr. Gu, I didn't bring my mobile phone. Help me find Zhenger. I'll go to the box and call Song Anshu and Yu Chuanbai."

Gu Nanzhi, "Okay, see you downstairs later."

"Well, thank you Teacher Gu."

When Shiqi left, Gu Nanzhi walked slowly to the elevator entrance, and took the elevator down to find someone.

The wind outside was very cold, and Lin Zheng was standing on the side of the road kicking the curb.

Gu Nanzhi walked over, holding back a smile and said, "Why are you running so fast? I'm a wolf, can I eat you?"

Lin Zheng pursed her mouth, and said without tears, "Mr. Gu, was I embarrassing just now?"

Gu Nanzhi walked up to Lin Zheng, stood on the side of the road with her, looked at the cars passing by in front of him and said, "No, it's very cute."

Standing at the same height, Gu Nanzhi was much taller than Lin Zheng, and she needed to raise her head to see Gu Nanzhi's profile.

Mr. Gu's tight and smooth jaw line is so beautiful.

What's the use of looking good? !

what! Lin Zheng scratched her head irritably, and said fiercely to Gu Nanzhi: "Mr. Gu, don't you remember me singing!"

"Okay." Gu Nanzhi agreed, and coaxed Lin Zheng to 'piss off' Lin Zheng, so angry that she stomped her feet, "Teacher Gu!"

Gu Nanzhi asked in a very good temper, "Huh?"

Lin Zheng was about to cry, "Mr. Gu, you bully people."

"Is there?" Gu Nanzhi asked knowingly.

"Yes." Lin Zheng wanted to cry, but squatted down on the side of the road to pull on the shoelaces in frustration.

Gu Nanzhi raised his hand to hook Lin Zheng's ponytail, and asked her, "Are you angry?"

Lin Zheng snorted and turned his head to the other side.

Who is angry? Does she look like such a petite person? She just didn't want to be ashamed in front of Gu Nanzhi.

Seeing Lin Zheng ignoring him, Gu Nanzhi curled a handful of hair with his fingertips and pulled it off.

Lin Zheng felt the pain, raised his head and complained to Gu Nanzhi, "Mr. Gu, it hurts."

Gu Nanzhi let go, and instead rubbed her head with the palm of his hand, "Don't come to this kind of place after you know it hurts, you guys are getting more and more courageous."

Lin Zheng and the others came here with the **** of Yu Chuanbai's brother, and there was a special box for them, so they didn't have to worry about encountering bad guys, but it was wrong for minors to enter and leave entertainment venues, Lin Zheng didn't dare to say anything, and Gu Nanzhi Shaved her hair like a chicken coop.

Enough of 'playing', Gu Nanzhi patted Lin Zheng's head and said, "Get up."

Lin Zheng stood up obediently, and couldn't bear to look directly at the shadow on the ground. Is her hairstyle going to heaven?

"In the future, don't just drink what others give you." Gu Nanzhi said.

Lin Zheng was so focused on her hairstyle that she didn't understand for a moment, so she asked, "What?"

Gu Nanzhi tapped Lin Zheng's lips, and said seriously: "In public places, don't just drink what others give you."

Lin Zheng came to his senses and explained, "They are Teacher Gu's friends, not others."

Gu Nanzhi thought about it, what the child said really made sense, but what's the use of it?

"I can't do it if I say no." Gu Nanzhi said.

Lin Zheng raised her eyebrows and stared at Gu Nanzhi.

Teacher Gu, is this unreasonable?

Gu Nanzhi felt inexplicably guilty from being stared at, and avoided her gaze and said, "I, an old man, eat more food than you walk, so listening to it won't hurt you."

Lin Zheng frowned even more, and said displeasedly: "Mr. Gu, why do you always like to talk about 'old'? I don't like to hear you say that about yourself."

"I won't tell you if you don't like it?" Gu Nanzhi pinched Lin Zheng's chin and teased, "Student Lin Zheng'er, your courage is getting bigger and bigger."

Gu Nanzhi, who was talking, bent slightly, almost at the same level as Lin Zheng, and she who smiled sweetly hooked her with burning eyes.

Lin Zheng lost his mind.

She listened to her heartbeat beating as fast as a drum, and the little flame in her heart that had been ignited and never completely extinguished began to stir again.

Your friend likes her.

Homosexuality is okay...

Shi Qi's words kept tugging at Lin Zheng's ignorant heart. She couldn't restrain the strange feelings that had sprouted in her, and asked Gu Nanzhi in a low voice, "Teacher Gu, do you think girls can like girls?"

Gu Nanzhi's smiling eyes trembled violently, she straightened her body, and smiled, "Why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

Lin Zheng's heart was already flustered, and he didn't have the energy to pay attention to Gu Nanzhi's micro-expression, so he just continued to talk along the topic he had already spoken, "I seem to like someone."

Gu Nanzhi's smile disappeared completely, his voice was stiff and weak, "Who?"

Lin Zheng shook her head, remained silent for a while, and suddenly smiled, cleanly and purely, "I just think so, I'm not sure yet, I'll tell you when I'm sure."

Gu Nanzhi's heavy heart could not be pulled up by Lin Zheng's smile. She looked at Lin Zheng with complicated eyes, as if she had a lot to say, but after being isolated by silence, there was only one sentence left, "Lin Zheng, don't If you like the same sex, don’t like the same **** if you think it’s easy.”

After Gu Nanzhi finished speaking, the clean smile on Lin Zheng's face froze instantly. She thought Lin Zheng understood, so she was hurt. Her dull heart was hit by Lin Zheng's hurt expression, and the pain for a moment made her unbearable , "Lin Zheng..."

As soon as Gu Nanzhi opened her mouth, Lin Zheng suddenly pointed to the direction behind her, and said with a pale face, "Mr. Gu, help me find out if the woman in the black suit is my mother, and is the person pulling her, yes?" Isn't it the Uncle Qin I told you about?"

The author has something to say: the high school section is about to be finished, the next chapter is not too sweet (very sadistic), students who don’t like it can skip it~

"Good boy"

Composer: Li Xianda

Lyricist: Li Xianda

Vocals: Li Xianda

Lyrics: too long to post


Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Xixi and Chiyu;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 18 bottles of Gaiety; 3366778310 bottles; 88969755 bottles; 4 bottles of warm and cool;