MTL - Global Beast: I Can Design An Evolutionary Route-Chapter 392 The Marquis of Mingyang's mansion was destroyed, and he finally entered the world of immortal cultivation!

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"Are these people going for Fang Jingyi?" Mu Xuan asked in surprise as he hid in a tree outside the Hou residence.

Soon, Jing Yixuan ignited a raging fire, and then the fire continued. In the end, the entire Mingyang Marquis Mansion was not spared. More than 30 people in the mansion were killed by men in black.

In the main hall of the Hou Mansion, the leader of the man in black said angrily, "There's nothing there. Keep searching for me. It's impossible for the eldest lady of the Fang family not to leave some resources for the Fang family!"

Then, the people in black dug three feet into the ground, but didn't find what they wanted, and finally had to leave in anger.

Mu Xuan coldly watched the people in black leave, looked at the Mingyang Marquis Mansion that was about to be burnt down, and sighed silently, the Mingyang Marquis Mansion was gone...

It was night, and the entire Jingzhou City was disturbed. Countless people participated in the firefighting, until the fire was put out in the afternoon of the next day. At the last count, more than 30 people in the entire Mingyang Hou Mansion were extinguished.

What made Mu Xuan speechless was the prefect's sleaze operation. The next day the prefectural government posted a notice, placing the charges on Fang Yan and Cai'er and his wife, and listed them as wanted criminals.

Fortunately, Mu Xuan was more powerful, and after Yi Rong successfully escaped from Jingzhou City.

On a carriage heading to Qingniu Town in Jingzhou, Cai'er was still in shock, and Mu Xuan said bitterly, "Isn't Lin Cangqiao, governor of Jingzhou, when I cultivate to the ninth level of Primordial Strength, I will burn you to ashes. No!"

It's not that Mu Xuan has the strength to solve the Lin Cangqiao of Nazhizhou, but it's not worth it to be in danger.

Half a month later, Mu Xuan finally settled in Wuligou Village, Han Li's hometown. That's the point of the countryside. The imperial power does not go to the countryside.

In order to make a living, Mu Xuan opened an ingredient store, specializing in hot pot condiments, but he did not expect the business to be good.

Another winter comes, and Mu Xuan is still at the sixth level of Primordial Strength, but there is also news that Cai'er is finally pregnant.

Ten months later, Cai'er left a big fat boy for Mu Xuan, and Mu Xuan named him Fang Han!

At this point, the Muxuan family settled in Wuligou and gradually integrated into the local area. As for the wanted order in Jingzhou City, they had long since been forgotten in that corner...

Time flies, time flies, and it will be eight years later.

Xiao Fanghan is eight years old, and he is very cute. To Mu Xuan's surprise, this little guy has a very good foundation, and he actually started the Primordial Jin at a young age!

In addition to Xiao Fanghan, Cai'er successively gave birth to a girl and a boy to Mu Xuan, named Fang Qingxue and Fang Ping!

As for Mu Xuan himself, in eight years, Mu Xuan successfully cultivated to the peak of the eighth level of Primordial Strength, comparable to the peak of first-class masters in the arena!

Mu Xuan had no intention of being complacent at all. In nine years, I am afraid that Han Li has already reached the foundation-building stage at this moment.

Mu Xuan knew that it was time to go out. The first stop was the Lincang Bridge in front of Jingzhou City!

In Jingzhou City, Mu Xuan reappeared and went straight to the prefectural government.

At night, the bright moon was hanging high, the current prefect, that is, Lin Cangqiao's son Lin Nansheng was in love with his concubine, when a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the room, scaring Lin Nansheng to the point of withering!

"Who are you?!" Lin Nansheng pretended to be calm.

Mu Xuan smiled slightly: "Eight years ago, the Marquis of Mingyang's mansion was destroyed, I just escaped the disaster, but your father put the blame directly on me, this debt, we can forget it!"

Lin Nansheng's expression changed immediately, because this operation was actually proposed back then!

"A hero, a hero, my father is right next door, go find him..." Lin Nansheng sold his old father decisively.

But Mu Xuan was unmoved, he swung out his palm, and Lin Nansheng was killed on the spot!

As for the concubine, she had already fallen into a coma, so Mu Xuan had no trouble destroying the flowers and left her alive.

Afterwards, Mu Xuan came to Lin Cangqiao's room, this old guy actually had a cultivation base, and he was getting stronger and stronger, and he was also engaging in pornography!

This time Mu Xuan didn't talk nonsense. Before Lin Cangqiao could react, he smashed the guy's head with a palm, and the concubine under him was almost scared to death...

That night, the leaders of the Lin family who dominated Jingzhou both died suddenly, and the Lin family was immediately liquidated.

Although Mu Xuan did not kill the entire Lin Cangqiao family, the entire Lin family was almost dead because of this!

The Lin family was destroyed, Jingzhou City was in chaos for a while, and then returned to normal. The imperial court sent a new prefect to take office. Later, a group of unjust, false and wrong cases were re-examined, and the wanted orders of Mu Xuan and Cai'er were revoked.

Of course, Mu Xuan didn't care about this. He disguised himself as a middle-aged man and wandered around. Jingzhou, Lanzhou, and Xuzhou all had traces of him.

Huangtian pays off. After more than three months, Mu Xuan successfully encountered the battle between the cultivators in Anzhou. When the two sides were seriously injured, Mu Xuan decisively shot and finally captured the two!

Mu Xuan acted mercilessly, breaking the dantian of the two of them, and then forced them to question their spiritual roots and origins.

As a result, one was the four spiritual roots of gold, earth, fire and wood, the other was the three spiritual roots of water, wood and fire.

Mu Xuan finally extracted the three spiritual roots of water, wood and fire and melted it into his body. So far, after twelve years, Mu Xuan was finally able to cultivate immortals...

【Fang Yan (Mu Xuan)】

Species: Human

Age: 29

Talents: Immortality, Extraction and Fusion

Equal order: the pinnacle of first-class masters

Spirit Root: Water, Wood, Fire

Skills: Hunyuan Jin, Sanshou, Black Tiger Boxing, Horse Raising, etc.

As early as ten years ago, Mu Xuan had prepared the cultivation method of immortals. It was the Changchun Gong, and the three spiritual roots were not bad. Mu Xuan did not insist on it. Heavenly root level!

A few days later, Mu Xuan successfully entered Changchun Gong, which is exactly what he entered the world of immortal cultivation.

In addition to "giving" to Mu Xuanlingen, the two kind-hearted cultivators also sent a large number of basic spells, such as fire bombs, magic spells, Yufengjue, object control, sky eye, ground stab, quicksand Technique, Freeze, Ascension, Entanglement, Voice Transmission, Invisibility, Spark, Invisibility, Voice Transmission, etc.

In addition, the two of them had a total of ten spiritual stones and two low-grade magic tools, all of which were given to Mu Xuan, two really kind people...

Along the way, UU read Mu Xuan returned to Qingniu Town and practiced at the same time. When he returned home, he was already on the second floor of Qi training, and there were only six spiritual stones left. Secrets and Heavenly Eyes.

When they got home, Cai'er, Fang Han, Fang Qingxue, and Fang Ping all came up to meet them, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Mu Xuan didn't have any missing arms or legs.

"Husband, you can come back safely, Cai'er is so happy!" Cai'er said happily.

Mu Xuan was also quite moved. This is a different life experience, which can be turned into memories in the future, not just a simple boring practice.

After a long time, while eating, Mu Xuan used the Heavenly Eye Technique to observe the spiritual roots of his three children. As a result...

"Fuck, this is poisonous. The three little guys have good spiritual roots, especially the little girl Qingxue, who is still Tian Linggen?!"

"Did this God treat me too favorably?!"

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Chapter 0392 Mingyang Houfu destroys the door and finally enters the world of immortals! Free to read. https://