MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 134 Eat and shit

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Chapter 134 Eating and Shit

"No, they are not dementias. Liu Chang turned around and looked at the three children." They look at us like dementias. "

"Really?" Qingyin looked at the three children. "Then my children look like we are deformed."

"Yes, monsters look abnormal to normal people." Liu Chang looked at the two-headed child of Qingyin again. The child's left head was an nv child and the right skull was a boy. When Liu Chang looked at them, nv The child poked his mouth and the boy on the right stole his words.

"They are good, not lonely." Liu Chang smiled after watching the two-headed child.

"Yeah, but always quarreling." Qingyin sighed. "The nv child on the left is more powerful and always eats a lot when eating.

"Fuck, it's not fair!" Liu Chang rolled his eyes. He couldn't figure out what it would be like for a person to stop eating all day long. "If I am a boy, I will definitely protest. Anyway, the **** will be in my stomach, I will not pull everyone, I will feel uncomfortable if I don't pull it!"

"So, you have no gentlemanliness." Qingyin also smiled. "You can see from your refusal to help an nv just now that you are not as good as my son."

"If not, why not ..." Liu Chang sighed. "What kind of gentlemanliness can I take care of these people behind me, I'm satisfied."

"Me too!" Qingyin looked at the two and a half children behind him, then embraced the two-headed child into his arms, "Tired, you two?"

"A little tired," said the boy's head.

"Tired ass!" The nv child trained him in the head, "Mom carrying the parcel and holding us, you are still shouting, ignorant!"

"Oh!" The boy bowed his head.

"Little girl tǐng is sensible." Liu Chang saw this scene, smiled, and continued to move forward.

The two teams went through Zhengzhou City all the way. First, they found Huang Yin, who was in the middle of the city, and Liu Chang told her the reason for the animal migration. Then he left with her.

After Huang Yin joined the team, the group went all the way to the north of Zhengzhou City, and after leaving the city, they went into the jungle.

"Before is the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, let's go along this line, and then head north all the way, where is your destination?" Standing in front of an abandoned highway with almost no trace, Qingyin looked at his hand The map in the middle, "Go ahead, if you go along this highway, the next city is Xinxiang, but the middle road is not close. We can't reach it for a long time, and we must stay in the jungle."

"Our destination has not been determined yet." Liu Chang looked at the direction of Zhengzhou City in the south, and looked at the birds in the sky, and said, "It is all the way north. After all, the reason has just told you, there is a huge Creature is migrating north, and my purpose is to avoid it. As for where to go, it has not been determined. "

"Me too, I decided to leave when I saw the migratory birds. Such a large-scale biological migration must be counterintuitive." Qingyin spoke, pinching the cheeks of the two-headed child in his arms. "I thought it was a natural disaster. But I just heard you say that the migration of a large creature has caused these animals to flee. What a big monster? This is the collapse of billions or even billions of creatures? "

"It's a very huge creature. I haven't seen it, but it must be much bigger than Zhengzhou City." Liu Chang also looked at the map in his hand. "So, it's more specific and mostly terrible to me. The significance of the discussion, I only know that he is here, and I have to die. This is already an irreplaceable reason to escape. "

"Well, according to you, we can only walk and talk. The destination of the next stop is temporarily set to Xinxiang City. What do you think?"

"Well, walking." Rolling up the map in his hand, Liu Chang embarked on this more distant journey.

Their small team just walked between the jungles, heading all the way to the north. The afternoon passed quickly, and the team walked out of dozens of kilometers until it was dark. There was no danger of encountering it once.

And when the sky was completely dark, at the corner of the jungle, Liu Chang and Qingyin stopped their marching.

"Come here today." Putting down the bag on his back, Qingyin panted, "It's tiring to carry the load, it seems your physical strength is really good."

Liu Chang was carrying a large backpack, and took turns helping He Zhizhi to lift things, and along the way, his face was not blushing and panting, and the voiceless voice on the side was admired.

"It's okay to rush through the forest, so I'm afraid of danger." Liu Chang looked at the sky. "But fortunately, the animals in the south are now fleeing, which has stimulated the emotions of the animals here. I see a lot of animals see the birds flying past them. They should have followed them instinctively and fled, so our danger is much less. "Liu Chang said," Otherwise we can't go this far today. "

The flame was raised in place, and the iron pan was supported. Liu Chang put the compressed biscuit in the backpack into the iron pan, and poured light water to make it slowly boil.

Animals are afraid of flames. No matter how advanced the animals are, as long as they do not have the wisdom of humans, they will instinctively resist flames. This is heaven. Therefore, Liu Chang saved the pile of flames in the forest very much to warn the surrounding species of peeping emotions.

And after Liu Chang raised the iron pot, He Zhizhi also took out a small wooden stick aside, and after cleaning it up, he was like a homeowner, and then he boiled biscuit porridge.

The voiceless voice was on the side, and saw Liu Chang boil the porridge, and also took out food from the backpack and analyzed his two children-a teenage boy-a two-headed child.

"Is this boy your brother?" Liu Chang pointed to the 13-year-old boy.

"No, I represent my nephew," Qingyin said. "My relatives are almost dead, and this nephew has liked to follow me since I was a child, so I am as close as my brother."

He nodded smoothly and looked at the two-headed child. "They share the body, do internal organs share it?"

"Well, except thinking is separated, everything else is shared." Qingyin spoke, sighing, "Tǐng good children are very sensible."

Chang looked at the child who was eating and punching, and opened his mouth and asked, "Do you usually eat like this? Who won the guess and who eats?"

"Huh!" The nv child of the child ignored Liu Chang, and the boy said, "No, she usually eats it. Today, my mother said that she should not bully me, only to make a fist to decide who to eat. Usually I did not Take a bite and your stomach will be full. "

"Haha, this is really weird!" Liu Chang laughed loudly, looked at the cooked biscuit porridge, took out the good utensils and filled a bowl and handed it to the two children. "Here, drink some porridge Well, drink something hot, otherwise the little child in the woods can't stand it. "

"There are three of you." Liu Chang took out a small iron bowl again and pointed to the three Li Qingshui. "Drink something, too."

A child obediently walked in front of Liu Chang, took the iron bowl and drank it himself.

And during this dinner, Liu Chang also kept flowing with the unvoiced voice—because after all, it was in the last days, and there must always be a certain amount of vigilance about new knowledge.

Although the other person is not acting like a bad person now, people still don't completely believe in a stranger who has just met a day. The other party obviously thought so, so the time of a meal was spent in Liu Chang and Qingyin deliberately pulling home.

"I never asked you, how on earth did you know that the creature was invaded by a huge creature?" Qingyin put down his rice bowl and asked Huò: "Now there is almost no communication in the entire world, and if that huge The creatures are as powerful as you said. If you see him, you should have died long ago. Or, you are a high-level person in the army? I heard that only they have that special communication equipment. "

"I'm not a high-ranking officer in the army, but I know a high-ranking person. He told me about this." Liu Chang said, "So I know that this disaster is not something we can resist. Even if we don't run today, we will He should also notify the whole city in two days. If he runs again, he will be in trouble. "

"Yes, the escape of millions of people is not so easy, and it will definitely be húnluàn." Qingyin sighed, "I'm really glad I set off a day earlier."

"Oh, yes, but we can also be better in a few days. When this matter passes, when the beast behind cháo catches up, it will not be so good." Liu Chang smiled stiffly and went to the fire At the other corner of the pile, I took out the sleeping bag from the backpack and distributed it to several people. "Let's all go to sleep. I'll be here today. I'll be on the vigil the first night, and you'll all sleep."

After saying this ~ ~ Liu Chang stretched out his sleeping bag and covered his body, but the upper body did not lie down, but leaned on a half of the tree, closed his eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly. stand up.

Everyone was packing for a long time, rushing for a long time, and they were all tired, so they found a place to close their mouths and no longer speak-only three clones of Li Qingshui came silently to Liu Chang, each of them Relying on the corner of that huge trunk, he lay beside Liu Chang.

late at night.

The barking of birds stopped gradually, but the insects came in, and the night in the jungle was always the high-pitched tune. Lying in the sleeping bag, under the cover of the loud voice, Liu Chang whispered a question: "Three, haven't you fallen asleep?"

The child also made a low voice.

"I want to ask you a few questions. Can you see that?"

"Ask," said one of the children. "We lie next to you today to ask you questions."

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