MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 349 race

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"Pervasive, pervasive." Liu Chang heard the beard and couldn't help but sigh. After all, what he saw today and what he heard now is absolutely nothing but all the plans of the undersea people, and only these can make people feel impenetrable. It is difficult for him to imagine how many undersea people can only plan for human beings.

What about the willows?

After all, to the undersea people, human beings are conquerable, and they already have experience of conquering, but the big willow is unknown, threatening, and two are not on a level.

Seeing the micro-information, Liu Changguang saw the infiltration of underwater people into human beings, and it is difficult to imagine how intelligent these species are. There are many plans for willows-this is the only good news.

The enemy is strong, but the enemy's enemy is stronger.

"Okay, I don't have anything else to ask. You've been in Qingdao quite well. Surviving in the area of ​​the undersea people in a short time is definitely better than other places. If you have any difficulties, you can go to the Jinan Military Region. Report my name, the senior management should be able to give you a living space. "Liu Chang patted the bearded shoulder.

"Are you from the Jinan Military Region?" Hearing this sentence, the beard was full of excitement-as a deserter, he heard this kind of thing and had an instinctive escape response.

"Well, when you told me about it before, I didn't know the people in Jinan Military Region, but now I'm familiar." Liu Chang saw a little panic on the beard's face and comforted: "It's all right, you That matter has passed so long that no one will be held accountable. "

"That's good, that's good." Beard sighed. "After all, being a deserter is the most troublesome thing I've ever done in my life, and I can't help it."

"I can understand." Liu Chang nodded and stood up. "After all, if I replaced it at that time, I would probably make a similar choice to you."

"Just go if you understand, I will return the gun and chalk to you." With the big beard, he came to the original basement, Liu Chang got the piece of his own minced meat, and then said goodbye to the old friend and went to the sea floor. A place where human chalk landed on a large scale.

When I came to the place for hunting by the sea, Liu Chang saw that the originally dilapidated port was undergoing a large-scale expansion and rebuilding. Undersea people wandered on the ice surface and the beach, and continuously instructed the sea beasts to carry materials and build The house, while standing in the distance, Liu Chang did not rush into this huge military port, but instead looked at the breeds of these sea beasts.

After the last days, there has been an increase in the wildness of creatures without wisdom since the Red Mist, and there is almost no tamed precedent-only intelligent species can cooperate with each other.

It's as if human beings can't use birds, but they can have affection-only intelligent creatures can cooperate with each other.

So what Liu Chang sees now is that the beasts at work are actually all intelligent species-although I don't know the level of IQ, they must already have the most basic logical thinking ability.

So, Liu Chang wanted to analyze how many intelligent race alliances the undersea people had.

He looked up one by one at this building port, and Liu Chang, a submarine giant working on the shore, saw a total of three--a height of about seven meters, and his body looked a bit like a combination of a giant bear and a sea lion— -The body looks like a bear, but there are no claws on the palm but a webbed like a sea lion.

This beast seems to be of very low status. It is generally this species that do heavy work by the sea.

In addition, Liu Chang saw a creature with a height of about 1.5 meters and prominent eyeballs. This creature looked very good. Every time Liu Chang looked at that creature, they could feel like looking back. The four eyes meet, so Liu Chang can see that this kind of biological vision is absolutely top-at least wider than his visual range.

The last creature, the largest is a giant monster with a size of more than forty meters-this monster Liu Chang thought about it for a long time, and couldn't find their prototype in his mind. If it was to be said, it should be regarded as close to the dinosaur— —It's just a lot bigger than the largest dinosaur, and it looks thick and hard.

And, in contrast, this monster is obviously not inferior in this alliance. As the team's main station personnel, each body is tied with weapons and armor, and none of them participate in the work.

Of course, these are just the three giant beasts that Liu Chang saw on the shore. Along the way, Liu Chang also saw larger and more strange species in the sea ice surface-but most of them should not be able to land.

"The ocean is really profound!" Liu Chang was not surprised to see that there are so many intelligent species that can be born in the ocean, because the ocean is a three-dimensional environment, and it is several times wider than the land. Whether it is a cardinal or a competitive environment, It is not comparable to land.

In the area of ​​less than half of the Middle Chalk Country and several provinces, Liu Chang has seen three intelligent species-the amphibious, the big willow, and the most affectionate-although he only has one, he is indeed an independent. Species.

Therefore, Liu Chang is not surprised that dozens of intelligent species with logical thinking ability have been born throughout the deep sea.

"I don't know how these creatures connected to the Cretaceous system at the beginning ~ ~ Is there any war or gap?" Liu Chang thought about these issues while walking to the front of a huge factory foundation. , Was stopped by a whispered voice from an undersea person.

"Hey, human friends." Undersea people have always spoken so refreshingly. "But in front of the construction site, it would be a bit dangerous if you go in, falling rocks and ice, etc. Those sea monsters don't have good eyes, afraid I've met you. If you want to see it, just go around. "

"Oh, thank you for your reminder." After walking around the port along the way, Liu Chang had a general understanding of the place, and decided to start a formal work today.

"You're welcome. Undersea people and humans are friends!" The undersea people laughed and wanted to leave, but Liu Chang stopped them.

喂 "Hey, man, do you know how to find your officer chief?" Liu Chang walked to the undersea man.

"Chief?" A look of doubt appeared on the face of the submarine-and when viewed from a close distance, Liu Chang finally distinguished it. Although the facial features of this race were blurred, it actually had a unique expression function. "What do you ask the chief?"

"Oh, this is a letter of introduction from the Jinan Military Region. I want to join the army. As an advance soldier from Jinan, I want to do something to eradicate the big willow." Liu Chang smiled and took out the seal with the military region seal from his arms. The letter of introduction was placed on the rolled-up tentacles of the undersea people. (To be continued. "This article is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 小艾 332335" If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣start ◥ to recommend and vote, your support is my greatest motivation.)