MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 80 Liang Dou

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Chapter 80


Chapter 80

"Did you say when the food will start trial planting?" Shen Xing asked.

"The experimental field has been opened. The scale is not small. Although it is a trial plantation, it should be considered as a real production." Li Qingshui said of the farmland, although he showed a relaxed expression, but his tone was not completely released, "I just do n’t know This kind of plant can be planted for several seasons, and whether the plant will undergo directional evolution after being planted on a large scale remains to be seen. "

"But overall this is great news. You can also take this good news out in advance and stabilize your army." Li Qingshui looked at Shen Mingyi with a smile. "But it doesn't matter if you say it or not, I guess Do n’t you say, after a few hours, the institute will also let people specifically inform the news. After all, stabilizing the military mind is a top priority. "

"That is, everyone who has food will not be in a big situation." Xing Ming smiled. "Then I will leave first. It is also a good thing to let the comrades know the news in advance."

"Well, go." Li Qingshui nodded and sat back in front of the computer.

As soon as Xuan Ming left the room, the door was closed, and after walking far away, the light look on Li Qingshui's face disappeared with a solemn expression.

"What's wrong?" Seeing him like this, Liu Chang knew something was wrong. "Is there a problem with the food?"

"Well, a very serious problem. It ’s a new breed of crop, but it is actually a genetically modified monster." Li Qingshui looked at the computer and said in a heavy tone: "The artificially isolated gene is introduced into the crop genome, I also used the ingredients of the red mist, which seemed to produce crops with good yield and nutrition. In fact, this is really playing with fire! "

"This is really a radical. Even if you want to do everything at once, with this energy, it is better to find edible food earlier!" Li Qingshui said, his face showed an angry look, "And that Zhao Zhuo It was a bold idea to even try to introduce the genes of monsters from outside into the human body! "

"Is there any harm in this transformed food?" Liu Chang didn't understand a series of scientific terms. He was only concerned with the most fundamental issue-what kind of results would be produced by eating this transformed food.

"I can't say exactly what's bad, but anything that doesn't follow the laws of nature is never good. This kind of badness may not show up in a short time, but in the future, something will definitely happen." Li Qingshui said: "It's like that although the monsters outside are strange in shape, they are the product of nature and the result of the autonomous evolution and change of genes. In theory, they are just ordinary creatures, even if they look strange, Not a monster! "

"And what Zhao Zhuo has to do now is a real artificial combination, which is to use artificial means to recombine genes. It seems that different excellent genetic fragments of various organisms are used, but this product that is free from nature is finally certain Have irreversible consequences. "

"What then?" Liu Chang heard the first calm Li Qingshui saying such "terrifying words".

"Nothing, I do n’t have a voice right now, I ca n’t stop anything. And I do n’t have time to find new food crops to appease the social system, so what we can do is to be silent and then follow the previous recipes ourselves Eat food. "Li Qingshui looked at Liu Chang and said," After the new food is planted and popularized to ordinary soldiers and the citizens outside, ordinary food will be a bit empty. We will still have ordinary food by that time, other things. , Wait until later. "

Li Qingshui's words revealed a helplessness to save the country but unable to return to heaven.

"I can only do this." Liu Chang nodded. "I will find you new food seeds as soon as possible."

"Um." Li Qingshui rubbed his eyes and nodded. "My basic course is also finished immediately. I will summarize it tomorrow. I will publish my new theory of the earth the day after tomorrow, and I will enter high-level as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Liu Chang nodded. "You can keep busy with you. I've tried to exercise my physical fitness these two days, and other things, I will talk about it later."

After saying this, Liu Chang pulled Xiaojing, walked out of the door, and walked to the huge gym again.

Three days later, this experimental area really sent a news storm that could shock Zhengzhou.

The news is that a new food variety in the experimental park has finally been developed! This new type of food, named "liangdou", has been successfully tested. This kind of crop named by senior researcher "Zhao Zhuo" has three advantages that are astonishing to the world: short production cycle, high yield per unit area, and rich nutrients.

Short production cycle-In this dense mist-filled world, it takes only seven days after the crop is planted to produce the finished fruit.

Yield per unit area is high-yield of three thousand gold can be produced per acre, far higher than the previous king of unit area output-rice and corn.

And if the first two advantages of this new crop are just shocking, then the last advantage of this "liang bean"-rich in nutrients, is enough to make people crazy.

According to Zhao Zhuo, a senior researcher in the experimental park, this new type of crop fruit only needs 300 grams of food per day, which is half a bowl of food, which is enough to supplement all ordinary people's nutritional needs for a day. It is rich in nutrition, far more than any food in the pre-epoch, and is claimed to be sufficient to solve the food crisis of all humanity-

"All his mother. Nonsense!" Looking at the public documents in the hand, Li Qingshui dropped the newspaper on the table.

At the same time, the door of his experimental office was opened, and Liu Chang led the little girl in.

"Oh, it's good here!" Liu Chang walked into Li Qingshui's laboratory and smiled. "It's good to be promoted, even in the office. What about it, how did you feel on the first day after taking office?"

"No, you haven't assigned me a task yet, how about you?" Li Qingshui looked at the slightly raised muscles on Liu Chang's body, "How much strength has been reached."

"5.6, approaching 6 immediately."

"Well, it's better not to build too much muscle mass, which affects mobility."

"I know, I don't have too much protein to consume, and I can't build large muscles."

"That's good, right, what happened to that gym who was unstable in life, died?"

"No." The little girl interface: "It's just that the breath of life is getting weaker and weaker, and now it has fallen below 4, and it is estimated that in a few days, even ordinary people will be worse."

"Well, I guess I was dead at that time." Li Qingshui finished his sentence, and the door of his office room was pushed open again with a crisp knock.

A smiling young man came in.

"Haha, Brother Qingshui." The comer was kind-faced and greeted everyone in the room as he walked in. "Yo, Brother Qingshui's family is also there!"

"Well, it's all there. Brother Zhao Zhuo came to me for something." Li Qingshui greeted him politely.

"Um, the beans over the experimental bench have been produced. I'm very happy. I brought a bowl for Qingshui Brother to try." Zhao Zhuo walked to Li Qingshui's desk with a smile, wearing a white coat He took a glassware out of his pocket and put it on his desk.

"You're so kind." Li Qingshui smiled. "You have solved the food crisis this time. You have really saved the lives of most of the people in Zhengzhou!"

"Haha, small things like food, I believe that even if I do n’t do it, other people can do it. There is nothing to brag about." Zhao Zhuo humbly nodded, "However, the" New Ecology of the Earth "that you published yesterday is really brilliant Both the meteorological and biological systems are very accurate. Especially the "food web theory" in it is really a phrase, our group of researchers, all of them looked amazing yesterday. You The establishment of this theoretical system can be regarded as a direction for our ecological science. This is the real science! "

"Haha, let's not tout each other." Li Qingshui said after putting away the crystal clear beans, "What must I do if you come to me today?"

"Well, it ’s easy to talk to smart people, I ’m short." Zhao Zhuo still smiled with kindness. "I am still the lobbyist under the orders of the chief of staff. I hope Mr. Li can join our group ... ... "

"Well, I'll think about it." Without talking, Li Qingshui nodded in agreement, interrupting him.

And this clear refusal attitude also made Zhao Zhuo's smiling smile froze on his face.

"Well, since Brother Qingshui said to consider, then I will ask again in three days." After a moment of stiffness, Zhao Zhuo's eyes dropped, "Oh, yes, I forgot to say. The large amount of grain over the test field is just right It is also produced after three days, and our ordinary food reserves are just insufficient. Therefore, after three days, everyone's food supply will be replaced by this new crop except for one group. And what does this mean, I think Brother Qingshui Better than me. "

"Are you threatening me?" Li Qingshui was expressionless ~ ~ I just hope you seriously consider it. "After saying this, Zhao Zhuo turned and left, and" Bang "took the door." Three days later, I will come again, hoping that Mr. Li will really think about it! " "

"Really arrogant!" Liu Chang said, staring at the back of Zhao Zhuo's departure.

"Unsuccessful, then benevolence, one way of doing things for radicals." Li Qingshui murmured softly: "Just by their images, our food plan must be advanced."

"Okay, I'll go out and find food. I believe that with my current ability, it is not difficult to find food without relying on food supply." Liu Chang showed a confident tone: "The land in Zhengzhou is not so dangerous, As long as I don't go into the jungle, I should be in no danger. "

"Not necessarily. There are too many people and few animals here. It is not easy to find food." Li Qingshui said: "And this time you go out, I hope you find plants that can be grown instead of eating them all at once. Food. You have more important things to do in the future. You ca n’t waste time on hunting. ”
