MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 93 Genetic Syndrome Attack

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Hundred and ninety-nine chapter full text attack

"What are you talking about?" The girl looked in horror at the woman in the military uniform. Hundred Book House (full text e-book free download)

"It's okay, I'm asking you, did you see two people just now?" The hawk-nosed woman took out two photos from the pocket of the military uniform, "Well, look like this, a ten-year-old boy, A girl who looks seven or eight years old. "

"No, I didn't see it." The girl looked at the figure who had just left for a moment, and stuttered a lie.

However, her inferior lying skills must not deceive the professionally trained person in front of her. She only glanced at the girl, and the daughter of Eagle Hook snatched her up, and volleyed it to a soldier who followed him.

"Leave a personal review of her, and then stationed a team in the community to inquire about the news of the mission in the past two days. The smell of the mission is everywhere, and he should stay here for a long time." In other words, the woman then shouted at the soldiers who kept coming up behind her, "The rest are following me, the mission goal has already run away."

"The speed keeps up. No matter where he goes, as long as he doesn't leave me in Zhengzhou City, don't try to escape our hunt!"


Holding a little girl all the way, Liu Chang was running fast on the streets of Zhengzhou. He couldn't figure out how those soldiers could find it. In this chaotic world, there was no radio or television, and it was not easy to want someone alone. Before he left, not even Li Qingshui knew where they would end up.

Holding the little girl all the way to thought, Liu Chang didn't want to understand the clue of the matter, and the fast speed, he also far from the army of ordinary people.

More than an hour later, Liu Chang ran from Chengdong to Chengnan. After feeling that he was far away from the hunting team, he let go of the little girl and stopped in a big breath.

"Brother, who is here to arrest us?" After the little girl landed on the ground, she asked, "Did the institute send someone to arrest us, did Dr. Huang tell us? In this community, we only know her It's up! "

"Shouldn't it?" Liu Chang recalled Dr. Huang's expressions over the past two days and said, "It doesn't look like it. Although she knows our details, she hasn't been in the community for the past two days!"

"Then why can those people find it here, and our worm box is lost, how can we eat in the future?"

"I don't know why they could find us, but you can rest assured about eating. Bai Changwu's full text without ads" Liu Chang patted the crossbow behind him. "Now, eating is not particularly difficult for me to find, even if If you ca n’t find anything to eat, you can rest assured if I grab it. "

"But there are soldiers chasing us behind, can we eat with peace of mind brother?" The little girl also asked her last question.

And her question became a nightmare for the next few days.

In the next four days, Liu Chang took a little girl and hid in the entire east of Zhengzhou, hiding in various secret places, but he couldn't shake off the army behind him like a cheekbones.

Several times, they were almost surrounded by tracked-up troops while they were eating. Fortunately, the little girl was able to detect their presence in advance. Liu Chang ’s five senses were far beyond ordinary people, otherwise they would have been surrounded by the armed ammunition.

Although he escaped the danger several times, he could be found out no matter where he hid for a few days. This made Liu Chang very puzzled and realized that things were not as simple as "information."

That evening, hiding in an abandoned urban village hut, Liu Chang hugged the little girl and wondered: "No matter where we hide in the past few days, they can track it down, and have changed their clothes a few times, and haven't found any What weird trackers, do you say they have any function, can they chase us all over the city? "

"I don't know. It should be an evolved ability. Isn't there a hunter who can hunt prey for thousands of miles in nature?" Said the little girl, holding her chin.

"Following thousands of miles ..." Liu Chang thought hard about the countless knowledge that Li Qingshui had told him, and finally thought of the sigh that Li Qingshui once explained the smell of animals: "The olfactory nerve is thousands times more sensitive than humans ... ... "

"Did they smell like dogs along the way?" Liu Chang's heart moved, thinking of the answer.

On the other side, the hawk-nosed woman fell into the same doubt.

"Man Guang, you said in the past few days, no matter what method we use to surround them, why can they run away in advance?" The woman with a hawk nose asked his aide, a tall man with a shaved head.

"I don't know. I thought it was a coincidence the previous few times, but even the carefully arranged sieges were seen by them later, I don't know what method they used." The tall man said, "I also took someone to check Every time we passed our ambush site, we didn't find any reminder trap device, which shows that they discovered our existence by themselves, rather than through something like that. "

"That said, one of them is also a mutant?" The woman with a hawk nose raised her eyelids.

"Well, I think it should be an evolutionary of the five senses. If it is visual, it should not be possible. When there are several surrounds, they are in the house. No matter how good their vision is, it is impossible to find out. If you smell, you should know us earlier The existence of tactile taste is even more impossible, so ... "said the tall man, and stopped.

"So, is their hearing exceptionally good?" The hawk-nosed woman touched her curved nose and said, "Not only does my hearing sound good, but every time they find out we are there, they can be faster than us. Escaping at twice the speed, it also illustrates a problem! "

"Yes, their physical strength is much stronger than that of ordinary soldiers!" The woman's assistant officer said.

"This is difficult!" The woman with the hawk-nose thought for a while and stood up: "Man Guang, you go back to the institute and inform the current situation to Zhao Zhuo and let him send it. Give us a few elites. Tell him, do n’t be as long as you are elite, at least the elite who runs faster than the character ’s goals. Without elite words, this is difficult!

"Yes, sir!" The tall soldier gave a military salute in place.


Two days later.

"Brother, the army did not keep up in the past two days. Is it that the grass juice we applied has worked?" Sitting on the sofa in the empty house of the community, the little girl was a little happy, "I do n’t need to be chased by someone to run that's nice!"

"Can those things completely cover our scent?" Liu Chang raised his arm and smelled the smell of grass on his body.

"Isn't this thing Mr. Li used before? He can't find anything wrong!"

"But Mr. Li also said that nothing can completely mask the smell of a person. It can only confuse the taste, but it cannot completely mask it. If the tracker's nose is really as sensitive as an animal, then they can definitely catch up. Liu Chang said worriedly: "After all, if it is the same smell, it is much more difficult to deceive humans than to deceive animals!"

"Brother, you are too worried ..." The little girl was sitting on the sofa, just wanting to say two words of relief, but her face suddenly changed, "No, there is a life with a dangerous value up to 31 rushing towards this Come here! "

"Thirty-one?" Liu Chang froze. As soon as she picked up the little girl, a loud noise came from the door.

The huge anti-theft door was smashed into a recessed piece of scrap iron by a huge force hit from the outside, and a "bang" hit the wall inside the door, and then a green shadow wearing a camouflage suit started with Thunder rushed towards the two.

In Liu Chang's eyes, the figure rushed to himself at a speed of 17.56 meters per second. The speed was extremely fast, and he was close to himself in the blink of an eye.

He hugged the little girl and made a prejudgment in advance based on accurate calculations. This was a dangerous escape from the man's first attack, and then he looked at the man's face with a glance.

Without ears and nose, the eyelids are wrinkled, like rhinos, without hair on the face, and the pupils of the eyes are very different from ordinary people-a completely monster face.

"Not good, it's the gene-synthesizers!" After seeing this weird look, Liu Chang replaced the little girl with one hand and hugged the giant pistol with the other hand.

But the weirdo didn't give him this opportunity. With absolute speed and physical strength, Liu Chang's pistol was held in his hand, and the monster turned again, and flew the shell-like fist at Liu Chang's cheek.

The fist was fast, Liu Chang saw the initial speed of the fist, and calculated that it would kiss his left face after 0.04 seconds. He wanted to hide, but his body couldn't keep up with the speed of thinking—the mind could not keep up. Because the physical fitness gap between him and the freak is too obvious, even if the opponent's attack route is calculated, but the distance is too close, he still hasn't escaped this near fatal punch.

boom! !! !!

Left face hit ~ ~ Liu Chang The whole cheek bones and all the teeth in the left oral cavity were smashed by this blow, the entire face collapsed, and the person was blown away and hit Entered the wooden closet of this house. And the little girl in his arms was also driven by this powerful force and flew away.

"Hey!" The weird saw two mission targets flying out at the same time, first catching the little girl in volley, and then quickly chasing Liu Chang who was trapped in the closet.

And just then, a roaring gunshot came out of the closet.

Faster than the gunshot was the bullet that flew from the barrel of the gun. The bullet whistled into the weirdo's chest, and then a beautiful blood flower bloomed there.

With a loud bang, the weird was shot directly by this powerful shot and hit the wall of the living room far away.

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