MTL - Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game-Chapter 53 safe

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After two knives to deal with the zombies, Fang Heng walked into the room.

Huh? what sound?

Before he could explore the dean's room, Fang Heng suddenly heard a sound.

He turned around and took two steps back, looking towards the end of the aisle.

There are three little shadows there.

A menacing growl came from their mouths.

"It's coming, it's a zombie dog!"

Fang Heng secretly said trouble.

Zombie dogs, like spider zombies, are known for their speed and are very difficult to handle! The sprint speed of the zombie dog is even faster than that of the spider zombie!


The three zombie dogs were obviously attracted by Fang Heng's gunshots, and they accelerated sharply, sprinting towards Fang Heng.


Fang Heng hurriedly ducked into the dean's room, closed the door, and moved a cabinet to the side to block the wooden door.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Fang Heng clearly heard the sound of three zombie dogs hitting the door with their bodies.

This broken wooden door won't hold back for long.

Fang Heng sneered and stretched the shotgun muzzle out of the hole he had just broken with the shotgun.




After a few shots, there was absolutely no movement outside.

[Hint: You kill a zombie dog with a shotgun*3, you get survival points*15, and your firearms proficiency experience point+21].

"The troublesome zombie dog."

After confirming the death of the zombie dog in the game log, Fang Heng murmured and opened the room door again.

Zombie dogs have the advantage of explosive speed and fast dodge. They are not high-level zombies themselves, and their HP is even lower than that of ordinary zombies.

Therefore, their complete evolutionary crystallization will not explode after their death.

Fang Heng ran out the door again, and dealt with the ordinary zombies outside that were attracted by the sound of gunfire.

Turning back to the dean's room, Fang Heng began to loot.

[Hint: You found a pack of cigarettes*2, high-grade coffee beans*10, worn-out inch shirt*1, Dean's magnetic card*1, milk*2, chocolate*3, first aid spray*1].

After carefully searching the room, Fang Heng did not find any traces of T virus serum, but found some more useful survival materials.

For example, first aid sprays, items that can greatly restore health, are extremely rare.

Cigarettes are a good thing that can improve the favorability of NPCs in the game.

However, he could not find the T virus serum.

Strange, where would it be hidden?

Fang Heng narrowed his eyes and looked around the room again.

When he searched before, he had obviously been very careful.

Is it...

A picture frame?

Fang Heng's eyes focused on a photo on the wall.

This is often done in movies.

I remember that there were similar posts in the forum before, and there were hidden safes in some rooms.

Behind the frame is one of the hiding places.

Fang Heng walked to the frame where the dean's photo was hanging, and removed the frame.

Sure enough, a metal safe was exposed behind the frame.

"I'm sorry, I don't know the password."

Fang Heng tried hitting the safe with a stone hammer.


A muffled sound.

[Hint: You deal 7 points of damage to the metal safe].

A long blood bar appeared in Fang Heng's eyes.

The durability of the safe is 2W. Even if you shoot it with shotguns and use zombie clones to scrape it, it will take a whole day to break it open.

Only by finding the password can the safe be opened quickly.

"Think about it, the average player won't have shotguns and zombie clones like me, and it's impossible to break the safe."

"The game will not set mortal tasks, there should be prompts."

Fang Heng calmed down and thought, looking for possible reading materials in the room.

not at all.

Then you can only try your luck.





"The Dark Knights."


"Vie Ron (the dean's name)."


"T virus."


Fang Heng scratched his hair.

what exactly is it? Aren't the hints here?

Unconsciously, more than ten minutes passed, and Fang Heng still found nothing.

He calmed down, walked to the center of the room, and looked around again.


Fang Heng thought of something.


There is a desktop computer on the desk in the dean's office.

There may be information about the password inside!

But without power, the computer cannot be turned on at the moment.

power supply! ?

Generator set! ?


Got in touch!

Fang Heng narrowed his eyes, touched his chin and thought.

This task is likely to require the generator to be turned on through the front before the computer can be turned on.

Then get the password of the safe through the computer!

Then the next task should be to find a way to repair the generator set to make it generate electricity again!

As for why Lao Hei wants to destroy the generator set...

Maybe he didn't want others to complete the mission of the Dark Knights?

Fang Heng felt that most of his guesses were correct.

He was about to return to the basement when he found the game log lit up.

[Hint: Your survival radio has received an emergency communication].


Fang Heng stopped and turned on the Survival Radio to check.

Haozhou: Fang Heng, how are you doing? I've found the location of the genset and found a little more.

Haozhou also discovered a problem with the generator?

He immediately resumed the news to Haozhou.

Fang Heng: I'll be right back.

Quickly rush back to the generator room on the first floor.

Several people in Haozhou were studying something in front of the generator set.

"What did you find?"

"Fang Heng, you came back just in time. Come and have a look. We found that the generator set is running."

"Huh? What did you say?"

Fang Heng was taken aback. UU Reading

Is the generator set running?

He was still thinking about how to persuade Haozhou to try to turn on the generator set.

Now Haozhou actually told him that the generator set was running?

This is completely inconsistent with his previous guess!

Fang Heng was a little confused for a while.

He tried to clear his mind and asked, "You mean the generator set is in good condition? Is it still running? Then why is the building not powered?"

Kunta, who was studying the circuit in the back, stuck his head out and explained to Fang Heng.

"I researched the generator set just now and found that the generator set here does not provide power to the main building."

Fang Heng was stunned again, and even more surprised, he asked, "Isn't it the main building? Where is that?"

"Not sure, the circuit seems to be running downwards."

"Below?" Haozhou also frowned. He picked up the hospital map he just searched and checked it carefully.

"There is only a morgue in the basement of the hospital."


The team members all had strange expressions on their faces.

How could a well-endowed survival game suddenly become a little scary?

Fang Heng was also puzzled.

What is the idea for the hospital's standby generator set to ensure the power supply of the mortuary in the first place?

To prevent corpse transformation?

I haven't heard that temperature is related to zombie infection...

Fang Heng raised his head and asked, "Kunta, is there any way you can change the circuit, such as supplying the power of the generator set to the building?"

"Um... You can try it, but my skill level is too low. It will take at least three hours to do so."


It seems that the previous guesses are likely to be wrong.

Fang Heng ruled out a wrong answer.