MTL - Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game-Chapter 94 Explore Building Two

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[The third stage task: explore the second underground floor of the prison].

Mission name: Explore the second underground floor of the prison.

Mission description: You found a hidden snow area not marked on the map in the prison basement, which leads to the second underground floor; please try to enter the second underground floor to explore without damaging the main building of the prison.

Mission Reward: Survival Points.

In the evening, Fang Heng and Liao Bufan deliberately brought Chen Yu and others to drink.

Chen Yu is usually very simple and honest, and even more bold when drinking.

After a strong irrigation, Chen Yu and others couldn't hold it any longer, and after taking a hot bath, they all went offline to rest.

While no one was paying attention, Fang Heng went back to the basement alone.

Behind him, fifty zombie clones filled the narrow passage.

It will take at least 10 days to completely clear a No. 2 building?

Just kidding, it's been too long.

Fang Heng admitted that he didn't have that much time to waste.

He walked to the iron gate leading to No. 2 prison building and took out the magnetic card.

"DiDiDi! Verification successful!"


The iron gate rises again.

Fang Heng raised his flashlight and scanned the inside of the passage of Building 2.

Go in and see what's going on!

Fang Heng stepped forward.

The inside of the hallway is very dark.

Relying on the light from the flashlight, Fang Heng held the shotgun in one hand and cautiously walked into the passage to investigate.

Soon, walking through a corner of the underground passage, there were faint footsteps in front.

The zombies roaming inside the second building smelled the smell of human beings.

They came staggeringly from the front of the passage.

A dark crowd, about a dozen in number.

Here comes the trouble, it's a poisonous zombie!

Fang Heng narrowed his eyes.

At a glance, he recognized the alienated zombie with a foul smell mixed in with ordinary zombies.

The first-order alienated zombie - Rot.

Rotten zombies are very famous among players.

Its various attribute values ​​are common, that is, the blood volume is higher than that of ordinary zombies.

But he has an air sac filled with virions.

Once the rotten zombie dies, the air sacs in the body explode, and the surrounding area will be filled with poisonous gas.

Fang Heng took a small step back.

Behind him, five vine zombie clones held wooden spears and staggered forward.

They are side by side, directly blocking the narrow passage.

When the zombies approached, the clones raised their wooden spears at the same time for a stabbing attack.


The spear pierced into the carrion of the zombie.

The poisonous zombies mixed in the ordinary zombie group were attacked and waved their arms to counterattack.

Such normal attack damage is almost 0 damage to vine zombies!

On the contrary, the vine zombies were attacked, and large and small vines sprang from their bodies immediately.

The vines quickly entangled the rotten zombie, entangling it in place and unable to move.

In just a moment, the rotten zombie clones were stabbed into a sieve and fell to the ground.


After the rotten zombie dies, the gas sacs in its body explode.

Immediately, a lavender mist covered the air.

Seeing the poisonous mist, Fang Heng stepped back several steps in a row, frowning tightly.

This kind of poisonous gas is very scary, and once the human body inhales it, it will enter a state of mild 'poisoning'.

If you don't leave in time and continuously inhale more poisonous gas, the poisoning state will quickly turn into an 'infection'.

Initially, players were unable to make effective anti-infection medicines.

Infection equals death.

The most troublesome thing is that it takes 3-5 hours for the poisonous gas left behind by the dead zombies to slowly dissipate.

For ordinary players, the rotten zombies are not strong, but they are extremely disgusting!

Chen Yu was right. With such disgusting zombies, it would take 10 days and a half months to clean up with them slowly.

Fang Heng did not dare to approach the past at this time.

However, unlike ordinary players, he has a zombie clone.

For dead bodies, this poisonous gas has no effect.

The zombie clones stood unharmed in the environment shrouded in poison gas.

"Successful verification of the security of monster brushing,"

Fang Heng muttered to himself.

It seems that relying on the vine zombie clone to clear the entire No. 2 prison is not a problem.

Just as he was about to leave, Fang Heng stopped again.

There were several more sounds of quickly rubbing against the wall in the front passage.

Fang Heng immediately raised his flashlight and aimed it at the wall.

Two or three shadows quickly climbed along the wall.

Spider Zombies!

Old friend!

Fang Heng took two steps back, hid behind the two zombie clones, and set up a shotgun.

The spider zombies came swiftly against the wall.

They wanted to attack Fang Heng, but were blocked by the vine zombies blocking the road.

In desperation, the two spider zombies in the front flew up and swung their sharp claws to attack the vine zombies.


The claws of the spider zombie cut two slender wounds on the vine zombie.

"Chi! Chi Chi!!!"

In the blink of an eye, several vines sprang out from the wound where the zombie clone was drawn.

The vines go straight to the spider zombie.

The spider zombie just hesitated for a while, and its arms were entangled.

It couldn't break free for a while, but the next second, more and more vines rushed towards it.

The vines entangled the spider zombie and trapped it in place.

Then, the remaining zombie clones in the passage swarmed up.

They raised their wooden spears.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

Soon the spider zombies covered with vines were also stabbed into sieves.

Seeing this, Fang Heng also put down the shotgun in his hand.

"Huh! Awesome!"

Fang Heng now has a new understanding of the combat capabilities of the vine zombie clone.

Once the number of vine zombies reaches a certain level, these first-order alienated zombies cannot threaten them at all!

With the vine zombies on hand, it is not a problem to clear the entire No. 2!

Fang Heng gave the clones a 'hang up' order to clear the entire No. 2 prison building.

With a wave of his hand, he controlled the more than 30 zombies left behind to swarm up and poured into the passage.

Fang Heng turned around and left the passage of Prison Building No. 2.

He used the magnetic card again to close the iron gate.

Returning to the shelter in the basement, Fang Heng lit a bonfire.

Open the game log, and rows of game hang-up prompts are refreshed.

[Hint: Your zombie clone kills ordinary zombies, you get 3 survival points, and you get Skill-Basic Strength Training EXP +1].

[Hint: If your zombie clone kills ordinary zombies, you get 2 survival points, and you get Skill-Basic Strength Training EXP +1].

[Hint: When your zombie clone kills the first-order alienated zombie - Rot, you get 6 survival points, and you get Skill - Basic Strength Training EXP +1].

[Hint: Kill your zombie clone...].

"It should be almost enough to hang up for one night. First, clean up Building No. 2 completely, and then find a way to deal with Building No. 1 tomorrow."

"The goal is to complete the task within three days, and get three S-level talent enhancement plans after four days..."

Fang Heng threw down a simple bed on the spot.

Offline, go to sleep!