MTL - Global Game: Comes with Portable Store-v3 Chapter 165 black shadow

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Fang Muping and others will go out to the gathering place to eliminate those ghouls, and it is also for the mission, the mission issued by the doomsday game.

It's also a double-edged thing.

Completing the task and clearing the ghouls will not only get corresponding rewards, but also reduce the threat of these monsters to the gathering place.

Fengye said it was under the control of Shiqi, but in fact it was just a name, and it was still quite independent in essence.


There are a considerable number of casual players in the gathering place. They are used to carrying out tasks with three or five people. Although their strength may not be strong, they must have good survivability.

This also led to the semi-scattered state of the wind leaf gathering place itself, unable to face such a large-scale monster impact at all.

"Where's Lu Yu?" Su Changxing asked.

Fang Muping pointed to the direction of the exit of the gathering place and said, "Group Leader Lu has brought people there, he asked me to call you."

Su Changxing nodded, and walked towards the exit of the gathering place with Fang Muping.

Fang Muping looked sideways at Su Zhang, hesitated for a moment and asked: "Mr. Su, are you Su Changxing, group leader Su?"

His heart was beating wildly. After seeing Su Changxing kill the monster-like bronze tree with one blow, he had already confirmed Su Changxing's identity.

Although it has been so long since the Battle of Donglin City, it will still be talked about and discussed endlessly by countless people on the forum.

Many members of Seventeen are proud to have participated in that battle.

Fang Muping was also one of them, and he had just become an Extraordinary back then, and participated in that battle, but he was only a marginal member, and had never seen Su Changxing with his own eyes.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Team Leader Su." Fang Muping's voice was slightly choked up.

Su Changxing was stunned for a moment, confirmed that they had never met each other, and his memory was still very good, and asked:

"Have we met?"

Fang Muping shook his head, with a smile on his face, and said:

"I haven't met, but I have always regarded you as a role model, that kind of spiritual role model. I have always wanted to meet you, but I have missed it."

Su Changxing was a little surprised. He didn't expect him to have such an image in Fang Muping's place: "Are you worshiping? I have nothing to worship."

"No, no, no." Fang Muping shook his head again and again, with excitement flashing in his eyes: "I know your deeds well, and I think you are the post-apocalyptic hero, the only hero. You saved us, and I know that if it weren't for you, we It’s probably not going to be like this now.”

"This is why many of us will support Seventeen without hesitation. I have always believed that your spirit is guiding us."

Su Changxing's expression moved slightly, he smiled and said, "I'm honored that you can say that."

Although there was not much movement on his face, there was still a trace of emotion in his heart.

Every action of every person will have countless or small or significant impacts.

Like ripples, it spreads around on the surface of the lake in the world. Countless ripples are intertwined with each other, and the world is also moving forward along the track of time.

He never thought about how to influence others, but the end result seems to have had a huge impact on many people.

This is like the influence of a high-level Extraordinary on a low-level Extraordinary.

The essence of things has a certain similarity, but the form of expression is different.

Extraordinary itself conforms to the rules of the world to the greatest extent, and it is built step by step on this.

Since a long time ago, he has never made a random movement, and every move has been carefully considered and calculated repeatedly.

Especially after possessing great strength, he knew that every action of his would have a major impact.

A small stone and a large stone thrown into the water at the same time will have completely different effects.

He thought for a while and said: "I may not be as lofty as you imagined, and there is a mythical part in it."

Fang Muping said in a very firm tone: "I know, but in the end, sir, you are a hero, a saint, and saved us."

"So you are worthy of such honor no matter what. Anyway, I firmly believe that, and I also regard you as my role model, and demand myself all the time."

Su Changxing nodded: "It can be seen that you are indeed a dedicated captain."

He suddenly realized that being a spiritual role model was not so different from being a deity enshrined by countless believers.

He gained faith from Fang Muping.

This is a shocking thing.

He originally thought that he could collect faith only by relying on the statue, but now that he doesn't need the statue, he can still collect faith by himself.

The difference is obvious.

Such a change seems to have occurred after his rebirth, or perhaps at a certain moment after entering the ninth dimension.

Only gods can collect faith.

This is an unchanging iron law.

The gathering place was crowded with people, from children in their teens to gray-haired old men, all walking towards the south door with weapons in their hands.

This is an era where all people are soldiers. As long as they become Extraordinary, no matter what kind of person they are, they can be counted as a soldier.

"Have those monsters rushed up!" Fang Muping asked forward shouting.

"Not yet, they stopped outside suddenly, they all stopped, I don't know what happened." A middle-aged man in a gray vest responded to Fang Muping, while looking far away.

His eyes can see through the black fog in the sky and see things far away. He is also a top scout in Fang Muping's team, Zhao Yunshi.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yu walked over from the side and stopped in front of Su Changxing:

"Group leader Su, the undead outside seem to be gathering, but the strange thing is that there are enough of but they still haven't launched an attack, there should be higher-level beings ordering them behind. "

"What should we do now? Should we attack them directly, or..."

Su Changxing looked outside, thought for a while and said, "Since they are not in a hurry, then we are not in a hurry either, let's see what's going on first."

He suspected that the riots of these undead were not aimed at the gathering place, but at him, wanting to retaliate against his previous actions.

This is also very understandable, probably the Lord has come.

On the edge of the gathering place, there is a high wall made of cement and steel, which is more than ten meters thick, and it looks extremely majestic from a distance.

But in fact, such a high wall is not very useful for some terrifying monsters.

Just as Su Changxing stood on the high wall, he heard the roar of a dragon in the air. That's right, it was the roar of a dragon.

He had heard the cry of a dragon creature before, so he could distinguish it, but this sound was more powerful and spread far away, and everyone in the gathering place could hear it, which was creepy.

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Immediately afterwards.

A huge purple figure appeared in the sky and flew towards it in an arc, forming a huge wind pressure, and the surrounding black mist rolled along with it.

It was a dragon with a pair of huge wings, but it was also a dead dragon, existing in this world in another way.

[Zombie Dragon: The sixth rank, the giant dragon who was unwilling to die, sacrificed his soul to the undead king in order to obtain a different kind of eternal life, but he was also bound forever.

They are the existences that are cast aside by all dragon creatures, abandoning their dignity as dragons, and are synonymous with lowliness.
