MTL - Global University Entrance Examination-Chapter 15 Foreign Language

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Bewildered: "Yu Wen."

"Huh?" Suddenly, Yu Wen immediately answered, "What's wrong?"

Bewildered: "Are there anyone at the intersection you see?"

Yu Wen looked around blankly: "People? Who?"

The puzzled gaze fell in the distance: "For example, some invigilators stay in the dark."

Yu Wen: "... don't tell ghost stories!"

I have n’t chosen any subjects yet. What is the proctor doing? ? ?

When others heard the words of confusion, they turned around and looked around, except for the signage at the four intersections.

"Forget it, it's okay." Youyou said, "I only have a foreign language here. I have no other choice. Are you sure you want to follow me?"

Yu Wen said, "In fact, foreign languages ​​are my weakness."

Confusion glanced at him.

Yu Wen also said, "But I thought about it, and it doesn't seem to be any weakness."

Bewildered: "..."

Yu Wen folded his hands and worshiped the big brother: "Brother, wherever you go, I can go! You can be a cow or a horse. Bless me, I will live a long life."

Bewildered: "..."

A group of people looked at him eagerly.

Confused "snap", pulled the jacket zipper to his head, covered his chin and lips, and muttered lazily: "Trouble."

"Brother, what did you say?" Yu Wen didn't hear clearly and came over.

The confused face was almost mixed with Xue: "I said, where is your foreign language?"

Everyone pointed to the left.

Lift your feet away in confusion.

Inside the security kiosk, the small horn started calling again:

[Friendly reminder, 5 seconds left for selection]

The crowd was startled and ran away.

At the intersection where the "foreign language" sign was erected, like the other three, the dense fog filled. No one knows what will be waiting behind the fog ...

[4 seconds]

【3 seconds】

[2 seconds]

【1 second】

[Self-selection is closed. 】

At the moment when the countdown was cleared, the last one stepped into the dense mist.

Qin Chen wore a black coat, and a dove gray cashmere scarf was hidden in the collar. He put one hand in his coat pocket and the other with a black umbrella, waiting anxiously for someone to come.

The bewildering tall figure passed through the dense fog.

His face was cold and lazy, and a black backpack hung loosely on his right shoulder.

It is still far away, but Qin Chen can see all the details. The light brown eyes of the other party always seemed to be covered with a thin layer of crisp glass, like the earrings on one side, with a cold light.

Qin Chen slightly lifted the umbrella, and the white snow slid down the tight umbrella bone.

Watching Youyou come close, he tilted his hand politely, put the Youdou cage under the umbrella, dragged the tone and said, "It's a coincidence that we met again. Is Mr. He sleeping well these days?"

Bewildered: "..."

If you know the name clearly, you have to call it 诨, is it sick?

He looked at Qin Chen for two seconds, and said coldly, "Deprivation of choice is wherever you are?"

Qin Chen smirked and said with a smile: "Can't say that. The so-called deprivation of choice means the offending candidates, that is, you have no right to choose the test subjects independently when entering the next test. What should be tested depends on the master The proctor, that is me, what is the next proctor. Can you understand this explanation? "

Bewildered: "..."

His tone was like preaching to a spattered ghost.

This was obviously a deliberate provocation, and the face froze with a sullen sound.

Qin Chen looked at his face with a deeper smile: "As for the invigilator, what can be chosen is generally available, but I'm a bit lazy, so I'm always random. This time I randomly arrived in a foreign language. However, it seems that your face Very upset, next time— "

Youcha interrupted him with a foul face, "Fuck it next time?"

Qin Chen: "It's hard to say, after all, you have a lot of science."

Bewildered: "..."

Qin Qin: "Which door do you want to go to randomly? Tell me in advance. If you perform well, you can consider it."

I wonder if I want you to die randomly. Can you think about it?

But he thought about it, and according to how sick the system was, he had to die with him.

So he gasped, with a funeral face, and waited without a word beside the thick fog.

After a while, Yu Wen dragged the old Yu out of the fog, and then Yu Yao and Mike.

"Brother!" Yu Wen hurried over, and as soon as she saw Qin Chen came a sudden brake: "You, why are you here?"

The strong desire to survive made him change his title, but he couldn't hide his expression.

Qin Chen said slowly: "Let your brother wait for you."

Yu Wen was even more horrified, and looked horribly to the confusion.

Bewildered: "..."

If his eyes can be turned into a knife, Qin Chen is already cold.

Yu Wen boldly said, "Will the last round of monitoring be brought to this round?"

Qin Chen glanced at him.

Yu Wen: "Oh."

In the eyes of classmate Wen, the 001 proctor is also a big man. Big brothers are always arrogant. Only the same powerful characters, such as his brother, can make the other person look more and say more.

He knows himself so well that he dares not talk.

"Zhou Jin, haven't they come yet?" Yu Yao and Mike also came over.

The old Yu said, "Just follow, just wait."

They waited for a while, waiting for two strange faces.

A Chinese character face, not tall, but muscles knotted, carrying a sports bag.

The other was thinner, tightly wrapped in his coat, and snorted into his hands.

"What's going on? Anyone else?" Yu Wen said in surprise.

Confused look at Qin Chen.

Qin Chen tilted his head and asked, "Is anyone saying that the members of an exam are always fixed?"

Bewildered: "... No."

Qin Chen said: "Choosing the same exam does not mean that it will be divided into a test room. For example, the proctors 922 and 154, this time also randomly arrived in a foreign language, but they are not in this field. What do you mean?"

Bewildered: "Explain that they don't want to see you either."


Yu Wen took a look at Qin Chen, afraid that his brother would be mad at the scene.

Who knew that Qin Chen just squinted and smiled: "Wrong, it means that the number of people in this exam is small, and only one proctor is needed."

"Small number?"

Confused frowning.

Sure enough, they waited for another five minutes by the thick fog, but didn't wait for the previous one.

It turns out that Zhou Jin and they were all assigned to another examination room.

Although the original team had all the five toxic drugs for the old, the weak, the sick, the disabled, and the pregnant, they managed to get along and knew the bottom line.

Now there are two strangers, and a new run-in is needed.

I do not know if it is good or bad.

"Fortunately older than not lost." Yu Wen said in fear.

The two strangers were not surprised by their new companions.

Guozi's face always frowned and looked fierce. He nodded at everyone and ignored him.

The lean man was more enthusiastic: "My name is Chen Bin and I'm from Chongqing. His name is Liang Yuanhao, and he's from Hebei, right?"

He turned around and asked Liang Yuanhao, Liang Yuanhao glanced at everyone, and "um" was a reply.

"Chongqing? I have been a soldier there for a few years, so I am a fellow." Old Yu, a social ghost, turned around and recognized another fellow, and soon became familiar with Chen Bin.

"I went to the same test room with Liang Yuanhao the previous time, and this time I got them together again, it was counted as fate. This is my third exam." Chen Bin mentioned this very frustrating. "The first two are lucky to survive, The scores are scary and the hope of passing is slim. "

Old Yu was about to comfort, and Suddenly interjected: "Do you know how many points you pass?"

Chen Bin Yiyi: "60, don't you know?"

Lao Yu shook his head and said, "I don't know. The perfect score for our last door seems to be ... 24, right? There is no additional addition, subtraction, and subtraction. I don't understand. Anyway, it's not an integer, and I haven't heard of the other doors Points, no passing line. "

Chen Bin asked, "Have you never met a veteran?"

Old Yu: "No, everyone in the last game is the same as us, the first time."

Chen Bin: "Oh, that's weird. I just happened to meet an experienced brother. He said that the scores of each exam would be slightly different, but the five exams would be exactly 100 points, so we have a total score of 60. Only. "

"60 ..." Old Yu nodded his face sadly.

Chen Bin was even more worried: "I only got 10 points when I got down two doors. What kind of exams are needed for the remaining three?"

Liang Yuanhao's face was iron-blue and he took a few steps a little irritable.

Chen Bin explained to everyone: "The others are good, but the score is not ideal after taking the three exams.

After all, this is a terrible thing, and even a bad temper is normal.

The crowd expressed their understanding.

Yu Wen pointed at Mike and comforted him: "Don't worry! Look, we have a secret weapon big treasure! This foreign language test, we have foreign friends Mike!"

Chen Bin said euphemistically: "I saw it, and we saw it as soon as I came. But I just found out that this friend doesn't seem to speak Chinese well? That chicken is as bad as a duck ..."

Yu Wen pointed to the confusion and comforted and said, "It's okay. My brother has lived abroad for a while. He can also. But ... he doesn't like talking."

Chen Bin suddenly came to life: "It doesn't matter, just understand!"

Even Liang Yuanhao followed.

mike and confuse seemed like a dose of strong heart, the team atmosphere relaxed a little in an instant.

"So ... where are we going now?" The man who had been chatting for a long time finally started to face the business.

Bemused pointed blankly to the left.

Everyone found out that a bus stop was erected three meters away.

The stop sign is the simplest kind, supported by an iron.

Fortunately, the words on the brand are in Chinese, which reads "Intercity Bus". The following is politely translated in English.

As for where this bus is going and where it is going, it is blank and there is no information.

Just as everyone was stunned, a loud horn sounded in the snow.

A car drove out of the thick fog and trembled before the stop sign.

The car was too dusty to see the original paint color, and the wheels were covered with mud. The "bus" is used to describe it, it is more like the swaying CMB in the 1990s, breathing all the way around.

This car?

Exam in a foreign language?

Everyone looked weird and muttered.

Even the proctor Qin Chen's expression was not very good.

Seeing 001 unhappy, he was relieved. He carried his backpack and got on the car first.

The carriage was not so worn and the seats were neat.

Confused to sit down by the window in the last row.

Seeing Qin Chen also got in the car, he fumbled with his mobile phone, plugged in white headphones, and slept against the window.

The driver was a dark and middle-aged man who had not spoken from beginning to end and was not dumb.

He saw the crowds getting into the car one by one, and set off on the accelerator.

Just as the confusion really was about to fall asleep, the broadcast inside the car started to mourn again.

[It is 6:30 Beijing time. 】

[30 minutes before the official opening of the exam, read the exam discipline below. 】

The familiar examination room disciplines are repeated one by one.

There are two reassurances, Mike and Youchao. The mood of the crowd is generally stable, not as strong as the first time.

[If violations are found during the test, they will be expelled from the test room. 】

[Other test requirements are subject to specific questions. 】

Just like a prank, the radio stopped here for a while, until the crowd digested everything, and it slowly came out with the last few words.

[Because of the special performances, test information is broadcast in advance. 】

[The test time: 10 days. 】

[Examination subjects in this field: Foreign language]

[Foreign language: Gypsy]

[Good luck everyone. 】

Everyone: "..."

Can you say that again? ? ? 2k novel reading network