MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 161 Thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge

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Chapter 161 Thousands of troops and horses cross the single-plank bridge

 Every Chinese people pay attention to a good luck, and Deng Shirong is no exception.

The second son is going back to school today and will take the most important exam in his life the day after tomorrow. In order to seek good luck, Deng Shirong got up before dawn. After washing, he went to the brigade and bought four hoofs. Made a famous dish - Zhuangyuan Hoof.

During lunch, Deng Shirong left two intact champion hooves and cut the other two into three parts, making a total of six parts.

Then, Deng Shirong filled two bowls with the two complete Zhuangyuan Hoofs, pushed one of them in front of his second son, and said: "Yunheng, this is a very famous dish in Guizhou, called Zhuangyuan Hoof. This dish The origin of the name is very interesting. It is said that during the Qing Dynasty, there was a champion who often went to the night market to eat braised pig trotters when he was not in Beijing to take the exam. After he became the champion in high school, people in his hometown served braised pig trotters in order to commemorate this historical celebrity. The hoof is called the number one hoof.

 I hope that after eating this champion, you can perform beyond your standard in the next college entrance examination. Not to mention becoming the provincial champion, as long as you can become the city champion or even the county champion, it will be a matter of honor for your ancestors. "

Deng Yunheng looked at the appetizing pig's trotters and truly felt his father's expectations for him. He didn't say anything grand, but just nodded heavily and said: "Dad, I will try my best."

Deng Shirong nodded, then pushed the other complete number one scholar's hoof in front of his eldest daughter-in-law, and said with a smile: "Sister A Ping, this number one scholar's hoof is for you, you eat it and let my unborn grandson Maybe my granddaughter can also get a taste of the No. 1 scholar."

On the day when the college entrance examination began, Deng Shirong took his eldest daughter to kill chickens and ducks, prepared enough sacrifices, and went to the Azu Hall to worship the Deng family's ancestors and pray that the ancestors would bless his second son to pass the ideal exam. of university.

 In previous years, two or three of Songshan High School's college entrance examination graduates were able to get into college, no matter what grade of university they were, it was a very good result.

This is the fifth national college entrance examination since the country resumed the college entrance examination in 1977. It is also an ultimate test that affects thousands of households across the country. The winner will have a vast world. From then on, the sky is high and birds can fly, and the sea is wide and fish can jump and become a human being. The Master can be said to be just around the corner.

 Three days passed by in a flash.

As soon as the Zhuangyuan Hoof was in their mouth, they were immediately conquered by its soft, sweet, fat but not greasy texture.

The more you chew it, the more wonderful it becomes.

 The lives of losers are bleak, and most of them will become members of the general public.

 So, no matter how anxious they are, the teachers wait until all students have finished the exam before they start to uniformly evaluate the scores.

There will definitely be a certain deviation in this evaluation, but there is nothing we can do about it.

Seeing that her father-in-law was gone, Zhang Xiuping immediately said: "Dad, I can't eat one by myself. You take it and cut it up, and we'll get half of it each."

Deng Yunheng estimated the score conservatively. He said: "The deviation should not exceed fifteen points."


 “Go, work **** the exam, and strive for the “gold list title”.

All the sons, daughters and daughters-in-law are full of praise for this champion's hoof. Even though they have eaten all kinds of delicacies during this period, this champion's hoof can definitely be ranked among the best among many delicacies.

 So, Deng Shirong really had great expectations for his second son.

Teachers from other subjects were also very excited when they saw this. If the students they teach can enter the top universities in the country, it will definitely be a great thing for them as teachers to gain both fame and fortune.

“Also, you should ride your permanent bicycle to school, so as not to have to pick you up and back.”

I don’t know how long it took, but Deng Yunheng finally estimated the scores for all subjects.

Alright, stop looking at it and eat it while it’s hot! "

So after the college entrance examination, get together with your classmates. It is best to take more photos with teachers and classmates. Twenty or thirty years from now, when you think back to your high school days, you will have at least one past event worth remembering. . "

 Zhang Xiuping did not refuse, and said with a happy smile: "Thank you, Dad!"

Deng Shirong then looked at the other children and said, "The rest of you will have one portion each. This time we are pressed for time so we are not well prepared. You guys have a taste first. If you think it tastes good, you can wait until the fair day to go there." Buy some pig's trotters and make them for you all to eat."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiuping stopped trying to persuade her and tasted Zhuangyuan Hoof with her husband and several sisters-in-law and uncles.

While speaking, he also distributed the remaining pig's trotters to the other children one by one.

Other students who were evaluating their scores or had finished evaluating their scores couldn't help but gathered around after hearing the commotion here. Then after seeing Deng Yunheng's score evaluation, they all exclaimed again and again. That was what they thought. I can't even think of a high score.

Deng Yunheng took the money with a face full of joy. His father's words spoke to his heart. Although he did not see things as far-sighted as his father and thought about what would happen twenty or thirty years later, he was about to graduate. He really wanted to Have a good time with your classmates.

"too delicious!"


The head teacher calculated the total score and asked in a trembling voice: "Deng Yunheng, are your score estimates accurate?"

 Songshan High School, all fresh graduates begin evaluating their scores accompanied by their teachers.

 Tuesday, July 7, 1981. The cruel national unified examination for admissions to ordinary colleges and universities has officially begun.


The dean also saw the total score calculated by the class teacher, and his face was flushed with excitement. He reached out and patted Deng Yunheng on the shoulder, and said with praise: "You are indeed the best student in the history of our Songshan High School. Classmate Deng Yunheng, you are really awesome." Well done, I will tell the principal the good news."

Deng Shirong smiled and waved his hands: "No, you can just eat it. This food is delicious, but it is said to have high cholesterol content. It doesn't matter if you young people eat it. People of my age are better off eating less."

 In fact, the most accurate way to estimate scores is to estimate scores immediately after the test, because the memory is most profound at that time. But the teachers did not do this, mainly because they were afraid that the students' psychological quality was not good enough. If the estimated scores were too poor and affected the examination of the next subject, then the gain would outweigh the loss.

 “This tastes amazing!”

“The more you chew, the more fragrant and delicious it becomes, leaving you with endless aftertaste. No wonder the number one scholar in the Qing Dynasty liked to eat it. Who doesn’t know how to eat such delicacies?”

Now a good prospect suddenly appears who has the potential to enter a top university, even the principal must pay great attention to it.

 After eating and resting for ten or twenty minutes, Deng Yunheng was ready to go back to school.

There is no way, why is Deng Yunheng the student with the best scores since the college entrance examination was resumed at Songshan High School and the most promising student to be admitted to a top university!

Deng Shirong took out five big unity cards from his pocket, handed them to his second son and said: "Yunheng, take this money, you will graduate from high school soon, and you and your classmates will also go their separate ways. I want to see you again in the future." Nothing is easy.

Hearing this, the head teacher couldn't hold it in any longer and was so excited that he shouted "Hello" repeatedly.

 “Well, then I’ll go back to school first!”

 But if you are both rich and educated, it is completely different. No matter which circle you are in, you can be looked at highly.

At this time, Deng Yunheng was also evaluating the answers. He was not only accompanied by the head teacher, but also the dean of students. If it weren't for fear of affecting Deng Yunheng's evaluation, even the principal would have wanted to come over in person to accompany him.

 “Okay! Okay! Okay!”

Although Deng Shirong is destined to not be short of money in this life, and whether his son can go to college will not affect the quality of life of his family, he who lived to the age of 88 in his previous life naturally understands that if he only has money but no education, in front of some people At best, he is considered a nouveau riche, and it is difficult for him to gain real respect from others.

If this evaluation is really accurate, then all universities in the country can be chosen at will, right?

At this moment, the students looked at Deng Yunheng with envy.

 At the same time, they all knew that from now on, they and Deng Yunheng, their former classmate, would probably be in two different worlds!

 (End of this chapter)