MTL - Go Back To 1980 and Enjoy It-Chapter 313 Super high turnover

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Chapter 313 Ultra-high turnover

“Aunt Liu, a supermarket has opened on the second floor of Suifeng Hotel, do you know?”

 “Supermarket? What is this?”

"A supermarket is just like a department store. Everything is sold there. The biggest difference is that when customers enter the supermarket, they can choose whatever they want. All the products inside are clearly marked with prices, so you can clearly know what the product you are getting is. How much did it sell for.

A Liu Gu, let me tell you, it is really comfortable to go to this supermarket to buy things. You don’t have to look at the salesperson’s face, and you don’t have to worry about making people impatient while picking products. You just slowly pick a few items in the supermarket. No one has talked about you for an hour.

  Anyway, after entering the gate of Yongjia Supermarket, the people who came out were all smiling. It was the first time in decades of life that they felt so comfortable shopping. "

 “Hearing what you said makes me want to go see it!”

"Go, go, go. After buying something in this supermarket, I guarantee you won't want to go to other places to buy. The only bad thing is that you don't know the time when you are shopping in the supermarket, and you can't control your hands. I want to buy this I wanted to buy it too, but I unknowingly bought a bunch of things I didn’t want to buy.”

 “Is it so evil?”

“Is it so evil? You’ll know if you try it!”

“Okay, what you said makes me feel itchy, so I’m going to try it now.”

 But in this day and age, with such a high turnover, it is simply a huge profit!

Deng Yuntai and Zhang Xiuping have already calculated that although the profits of various commodities are different, they are basically between 15% and 30%. Calculated based on 20% of the profits, today's turnover of 18,694.63 yuan is also It can generate a gross profit of 3,738 yuan.

 The main reason is that Yongjia Supermarket still uses a relatively primitive manual settlement method. There is no code scanner or cash register, so the speed is indeed a bit slow.

The largest banknote is still 10 yuan. The 100 yuan banknote will not be issued until May 10, 1988. Add in the scattered dimes and cents, and it will take a lot of time to count the money.

 It took the family about ten minutes to calculate today's turnover, which was a total of 18,694.63 yuan.

“I only realized it when my shopping basket was full, but then again, it’s really comfortable to go shopping in this supermarket!”

"Haha, I thought I was the only one like this. After hearing what someone said before, I also went to the Yongjia Supermarket. Originally I just wanted to go in and buy a pencil for my child and take a look at the supermarket. But after I entered , I found that this price is cheap, that price is not expensive, this thing is used at home, and that thing is also used at home, and the shopping basket in my hand is full while shopping! "


"Yes, you can choose whatever products you want. It's not like in the past when you have to look at the salesperson's face when you go shopping. If you choose this or that, you will be looked down upon. If you encounter a salesperson with a bad temper, you will even curse. This will never happen. Jia Supermarket is so considerate! ”

 Even without Yongjia Supermarket promoting it, customers who have experienced supermarket shopping take the initiative to offer it to their families, relatives, friends, and colleagues.

Then, the employees of the supermarket were busy opening the store again. The store was originally scheduled to close at eight o'clock in the evening, but as a result, it was busy until nine o'clock in the evening, and there were still customers queuing up.

"I know, I happened to be there when it opened in the morning, so I just wanted to go up there and see the excitement. Unexpectedly, after I entered the Yongjia Supermarket, I wanted to buy this and that, and ended up buying more than twenty dollars without knowing it. It almost broke my heart when it came out.”


Zhang Xiuping was also shocked. She remembered that her father-in-law had told them a few years ago that the restaurant would only be temporarily run by the couple, and a more profitable project would be prepared for them in the future. After hearing this, they were not very interested. Feel.

 Deng Shirong asked his employees to go back and rest quickly, and then the family stayed to count today’s turnover.


 Fortunately, no new customers came in at this time. After all the original customers had checked out and left, the employees responsible for cleaning began to clean up, and the employees responsible for the cashier also handed over the money.

The labor cost is thirty-four yuan a day, and ten yuan for water and electricity is more than enough. Since the shop is owned by oneself, there is no need to pay rent. After excluding taxes, the net profit is still as high as more than three thousand five thousand, which is almost comparable to A month's profit from the restaurant.

Deng Yuntai said with a shocked face: "Oh my god, this supermarket is so profitable?"

If this kind of turnover is left to future generations, a supermarket with such a large area will definitely lose money if it is in a first- or second-tier city. It will not even be able to earn back the rent of the store and the wages of labor. Even in a third- and fourth-tier city. No loss and no profit.

"Who says it's not the case? In the past, I was angry with those saleswomen. When I went to buy something, it was like asking her to do it. Now that I have this Yongjia Supermarket, I won't go anywhere to buy anything in the future. I will just buy it at Yongjia Supermarket. !”

“Then I’ll hurry up and buy two kilograms. My eldest grandson has been craving for eggs for several days!”

Moreover, the number of customers after dinner was even more exaggerated than the number of customers at noon in the morning. It must be that after half a day of fermentation, the news had spread throughout the county, so residents who had nothing to do were curious to come and take a look.

Seeing this scene, Deng Shirong found it difficult to understand. There is no day tomorrow. Is there anything that must be bought today?

It was busy until four or five o'clock in the afternoon, when the number of customers suddenly dropped, and they were probably all busy going back to cook and eat.

“Fifth Aunt, there is a supermarket on the second floor of Suifeng Hotel. Everything is sold in it and the price is cheap. If you want to buy something, go and buy it quickly!”

“Really or not? What kind of supermarket sells eggs cheaper than those in Dongwei?”

 “Everything is for sale? Are eggs also for sale?”

On National Day, conversations like this continue to take place in the county.

It feels like seeing a novel that is very suitable for your own taste, such as "Go Back to 1980 to Enjoy Happiness"^_^, and then you can't help but want to recommend it to your friends, classmates and group friends who also like reading novels. The same, and the power of these tap water is much more effective than the supermarket's active promotion, and the effect is also quite obvious.

 After a quick dinner, waves of customers came again.

 But now, the supermarket's huge profits are right in front of them, once again proving that her father-in-law's vision is truly terrifying.

Upon seeing this, Deng Shirong immediately sent someone to buy hundreds of steamed buns. He asked the employees to take turns to quickly and simply finish lunch, and then continued to return to work to deal with the almost undiminished number of customers.

 After roughly calculating the profits, except for Deng Shirong, who could remain calm, everyone else was shocked!

“This is still fake. Everyone is going crazy. If you want to buy it, go buy it as soon as possible. If it’s too late, it may not be available for sale!”

“Me too, the products at Yongjia Supermarket are quite cheap, and the sales staff’s service attitude is also good. You can choose any product you want, and you can buy everything comfortably.”

Originally, the supermarket did not include food, but today is the first day of the supermarket's opening. The situation is a bit special. In addition, these employees are all from the Deng clan, so Deng Shirong sent someone to buy buns for the employees at noon, and asked Sui to do so in the afternoon. The master chef of Feng Hotel prepared staff meals for the employees of these supermarkets.

By the time everything was settled, it was already half past nine in the evening.

“Yes, I saw it before, and it’s 2 cents a pound cheaper than the ones sold in Dongwei!”

 The employees at Yongjia Supermarket were so busy, especially the ten cashiers and weighers, that they didn't even have time to eat at noon.

 In fact, supermarkets in Shanghai have already used OMRON528 electronic cash registers, which can automatically calculate prices and print out the amount payable for goods. Unfortunately, Deng Shirong and his sons and daughters-in-law don’t know about it yet.

“Sister Zhang, there is a supermarket on the second floor of Suifeng Hotel, do you know?”

As for Deng Yunzhen, Deng Yunzhu, Deng Yunsong, Deng Yunhua and other siblings, they naturally admire their father very much. From the country's reform and opening up to the present, their father can easily make money no matter what business he does, and even bring the whole family with him. The clan capital began to develop rapidly.

Now, as soon as this supermarket opened, it made more than 3,500 yuan a day, making money faster than robbing a bank.

At this moment, the siblings all regarded their father as a role model.

 Seeing such a high turnover, Deng Shirong was actually a little surprised. But consider that this is the first supermarket in Guangxi. This business model has appeared in the county for the first time, causing a huge sensation in the county. In addition, Bobai is one of the top three most populous counties in the country. Now the total population in 1985 There are already more than one million people. The county's permanent population plus the surrounding population, there are still hundreds of thousands of people.

And the products in their supermarket are indeed of high quality and low price, so it is understandable that they have such a high turnover.

Seeing that his sons and daughters-in-law were all shocked, Deng Shirong said with a smile: "Today is the first day of the supermarket's opening. It is normal for the turnover to be higher. Maybe there will be good turnover tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but the turnover will definitely be higher in the future." It will go down. Under normal circumstances, a turnover of 5,000 a day is already very good.”

Zhang Xiuping said with excitement: "Even if the next day's turnover is only 5,000 yuan, the net profit will be at least 7,000 to 8,000 yuan, which is more than 20,000 yuan a month, which is more money than our restaurant."

Deng Shirong said: "It is normal for supermarkets to make more money than restaurants. Now only people with good conditions can come to our restaurants to eat. How can ordinary people be willing to come here to eat? But supermarkets are different. They are facing the broad masses of the people. As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers, and the same goes for consumption power.”

Deng Yuntai nodded repeatedly and said: "That's the truth. If we do it this way, what if department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives follow suit?"

Deng Shirong smiled and said: "Don't worry about department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives. These two are behemoths all over the country. They can affect the whole body and will not easily change their sales model. But if our supermarket business is booming, maybe There will be other competitors, it’s inevitable, it just depends on when they appear.”

 If this life remains the same as the previous life, there is no need to worry about the emergence of competitors.

 Because in the previous life, throughout the 1980s, there was no such thing as a supermarket in Bobai County, and in the 1990s there was only one supermarket, Yongjia. It was not until the 21st century that supermarkets headed by Baozhongbao sprouted all over the county.

 But with his intervention in this life, supermarkets appeared several years in advance. He didn't know whether there would be a butterfly effect.

 Deng Yuntai and Zhang Xiuping were relieved after hearing this. As long as the department store and supply and marketing cooperatives do not come to an end, they will still have the confidence to deal with other competitors that may appear.

But then again, those who dare to compete with Yongjia Supermarket in this era must also be people with strong capital, and they cannot be too careless.

“Okay, it’s getting late. Go back and wash up and sleep. We have to get up early to do business tomorrow!”

"OK, all right!"


 In the next two days, Yongjia Supermarket’s sales not only did not decline, but showed a slight upward trend.

Especially on the third day of the supermarket's opening, the turnover directly exceeded the 20,000 mark, which stimulated Deng Yuntai and his wife to the point where they felt like they had been given chicken blood every day. All their minds were focused on the supermarket, and the restaurant was handed over to Deng Yunzhen. Responsible.

 After all, the supermarket has created tens of thousands of profits in just three days. This business is really great.

Now, Xiao Donger has entered the middle class of kindergarten, and Dongzi is almost two years old. The siblings no longer need to take care of them, so both Deng Yuntai and his wife and Deng Yunzhen can free up their hands and feet to do things.

 After three days, the name of Yongjia Supermarket has spread to everyone in the entire county.

Yongjia Supermarket's business is booming, and the business of department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and some grocery stores in the county has naturally been affected to a certain extent.

Department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives don’t take this seriously.

Let’s talk about the department store first. It is just a retail outlet of the department store in the county.

As the third-level wholesale station of the national department store system, the county department store is responsible for the procurement, allocation, wholesale and county retail business of the county's department store industry. It operates up to 8,276 types of goods. Its status is really not that of Yongjia now. Supermarkets can shake things up.

 As for the supply and marketing cooperatives, it goes without saying.

 Leave aside the whole country, just talk about the strength of Bobai County Supply and Marketing Cooperatives. The county cooperative has 5 directly affiliated companies, 1 factory, 1 supply and marketing school, 29 grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives, and 10 branches.

 There are 59 purchasing stores, 20 industrial products wholesale stores, 541 retail stores, 22 catering businesses, 22 warehousing and transportation agencies, 15 hotels, 2 home appliance repair stores, and 40 industrial enterprises in the county.

 With such awesome strength, how could people care about this mere supermarket?

However, department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives have big businesses and can ignore the rise of Yongjia Supermarket, but other grocery stores in the county have no choice but to ignore it, because their business has been really affected.

It's a pity that it's useless even if they care. Small shops like them are not qualified to compete with Yongjia Supermarket. They can only curse a few words behind closed doors, and then adjust the prices of goods with tears in their eyes. Go to the same store as Yongjia Supermarket and use the distance to attract some customers.

Just like in later generations, if customers buy few things, they will be too lazy to go to the supermarket. After all, it is quite annoying to queue up to check out every time. They will only go to those big supermarkets when they have enough time and are prepared for big purchases. This gives these grocery stores a living space.

Three days later, when the novelty wore off, Yongjia Supermarket’s sales began to decline.

 A week later, Yongjia Supermarket's turnover stabilized at between 5,000 and 6,000.

Deng Yuntai and Zhang Xiuping couldn't be more satisfied with this. As long as the supermarket can maintain this turnover, the monthly income will be as high as more than 30,000 yuan, and the income will be at least 300,000 yuan a year.

If you are not satisfied with the speed of making money, then you are too greedy!

Seeing how fast supermarkets in the county make money, Deng Shirong has begun to look forward to the supermarket in Chaoyang Square in Nanning. It is a large supermarket with more than 3,000 square meters and is located in the absolute city center of Chaoyang Square. Once it is completed and opened, he will not dare to think about business. How hot it will be.

 It is estimated that by that time, the amount of money a supermarket can earn in one day will be an amount that many people cannot earn even after years of hard work.

It’s still too far to think about the supermarket in Chaoyang Square in Nanning now, which will be at least in the second half of next year. What Deng Shirong is now facing is the house in Naye Deng’s community, and he can hire someone to start designing and decorating it.

The Naye Deng family community can be said to be the second home of the Naye Deng family. Its importance is undoubted. Deng Shirong must hire someone to design and decorate the house well. It is best to not be left behind until later generations.

 The only way to achieve this is to engage in antique style decoration.

 Antique decoration will never go out of style, and a lot of wood that will be valuable in later generations should not be worth much in this era.

When thinking of ancient-style decoration, Deng Shirong naturally thought of Hainan huanghuali, whose price soared in later generations that stunned everyone. If he uses space to hoard a batch of Hainan huanghuali now, how much will it be worth in later generations?

Even if you don’t sell it then, you can keep it to build furniture for your grandchildren, or use some scraps to make strings. That would be a very honorable thing.

Thinking of this, Deng Shirong couldn't sit still. There was nothing to do at the moment anyway, so he immediately set off for Hainan.


 Hainan today is still under the jurisdiction of Guangdong.

 Deng Shirong spent more than 20 days in Hainan and purchased 100 tons of huanghuali.

The current purchase price of huanghuali is 8,000 yuan/ton (the author has checked a lot of information on this price, and some say that in this era it was one yuan per catty, so one ton is 2,000 yuan. A more reliable saying is 7,000 yuan) The price reached 10,000 yuan per ton. The author finally set this price. If there is anyone who knows the market, please leave a message and let me know, thank you). 100 tons cost Deng Shirong 800,000 yuan in total. For this era, this price is actually Not cheap.

  But if compared with the price of later generations, it is too cheap.

As far as Deng Shirong knows, the price of huanghuali in later generations is really ridiculously high. A ton can easily be sold for 10 to 20 million or even higher. The 100 tons he hoarded in his space will have a guaranteed value of 100 tons in later generations. It's more than two billion.

With such a high profit, if it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would have to buy as much as they can.

 But Deng Shirong is quite contented. If acquisitions were easy, he wouldn't mind acquiring more. But now it takes so long to acquire 100 tons, and the pace of subsequent acquisitions will definitely become slower and slower.

Deng Shirong doesn’t think it’s necessary to spend so much time here.

 So, Deng Shirong did not stop in Hainan, but chose to take the train back to Nanning.

 (End of this chapter)